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Utopia Talk / Politics / Great Replacement is real: California
Sun Dec 24 05:04:41
California white population as percentage of total

1900: 94.5%
1910: 95.0%
1920: 95.3%
1930: 95.3%
1940: 95.5%
1950: 93.7%
1960: 92.0%
1970: 76.3%
1980: 66.6%
1990: 57.2%
2000: 46.7%
2010: 40.1%
2020: 34.7%

California is a harbinger of things to come for the West.

If you are a white person, then the international elite that governs the West is actively seeking your extinction. Overthrowing the establishment is the only way to save yourselves.
Sun Dec 24 05:26:02
Marry Christmess!
large member
Sun Dec 24 07:24:26
You cut-off date was odd. What did it look like in 1550 and 1830?
Sun Dec 24 07:35:37
Why would you care what the demographic makeup of California was before it came into the possession of the United States? Prior to 1848 US law and government had no say in terms of who got to live there.

If you want the relevant 19th century data, then here you go:

1850: 99.0%
1860: 85.0%
1870: 89.1%
1880: 88.7%
1890: 91 6%
large member
Sun Dec 24 07:43:32
You still seem to be measuring things after two earlier great replacements.
Sun Dec 24 07:58:36
More like one replacement. The Spanish population of Alta California was always miniscule and never really supplanted the Indians. That's part of the reason it was so easy for us to conquer.

But yes, the American people did colonize the state following our takeover of it, an act that was both proper and necessary. People who lose wars don't get to keep their territories (an object lesson the Palestinians are overdue in learning, btw).
large member
Sun Dec 24 08:21:24
I suppose an object lesson for Ukraine too since we are bringing up such things.

Though it seems to me that demographics trump magical lines on maps and treaties.

California is what it is and the trend will continue.
Sun Dec 24 09:06:45

I'm glad we're in agreement that Ukraine will have the right to ethnically cleanse Donbass, Luhanak, and Crimea when Russia cedes those territories back to then.

"Though it seems to me that demographics trump magical lines on maps and treaties.

California is what it is"

But government policy does play a significant role in demographics.

If the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 had never been passed and the United States had exercised effective border control for the last half-century, the demographic makeup of the country would be significantly different compared to what it is today.

"the trend will continue."

This much is true. The elitists who rule this country desire to see white marginalization/extinction in the name of diversity.

large member
Sun Dec 24 09:48:02
That is what you think is the trend in Ukraine? Interesting. Can I have some of what you are smoking?

Why stop there? The Spanish were not great at blocking unwanted immigrants either. And nature ran its course.

No empire lasts forever, through many have successors, not matter the new language and culture embraced. Perhaps that is the lesson to learn here instead of thinking your current elite is exceptional in any way.

Exceptionalism is a beliefsystem demonstrating lack of history most of all.
Sun Dec 24 10:39:20

Putin traded getting temporary control over some podunk territories in exchange for permanently losing the rest of Ukraine to the EU and NATO.

No matter how this current war proceeds, Russia's long-term hold over those territories is untenable in the face of united Western opposition. Someday Putin will die and we'll get a Russian president who cares less about possessing Mariupol than about not being an international pariah.

The US has the ability to stop the current invasion of this country. All it has to do is enforce existing border laws and make immigration more restrictive. The decline of the American Empire can be stopped with just those two steps.

The United States is an exceptional country. It had the good fortune to be birthed during the height of English Enlightenment values. At the same time, by peeling away from Britain when it did it managed to avoid the worst of subsequent trends that developed in Europe, like the reactionary authoritarianism that European monarchies adopted in response to Napoleon and the later onslaught of socialism and communism.

The result is that the US has a values system that is largely unique to the entire world, as most other countries have either since abandoned those values or never incorporated them in the first place. The 18th-century English ideals regarding the rights of man and distaste for government tyranny still thrive here, and only here.

We are exceptional.
large member
Sun Dec 24 11:14:44
Whatever is left of Ukraine* Fixed that for you. Though it looks more and more like Russia has inflicted the West with a permanent, destabilizing (backstabbed by the West CTs are gaining traction) drain on Western capabilities.

The cost as you put it is something that would happen anyway. So no cost in that sense.

On the upside. + 5 million population.

The US does not have the ability to stop the current invasion. Ability implies political will you see. And besides, as your demographics imply, it is too late. Demographic birthrates internally scew heavily against white supremacy.
large member
Sun Dec 24 11:16:03
18th century man in a 21st century world is exceptional. Ih a short bus sense of the word.
large member
Sun Dec 24 11:18:15
To be fair. We have cherry-picked what we liked and sent you the puritanical refuse we did not like.

Yay win for us.
Sun Dec 24 12:32:46
California is the world's 5th largest economy and had a land and sea border. You can't expect the population to stay the same ethnicity. I knew a shit ton of Mexicans who are for more conservative and pro America than I do white liberals working in LA. Meaning it isn't about replacing whites = bad. It's liberalism and it's policies = bad and that crosses racial lines with whites and blacks leading the charge.

Asians and Mexicans aren't as big of a problem. Especially Asians.
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 24 18:42:50
[Jergul]: "magical lines on maps and treaties"

Further proof of Jergul's mental slavery.
Everything is arbitrary! It's just lines, bro! It's just an idea, bro!

These are the slavish ideas of a people who can be rid of their own lives if the proper paperwork is filed. Always keep in mind that subversive weaklings such as Jergul will make whatever argument they need to make to convince you to destroy yourself.

But yes, the Great Replacement is real, and it is actual literal policy of Western traitors.

Celebration Parallax:
• Great Replacement is anti-White — Conspiracy theory!!
• "Demographics is destiny" — Great Replacement is a good thing!

These traitor oligarchs see no distinction between one people and another. They simply see client groups who can give them power and implicitly hate White people for their wanting sovereignty and nobility. Slavish Sebguls (timid pushovers) are worth more to the destroyers than sovereign fighters. 1 million Sub-Saharan welfare recipients are worth more than any number of Sebguls. 10 million Bengali migrants are worth more than the Sub-Saharans. Globalists are merely selecting their favorite slave castes. Sebguls already betrayed their nations and have been disposed of at the end of their utility. Their spirits have died, and now they merely blink as they bleed out.
large member
Sun Dec 24 20:19:47
Hehe, I was teasing Ruggy. I am a Westphalian. This is well known. My belief system has full integrity to the axiomic level (the big one I do not examine too closely is the integrity of self. It is ultimately based on believing in the existence of a specific god, so is a bit garbage if you look too closely).

"Traitors" does not compute. Either individuals are serving their own personal interests as they see fit as masters, or they belong to huddled masses of slaves. Who cares how slaves think or want to define their in-out groups?
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 25 03:01:54
[Jergul (cowardly slave)]: ""Traitors" does not compute."

Of course your treason does not compute since you want to be at traitor while thinking yourself greater than the puddle of sludge that is your life. The only allegiance you have is to your slavery. You vote for enslavers to keep you weak and destroyed and to destroy your people, whom you betray with your very politics (as, again, is the logic of a traitor).

You are also *so* ignorant of your slave morality that you're weakly trying to pretend to be a "master" while having no fucking clue what you're even talking about. It's so obvious that you just skimmed the Wiki page on slave morality and barely understood any of it. The best thing about that Wiki page is that it's poorly written and has outright incorrect information, so your attempt to do your usual slavish-deceiver tactic of subversion through false synthesis (the "Jergul Method") is based on a false understanding.

As do most Lutherans, Calvinists, and Jews, you possess a slave morality, and it is so thickly at your core that your only attempt to "escape" it is to play right into the dialectic's trap: to maintain your slave morality by taking on the role of enslaver — which is an exact symptom of the slave.
large member
Mon Dec 25 03:17:58
I don't think you get it. You are the slave. You demonstrate this every time you try to protect the huddling mass you belong to.

Learn to think like a master. How does what benefit you? And be chill, why the fuck would you care what other people think about you.

Be chill like me.

I can tell you this because you cannot learn. Slaves seldom can.
Mon Dec 25 10:07:25
Don't have any better ideas, than to repeat the cycle?
large member
Mon Dec 25 10:32:57
Works for me. Which is the whole point of master morality. What works for me.

I recognize that I am highly privileged and am so through a combination of blind luck and good choices. It is what it is. And it works for me.

Better ideas? I sure do. You do not like them.

Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 27 05:36:32
[Jergul (cowardly slave)]: "I don't think you get it. You are the slave. You demonstrate this every time you try to protect the huddling mass you belong to."

You still don't get it. :)
And I see that you are quite slavishly using the Jergul Method again. Jergul is currently at "Step 4 (Option 2)":
"Use Cunningham's Law to force people to summarize what's going on in the thread so that you can be involved; i.e., say something so completely false and idiotic that people bend down to your level to correct it. This way, people are forced to "teach" you what's going on in the thread, and you only have to look at direct responses to your comments" (October 2021; http://www...hread=88805&time=1636130551282 ).

That is, Jergul is attempting to use my talk of slave morality as a weapon against me, but because he does not understand slave morality, he's failing terribly and forcing Cunningham's Law to accommodate his mental bed-shitting.

Jergul, one of your slavish rhetorical strategies is always "projection to deceive", but slave morality is not something that you can just project in your little boy's playground tactic of "I know you are but what am I?". That's the power of understanding slave morality: its description reveals plainly the slavish logic of cowards, nihilists, moral reversals, last men, weaklings, deceivers, and resentful destroyers. It carries a list of very specific traits — all of which you possess, such as your belief in "equity" and your belief that you are a "master".

And that's the fun thing about your attempting here to project "slave" status onto me while claiming yourself to be a "master". The rhetorical deception of Master–Slave morality is that — when you play into it, as you have — the person who claims to be a "Master" is actually a person who possesses slave morality. You didn't realize this because you just scanned the Wikipedia page and assumed (wrongly) that the only relevant categories are "Slave" and "Master" and that it must be better to be a "Master". The Wiki article does not mention any of Nietzsche's later work on the subject because the editors are not aware of it.

As I said,
"The best thing about that Wiki page is that it's poorly written and has outright incorrect information, so your attempt to do your usual slavish-deceiver tactic of subversion through false synthesis (the "Jergul Method") is based on a false understanding."

In more explicit terms, Nietzsche offers at least four distinct categories. "Master" and "slave" are two of them, and he speaks of them specifically as a *critique* of Hegel, who could only think in terms of two and thus inspired the slavish Marxists of the 1800s and beyond. Nietzsche is critical of *both* slave morality *and* master morality, since master morality is merely slave morality given power — like a castrated priest holding phantom-limb vestigial/ceremonial power in the shadows of a King's court.

That is, you are speaking as a slavish Marxist, and you are too ignorant to even know it. Like so many other slaves, you believed that claiming the "master" status was the path to power, but it was merely the path to your own further enslavement on behalf of those who wielded the dialectic over your society and captured it to enslave you. I have discussed this at length and repeatedly, but you are too illiterate to read anything I say. Even now, you cannot comprehend anything I say due to your lazy, slavish ideology.

Besides "master" and "slave", do you know the other two categories?
If you don't need me to teach you as per your Cunningham's Law bed-shitting, then surely you know them and can simply tell us here. I speak of them so frequently that I take them for granted. Surely, if you were capable of reading — or even scanning! — you could divine them. Surely. :)
Wed Dec 27 07:53:36
"Better ideas? I sure do. You do not like them."

Because they are repeating the same churn.
large member
Wed Dec 27 10:04:17
I can tell you this because you cannot break your chains. You are a slave the second your engage on behalf of a group. That is slave morality.

Master morality is "what is in it for me". This can include aestethical considerations such as "poverty in the streets insults my sensibilities".

You see? No you don't. Otherwise you would not be in chains.

14 generations to 300 million living a life of untold luxery with zero net harm to the environment is hardly the same churn. Western birthrates are a feature, not a bug ;)
Wed Dec 27 14:52:24
"So many things to take issue with, so few words. It's a total myth that the reason we can't have nice things is because there are too many of us; we have too many different ideas, and that is just as applicable to 10 billion as it is to 300 million. I read something on Twitter the other day that is fitting here: we are no longer in a war over resources but over reality.

We all have dreams Jergul, I can't blame you for dreaming.
large member
Wed Dec 27 14:57:24
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 28 06:09:36
[Jergul (cowardly slave)]: "I can tell you this because you cannot break your chains. You are a slave the second your engage on behalf of a group. That is slave morality."

lol. You're just totally defeated, eh, jergul? :D
You couldn't answer that one simple question, could you? :D

You're very slavishly attempting re-define words to get a "win". Slaves are denied truth and beauty, so they must degrade and subvert to get some false sense of "victory". You're just using your own pathetic version of "slave morality" and "master morality" that is completely unsupported by anything except your short-sighted and impotent need to win an argument that you lost decades ago due to some chronic failure in yourself that you could never overcome. I, meanwhile, can speak confidently and with purpose since I know these truths. Your attempt to distort the truth only further proves your eternal and all-encompassing weakness.

You've always been pathetic. It's your nature. It's not just today. This is not new. You've long been incapable of reading. Your eulogy is that of a stock character — like empty words on a greeting card. You will never rise above your vices and degradation. Not once have I seen you here say something impressive. All you have is the Jergul Method, and you've already reached Step 7:
"Step 7: Tell yourself that it's a good thing that it's sometimes unclear if you're just a fucking idiot or a helpless troll while ignoring that a life spent practicing either behavior has perhaps made you into both."

On the plus side, you've found happiness in slavery. As a proper Last Man, you simply blink! :)
large member
Thu Dec 28 06:16:38
I could, but I chose not to. You seem to think this is some kind of competition. It is not. I am simply amusing myself by pointing out the dichotomy inherent in your position.

Ah yes, the adhoms. Yawn. I am so hurt :).

You care too much about what other posters think CC.
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 28 06:25:39
You are pathetic, and you know that you do not know the answer. All a slave has is his deceptions. :)
large member
Thu Dec 28 07:16:45
Ah, imitation. The highest form of compliment. Ty :).
Thu Dec 28 11:14:18
The supreme court took affirmative action off the table so Asians should be dems for a long time.

The dumbasses in Sacramento removing the SAT and making college admissions about vibes to the UC's is likely to make them lean more Republican though (as long as it's a jeb or haley on top of the ticket).

UC Berkeley went from like 60% asian to 35%. And it's not like the unqualified hispanics getting in weren't going to college anyways. They were just going to California State instead of the UC's.

Fucking woke liberals fucking over other people again.
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 28 15:45:11
Jergul is so fucking retarded that he claims that even responding to him is an admission of losing an argument. Lol. Absolutely pathetic behavior. He really is a little boy on a playground when it comes to rhetoric. He really will just sit there in his own shit and piss, smiling, and when others point out that he pissed and shit himself, he just says, “I know you are but what am I?”

He was so utterly embarrassed in this thread (with his obvious attempt to use language that he does not understand) that schoolboy reversals are all he has :D

Fine, then, jergul. You’re retarded. I believe you. Years have gone by and the Jergul Method is still your only gimmick. You will always be at Step 7. No one here needs to tease it out anymore. :)
large member
Thu Dec 28 15:58:32
I am amused that you think we are having an argument. We are not. I am merely making fun of you.
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 28 16:02:04
“Fine, then, jergul. You’re retarded. I believe you. Years have gone by and the Jergul Method is still your only gimmick. You will always be at Step 7. No one here needs to tease it out anymore. :)”
large member
Thu Dec 28 17:31:21
"I am amused that you think we are having an argument. We are not. I am merely making fun of you"
Thu Dec 28 19:22:32
large member
Fri Dec 29 04:01:17
Dont be so hard on yourself curveball :)
Cherub Cow
Fri Dec 29 04:18:34
Yeah, Nim. That's basically jergul's entire identity. Every time I see his name I think of that meme. It's Step 7 of the Jergul Method to a tee:
"Step 7: Tell yourself that it's a good thing that it's sometimes unclear if you're just a fucking idiot or a helpless troll while ignoring that a life spent practicing either behavior has perhaps made you into both."

Regarding Step 7, the most pathetic thing about Jergul is that once he has been painfully embarrassed his best move is to pretend that he *could* argue [if he weren't a troll!], but this disproves itself. The simple reality is that Jergul never *has* put forth good argumentation. He's *always* trolling or "pretending" to be retarded.

So claiming that he "could" argue is just an empty threat. He never has, so he never can. It's just as a loser schoolboy saying that his model girlfriend would totally be here if she weren't on a photoshoot in Fiji ( http://get...18-4ee0-45f5-a713-5bb3fb493b80 ).

Jergul cannot respond with an argument since he is retarded, so his only recourse is to say that he could stop being retarded if he weren't so retarded. But Jergul cannot stop being retarded anymore than he could make an argument.
Fri Dec 29 06:10:57
"He never has, so he never can."

Amen. More recently he has tried to distance his IRL self from Jergul, claiming they are not the same. But I have reasons to doubt him, practical reasons like the fact that back in the days he was far more open about himself (as many others were), that is why we know where Jergul lives, that he used to work as a fisherman, how many children of which sex he has, that he has a degree in Russian language etc. Because he told us. It is a cowardly way of stepping back from all the retarded things he has said. Honestly I'm not sure how you step away from it. I still remember Jergul explaining how IT works to an IT professional (camaban) because Jergul really needed Iranian cyberware capabilities to be better than they were. Or getting pissed off at me, when I didn't take his offer of expertise, asking if someone on the forum had deep understanding in US law.

I don't know if you have noticed, Jergul knows everything, even things he didn't know, because you actually have an older thread showing this or the strength in the research is new, he knows and always knew. And he will acknowledge it with some snide remark, like lol of course, didn't you know?

Many of us have know people like this IRL growing up, if you lived before the internet. I think the 1980's was their heyday People who got away with murder speaking with such authority and reading what is basically a scammer script. He picked up on the shifting paradigm too late and decided to morph the act to: oh I am just saying obviously stupid things to see if I can learn something new. Sadly whatever intellectual shielding that could potentially lend him, is eroded by his capacity to exercise intellectual retardation exactly in the framework you expect from an aging Scandinavian socialist.

large member
Fri Dec 29 06:37:33
Like I said. You both care way to much about what other posters think. Sad, really.
Fri Dec 29 07:15:10
This is still a politics forum, people here are interested in political and social issues. Your denial is irrelevant because the corrupted ideas and way of thinking you give outlet for are very real and we have all seen it for real in actual real people, on and off the internet. Ideas that have varying degrees of impact. In short, people with your ideas vote.

So, no you don't get to hide behind that.

large member
Fri Dec 29 08:16:09
Nimi, we are under no obligation to take crazy people seriously here. Sad that you have followed CC into the rabbit hole, but it is what it is.

You should have paid heed to what is said about staring into the abyss.
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 04 06:13:36
[Nim]: "More recently he has tried to distance his IRL self from Jergul..."

Well said.
It really is sad, but I have no mercy for him. He'll just keep using the Jergul Method. It's sadder still that I pointed out his pathetic and slavish formula in 2021 (Jergul Method), but he's still incapable of any kind of variation from it.

Even now, his best comeback is "[lol, why do you care so much?]", which is more of his schoolboy antics at work — directly from Step 6 of the Jergul Method:
"• Step 6: When exposed as an idiot, use, "No you!" logic, trying pathetically to insist that *other* people must be deficient even though you're the one who cannot construct a simple sentence or a rational and insightful argument — something you have perhaps never done in your entire irrelevant life."

It's literally little-boy logic. When a weak little boy loses at a game at recess, it's always, "This game is stupid anyways!"
And that's all jergul is doing here: "You both care way to much about what other posters think."

It's the same pathetic misdirection. It's all he has. It's all any slave has. This cowardly spirit of his cannot even support the little bit of rationality required to understand the utility in two grownups talking *about* a child (not *to* a child) in the child's presence. And he *must* know how thoroughly stupid he is — like how even Forrest Gump revealed his self-awareness when meeting his son — because if by his *own* reckoning he is not worth talking to and he should be ignored (i.e., the only appropriate response that he gives anyone is to ignore him completely — to treat him as though he does not exist and never existed)... then he knows how useless his own thoughts are and hurts himself thoroughly enough with his own poor self-esteem by admitting this repeatedly.

But, again, I have no mercy for him. Even a very stupid person can have virtue, but Jergul does not have intelligence *or* virtue and never will.
large member
Thu Jan 04 06:33:14
You do know how slavish it is to turn a philosophical theory into religious dogma, right?

Some guy tries to make sense of the world and devopes a line of thought that makes sense to him.

He classifies humanity into groups with certain traits to help explain his world.

It is not a religion. There is no need to study it like scripture and follow it dogmatically.

Who the fuck cares if I have Niezchian virtues or not? He was just some dude who lived a while ago.
large member
Thu Jan 04 06:36:36
As to the rest. It really is not a devise or a coping mechanism. I truly do not care what you may or may not think about me :).
Thu Jan 04 08:39:27
"I truly do not care what you may or may not think about me :)"

I mean you cared enough to tell us you don't care. Which I am very grateful for, because it shows me that you care about how we perceive you.

It's such a girly thing to say though, like anyone is suppose to care, if you care or not. We come here, we shoot the shit and life goes on. We don't need to know how much or little you care or really anything about your psychological status, it is sufficient that you cared enough to show up in the first place. Now let's wrestle, take a shower and go home to our wives. We don't need to make things more complicated.
large member
Thu Jan 04 09:32:28
A point of order. Being here is a good way to gain a window into the mindset of others (though beware - the abyss). A way to break out of the bubble so to speak.

I also become curious about things I may not otherwise have thought about and look into those in academic papers.

All told, good fun.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 05 03:52:44
[jergul (cowardly slave)]: *slavish screeching*

That's nice, sweetheart. Go play with your friends. Head home when the street lights turn on.
large member
Fri Jan 05 04:13:40
I can only lead a horse to water. I get it. Dogma plays to your inclinations. But take a chill pill and touch some grass. Fredrich was just some dude. Not a prophet of some wierd religion.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 06 04:58:28
Jergul still just waffling with his pathetic slave screed. Aside from his impotent attacks on Nietzsche (whom jergul is too pathetic even to read) jergul's latest "hur hur, I'm just *pretending* to be retarded" angle is that it's *my* dogma, when this is an accurate model of what is happening right now in the world and has incredible predictive benefits. That is, slave morality is the *world's* dogma due to its recent weaponization, and I completely disagree that it should be the world's dogma — I totally oppose it. Whereas, per jergul's pathetic projection tactics, it is very illuminating for jergul to refer to it as ("my") "dogma", since this admits that he himself follows it due to his willingness to be a slave.

That is, jergul just admitted through projection that he is addicted to his dogmatic slavery and that it is indeed a "weird religion" for him — perhaps not unlike Judaism, Calvinism, or Lutheranism (slave dogmas which possess a false belief in special status). He is admitting things of himself once again, and because he is so miserably in the dark on this concept despite me explaining it dozens of times in UP, he keeps walking into these traps without having any clue how absolutely pedestrian his thoughts are.

You're too precious, sweetheart! :)
Now change your pants, jergul. Your shit is pouring out your pant leg again. Wash-up for supper!
large member
Sat Jan 06 05:35:28
And CC is still thinks the musings of some 19th century dude with syphilis is doctrinal scripture. She is now tossing in a predeterimist element because, what is a Abramic infused religion without predestination?

CC, according to your dogma, you became a slave the second you took it upon yourself to be part of a group you imagine under siege. Seriously, are we supposed to believe Trumpists embody the core elements of Nietzche's (and the nazi's, which was why it was so rediculous of you to ask me to name things from your religion. Everybody knows of it) ubermensch?

What a laughable thought.

large member
Sat Jan 06 05:49:14
As to one more. I imagine you consider yourself a "failed artist". That is what Nietzche called it right? Something like that.
large member
Sat Jan 06 05:54:49
Back in the 80s, the meme was that both the dude and his sister contracted syphilis. Coincidence, we thought not. Just in case you thought I did some googling just now. Not sure if that rumour is still around.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 06 06:04:58
jergul is just spiraling now, lol :D

Sebgul is kind of one person, but Seb is much better at throwing in more and newer red herrings (even though it's equally as obvious and pathetic), whereas when jergul does it... it's just *too* sad. :D

• "some 19th century dude with syphilis" — slavish reduction. Notice how often the left tries to reduce greatness to the common. It's a frequent strategy: take a noble concept (e.g., a president), and break that concept apart into a reductive straw man (e.g., "presidents are just people who poop internationally").
• "according to your dogma, you became a slave ... your religion" — more projection! jergul admits that he's a slave within his religion. I know, jergul! You don't have to keep telling us! :D
• "Trumpists embody the core elements of Nietzche's" — *hilarious* straw man. This is tw-level derangement :D . Notice how jergul desperately grasped for a peripheral issue (Trump) and made the unsupported leap that no one who supports Trump could possibly be "[good thing]". It's so abysmally stupid that you could find this exact fallacy all over Reddit :D

[jergul (cowardly slave)]: "which was why it was so rediculous of you to ask me to name things"

Tell us again how you're a "master", jergul, (lol). Tell us again how you fell into an obvious dialectic trap and thought that being a "master" was "good" rather than just a slave with borrowed power. Tell us again :D

Just keep reading Nietzsche wiki-pages to catch up with this thread and edge out the slightest little "win" and maybe you'll figure out why you're such a fucking loser, lol XD

Do you want me to leave the light on, sweetheart? I know you like the little stars and moons dancing around the room while you sleep. :)
large member
Sat Jan 06 06:15:19
I think we will just agree to disagree at this juncture. You seem to think this is some kind of competition. It is not. I am simply pointing out how inanely your dogma suits facts on the ground. Your group as a whole kind of sucks in a trailor trash at Walmart way. The mental image of your ubermensh is just too precious.

I personally have little use for Nietzche beyond amusing myself by baiting his proponents. They are invariably much less than superhuman. Always.
large member
Sat Jan 06 06:23:17
I will add what poster I think embodies most of Nietzche's desirable traits:


He truly did not give a fuck.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 06 06:35:35
Aww, jergul trying to change tactics again. Absolutely precious :)

Remember that earlier he...
• totally knew the thing,
• then doubled down on accidentally admitting to being a slave to "prove" he knew the thing (oops! didn't actually know the thing!),
• then peed and shit himself,
• then said it's just a game (i.e., a "competition") and he's so super above-it-all that he doesn't even need to bother and that his *posturing* is itself so super cool that it speaks for itself without him ever having to actually be super cool or above it all with words or intellect (i.e., because he's not super cool — he's a fucking loser),
• then he tried to throw a bunch of red herrings,
• then he peed and shit himself (again),
• then he tried to actually make a (smol smol smol) argument ("[I totally did know the thing! I just failed to say it and still am failing to say it!]" — Jergul (cowardly slave)),
• then asks me to stop because "agree to disagree", but also
• then throws another pathetic projection "your dogma" (no, jergul, *your* dogma, which you're too ignorant to escape),
• then throws an unspecific straw man ("Your group as a whole") which is so pathetic that it really just shows that jergul can't even think of a group beyond "[people who mention Nietzsche]",
• then *still* thinks that saying, "ubermensh" is a win (it's not, you fucking idiot; lol; you know fucking *nothing* of the subject, and it's so painfully obvious that I can just enjoy watching you squirm like the little bitch that you are),
• then he *again* tries to do the leftist/slavish reductionism about Nietzsche — when despite Nietzsche's syphilis (which affected Nietzsche's later years) jergul has had a syphilitic mind for his **entire life** — this being so much the case that I've been calling jergul "syphilitic" for *years* (though, admittedly, wtb is the worst UP example of the syphilitic mind),
• then *jergul* (I remind that this is *jergul* talking) says that *he* is unimpressed with *me* (lol!),
• then he blinks... and pisses and shits himself.

Jergul couldn't impress a Special Olympics athlete in a drowning competition, but he'll sit here in this thread taking this tone of sagacious victory despite perpetually being unable to say anything worthwhile in his entire fucking life — certainly in his entire time on UP. :D

Oh! But *he* is unimpressed with *us*! lol!!! XD XD
Now realize the implication of that comparison, fucktard. If *we* are unimpressive, then what absolute joke are *you*?

Honey, did you brush your teeth? No more screen time until you've brushed your teeth. Time to wind down. ♥ :)
large member
Sat Jan 06 07:12:44
A true superhuman would respond something like this when I teased them:

Cool story, bro.

So, I guess that dictates my response:

Cool fable, sis.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 07 02:57:52
Oh, sure, faggot. "A true superhuman" would behave in accordance with the demands of a slavish destroyer Last Man. Sure, sure. lol :D
large member
Sun Jan 07 04:53:54
Wed Jan 10 08:38:06
How are you messing Nietzsche up, if you have had since the 80's to figure it out?
large member
Wed Jan 10 09:42:39
Cool story, bro.
Thu Jan 11 04:15:26
Why so defensive, bro?
large member
Thu Jan 11 04:23:20
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 11 04:26:49
He messed Nietzsche up because he's literally retarded. He thought he could get an easy win against slave morality by saying, "[Hur hur, I'm a *master*! You're the slave!]" but then found out the hard way that that meant that he accidentally admitted to being a slave. Everything else is pathetic cope. He's still pissing himself, but with one-word answers he's pissing himself quietly now and hoping to be forgotten forever.
large member
Thu Jan 11 04:41:18
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 11 04:44:41
jergul rn:
large member
Thu Jan 11 05:23:51
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