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Utopia Talk / Politics / The DNC Border Treason
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 22 22:51:50
In a 5 – 4 vote.

"U.S. Supreme Court says Texas can’t block federal agents from the border
The high court’s order effectively maintains long-running precedent that the federal government — not individual states — has authority to enforce border security."
[January 22nd, 2024]
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 22 22:51:59
To the bureaucratic mind this seems simple and perhaps even sensible: the federal government should have authority over the federal border.

But what if your federal government is a treasonous entity that intentionally wishes to open the border to bring in new client groups which displace the sovereignty of these United States on behalf of foreigners, infiltrators, and destroyers? What if the Biden admin wants to flood red states with migrants to dissolve their power through the Great Replacement?

In that case, as many have pointed out in an homage to Andrew Jackson:
"John Roberts has made his decision, now let him enforce it."
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 22 22:52:04
Similarly, Greg Abbott:
"This is not over.

"Texas' razor wire is an effective deterrent to the illegal crossings Biden encourages.

"I will continue to defend Texas' constitutional authority to secure the border and prevent the Biden Admin from destroying our property."
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 22 22:55:21
"So it’s unanimous: everyone in power, from the White House, to the hedge fund managers, to the Supreme Court of the United States has decided to destroy the country by allowing it to be invaded. That leaves the population to defend itself. Where are the men of Texas? Why aren’t they protecting their state and the nation?"
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 22 23:04:09
Semi-commies such as James Lindsay think this is part of an effort to balkanize:
"Jesus Christ, Tucker. How about a more modest proposal of "sue correctly first"?"

As also his puppet:

But James Lindsay is ignorant or perilously stupid when it comes to the subject of the Great Replacement. Even *if* Texas were waging lawfare here, the point stands that Texas must exercise the sovereignty to protect its borders, and if the federal government is obstructing then remedies need to occur.

Ironically, the person that Lindsay Re-Tweeted to make his point also said this:
"If the feds are for whatever reason facilitating the destruction of their own country by allowing border states to be completely overwhelmed by millions of illegal migrants, is there any legal recourse or remedy to stop this?

"Because if the federal courts can't or won't stop this invasion, then whoever wins control of the Executive Branch in this upcoming 2024 election becomes of PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE to the very SURVIVAL of this constitutional republic.

"It would become vitally necessary to the United States itself that Joe Biden be replaced by Donald Trump."

In other words, Lindsay's bullshit about a "modest" legal action is fruitless while a treasonous president is in power.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 22 23:07:10
"TDS mass hysteria might be a major cause of the border crisis. If you build an identity around hating Trump, how do you say you were wrong and he was right? Wouldn’t that make you the “racist” too? So it stays unfixed.

"The predictable outcome of Trump being right — about anything — is that people would hallucinate instead of acknowledging the obvious. It’s a straightforward trigger for cognitive dissonance. Guaranteed.

"The mental health frame is more predictive than the political frame whenever TDS is involved."
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 22 23:15:47
"Rep. Clay Higgins: “Alejandro Mayorkas, your time is done. You will be impeached.”"
the wanderer
Mon Jan 22 23:24:01
no one is encouraging crossings more than those who claim the border is open (which is no D)
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 22 23:26:17
Tw is a liar and a traitor to these United States.
He will repeat the lies and talking points of Robert Reicht without blushing because a liar and a traitor has no shame.

But there will be a time to deal with traitors.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 22 23:29:56
"AOC: "The idea of slamming the door when we desperately need these migrants, we have to make it easier for these individuals to participate in our economy and live the American dream.""
[January 17th, 2024]
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 22 23:32:35
Rep Nadler advocating for the Great Replacement:
""Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants!""
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 22 23:35:53
"Who benefits from illegal immigration?"
Tue Jan 23 14:23:51

The court only had to step in because Joe Biden didn't have the balls to do what he should have done ... which is declare Texas in rebellion and send in the US military to squash them like the cockroaches they are, and haul Abbott and every other Confederate away in chains to Guantanamo.

Tue Jan 23 17:12:38
I wonder how well that would've gone over.
Tue Jan 23 19:05:19

With Americans? Great.

Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 24 03:27:02
"A gentle reminder that leftists would like to murder you for opposing illegal immigration"
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 25 04:43:48
Abbot's statement on the Biden treason:

Key extracts:
• "the federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the States. The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now. President Biden has refused to enforce those laws and has even violated them."
• "I have already declared an invasion ... that authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary."
Thu Jan 25 07:48:14
Texas declaring that it's experiencing a state of invasion...yikes.

Biden's willful failure to enforce basic border policy is a wholesale abdication of his obligations of chief magistrate of the United States. In better times, he would absolutely be impeached for his refusal to uphold the law.
Thu Jan 25 17:00:26

"Texas declaring that it's experiencing a state of invasion...yikes."

Sounds like cause to declare a national emergency and get the US Army down there ... and nationalize the former state of Texas.

We can make them a territory like Puerto Rico.

Thu Jan 25 17:46:27
Good for Tejas. This is the battle. Murder will be a fucking moron and think the US military will want to nuke American civilians, because he is still a child, but now we are gonna see how impotent biden is.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 26 06:12:21
Lost in the shuffle was that on Tuesday, the puppet-Biden DHS asked Texas to comply with access to Shelby Park by today (January 26th):

(per Fox News)
(per Norfolk News)

While simply granting the DHS "access" might not be resisted, the DHS also requested the ability "for Border Patrol to move through and conduct line watch duties" and to provide "assistance to other agents and officers as well as medical and rescue operations" (Wavy link).

In other words, it's a deadline for the DHS to be able to resume wire-cutting and the processing of illegal migrants for entry into the U.S. So today may show whether or not Texas will hold the line or if DHS will use force. Short of outright violence occurring, if DHS does not gain access today to continue the DNC Border Treason, then Biden's handlers will have to decide how much and in what way they want to fuck this up.

Incidentally, the DHS website's main page is very concerned with "addressing climate change", with "sustainability", and with American Indian politics (a sustainability issue related to land-right claims):
(just a reminder that all U.S. agencies have been co-opted by this totalitarian scheme)
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 26 06:41:28
Based God Trump:
"We encourage all willing States to deploy their guards to Teas to prevent the entry of Illegals, and to remove them back across the Border. All Americans should support the commonsense measures by Texas authorities to protect the Safety, Security, and Sovereignty of Texas, and of the America people. When I am President, on Day One, instead of fighting Texas, I will work hand in hand with Governor Abbott and other Border States to Stop the Invasion, Seal the Border, and Rapidly Begin the Largest Domestic Deportation Operation in History. Those Biden has let in should not get comfortable because they will be going home."

"We have never been more back"
Fri Jan 26 07:17:30
"Half of US governors side with Texas in border dispute with Biden, say prez is leaving country ‘vulnerable’ to illegal immigration"


Fuck Joe Biden.
Fri Jan 26 14:02:38

Federalize some of those states, and expel the rest from the union.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 26 14:26:18
meanwhile, Trump is telling R's to reject any deal (as he wants harm to the country to help himself... just like when telling R's to default on our debt)

& of course when Trump wins, he'll deport every illegal! just like he promised in 2016! & he'll make a great deal with congress! ...which also didn't happen before... hmmm... wait...
Fri Jan 26 14:36:03
Texas National Guard should arrest Genocide Joe for treason and for aiding and abetting genocide.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 26 15:42:08

Also, hilarious to see tumbleweed the totalitarian sycophant complaining that Trump is self-serving when the puppet Biden is demolishing these United States to serve China and the Bolsheviks. Get fucked, tw, you fucking traitor.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 26 16:59:39
the Oklahoma governor is on CNN saying it makes sense for governors to defy the Supreme Court if they think the court got it wrong

quite a 'party' they got going there
Fri Jan 26 17:45:36

Blame Biden. Blame Obama. Blame Clinton.

For decades the right has been testing how far they could go with little to no consequences, and for decades Democrats have always backed down in the name of preserving the peace.

Well guess what? When you allow groups to defy the government, they only get bolder.

If Biden doesn't put this shit down with force, it will only get worse.

Sat Jan 27 05:33:19
"Border Patrol Union - NBPC

Rank-and file BP agents are not going to start arresting TX NG members for following their LAWFUL orders. That's fake news.

TX NG and rank-and-file BP agents work together and respect each other's jobs. Period. If TX NG members have LAWFUL orders, then they have to carry out those orders.

TX NG members realize that rank-and-file BP agents have their orders as well. Lawful orders, no matter how unpopular or distasteful amongst rank-and-file agents, must be followed. Unlawful orders (as determined by competent legal counsel and not what some outhouse lawyer behind a keyboard says) will not be followed.

Rank-and-file BP agents appreciate and respect what TX has been doing to defend their state in the midst of this catastrophe that the Biden Admin has unleashed on America.

We want to be perfectly clear, there is no fight between rank-and-file BP agents and the TX NG, Gov. Abott, or TX DPS. It may make flashy headlines, but it simply isn't true."

Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 27 08:25:22
"Rhetorical framework is being constructed"
"MSNBC’s Joy Reid says Texas wanting to secure their border "sounds like the old Southerners who said that we will resist integration by any means necessary""

The commies will tell you that infinite replacement immigration is good, actually, and you're racist for not letting these settler colonists genocide you.
Sat Jan 27 21:02:51
Well, first they tell you it's a lie. A far-right conspiracy theory. But if it is true, it's a good thing, too!

The doublespeak never ends.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 28 21:48:03
Yup. It only ends when they've purged the Kulaks and discover that their new client castes aren't great slaves after all since they were all promised Master status in a healthy society but — due to their own work — that society is just a cannibalized corpse that has more and more flies on it. By the time the flesh is rotted and inedible and someone competent checks the ledgers, all of the gold is missing again.

The NRx people make fun of James Lindsay (very often very correctly), but both NRx and Lindsay agree that Texas is being used as a honeypot:

"They’re desperately hoping that some protester or militia member pops off so they can bail Biden out of this optics nightmare
"The cathedral can often hold off the attention of the public until losses can be turned into wins"
[January 28th, 2024]

This follows after Jordan Peterson, who fell for the rapper-trap of becoming heavily medicated and then being given a safe propaganda position with the controlled opposition establishment (Daily Wire in Peterson's case), himself fell for the propaganda that "[Patriot militias]" were heading to the border to defend it. He still hasn't deleted this Tweet despite Community Notes sitting on it for a day and his being active on Twitter during that time:
"The militia arises"
[January 27th, 2024]

And this is standard fair for the Regime: if their bad optics cannot be denied (here: a porous border and malicious processing of migrants for later naturalization-seeding), then they need to pounce on a manufactured reaction from their opposition (here: get a "[patriot]" to shoot some random migrant so they can tell a propaganda story about "Extreme MAGA Republicans" not caring about "global human rights", thus allowing mass-migration to continue via a false pathos argument).

And this narrative of "[patriots heading to the border]" links from Canadian idiot "The Pleb" (who got minuscule fame by riding Viva Frei's coattails during the Canadian COVID protests) to propaganda account "Concerned Citizen" ( @BGatesIsaPyscho ):

"Concerned Citizen" follows a pattern of particular Twitter propaganda accounts: volume over substance and constant red flags of Gell–Mann Amnesia. That is, he re-posts and falsifies information *so* quickly that he frequently makes errors or overtly deceives for effect. Per Gell–Mann, for most of "Concerned Citizen"'s subscribers, when they see these errors (having the expertise to know a *particular* lie), they "forget" the error when looking at the rest of his posts wherein they are *not* experts. In good practice, *all* of his posts should be looked at with suspicion rather than having their errors forgotten.

This same effect saw the success of left-wing psychosis accounts pre-Musk-ownership of Twitter (e.g., JoJoFromJerz, Robert Reicht, Acyn), but post-Musk the incentive structure still exists for Blue-Check accounts such as the Krassenstein Brothers (left-wing) and Ian Miles Cheong (controlled opposition / false right-wing). Their overt strategy is getting engagement for dollars, and they have no morality and will therefore say anything to attract audiences and propagandize these audiences. "Concerned Citizen" is merely following this same formula and should have this monetization scheme starved through, e.g., muting.

But, it should be noted that many of the left-wing accounts that pretend to hate Musk-owned Twitter are nonetheless (hidden) blue-checks, since Twitter does indeed allow people to monetize their interactions through subscription and hide their check-mark to avoid the scorn of those "[hur hur, you paid $8]" memes. Accounts such as Acyn and Aaron Rupar very likely employ this strategy, since they absolutely *live* on Twitter and must be getting paid for it.

"The medium is the message", and this has not changed for Twitter post-Musk. Those immoral leftists gaming the system still succeed on the platform, it is only that the Overton Window now allows Musk's politics to have some activity. Many of the un-approved yet popular accounts are aware that quality content and original content is still de-monetized or stolen and re-packaged by these aggregator accounts. This "Concerned Citizen" account just happens to find it profitable to play the "Nightcrawler" role of causing the very tragedies that he sensationalizes.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 29 01:06:15
I wonder why a member of the Progressive Squad would recognize the value of ethnic blood-ties ... but only for Somalis such as herself:

• If Omar is a Somali-blooded person first and a Muslim second, is it even "dual" loyalty at that point? Is she even American *third*?
• Why is an American congresswoman interested in "[safeguarding] the interests of Somalia"?
• Why does an American congresswoman consider herself a Somali representative?
• Why is a U.S. Representative saying this? "I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the U.S. system."
• Why is the Somalian diaspora intent on staying unified across national borders within their host-nations, with "Somalia [being for] Somalians" while Western nations are limitless hosts of foreign-allegiance parasites such as Omar?
• Why is a progressive Democrat interested in preserving the ethnic blood ties of "Greater Somalia" through the Bolshevik/Marxist rhetoric of "liberation"/"liberation theology"?
• Is it not strange that an advocate of ethnic genocide is using her position in American governance to empower a BRICS+ vassal state?

These are the kinds of DNC Insurrectionists pushing for this DNC Border Treason. This is the same logic used by Jewish supremacists ("dual citizens") within the West who advocate for an ethnically pure Jewish Jerusalem while demanding open borders and migrant relief in the White West. This is the slave revolt in morality being funded openly by traitors within Western borders. These destroyers openly empower foreign nations and destroy Western sovereignty from their motive of resentment and revenge.

"When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny."
Cherub Cow
Wed Feb 07 01:20:09
This is the propaganda faced by psychosis bots such as tumblefucktard:

"It's not a problem
It's not a problem
It's all your fault!"
via https://twitter.com/LibertyLockPod/status/1755060323373998390

Tumblefucktard will thoughtlessly adopt the Regime's latest talking point ("[those damn MAGA Republicans! They're listening to Trump so the bill is getting sabotaged!!]"), meanwhile, the DNC has been gas-lighting about the border for years now. They were pretending it was fine up until people such as Elon Musk and Bret Weinstein went there in person to show that it's a massive invasion army.

"It's not happening... and it's Trump's fault that it is!"
Sun Feb 11 05:39:54
The important question is why the jews and the communists are keeping the truth from us

Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 11 06:59:13
Do we see how williamthefaggot, due to his pathetic nature, will continue to use the Regime's thought-terminating cliché of "conspiracy theory" through the veiled posting of TikTok videos with A.I. voice-overs and silly references to Nephilim?

This is william the faggot's endless impotence. He cannot make the point outright, so he just pisses himself quietly in the corner. Were he at all strong, principled, or virtuous, he would not have to play such pathetic games. He would simply state his position and try to defend it. But he never had to do that in his failed academic career and does not even know how. He would just suck his P.I.'s cock and get pats on the head for being a spineless and unoriginal hack. TikTok is indeed the proper place for his syphilitic mind.
Sun Feb 11 09:22:53
This is what this fucking forum is now? Fucking moderate and delete cherub’s spam. Nobody listens to her shit on twitter either.
large member
Sun Feb 11 09:39:25
Moderate? You will be asking for tools to scrub for forum posts next.
Sun Feb 11 20:29:37
We all know each other, no one will be harmed by viewing what she posts.

Moderators are basically here to fix errors , how many are there regulars left?
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 11 22:45:53
Oh look, Dukhat asking for totalitarian censorship of a web forum visited by about (maybe) 15 people. This is how pathetic the left is in their reaching for power over the narrative. Even a text-based thread is too much for his pathetic cognitive dissonance.

And I don't remember Dukhat saying this in tw's threads. I'll move his comment over there since he's such a fucking coward.
Mon Feb 12 06:39:20
Dear me, the obscure link between this disturbing hatred of homosexuals, coupled with the amusing switch from "giants" to "Nephilim", the Nephilim Resistance movement's favored term because people who were given an xbox instead of an upbringing think that makes them sound like professors, isnt at all obscure after all. You just have to dumb yourself down as much as you can, think like a rightwing nutter, and the bizarro dreamworld within which they curl up and hide away from the physical world is laid bare before you

"The core contention of the Nephilim resistance movement is that the reconstruction of Nephilim DNA will corrupt human genes in a way that removes the possibility of salvation, and which will also create the superhuman being known as the Antichrist.

The opposition to genetic corruption is complemented by polemical comments against science, race mixing, immigration, other religions, feminism and homosexuality. It is aligned with right wing political groups and in some cases with right wing racist theories.

Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 12 09:08:49
I'm moving your comments to tumblefucktard's threads, williamthefaggot. Stop being such a pathetic little bitch and take your arguments to him. See if you can reason with a true psychopath.
Mon Feb 12 09:17:34
You just repeat lies you stupid fuck. Dems rolled over and gave Republicans everything they wanted but Trump deliberately tries sabotages the bill and our ability to get the border under control and you repeat his fucking lies.

You piece of shit imbecile. Go see a shrink you fucking mentally ill idiot.
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 12 09:23:49
That makes zero sense here, Dukhat. You're psychotic. I'm moving your comment to the psychotic thread.
Mon Feb 12 09:25:44

"Dems rolled over and gave Republicans everything they wanted"

This is objectively not true, as Chris Murphy himself will tell you:

"So the White House was clear they needed tools to deal with the current emergency that was happening at the border, but they were also clear that they were not going to accept the most draconian Republican proposals — for instance, expedited removal in the interior.

A transit ban was a red line. Safe Third Country proposals were a red line. The White House also was really clear that if we were going to do things Republicans wanted, there had to be important priorities for Democrats. The White House was instrumental in helping to get the agreement on 250,000 new visas, which I don’t think a lot of people saw coming at the beginning of this negotiation.

And then lastly, the White House was really focused on protecting the one parole program that has worked, and that is the program that allows them to bring in Haitians, Nicaraguans and Cubans into airports after they have been vetted and partnered with an American family. Republicans clearly wanted to get rid of that program. That was one of their top priorities. The compromise at the end did not touch that program, and that was a clear red line for the administration."


And that's only for the stuff that Lankford was pushing...as the fallout made clear, conservatives in general had a lot of other problems with the bill.
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 12 09:42:52
I hope people can see how much of a cult these leftists are in. Williamthefaggot is pretending to be cool under pressure, since he thinks that he has an angle with his faggoty little nephilim red herring. And notice Dukhat's boiling insanity. He's getting more and more upset. He seriously believes the lie that Republicans "sabotaged" the bill. Keep in mind that Fuckhat is talking about a bill which "inexplicably" contains billions in funding for Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel. That's apparently a "compromise" for the Democrats.

The ideal position is
• 100% closure of the border following even a single border interaction.
• Zero illegal immigration allowed; immediate deportation of any attempts with zero forward-processing.
• Mass deportations of all illegals; INS/DHS raids and citizen-reporting of any suspicious aliens even within so-called "sanctuary cities" ("If you see someone who might be illegal, say something").
• Mass deportations and loss of citizenship extended to anyone — and their families — who entered illegally and was naturalized via amnesty going back several generations.
• Dissolve birthright citizenship for non-ethnic-Europeans
• Restoration of the Natural Origins Formula
• Dissolve H1-B Visas for non-ethnic-European origin visas
• Deportation or removal of the franchise for any leftists who support DEI initiatives, abolition of the electoral college, packing of the Supreme Court, or "sustainability" governance
• Mass deportations of all Islamic, Indian, and Chinese peoples.
• All Jewish, Lutheran, or Calvinist people deported or denied the franchise; not allowed to enter government, media/comedy, punditry, or finance; only allowed to serve as laborers
• Removal of the franchise for women and remaining minorities; franchise only restored through combat service (e.g., Combat Action Ribbon awarded)

That should be the starting point for Republicans.
The compromise with Democrats would then be..
• Not all leftists will be deported
• Non-ethnic-Europeans do not *all* have to be deported, but they lose the franchise and cannot serve in governance, bureaucracies, or finance
• H1-B Visas can be selectively allowed for Japanese and Korean people

Will the Democrats "sabotage" these necessary changes?
large member
Mon Feb 12 09:43:28
Not smart for the Nato secretary to meddle in US elections. While what he says may be true, it will almost certainly have a counter productive effect if Americans hear it at all.

What? Trump wants Nato to pay its way. Good. They are whining about it? Fuck them.
large member
Mon Feb 12 09:47:20
Its like nobody abroad has learned how to deal with the Trump effect yet.

If it were up to me, I would just cheat and plump up spending to 3% (50% more than required) using accounting methods and find costs that are military related somehow.

Point is that Trump has a pretty simply message. US being screwed by allies not paying their way. Complexity like "well they claim to be paying their way, but not really" is a nogo because it is not simple.
Tue Feb 13 05:33:12
Its important to remember that current rightwing political orientation is generally associated with psychopathy, sadism and narcissim, i.e. very serious mental illness.

"Narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and everyday sadism were associated with right-wing political orientation
In the present research, we were interested in how the personalities of those voting for the left-wing and the right-wing candidate, respectively, would differ. Concretely, we examined to which extent the Dark Tetrad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and everyday sadism) would predict political orientation as well as political extremism.

(...) employing U.S. American samples—has shown that narcissism and psychopathy were associated with political conservatism, whereas Machiavellianism was associated with low rates of liberalism
The present study showed that there is a positive association between all dimensions of the Dark Tetrad and a political right-wing attitude.

Most important was that Machiavellianism significantly correlated with right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation. Furthermore, narcissism was associated with right-wing authoritarianism, and both narcissism and psychopathy were associated with social dominance orientation. Finally, dark personality traits have been shown to be associated with moral foundations that in turn are linked to conservatism.

We are relatively confident that our main conclusions—that the dark side of human personality is associated with both right-wing political orientation and extremism—are warranted.

Methodology etc:

Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 13 08:56:12
More copy&paste vomit from wtb. He's even lazily copy&pasted that exact study before in this thread back in November 2023:

And he did the same there that he'll do again here: piss his little-boy pants and run away after I curb-stomp his argument.

I've explained this many times in UP, and I explained it again in that thread after he lazily posted it there (my comment "Sun Nov 19 03:52:32"), but the summary is that biased studies such as that begin from a flawed perspective, namely that they code "authoritarianism" as only a right-wing phenomenon. Hence, when they encounter authoritarianism, they assume it means "right-wing" and then correlate Dark Triad traits with the right-wing.

This connection is, of course, false.

In reality, the left-wing can be intensely authoritarian, as is demonstrated in the logic of the slave revolt and its utility to the current rise in left-wing totalitarianism. Slavish destroyers and mental weaklings such as williamthePantsShitter (e.g., people who require drugs to function, commies, ugly goblins) crave absolute power so that they can discharge their resentment against their moral and physical superiors. This is why, for instance, the Bolshevik totalitarianism of the Soviet era resulted in the mass death of physically and mentally superior Slavs and Kulaks by the inferior but resentful Bolshevik slave hordes. This persisted into the mass deaths of the Holodomor, where resentful destroyers not unlike williamtheweakling were responsible for some 4 million dead due to the intentional policies of mass famine (not unlike today's "sustainability" governance as a famine weapon).

And the proof of this is even simpler: is it the left or the right that is more likely to possess "very serious mental illness"?

The left, of course.
It is not difficult to imagine williamtheBedWetter's face in a mugshot montage of dysgenic leftist activists:

williamthecoward will keep copy&pasting that study because he is a mental weakling who stupidly defers to Regime-credentialed authorities who merely share his preference for suicidal annihilation. He is too stupid and slavish to realize that simply posting Regime sources without comment only shows that he defers his entire consciousness to the Regime. He lacks even the wit to examine the biases of those studies because he did not receive an education but rather an indoctrination; he learned only obedience — not critique.

williamthegutless is inferior to me in every way. His only recourse — given his absolute inferiority — is to tell himself that people just as biased as himself but with loftier Regime positions must be correct and robust to oppose their betters and that he is correct and robust merely for agreeing with them. This is the shallow reflection of the Regime's prestige network, where slavish weaklings will simply obey the Regime's negative coding of the opposition and pretend that this obedience makes them "smart" or "scholarly". We saw this phenomenon en mass during COVID, where these dysgenic freaks were far more likely to wet their skirts in fear while lauding themselves for obeying Regime authorities and "[trusting] the science".

The leftist's only strength is his deferral to authority. The collectivist's best chance at survival is that waves and waves of similarly disposable weaklings will soak up enough bullets and bombs before it is his turn to defer to authority.
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 20 05:03:55
"“Biden has considered an executive order that would dramatically stanch the record flow of migrants into the Southwest. This could even happen in the two weeks before the address, allowing Biden to say he took action while Republicans just talk.”"

"So he never needed the bill and it was all political theatre to extract more war funding"
Cherub Cow
Mon Mar 11 23:33:01
In an accidental moment of truth when going off-script, at the State of the Union Biden called the illegal-immigrant, criminal infiltrator/invader, economic opportunist, and murderer of a White U.S. citizen Laken Riley an "illegal".

This was largely frowned upon by the DNC–Bolsheviks, such as Nancy Pelosi, who said that Biden "Should have said, 'undocumented'" on State Media network CNN:
Through Pelosi's chattering coffee- and lipstick-stained dentures, amphetamines, and alcoholism, she also added that she doesn't think it's "a big deal" that he made this error. This seems not to sit well with State apparatchiks and Jewish Bolsheviks Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, with Bash in particular trying to get Pelosi to find more fault with Biden caring that a U.S. Citizen was killed by a Bolshevik-sponsored client group. The Regime finds it better strategy to be more sympathetic to these invader client groups than to be sympathetic to any U.S. sovereignty.

But despite Pelosi's slight willingness to show remorse, many other Bolsheviks proudly repeated this "shouldn't say illegal" claim:
• [Illionois Rep. Chuy Garcia (Mexican infiltrator)]: "As a proud immigrant, I'm extremely disappointed to hear President Biden use the word "illegal.""
• (compilation of media apparatchiks):

This was, of course, paired with the Regime's thought-terminating cliché that "no human is illegal" (included in most recent link). This is false, of course, as despite the fallacious claims of disingenuous "[hur hur, innocent until proven guilty]" semantic manipulators, as AOC once found out in a 2019 committee hearing after repeating this propaganda, it is indeed illegal to enter the U.S. illegally (go figure! It's in the name!):
[C-SPAN, House Hearing on Migrant Children and Border Security; July 2019]
AOC: "Legal asylees are not charged with any crime."
Homan: "When you enter the country illegally it's a violation of code 8 U.S. Code § 1325" ( http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1325 ).

Thus, with the Regime finding fault with their puppet's willingness to go off script, they put the puppet Biden back on script. On March 9th, Biden appeared on State Media network "MSNBC" to apologize:
"EXCLUSIVE: Biden says he regrets calling migrant an 'illegal' during State of the Union speech"
[MSNBC Official YouTube; March 9th, 2024]
Biden:"Undocumented. Undocumented person. And I shouldn't have used 'illegal', it's 'undocumented person'."
Regime apparatchik: "You regret using that word?"
Biden: "Yes."

Many on social media noted that this meant that Biden actually just apologized for calling a murderer a bad name, e.g., Trump:
""Joe Biden went on television and apologized for calling Laken's murderer an illegal," Trump said at a rally in Georgia Saturday. "Biden should be apologizing for apologizing to this killer.""
This is the DNC Regime again producing the Norm MacDonald joke that worse than the murder of innocents is the backlash against associates of murderers:

Hilariously, even though an expression of regret is an apology, the White House does not like the word "apology", so they performed damage control:
"Biden 'did not apologize' for using term 'an illegal' during State of the Union, White House says"
[ABC News; March 11th, 2024]
""I want to be really clear about something: the president absolutely did not apologize. There was no apology anywhere in that conversation," Dalton said. "He did not apologize. He used a different word.""

This is, of course, more semantic distortion and an outright lie. One "regrets" something and says that they "should not have" done something because they are sorry; these are synonyms of repentance/sorry to show that one would have done differently in the past if possessing more virtue in that moment and will strive to do differently in the future through the virtue learned from the error.

The Regime's need to pretend that this was *not* an apology (though it *was*) then stems from their need to shield themselves from political liability. And what liability would one have for calling an illegal invader an "illegal"? Simple: illegal aliens are intended to become a final "protected class" in the global totalitarian state. Just as it is formulated by the totalitarian Regime that calling black people the "n-word", Jews the circle word, or Chinese the -ink word, it must be a "hate crime" to call illegal invaders "illegal". Through this denial of language, legal frameworks will follow, allowing the DNC Border Treason its final pen stroke: that truly, by the DNC insurrection, none *will* be illegal, since these United States are to be an economic zone — a global playground for tyrants to manage their fiefdoms in a doom shared by the West at large. If one's society must protect even the murderous foreigner from the "hate" of its sovereign citizens, then one's society has been fed a formula for its annihilation.

The Puppet-Biden Regime has thusly done this.
large member
Tue Mar 12 02:24:04
Are you going to voluntarily give up the franchise, or are you simply a hypocrite CC?

Incidentally, why is all this politics at all relevant to you if ideally, you are not supposed to engage in politics?

Are there not womenly things for you to think about? Whatever those might be?
Cherub Cow
Wed May 22 05:25:25
"1.7 million ‘gotaways’ have sneaked into US under Biden, more than in previous decade combined: Border data"
[New York Post; May 16th, 2024]
Wed May 22 12:03:31

That explains why the nation has fallen apart.

Oh wait ... we're fine.

Wed May 22 14:34:05
Yeah, 30 million illegals have zero effect on wage stagnation and inflation, which will be primary drivers for a large fraction of independent voters.

All good. Just call for another 5 million mail-in ballots.
Thu May 23 10:15:50
Even given the most aggressive counts, it's a few million extra crossing the border and surprise, they are almost all in the system in one way or another as 90% of companies won't employ without a work authorization as they wait for their amnesty trial.

If they aren't criminals, they are contributing to the economy. Wage inflation ... maybe, if you are low-skilled.

Inflation? You fucking retard, they lower inflation by working for cheaper.

But foreskin has never been particularly sharp or even logical as he devolved from a libertarian into another mouth-breating republican retard.
Thu May 23 11:51:02
Estimated 22 million, back in 2018, by MIT and Yale


"You fucking retard, they lower inflation by working for cheaper."

They lower wages by working cheaper. They still buy shit, retard. Now there are 11 people buying groceries instead of 10.

Cuckhat so hung up on the wage-price paradigm that he missed demand, lmfao
Cherub Cow
Sat May 25 23:06:37
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "Oh wait ... we're fine."

This faggot just did the "But how does this affect you personally?" meme. Utter imbecility. This is why these little bitches should not be allowed to vote; their suicidal weaknesses would doom those wish to survive.

Typical Bolshevik proving that Bolshevism is indeed the goal:
"Chuck Schumer:

"Our ultimate goal" is to give every ILLEGAL invader citizenship.

The Democrats are keeping the border open on purpose.

This border crisis is all by design."
Sat May 25 23:56:05

We isn't my pronoun.

Mon May 27 18:16:45
Foreskin making up economic theory without any reading or understanding as usual. Even the right-wing fucking Cato institute knows this simple fact but apparently you know better using the same bullshit evidence and reasoning cherub cow does.

Go kill yourself you stupid fuck.
Mon May 27 18:17:59
Which is that immigration generally lowers inflation net. The only issue is if they can't get jobs and if housing is in severe shortage which is not the case in the US at the moment. But you didn't make any distinction really, just

"Durr, I make stuff up durrr!"
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 19 04:13:56
Resident Biden's staffers using his Twitter:
"Two weeks ago, I did what the Republicans in Congress refuse to do.
"I took action to secure our border.
"I restricted unlawful crossings and enabled quicker decisions on asylum – and since we implemented my order, border encounters have dropped about 25%."
[June 18th, 2024]

This goes with the low-IQ propaganda that has infected useful idiots such as Dukhat. In their idiotic minds, the GOP was leaving the border open and not working with the DNC to fix it (a lie). In reality, Biden is again admitting that this did not require Congressional action, that, in fact, he himself through EOs created the crisis in the first place (reversing Trump policies), and that he is now taking the smallest possible measure to reduce immigration while not actually addressing the issue in a meaningful/impactful way (thus giving Regime media another lie that they can run with leading into the election).

In short:
The DNC Border Treason does not stop while the DNC is in charge.
Wed Jun 19 12:03:38
You calling other people low-IQ is so fucking ridiculous.

All you do is scour racist twitter accounts for confirmation of your own beliefs. It is beyond absurd.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 19 15:26:56
Me calling you in particular low-IQ is apt and sound. You have never produced an informed argument here because you are mentally incapable. You dutifully repeat Regime talking points and drop flyby insults before having your diaper changed. You project your own pathetic states onto your betters, in this case that state being that you get all of your news from Reddit echo chambers and scurry back here to see if your false worldview is reflected outside of those midwit circles.

As I have said before, no one has ever accused you of being intelligent.
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 15 03:49:00
Treasonous Party apparatchik Bill Clinton repeats Regime dogmas regarding the unsecured border and its weaponization against the American people:
"We got the lowest birth we’ve had in well over 100 years. We’re not at replacement levels which means we’ve got to have somebody come here if we want to keep growing the economy."

I have pointed this out before while examining sebfag's treasons against the West, but there are a few obvious factors at work here:

• The Regime tells the lie that the "GDP" must be fixed through mass-migration (the Party's Holy Dogma of "GDP" and of nations as mere economic units).

• The Regime is simultaneously against high populations of its own native people, selectively citing "climate change" in propaganda that targets these native people while providing "equity" for the population explosions of the "Global South" invaders. The Regime is also pro-abortion for its native people but appreciates an Indian family with 10 people in a single-bedroom apartment.

• The Regime simultaneously needs "GDP" to fund welfare programs for their client groups (e.g., they must have "GDP" to bribe those same exact mass-migrants, to bribe their leftist coalitions with wealth stolen from the right, to fund the building of shelters for these migrants and leftists); i.e., they bring in foreign invaders and traitors to fund these same foreign invaders and traitors.

• The Regime simultaneously considers enfranchisement as a *given* for mass-migrants (i.e., the Regime cannot even claim to only be bringing in migrants for "GDP" and then removing them once "GDP" is achieved — it is Party Dogma that they *must* reward these invaders and traitors with enfranchisement and permanent residence in the West).

• The Regime openly states that "demographics is destiny" (the left-wing approved rhetoric of the Great Replacement) and that their strategy of replacement is to secure their political objectives.

Some of the contradictions in these global totalitarian Regime positions are easily reconciled by realizing that the Regime is bringing in slave castes to destroy the West, having no loyalty to its people or to its history. These castes will vote exactly as the Regime wants them to vote. Once the slave castes outnumber the sovereign peoples and outnumber other detractors of Regime policies, all other Regime political aims can be achieved through "our democracy". Namely, the Regime achieves global totalitarian governance and the total enslavement of all of humanity; the outcome of any vote is assured through the frivolous nature of the ignoble and endlessly fractured mob; and totalitarian oligarchs, having no loyalty to the people, have no reason to make that mob virtuous — just to make them ever-more compliant with their whims. The mob builds the pyramids of the oligarchs, with the mob never knowing themselves enough to have their own arts.

And there are easy proofs of this terrible truth. If, for instance, a sovereign Western society had a low birth rate, would the "solution" for a noble, virtuous, and loyal citizen-ruler of that society be the total ethnic replacement of that society to feed its aging elders? Obviously not. In Greek city-states, the solutions were much more life-affirming, such as the Thesmophoria (Festival of Fertility), where couples publicly affirmed marital vows and citizens were encouraged to have children as a Sacred Duty to their families. In the counter-Bolshevik West, this same thematic imperative is accomplished through love stories, movies that show positive pair-bonding examples, and stories of the value of family, legacy, and duty to the glories of one's ancestors.

The Regime openly opposes the Thesmophoria. Stories which feature Westerners instead feature undesirable men and undesirable women whose only "virtuous" act is self-selection out of the gene pool or a passing of the torch. Stories which feature "approved" breeding are almost entirely miscegenation, since through miscegenation there is a loss of identity to the Regime's easily controlled mob. "Racism" in this slave revolt, when applied to genetics, is directed towards anyone of White Western sovereignty who chooses his or her own people. The same standard is not applied to the invader, who is openly championed for their Bio-Leninist utility to the Regime. Any foreigner who pre-dates the Bio-Leninist migrant-flood similarly finds him or herself in the position of the "White Westerner", since the Regime always has more wealth for the bribing of new-comers than for the sustenance of any pool of existing people and will gladly steal from their people to bribe the next-cheaper slave caste.

In short, the lie of "GDP" as some Cult Dogma which transcends one's own people is clearly the Regime's religion and is totally contradictory to Western society's Sacred Life-Affirming principles. It fails even as an ideologically neutral or sound means of affirming society, since it circularly requires that the Regime's welfare policies be sustained (i.e., there is no exit-ramp), and the Regime gains far more power from the importation of compliant voters than from the empowerment of the sovereign. Thus, "GDP" is the current tyrant's excuse for treason against the people. All those who adopt this framework are inherently against the West and its people.
Tue Oct 15 05:26:15

Are you not impressed? Is everyone not impressed?

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