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Utopia Talk / Politics / GOP declares war on lab grown meat
Tue Mar 12 20:19:09
Some states are now trying to ban lab-grown meat

Months in jail and thousands of dollars in fines and legal fees—those are the consequences Alabamians and Arizonans could soon face for selling cell-cultured meat products that could cut into the profits of ranchers, farmers, and meatpackers in each state.

State legislators from Florida to Arizona are seeking to ban meat grown from animal cells in labs, citing a “war on our ranching” and a need to protect the agriculture industry from efforts to reduce the consumption of animal protein, thereby reducing the high volume of climate-warming methane emissions the sector emits.

Read the rest here: http://ars...-trying-to-ban-lab-grown-meat/
Fri Mar 15 04:26:32
Its so infantile, this whole macho alpha male thing about eating meat. Watch me eating meat and being a real tough guy! Rooaaarr!
Fri Mar 15 04:29:54
Humans have the worst teeth for eating meat of any creature. There is no easier monster to defend yourself against than zombies with their lame gnashing milk teeth. All you do if you get surrounded by zombies is wear something like a leather bike suit that covers your neck. Then you can just wade into them and laugh at their baby teeth trying to chomp through it.
Fri Mar 15 07:05:13

Not just meat ... an animal has to be slaughtered to harvest that meat or it's intolerable.

Fri Mar 15 07:13:00
Mmmm, there has to be suffering involved, and suffering that you can mock. Because a real man laughs at other creatures' suffering!
Fri Mar 15 07:15:15
Its more primitive tribalist idiocy, the same kind of idiocy as chinese dumbasses eating bull balls to become more viral, or tribes eating living chimpanzee brains etc etc
Fri Mar 15 07:16:55
Fri Mar 15 07:57:35
Meat is objectively awesome. My brain registers it as a useful source of food, my senses of taste, sight, and smell are all pleased by it, my teeth are able to break it down easily, and my digestive system has zero problem with turning it into nutrition.

And yes, I want the real thing, not some fake shit that's only "necessary" because a bunch of PETA hippies break down in tears every time I feed on cow.
Fri Mar 15 08:23:42
GOP is out of ideas. It's all about hating the other side no matter what.

5-year old mentality appealing to middle-aged helpless white men that pigeon-holes everything into their ideal of toxic masculinity.
Fri Mar 15 08:29:36
^ says the guy whose party is currently bending over backwards to appease a very small but very vocal minority of outright Jew haters

Tell me again about how sane your Democrats are. I'll try and read through your explanation while I listen to Schumer knifing a longtime US ally in the back because he's afraid of being primaried by an AOC-style socialist.
Fri Mar 15 08:33:52
Democrats stans for nothing at this point, they are only interested in the raw exercise of power and are willing to pander to the furthest of the far left in order to achieve their goals.
Fri Mar 15 09:28:40

"And yes, I want the real thing, not some fake shit that's only "necessary" because a bunch of PETA hippies break down in tears every time I feed on cow."

It's not fake. It's just grown in a lab. Fake is the growth hormoned stuff you get at the supermarket.

Fri Mar 15 09:36:53
You have zero reasons for me to not eat real meat...

...the ONLY arguments against it are the political talking points of fringe groups that believe things like monkeys should have the right to vote and steak must be banned in order to save the planet.
Fri Mar 15 09:44:16

"You have zero reasons for me to not eat real meat..."

Yeah well ... you have zero reason for me to not eat real meat.

So there!

But maybe you don't like pudding. :oP

"...the ONLY arguments against it are the political talking points of fringe groups that believe things like monkeys should have the right to vote and steak must be banned in order to save the planet."

Or people simply don't like animals suffering or being penned up.
Fri Mar 15 10:13:18
I'm sorry that predation, a basic aspect of biology that has existed on this planet for literally billions of years, upsets some people.

That's the problem with the modern man...we think we're "above" our own inherent programming. No dipshits, you aren't smarter or wiser than the universe itself, just act normal and eat a burger already.
Fri Mar 15 10:22:55
I actually think its quite possible intelligent animals are more emotionally sensitive than humans. We are somewhat more technically inclined, what we call "rational"; a cat, dog or pig is less technical/rational and relies more on sensations and feelings, or what we like to reductively call "instinct" when we want to reduce them to autobots, in that 19th century Nimatzian technocrat view of other species. Its perfectly obvious and scientificaly established that they experience strong feelings of pleasure, fear, likes and dislikes etc. and that's the data they use to live and survive.

Its quite possible they are more of a bundle of sensations and emotions than humans, or at the very least just as emotional and sensitive. The way my cat shows affection would be considered extremely intimate and loving if a human expressed affection in the same way. You'd be hard pressed to find a human that can equal the way my cat, after 16 years with me, can still lie for over an hour staring deep into my eyes and purring blissfully and just loving being so close to me.
Fri Mar 15 10:29:08
Rugian needs to go out and make an intelligent, conscious being suffer and die to console his gender problems. For the 19th century darwinian idiots, anyone who thinks intelligent animals don't desperately want to live and will fight to the death to not lose their life ignores the most basic evolutionary principles.
Fri Mar 15 10:44:18
Ive known a couple of people who didnt really give a damn about animals and took jobs at slaughterhouses, but when they saw the terror and pain up close they had to quit after a while.
Fri Mar 15 10:49:56
Kosher and halal comes from the belief that to spill an animals blood on the dirt for God to see was a shameful act, and so they covered the blood, which represented the animals soul, from Gods eyes.
Fri Mar 15 10:54:54
Which tells us that back then they had experienced the discomfort in killing an animal, the obvious fact that the animal wass as terrified and in as much pain as a human in the same circumstances; they were obviously bothered by the event to some degree, and they tried to understand what was going on and find a religious remedy for the disturbing aspects of the experiences.
Fri Mar 15 12:12:42

"That's the problem with the modern man...we think we're "above" our own inherent programming. No dipshits, you aren't smarter or wiser than the universe itself, just act normal and eat a burger already."

What makes us human is that we're not slaves to our inherent programming. We can reprogram ourselves.

Fri Mar 15 15:08:30
Thats one of the problems with man in any era...we think everything can be reduced to the artefacts and fads of the era we happen to have been born into. In our era, idiots think the universe is a computer simulation and our brains are motherboards with processors, because computers are one of the big trends in our time, just like we thought our souls resided in our blood back when we were trying to make sense of our universe by examining the visual experience of seeing blood spill out from dying beings as their consciousness evaporated, or when we thought we would soon control the universe because we were in awe of silent, black and white moving photographs and kaleidescopes in the 1800s
Sat Mar 16 12:57:11
Meanwhile the feds just brought the hammer down on an old rancher for breeding super rams with Kyrgystan dna.

Don't breed bigger animals! Grows protein in labs and eat bugs.
Sat Mar 16 13:04:32
Sounds like a copyright issue, like someone in Japan producing "Kentucky bourbon"
large member
Sat Mar 16 14:41:01
"What makes us human is that we're not slaves to our inherent programming. We can reprogram ourselves."

Well said hyperbole (true to some extent, but there are dramatic limitations).
Sat Mar 16 15:08:27

I imagine they don't taste that good. It's being bred for size to make it a more satisfying hunt, so potential to go all Kaka is released and compete with local breeds.

Also the base animal is an endangered species
Sat Mar 16 16:52:30
The environmental angle being touted right now is bullshit. People can argue that the animals suffer but lab meat is not better for the environment.

"Researchers conducted a life-cycle assessment of the energy needed and greenhouse gases emitted in all stages of production and compared that with beef. One of the current challenges with lab-grown meat is the use of highly refined or purified growth media, the ingredients needed to help animal cells multiply. Currently, this method is similar to the biotechnology used to make pharmaceuticals. This sets up a critical question for cultured meat production: Is it a pharmaceutical product or a food product?

“If companies are having to purify growth media to pharmaceutical levels, it uses more resources, which then increases global warming potential,” said lead author and doctoral graduate Derrick Risner, UC Davis Department of Food Science and Technology. “If this product continues to be produced using the “pharma” approach, it’s going to be worse for the environment and more expensive than conventional beef production.”"
Sat Mar 16 17:23:19
I dont think anybody is saying or expecting it to be environmentally better at this experimental stage. Its nowhere near ready to be industrialized yet, its not even possible to buy anywhere yet
Mon Mar 25 01:58:58
First they gave you fake cheese, then fake news, and now they wanna give you fake meat.
Mon Mar 25 07:55:20
All so Musk can have a steady supply of meat while he visits the planets.
Mon Mar 25 13:01:44
Yeah that's the only real use to developing lab meat. Can really expect to farm cows on the moon or mars.
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