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Utopia Talk / Politics / Israel's April 1st Attacks on the World
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 02 06:35:09
In a uniquely evil attack on Western lives (the deaths of Westerners being a unique evil), on April 1st, Israel killed 7 in the worst air attacks since the USS Liberty and 9/11:

"World recoils following Israeli attack on aid convoy
Seven killed including Palestinian, Australian, Canadian-US, Polish, and UK citizens in an Israeli air attack in central Gaza’s Deir el-Balah."
[Al Jazeera; April 2nd, 2024]
[The Guardian; April 2nd, 2024]

• "United States-based aid group World Central Kitchen (WCK) confirmed on Tuesday that its staff members were killed in a “targeted attack” by the Israeli military. The dead were from Palestine, Australia, Poland, the United Kingdom, and US-Canada."
• "The NGO said its team was traveling in a “deconflicted” area in a convoy of “two armored cars branded with the WCK logo and a soft skin vehicle” at the time of the strike."
• "“Despite coordinating movements with the IDF, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the Deir al-Balah warehouse, where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza on the maritime route,” it said."

Every Western life is worth 100,000 Israelis, so there must be total condemnation. This is unspeakable evil. We cannot allow Israel's anti-White canards any longer. The Israeli occupation of Western governance must end.
Tue Apr 02 06:38:12
I fail to see a single unjustified death here. Well done Israel for eliminating these terrorist enablers.
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 02 06:41:05
"Well done Israel for eliminating these terrorist enablers."

The Israel terrorists didn't kill themselves, though. They killed Westerners.
Tue Apr 02 07:34:20

War zones are no place for hippies and tourists. Stay out of war zones if you're not there to fight.

large member
Tue Apr 02 08:47:54
That is pretty ironic. You want to move mountains to avenge people paid to die if neccesary, but are so nonchalant when it comes to people trying to mitigate a war caused famine.
Tue Apr 02 10:23:41
The World needs to destroy the Zionist terror state of Israel like Nazi Germany was destroyed. Israel has expended its ”right to exist”.
Tue Apr 02 10:24:04
"War zones are no place for hippies and tourists"

Why didn't you tell that to the jewish rave hippies that was gunned down by Israeli apache helicopters and tanks? Instead you fools blamed Hamas.
Tue Apr 02 10:56:34
"The World needs to destroy the Zionist terror state of Israel like Nazi Germany was destroyed."

Great idea. We should totally destroy a liberal, multiethnic, modern Western state like Israel in order to make way for...*checks notes* Hamas.

Does it bother you even a bit that you constantly find yourself on the side of literally evil organizations?
Tue Apr 02 11:06:37
Israel is not a liberal state. It’s a fascist genocidal settler colonial apartheid state.

Israel is not a Western state. It’s located in the Middle East.
Sam Adams
Tue Apr 02 11:07:19
Hamas was using the warehouse to move weapons.
Tue Apr 02 11:11:24
If Iran has nukes as Netanyahu claims they do (a couple of years ago he said that Iran will have nukes within months), now is the time to use them.
Tue Apr 02 11:36:22
In a single strike or three, Iran could liberate the Middle East, the USA, and the whole World from the Zionist evil. What the USA is not able to do themselves – free itself from Israel, we could allow Iran to do it. The USA needed help from the French to gain independence from Britain, and now they need the help from Iran to gain independence from Israel. Imagine, the entire world would be free of it. How is this not a good thing?
Tue Apr 02 14:15:12

"That is pretty ironic. You want to move mountains to avenge people paid to die if neccesary, but are so nonchalant when it comes to people trying to mitigate a war caused famine."

There's plenty of famine that doesn't involve operating in a war zone. Maybe they should focus on that.

Sam Adams
Tue Apr 02 14:18:03
And the gazans deserve to starve too.
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 02 14:58:08
Paramount 2024
Tue Apr 02 15:24:15
Israel managed to kill European and American citizens working for an NGO, bomb the Iranian embassy, and announce the closure of Al Jazeera all on the same day. All while committing genocide on Palestinians.

This is the new norm that the USA, UK and Germany, among others support. A new precedent has been set. The protection of and the sanctity of diplomacy, hospitals, doctors, humanitarian aid workers, civilians, infants and children, are gone and we are now entering a world we've never known.
Tue Apr 02 17:12:00
It's a war zone. You jump into shark infested waters and get eaten by a shark? No one's gonna blame the sharks.
Sam Adams
Wed Apr 03 09:58:22
"Israel managed to kill European and American citizens working for an NGO, bomb the Iranian embassy, and announce the closure of Al Jazeera all on the same day. All while committing genocide on Palestinians."

Man, these israelis are badass. What legends.
large member
Wed Apr 03 10:15:42
But to what end? Seems to me to fall under "play stupid games, win stupid prizes". At least Russia has a shot at gaining Odesa from its fuckery.
Sam Adams
Wed Apr 03 21:00:29
Russia advanced 3km in the last 2 years. Russia has no shot at anything.
Sam Adams
Wed Apr 03 21:06:28
Did you see the russian tank battalion get savaged yesterday? 50% lost in about 4 minutes. Theres still no way russia with its inferior tech can move vehicles on the modern battlefield. Odessa is quite safe.
Sam Adams
Wed Apr 03 21:08:04
Pakistani militias just goatfucked a couple iranian bases.

2 can play at the proxy war game, filthy hajjis.
Cherub Cow
Wed Apr 03 23:07:08
"Russia has no shot at anything"

The long-standing theory remains that Russia is not trying to sack Ukraine — only holding it to keep them from joining NATO. This also doubles on Israel's strategy of prolonging the Ukraine/Russia conflict so that Ukraine's White population is annihilated, at which point BlackRock can purchase the country on the cheap and re-format it as New Khazaria. The Jews are playing the sides against each other.
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