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Utopia Talk / Politics / journalists
Sam Adams
Fri Apr 05 15:55:25

How climate change is hitting vulnerable Indonesian trans sex workers

Joya Patiha, a 43-year-old Indonesian transgender woman, first started to notice that changing weather patterns in the mountain-ringed city of Bandung were affecting her income as a sex worker a decade ago.

Fri Apr 05 16:34:56

I feel the need to say ... "Not all journalists."

Cherub Cow
Sun Apr 07 15:19:15
All Journalists Are Bastards (AJAB)
You think you hate journalists enough, but you don't.
Sun Apr 07 16:06:12
"The press is a gang of cruel faggots. Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits—a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage."
Hunter S Thompson
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Mon Apr 08 14:02:38
Nixon had the same opinion.
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 08 14:12:54
Nixon was right.
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 08 15:54:01
I can't believe that umm... "MAGA"... would do this:
(Latest "this is MAGA country" just dropped)

"Men punching random women in NYC: A desperate last gasp of the male rage fueling MAGA"
[Salon; April 8th, 2024]
Direct article:
"Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner."

I can't believe the male entitlement of the.. umm.. MAGA movement... in New York City.

Biggest lie in the article:
"Women report being assaulted by men of different races and ages."
Sure thing! lol
So I guess that means that MAGA is a very diverse movement and is making a big resurgence in NYC?

And "Journalist" Amanda Marcotte said this of her article on Twitter:
"Oh men, just know that your angry emails are going unread. If I see a man's name on the email and a mention of punching women, I know what you're going to say and will delete without a read.
"I can see that you feel seen and do not like it!"

A comment points out:
"*makes this assumption on emails she deleted without reading*"

This is reminiscent of the Tumbleweed Method and is common to leftists: they didn't read or comprehend what you wrote in response to them, but that won't stop them from lying about your reply or claiming to possess a high ground (also built on lies). They can only be correct if kept insulated from the truth — in this case the truth being that these women in NYC were most likely assaulted by black and brown men who vote DNC.
Sam Adams
Tue Apr 09 11:43:20
"Women report being assaulted by men of different races and ages."

Lmfao. 48 assaults were by africans, 2 were by hispanics and 1 was by a white dude.

Different races!!! No pattern here!! Screeched the journalists in unison.
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 09 11:53:50
NPR Journo Uri Berliner (senior business editor) admits what we all knew (except for tumblefag-types):
"I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.
Uri Berliner, a veteran at the public radio institution, says the network lost its way when it started telling listeners how to think."
[April 9th, 2024]

• "Like many unfortunate things, the rise of advocacy took off with Donald Trump. As in many newsrooms, his election in 2016 was greeted at NPR with a mixture of disbelief, anger, and despair... But what began as tough, straightforward coverage of a belligerent, truth-impaired president veered toward efforts to damage or topple Trump’s presidency"

• "Persistent rumors that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia over the election became the catnip that drove reporting. At NPR, we hitched our wagon to Trump’s most visible antagonist, Representative Adam Schiff.

"Schiff, who was the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, became NPR’s guiding hand, its ever-present muse. By my count, NPR hosts interviewed Schiff 25 times about Trump and Russia. During many of those conversations, Schiff alluded to purported evidence of collusion. The Schiff talking points became the drumbeat of NPR news reports.

"But when the Mueller report found no credible evidence of collusion, NPR’s coverage was notably sparse. Russiagate quietly faded from our programming.

"It is one thing to swing and miss on a major story. Unfortunately, it happens. You follow the wrong leads, you get misled by sources you trusted, you’re emotionally invested in a narrative, and bits of circumstantial evidence never add up. It’s bad to blow a big story."

• The article goes on to talk about NPR turning a blind eye to the Hunter Biden laptop story:
"During a meeting with colleagues, I listened as one of NPR’s best and most fair-minded journalists said it was good we weren’t following the laptop story because it could help Trump."

• It also breaks that leftist-psychosis narrative about it merely being the right that made COVID political (We all knew that was a lie, except tumblefag-types, but here it is plainly):
"Politics also intruded into NPR’s Covid coverage, most notably in reporting on the origin of the pandemic ... The lab leak theory came in for rough treatment almost immediately, dismissed as racist or a right-wing conspiracy theory. Anthony Fauci and former NIH head Francis Collins, representing the public health establishment, were its most notable critics. And that was enough for NPR. We became fervent members of Team Natural Origin, even declaring that the lab leak had been debunked by scientists. [/] But that wasn’t the case."

• They also talk about carrying the lie of "systemic racism" as "a given":
"Our mission was to change it ... And we were told that NPR itself was part of the problem ... Race and identity became paramount in nearly every aspect of the workplace."

• They standardized their language in accordance with ESG/DEI:
"The current contract, in a section on DEI, requires NPR management to “keep up to date with current language and style guidance from journalism affinity groups” and to inform employees if language differs from the diktats of those groups. In such a case, the dispute could go before the DEI Accountability Committee ... And this, I believe, is the most damaging development at NPR: the absence of viewpoint diversity."

They followed the Master–Slave false dichotomy (slave morality):
• "More recently, we have approached the Israel-Hamas war and its spillover onto streets and campuses through the “intersectional” lens that has jumped from the faculty lounge to newsrooms. Oppressor versus oppressed."

The author knew they were lying about the Florida bill:
• "On March 10, 2022, I wrote to a top news executive about the numerous times we described the controversial education bill in Florida as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill when it didn’t even use the word gay."

And think about the cost of these lies. People such as tumblefag actually *believed* the liar and Bolshevik Schiff, despite him being an obvious liar, and believed the poisoned fruits of that tree. Regime media also pretended that only *their* coverage of COVID was a-political, which produced in their useful idiots the false sense that they were looking at "objective" coverage. And even today, these tumblefag-types *still* have TDS, believing that if they just stare hard enough at Trump that they'll divine the Regime's next talking points — all based upon this poisonous tree of abandoned lies and misdirections.

That said, these "journalists" — who think they'll pull a Bari Weiss by "restoring" their credibility despite falling for all of the groupthink during the crucial hours when their judgment actually mattered — can all get fucked. We didn't need another too-late retrospective from a Regime apparatchik. All that articles such as this do is give *another* "out"/escape to the psychosis left, and if they have not taken an out at this point, then their character has been tested enough. This is merely a sentencing hearing.
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 09 11:56:15
[Sam Adams]: "Different races!!! No pattern here!! Screeched the journalists in unison."

She must have been psyched to get that outlier. It's the old Bell Curve move: "[Ummmmmm. Not *all*! What about the tail ends of the Bell Curve?? Checkmate, MAGAts!]"
Tue Apr 09 12:03:53

"I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust."

NPR hasn't lost America's trust. They lost the Confederacy's trust. Only MAGA Trumpers say that NPR has lost America's trust.

Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 09 12:22:22
murder still believes the NPR Regime-propagator signal. Sad.
Cherub Cow
Wed Apr 10 04:25:22
"Journalist" Amanda Marcotte was right: those damn MAGA Republicans, terrorizing women in...... Italy

"Italian women are being terrorized & chased by gangs of "brown Arabs".

It's a longer video I trimmed, but she's saying that she lives in fear of sexual assault, robbery, and death because of what Italian leaders have done. Milan is swarming with illegals from Africa and the ME.

In this last incident, "I was only saved after a taxi driver swerved over and told me to get in"."
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 15 10:39:18
"Journalist" Max Aitchison wrote this headline:

"Who is Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel? Priest at Wakeley's Christ The Good Shepherd Church attacked in second Sydney stabbing is a known anti-vaxxer with huge online following"
[Daily Mail; April 15th, 2024]
• "The attack comes just days after six people were stabbed to death in a separate rampage at Sydney's Westfield Bondi Junction."
• "'Officers arrested a male and he is assisting police with inquiries,' the spokesperson added."

See that?
The Islamic-looking man who stabbed this priest is "a male", but the Christian priest who was stabbed is an "anti-vaxxer". This is how Regime journalists code friend and enemy.
Cherub Cow
Wed May 01 05:49:36
"Journalist" Andrew Kersley claims that "grooming" is happening in the UK!

Oh, wait. That's true. Pakistani grooming gangs are raping English women and grooming them to continue being rape victims, drug addicts, and prostitutes for other Pakistanis and Muslim men.

But guess what the "journalist"'s spin is?
It's the "far right" that is "grooming" these women... "to further anti-Muslim hate". :|
[May 1st, 2024]
"Hugely important in-depth exposé of how the far right are grooming victims and survivors of child sexual abuse. With powerful & brave testimony from “Lara” & a really sharp, thoughtful look at various factors contributing to this brutal mess. By @AndrewKersley for @BylineTimes"

A top comment is sure to point out that this is (yet again) the Norm MacDonald joke:
"What terrifies me is if Muslims were to systematically groom and rape thousands of underage White girls. Imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims?"

It's the same balance/scale of leftist immorality. They cannot say anything about their Pakistani client group being rapists, and they cannot care about White women being raped; but they *can* care about backlash against their pro-rape policies. ("[How dare you try to protect your people from rape!]")

This is, incidentally, also why some Western governments have agencies that deploy to families affected by these sorts of tragedies. They do not want some "American History X" public moment where someone says the truth about crime in leftist-run areas, so they coach the victims and their families to say that they forgive the abusers and just wish that more leftist policies were in place to make Western society more accepting of its rape.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 03 09:41:21
"Police officer stabbed during attack at far-right rally dies"
[Sky News; June 2nd, 2024]

Notice the strategic omission and inclusion:
• They cannot identify that the stabbing was perpetrated by a Muslim man.
• They *do* identify that this was at a "far-right rally"

The insinuation is that far-right people stabbed a police officer.
The reality is that a Muslim invader attacked Germans in their nation.
Sam Adams
Mon Jun 03 12:54:43
Typical journalists
Mon Jun 03 13:24:16

Muslims ARE far right.

Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 04 19:52:00
murder is basically a "journalist" now. Shameless obfuscator.

In reality, we know that the left supports Islam within its slave coalition, so, at best, murder is admitting that the left wants "far right" Muslims within their movement. This fulfills the golem purpose of mass-migration, where the left believes that right-wing elements from foreign nations can be used to sack the West. I.e., the left will support the "far right" of conquering nations so long as that "far right" destroys the "far right" sisters and brothers within their own nations, being that the left are composed of traitors who hate their own families.

But, of course, more to the point, this media source had no intention of coding Muslims as "far right". Regime media avoids that statement since it reveals the above. They were coding White Westerners *against* Muslim occupation as "far right" and protecting their client group (the Muslims). In fact, leftists within this German city showed up to oppose this "far right" White Westerner group the following day — *supporting* the Muslim man who stabbed them and killed one of the city's White police officers.

In short, murder hates his own people more than he hates a Muslim conqueror within his own nation, and his "far right" red herring does nothing to dispel this. murder has, in fact, proudly admitted this repeatedly.
Wed Jun 05 05:16:06

"In short, murder hates his own people more than he hates a Muslim conqueror within his own nation"

I hate you both equally. :o)

Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 23 06:48:30
"2 men arrested in strangulation of 12-year-old Houston girl whose body was found in a creek"
[AP News; June 20th, 2024]

AP "journalists": "2 men"
Reality: "2 illegals from Venezuela who entered illegally in March 2024"

Border Patrol spokesman via Fox:
"On March 14, Martinez was apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol near El Paso, Texas. That same day he was released on an order of recognizance with a notice to appear," the spokesperson added. "Pena was apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol on May 28 near El Paso. He was also released on an order of recognizance with a notice to appear the same day he was apprehended."

Incidentally, this is part of the DNC Border Treason as well; "journalists" just support that treason.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 23 10:01:05
MSNBC pundit Symone Sanders thinks that the illegal/criminal invaders who murdered a 12-year-old should be described as "undocumented":
Sun Jun 23 11:08:36
Genocide Joe is ultimately responsible for her death.
Sun Jun 23 11:38:07
Adding this one for the record.

"Far-left US pundit who rolled eyes at hostage’s sister axed by The Hill

7 June 2024, 4:28 pm

Far-left commentator Briahna Joy Gray, who has repeatedly sought to cast doubt on the sexual violence perpetrated against Israeli women during the Hamas-led terror onslaught, announced Friday that she has been fired from The Hill where she co-hosted its morning news talk show “Rising.”

The announcement came after Gray went viral Wednesday when she was caught aggressively rolling her eyes and cutting off Yarden Gonen, the sister of hostage Romi Gonen, who urged her to believe Israeli women’s accounts of sexual assault during the October 7 onslaught.

“I really hope that you specifically will believe women when they say they got hurt,” Gonen said at the interview, to which Gray responded with an exaggerated eye roll.

“Okay, thanks for joining. Stick around,” Gray said."

Mon Jun 24 10:27:34
Ahead of this week's debate:

"CNN cut off an interview with former President Donald Trump’s campaign spokesperson Monday morning.

CNN anchor Kasie Hunt ended the interview with spokesperson Karoline Leavitt after the latter brought up comparisons made by one of CNN’s anchors and debate moderators between Trump and Adolf Hitler.

Leavitt said it would be easy to find comments made by Jake Tapper, who will host Thursday’s presidential debate, that compare the former president to Hitler.

It would take someone five minutes to Google ‘Jake Tapper Donald Trump’ to see that Jake Tapper has consistently frequently likened President Trump to Adolf [Hitler],” Leavitt said as Hunt interrupted her.

Hunt warned Leavitt twice she would end the interview if the spokesperson continued discussing Tapper. Leavitt argued she was repeating Tapper’s comments, which Hunt rejected.

“I am going to stop this interview if you continue to attack my colleagues,” Hunt said. “I would like to talk about Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who you work for. If you are here to speak on his behalf, I am willing to have this conversation.”

CNN ended the interview after Leavitt repeated her argument.

“Karoline, thank you very much for your time. You are welcome to come back at any point,” Hunt said. “She is welcome to come back and speak about Donald Trump, and Donald Trump will have equal time to Joe Biden when they both join us now later this week in Atlanta for this debate.”

Following the exchange, Hunt claimed on social media that Leavitt was disrespecting Tapper.

You come on my show, you respect my colleagues. Period,” she wrote on X. “I don’t care what side of the aisle you stand on, as my track record clearly shows.”
Leavitt said the interview showed that CNN would treat Trump unfairly in the debate.

“You cut off my microphone for bringing up the debate moderator’s history of anti-Trump lies,” she wrote. “This proved our point that President Trump will not be treated fairly on Thursday. Yet he is still willing to go into this 3-1 fight to bring his winning message to the American people, and he will win.”


This debate is going to be a total shitshow, with two biased anti-Trump moderators who have access to a mute button. The deck is definitely stacked against him.
Mon Jun 24 17:18:57
Trump will love it. The more drama the better for him He thrives on it.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 25 03:02:45
[Rugian]: "This debate is going to be a total shitshow, with two biased anti-Trump moderators who have access to a mute button. The deck is definitely stacked against him."

I'm hoping that his campaign is thinking of gaming it the way they gamed the 60 Minutes interview. In that case, Bolshevik Jew Lesley Stahl attempted to deceive during the interview and then falsify victories in the edit, but all Trump's team had to do was record the entire thing on a cell phone and release it — unedited — to the public. Anyone paying attention was able to see how much 60 Minutes lied by omission and edits — similar to the Show Trial edits.

In the case of this debate, they've clearly attempted to game things by creating a format that allows Biden to hide his dementia. Trump not being able to interrupt due to mutes means that Biden can just repeat whatever is in his ear or read scripted talking points (whereas being interrupted makes his fragile dementia-mind skip a beat and permanently lose track). But, if the Trump team records when CNN is muting, records the un-muted audio, and ignores the mutes (allowing Trump to interrupt), then they can release the unedited video and show how pathetic Biden is.

I've also seen someone on Twitter/X suggest that Trump's team simply delaying the debate by about an hour would cause Biden's team to screw up their timing of Biden's uppers. Biden's dementia/Parkinson's means that he sundowns very sharply, so they've been giving him amphetamines or some drug cocktail when needed (See, e.g., the hard cuts in Biden's 2022 NOBLE conference speech http://x.com/CherubCow/status/1553361561061888000/ or as a meme http://imgur.com/gallery/amphetamines-ftw-Rb8SIf0 ). If they can force bad timing of Biden's drug cocktail, then they can cause Biden to sundown on stage; Biden may even get a migraine aura (symptoms similar to a stroke) and be unable to speak.

CNN would probably protect from this strategy by insisting that things proceed on schedule, but if the Trump team is not actively thinking of ways to expose Biden's dementia on stage — despite all of CNN's tricks — then they're not gaming this correctly.
Sam Adams
Fri Jun 28 12:11:50
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 28 18:29:42
Fri Jun 28 19:06:01
The hyenas are starting to turn on him:

"The New York Times editorial board called on President Biden to suspend his campaign after his shaky debate performance against former President Trump on Thursday.

“The New York Times editorial board called on President Biden to suspend his campaign after his shaky debate performance against former President Trump on Thursday.

Mr. Biden has said that he is the candidate with the best chance of taking on this threat of tyranny and defeating it. His argument rests largely on the fact that he beat Mr. Trump in 2020,” the board wrote. “That is no longer a sufficient rationale for why Mr. Biden should be the Democratic nominee this year.”

“He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans,” the Times said. “More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.”

“There is no reason for the party to risk the stability and security of the country by forcing voters to choose between Mr. Trump’s deficiencies and those of Mr. Biden,” the board said."

Cherub Cow
Tue Aug 13 06:24:51
"It’s not an interview when the person asking the questions has endorsed you and is a donor to your campaign."
[Jim Sciutto, CNN "journalist", describing the Musk/Trump discussion; August 12th, 2024]

Ignoring for a moment that Musk explicitly stated that it is not an "interview" but a "conversation", Sciutto's statement is one of those "What if the roles were reversed?" tests that leftists always fail. This is like when Psaki, Comey, and others have described what it "would" be like if the DoJ/FBI were weaponized in a future Trump presidency... and then proceed to describe what they themselves are currently doing. In this case, Sciutto and others at CNN have blatantly revealed their pro-DNC bias and yet get plenty of interviews with DNC officials under the "access journalism" model.

The right has begun accepting this reality and avoiding playing into the left's prestige networks. A major failing of previous right-wing candidates is that they would still want to get the CNN interview — they still wanted to impress Regime media, falling into its traps. The problem is that this concession gives the Regime further power and stops the right from realizing what its own objectives should be.

For instance, the mass-deportation of unassimilated foreigners becomes a non-starter when a judgmental CNN "journalist" (i.e., Regime apparatchik) frames such positions as "mean" or "cruel" during an interview, causing the right-wing candidate to make concessions with the apparatchik. Such concessions might have made sense when the left was still attempting to "platform" the opposition, but that has long since ended. The direct consequence of the left not "platforming" the right is that the right no longer needs to care about appeasing the foreign subversives of the left — which is to say that leftists, Democrats, and progressives are not actually Americans nor are they Westerners and must now be treated as the foreign agents and traitors that they are.
Tue Aug 13 08:02:37

Clearly you didn't see Vance making the rounds with MSM interviewers this week.

And of course, the interviewers treated him with open contempt and hostility. Dana Bash tried to deflect Vance's commenting on Walz's deceptions about his military record by asking him if Trump avoiding military service was shameful. Jonathan Karl tried to gaslight in real time and repeatedly interrupted and argued with him in order to deny Vance's (factual) talking points about Kamala having been the border czar or Walz having signed some questionable LGBT(P) legislation.

For anyone who still claims that the media being openly hostile and biased against Trump is due solely to his personality and not his politics, yeah that's absolute bullshit. Vance got the exact same treatment, as would *any* Republican in that position.

The media is the enemy of the people and needs to be treated as such.
Cherub Cow
Tue Aug 13 09:39:42
[Rugian]: "Clearly you didn't see Vance making the rounds with MSM interviewers this week."

Oh, I did. I saw those clips. Jewish Bolshevik Dana Schwartz-Bash tried using these tactics but found Vance hostile and without concessions. Vance was showing this spirit of not appeasing a foreign subversive.

It is not a matter of not having the interview at all but of treating it as a hostile interview. Trump did the same when interviewed by Jewish Bolshevik Leslie Stahl on "60 Minutes" in 2020. He knew that "60 Minutes" does hatchet reporting, so he recorded the entire interview and uploaded it unedited, exposing Stahl and taking steam out of the "60 Minutes" propaganda. A major reason that Trump became such an enemy to the Regime is that he would not appease these Bolsheviks; he called them out when they lied.
Cherub Cow
Tue Aug 13 10:01:12
A "journalist" appears as a guest on Colbert:
"Audience starts cracking up after a serious Stephen Colbert tells CNN’s Kaitlan Collins that CNN “just reports the news as it is.”"
Tue Aug 13 10:05:44
Oh you rapscallion you. I notice you have no such descriptive slurs for the filthy Gentile Jonathan Karl. I guess he doesn't fit into your us vs the evil Christ-killing Jews worldview? :)
Cherub Cow
Tue Aug 13 10:43:06
He's still a "journalist", so he's spiritually Jewish ;p
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 19 06:08:49
"[Kamala Harris] has always identified as black."
— Regime journalist Martha Raddatz

Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.
The Regime needs Harris to be black, therefore, she has always been black.
Cherub Cow
Sun Aug 25 07:36:58
Norm MacDonald meme never misses:

After ISIS takes credit for the murder of three Germans at the "Festival of Diversity" (lol) by a Syrian refugee, "journalist" appears to say,
"You just really worry about how it could be used by those on the far right to stir up hatred"
[August 24th, 2024]

Story from ABC Chicago:
"Later in the day, police said they searched a refugee housing complex near the festival area based on a tip and arrested a second person in connection with the stabbing attack."

From Independent.UK:
• "German federal prosecutors have taken over the investigation into the atrocity after police and revealed the suspect had surrendered following a major manhunt."
• "The suspect, a Syrian man according to Reuters news agency, is said to be affiliated with a home for refugees in Solingen that was raided on Saturday."

Yeah. To sebguls, the worst part about a Syrian refugee stabbing three Germans is that — after those three Germans are murdered in cold blood — people might be upset about it. And *that* — that people might be upset about it — is the worst part.
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 16 13:36:41
"Opinion: There is no place in politics for violence. That said, the former president, Donald Trump, brings a lot of this stuff on himself."
[Cincinnati Enquirer; September 16th, 2024]

• "Trump brings these assassination attempts on himself | Letters
When Donald Trump continues to lie about losing the 2020 election and legal immigrants in Springfield, he brings the crazies out, and one of those crazies tried to shoot him."
• "why should the American people continue to put out extra millions for protection that is only needed because the former president can't keep from lying and bringing these issues on himself?"

"Former" is in bold in "former president", btw, so this author is another of those "journalists" trying to remove Trump's protective detail so that future attempts will be successful. These people are sick.
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