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Utopia Talk / Politics / Jim Crow laws: A Republican endorsement
Wed Jun 05 21:13:51
Rep. Bryron Donald (R) Florida ... A black man, says that black families were better off under racist and segregationist Jim Crow laws.

This man is currently hoping to be selected by Donald Trump to be his vice-presidential running mate.

Republicans love negroes who hate themselves and their race. And the more you are willing to denigrate and debase yourself, the higher a black person can hope to rise in the Republican Party.

Even black Republicans have to be white supremacists.
Wed Jun 05 21:20:13
Well we all now know that Jim Crow laws couldn't be that bad...given that even the most minor of election security laws in Georgia prompted the senile fucking idiot corrupt piece of shit "President" Joe Biden to declare that the state was under "Jim Eagle" rule.

If being asked to show an ID to vote counts as "Jim Eagle," then "Jim Crow" was a big nothing burger. At least according to the Democrats.
Wed Jun 05 21:22:38
Granted, this is the same Joe Biden who in 2012 told a crowd of black people that GOP candidate Mitt Romney would put them all back in chains, and the same Joe Biden that *just* told a bunch of idealistic black college graduates that they could never succeed in America because this entire place is fundamentally racist...

...if you want to accuse someone of being a race grifter, you need not look further than the Oval Office.
Wed Jun 05 23:20:41
except he didn't say black families were better off. He said Democrats policies were eroding traditional black families and during the Jim Crow era there were more traditional black families. His statement was about traditional families being better and they were more prevalent during Jim Crow.
He is telling you if you listen to the whole thing that Democrats policies are destroying black lives through handouts and other social programs.
Thu Jun 06 07:29:36
How many of you guys were alive when Jim Crow ruled the South?
Thu Jun 06 08:14:39

Not I.

Since you were, do you agree with Biden's suggestion that Georgia's voter security laws are worse than Jim Crow?
Thu Jun 06 16:37:52
Nope, They are the precursors of a return to Jim Crow though.

When I first went south as a 17 yr old in the Navy, I was kind of shocked at the extent of it. I was stationed in Norfolk and used to ride the Ferry from Little Creek to Kiptopeke across the Chesapeake Bay and they had segregated water fountains and bathrooms on the Ferrys.
The one thing that still amazes me is the idiots who wouldn't sit and eat in a restaurant with black people. Yet in virtually every restaurant the cooks and kitchen help were all black.

So do you think the laws passed in Georgia that bans people from giving water to those in long lines at the polls are just wonderful? Or the closure of many polls in heavily populated minority areas in several big cities as a good thing?
large member
Fri Jun 07 06:32:18
He is not wrong in relative terms (wellbeing compared to wellbeing of white population) Good factory jobs in Detroit. Gang, drug and incarceration rates lower. But correlation does not prove causation.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 07 06:48:06
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "Even black Republicans have to be white supremacists."

Murder is doing the meme:
"Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy"

Whenever a black person breaks out of the DNC's enslavement formula (escaping slave morality; escaping the "Democratic plantation"), the left calls him a white supremacist. This is because the left is intrinsically dysgenic and wants black people — and all people — to make themselves more easily enslaved by the totalitarian state. Nobility itself is the enemy of the goblin left.

[kargen]: "He is telling you if you listen to the whole thing that Democrats policies are destroying black lives through handouts and other social programs."

DNC policies have destroyed black people in these United States for generations. If right-wing policies and noble rule had been enabled within black populations, they would have achieved eugenic gains and noble morality gains, with their populations gaining intelligence over generations and becoming more moral.

The left absolutely opposes this. The left wants atheistic black people who abort their children (dygenics under Planned Parenthood), have no intact family units (absent fathers have increased under DNC formulas of "Civil Rights"), and vote unanimously for their continued enslavement (continued DNC voters). The left will outright tell you that they are against eugenics — even as it is the natural guiding principle of life — because "[muh Hitler]" thought-terminating cliché.

So, instead, the left wants black communities to maintain their "black" culture of self-enslavement (maintain slave morality) yet be given more power within society. This is the formula of a slave revolt, which, again, is dysgenic. The left commits these atrocities against black communities simply because black communities are a reliable voting bloc and can be used to destroy society. There is no more "virtue" to their strategy than that.

And, sadly for black people, the global slave revolt has identified them to be too stubborn against further enslavement (they need too many bribes!), so well before they figure out what the DNC has done to them, they too will be replaced by the migrant hordes.
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