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Utopia Talk / Politics / USSC just turned this country into
Mon Jul 01 09:43:18
a dictatorship.

Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 01 10:04:41
Mon Jul 01 10:47:06
Time to change your panties CC. Maybe a maxi pad or two to catch the run off.
Mon Jul 01 10:49:10
It will be interesting to see where in the fine print that Biden is NOT covered in the USSC ruling that 'OFFICIAL' actions by the POTUS is exempt from criminal prosecution.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 01 11:00:40
If it's as bad as they say, then Biden can put this power to the test:
[Sotomayor (absolute retard)]: "When [the President] uses his official powers in any way, under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy's [SEAL] Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune."
Mon Jul 01 11:11:35

If Joe Biden wasn't so confused, he would have all these Supreme Court Trump enablers rounded up and disposed of today if not yesterday.

Don't worry, it's all nice and legal.

Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 01 11:21:22
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "If Joe Biden wasn't so confused"

False premise. Biden is a puppet. His dementia is irrelevant since his handlers are in charge. That said, will his handlers use this power that the Supreme Court (supposedly) gave them?
the wanderer
Mon Jul 01 11:22:55
this court is so bad...

all his talk w/ DOJ immune, his pressure on Pence 'presumptively immune'... why? 'hey you guys, do corrupt & illegal shit for me!' a-ok

(not the blanket immunity the lawless criminal fuckhead fraud wanted, but more than expected or deserved... plus he'll claim it's makes him fully immune as he lies 100% of the time... & his dumb fucking cult will cheer for it instead of being disgusted by what he's getting away with even though -obviously- they wouldn't stand for it in reverse)
Mon Jul 01 11:24:17
The amount of ignorance in this thread is extraordinary.

Guys, this is seriously one of those stories that you can't understand merely by reading headlines. Just FYI.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 01 11:32:51
No, Rugian. CNN said "our democracy" is over so it is so over. Democracy sisters deadass in the accepting dictatorship arc, frfr
the wanderer
Mon Jul 01 11:42:04
"Today’s Historic Decision by the Supreme Court should end all of Crooked Joe Biden’s Witch Hunts against me, including the New York Hoaxes - The Manhattan SCAM cooked up by Soros backed D.A., Alvin Bragg, Racist New York Attorney General Tish James’ shameless ATTACK on the amazing business that I have built, and the FAKE Bergdorf’s “case.” PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!"

it has no reason to end any case involving his actions when not even 'president' (OBVIOUSLY)

so not docs, not bank fraud, not all of J6, & not even paying off porn star (despite while being president, not going to be official act)... no prosecution in its entirety at all

FUCKING CRAZY that this lawless -constantly- lying piece of shit child dictator is a candidate
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 01 11:45:23
pretty wild that the pedophile supporters are lying about who's a liar here. The Dems are proven liars and frauds. It must suck to suck.
Mon Jul 01 12:22:00
C'mon CC you know you would suck Trump off in a heart beat.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 01 12:23:17
I'm not the one who has made 46 threads about sucking Trump's dick, faggot.
Mon Jul 01 12:27:08
I'm betting that the Court has written somewhere in this that the current POTUS (Biden) can not avail himself of this ruling. Only the next and future POTUSs will be allowed to break laws as long as they remember to say it's 'OFFICIAL'.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 01 12:45:54
Wow, you're a dumbass.
Mon Jul 01 12:49:46
Thank you CC that's a high complement coming from you.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 01 13:14:46
Patom just tried to project superiority but used the wrong homophone. It's "compliment", you dumb fuck.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 01 13:20:35
The Supreme Court totally dismantled most of the charges against me. Joe Biden should now call off his “dogs.” Our Country should now be focused on GREATNESS again!

is that a true statement, CC?

do his multitude of worse elementary-school misspellings make him a 'dumb fuck' (including his constant projection of superiority: 'nobody knows <anything> better than me!' & 'i alone can fix ___'?
Mon Jul 01 14:15:37
OMG I used the wrong homophone. When ever that happens it gives me a wicked urge for some of grammars synonym cookies. Oh my what will I do???
Mon Jul 01 14:43:45
All hail king Biden!

If he wasn't such an old geezer at this point, he'd be rounding up all his political opponents by military executive order as a risk to national security.
Mon Jul 01 15:41:35
"If he wasn't such an old geezer at this point, he'd be rounding up all his political opponents by military executive order as a risk to national security."

I'm thinking the Supremes have a clause in this that bars Biden from taking advantage of this.
Mon Jul 01 16:39:24
Both sides are giving this decision way more power than what was actually decided. The other decision makes January 6th much harder to prosecute and this one should have almost no affect on the documents case.
For an act to be an official act it would need to pass legal and constitutional scrutiny.
Mon Jul 01 18:13:53
The danger is if Trump is elected and what he will do with that much power. He's already said what he'll do, even before this ruling.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 01 18:21:19
"For an act to be an official act it would need to pass legal and constitutional scrutiny"

the shit court has already stated his communication w/ DOJ is immune not only from prosecution but even bringing up as evidence... Trump -factually- (& -no one disputes it-) pressured the DOJ to -lie- to states about mass fraud & when they refused, was in process of installing a shitbag AG who would do so (& had already written the letter, thus -factually- proven to have occurred), foiled just by mass resignation threat...

that is obvious evidence of his corrupt intent that is now hidden (as it already was from your cult by their news sources... i'm sure you've heard none of it outside of me posting it... google Jeffrey Clark who took the 5th to all questioning, find me ANYONE who denies it occurred

so annoying the cult reaction will be to doubt it happened... again NOBODY denies it & there's written proof beyond the testimony of multiple people... simple proven fact... but all will just claim it didn't happen... there's the real TDS, all negative Trump info is automatically false somehow
Mon Jul 01 18:31:03

Ah, so now we are venturing into the territory of putting a president's every single action while in office under the microscope, with any single decision potentially subject to criminal prosecution by his political opponents after he leaves office.

Included in those potentially criminally liable actions are core components of his duties as president, as well as activities that are inherently subjective in nature in terms of their utility to the republic.

Who needs historians to judge a president's official actions while in office when you can have the criminal courts system do that instead? I look forward to the day when we can finally criminally convict every president still living for some random action he took during his stint as the most consequential man in the entire world (and let's be clear, you could find a random statute to convict *all* of them).

In all seriousness, I see this decision as correct but still dangerous, because it gives formal legal sanction to a terrible aspect of the presidential office that up until now had only been quietly accepted precedent. But let's remember, it was Biden and the Democrats who forced this decision to be made in the first place, because they took the unprecedented step of trying to criminally prosecute a former president for things he did in office. They opened this Pandora's Box, and our country I think will be worse for it as a result.
Mon Jul 01 18:33:32
patom what did he say he would do?
the wanderer
Mon Jul 01 19:10:36
"it was Biden and the Democrats who forced this decision to be made in the first place, because they took the unprecedented step of trying to criminally prosecute a former president for things he did in office. They opened this Pandora's Box, and our country I think will be worse for it as a result"

this obviously makes no sense... if you're never going to try to charge the president for the crimes he committed, then what difference does it make

you're operating under some weird premise that he didn't commit crimes... he did... & your side now celebrating not that he's been exonerated, just that's he's been put above the law for the crimes he committed (at least in part... it's completely crazy to exclude obvious corrupt acts from even being used as evidence)

a general principle of being immune for things that -clearly- are presidential duties would probably have been fine, but they went beyond it, and stupidly so... even your Amy judge disagreed w/ that stupid exclusion of evidence part

(& trying to corruptly change the election process w/ lies & pressure is NOT remotely a presidential duty)
Mon Jul 01 19:17:50

"I'm thinking the Supremes have a clause in this that bars Biden from taking advantage of this."

Round them up too.

the wanderer
Mon Jul 01 19:19:58
one positive, noted by a commentator, was that now in holding the hearings to decide which corrupt acts done by Trump were corrupt official duties (which are now a-ok) vs corrupt non-official duties will again present the evidence to the public (not that the cult will be able to see or hear it, but the people in the middle will)
Mon Jul 01 19:28:20

Sure ... but haven't you heard? Biden is old!

Mon Jul 01 19:58:47
Dismantling Chevron, and a blow against lawfare in less than a week?

Maybe the court doesn't need to be disbanded just yet
the wanderer
Mon Jul 01 21:50:35
odd you'd find it a blow against lawfare as it only affects 1 criminal... plus makes it completely fine for Biden to corruptly conspire w/ the DOJ (if he actually was interested in using lawfare against R's... for which there is no evidence)

yet again R's cheering for a power being given that they don't actually want to apply to anyone but the cult leader... just like they want only Pence but not Kamala to control which electoral votes to accept... & just like they don't believe a president should be allowed to just take any classified docs he wants, but have to ignore/accept the cult leader doing it & (crazily) claiming it's the law

so fucking ridiculous...
Mon Jul 01 23:23:42
"plus makes it completely fine for Biden to corruptly conspire w/ the DOJ"

Even you in your mentally incapacitated state know that not to be true. Not even true in any of the imaginary worlds you often visit.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 02 00:36:02
always wrong kargen yet again...

The indictment alleges that as part of their conspiracy to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 presidential election, Trump and his co-conspirators attempted to leverage the Justice Department’s power and authority to convince certain States to replace their legitimate electors with Trump’s fraudulent slates of electors. According to the indictment, Trump met with the Acting Attorney General and other senior Justice Department and White House officials to discuss investigating purported election fraud and sending a letter from the Department to those States regarding such fraud. The indictment further alleges that after the Acting Attorney General resisted Trump’s requests, Trump repeatedly threatened to replace him.

The Government does not dispute that the indictment’s allegations regarding the Justice Department involve Trump’s use of official power. The allegations in fact plainly implicate Trump’s “conclusive and preclusive” authority. The Executive Branch has “exclusive authority and absolute discretion” to decide which crimes to investigate and prosecute, including with respect to allegations of election crime. Nixon, 418 U. S., at 693. And the President’s “management of the Executive Branch” requires him to have “unrestricted power to remove the most important of his subordinates”—such as the Attorney General—“in their most important duties.” Fitzgerald, 457 U. S., at 750. The indictment’s allegations that the requested investigations were shams or proposed for an improper purpose do not divest the President of exclusive authority over the investigative and prosecutorial functions of the Justice Department and its officials. Because the President cannot be prosecuted for conduct within his exclusive constitutional authority, Trump is absolutely immune from prosecution for the alleged conduct involving his discussions with Justice Department officials.
& later (p30 & 31) states it can't even be used as evidence to display his obvious corrupt intent in his criminal efforts to overturn the election (& same w/ any other broadly viewed 'official act')

the shit ruling:

very clearly stating Trump can have the DOJ do shit even if "shams or proposed for an improper purpose" & can threaten to fire & free to replace the AG w/ a corrupt stooge if they refuse to do so
(completely fucking nuts they can't even inform a jury of any of that shit)

thus Biden can chuck Merrick Garland & put in the Left's equivalent of Laura Loomer or Steve Bannon or whomever (if there is someone so disgusting on the Left) to try to manufacture charges on every R they can, no matter how weak... (& every Christian too... as Biden totally is going after Christians... & Christianity will be threatened if Biden elected again so sayeth the cult leader)
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 02 00:38:12
[Tumbletard (TDS Bot, pedophile supporter, probable pedophile)]: "do his multitude of worse elementary-school misspellings make him a 'dumb fuck' (including his constant projection of superiority: 'nobody knows <anything> better than me!' & 'i alone can fix ___'?"

You really are this fucking stupid, aren't you?
You really do not realize what an absolute «non sequitur» your comment was, do you?

To spell it out for your pathetic low-IQ little brain (not that this will help since your IQ is so low that you cannot understand paragraphs and thus bail when you see something longer than a Tweet), patom did what dukhat often does: he tried to take a pot-shot at my intelligence while he himself was saying retarded things. The issue was not just some spelling error. It is retarded of you to think that a spelling error means that someone is retarded or that that was my meaning. The issue is that he attempted to *directly* take a pot-shot at my *intelligence* while failing to hold a position of actual intellectual superiority. It was direct and clean hypocrisy and failure with no need for interpretation.

In contrast, notice that in your faggoty example you had to play leftist (faggoty) games with semantics to make Trump's quotation even a little bit similar. You had to pretend that there was a "constant projection of superiority" that made it similar, since you are a dumb fuck. In reality, that Trump quotation has fuckall to do with patom making a direct comment about my intelligence while himself being a fucking idiot. Similarly, you are a fucking idiot for failing to understand this simple idea.

[Tumbletard (TDS Bot, pedophile supporter, probable pedophile)]: "is that a true statement, CC?"

In spirit, yes. It all goes back to this old quotation:
[Zito]: "When he makes claims like this, the press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally."

In other words, fucking idiots such as yourself and the totalitarian Regime whose dick you suck will look at a Trump statement like that and say, "'*most* of the charges'?? *Actualllllllly*, there are 5 billion charges against Trump and these only affect 1 billion, so that is not 'most'. Checkmate, MAGAts!"

This is the kind of retarded "fact-checking" that you do in your psychosis threads. Whereas, the truth of Trump's statement is that the Bolshevik-infiltrated government has indeed been targeting Trump, this SC decision does indeed help Trump, and the puppet pedophile Biden is indeed part of this transparent lawfare. The Biden WH could simply put out a statement saying that he does not agree with the use of lawfare against political opposition, and, even if not specifically addressed to any active case in a way which would legally interfere, this would send a message to the other Bolsheviks. Instead, all of the WH statements have been hedging on Regime-endorsed statements which "okay" the lawfare. So if you're pretending that Biden's DoJ is a neutral institution following evidence for its own sake, you're just another brainless Party acolyte who will speak any lie if it benefits the Party.

[patom (boomer-brained idiot)]: "I'm thinking the Supremes have a clause in this that bars Biden from taking advantage of this."

You're retarded. Feel free to search for a clause. There is none. Biden won't be sending SEAL Team 6 kill squads to Trump because this decision does not give him that authority. That is another dumbass leftist talking point.

[patom (boomer-brained idiot)]: "He's already said what he'll do, even before this ruling."

If this is one of those "dictator on day 1" delusions, you really are a fucking idiot. Regime media ran with the lie that Trump himself said he was going to be a dictator because of a joke he made, with the actual reality of Trump's statement being that he would start his term with a series of Executive Orders — which Biden *also* did and which is legal.

Trump has not magically changed the powers of the presidency. You delusional weirdos who think that he'll be rounding up reporters might want to wonder why he let Jim Acosta screech like a psycho in his face so often but Acosta was effectively immune from any counter-action (Acosta even sued the Trump WH). The Regime tells you that every single GOP president is "literally Hitler" because they are trying to motivate their mob of apathetic retards to the polls.

[Tumbletard (TDS Bot, pedophile supporter, probable pedophile)]: "Trump -factually- (& -no one disputes it-) pressured the DOJ to -lie- to states about mass fraud & when they refused"

False and liar-pilled.
Your false statement is built on the false premise that there was no mass fraud and/or no evidence of the same. Your *assumption* (which requires mind-reading and psychotic falsification) is that he "knew" that there was no fraud (i.e., that he agreed with the pedophile Regime that you support — agreed with the opposition liars!) and that he did not care because he wanted to change the outcome. This is the Regime's "overturn the election" hoax. In reality, the election was *not* settled and there *was* evidence of wrongdoing, thus, there was **no overturning**. Liar-faggots have to pretend that "overturning" is not a lie because otherwise you'd have to realize that election litigation is part of the process. Trump's actions were not "overturning" any more than a qualified voter casting a ballot on time would be "overturning" results by voting for the candidate that you (as biased observer) do not like.

[Tumbletard (TDS Bot, pedophile supporter, probable pedophile)]: "there's the real TDS"

No, you dumb bitch. *This* is the real TDS:
That's now 46 threads, tumblefag.
Once again, your pathetic attempt to project that *others* have TDS falls flat when your continued project for *years* has been misinterpreting Trump for sport. You are a psychopath and are deranged, and the only thing that will relieve you of your obsession for Trump is if you have sex with him or murder him.

[Tumbletard (TDS Bot, pedophile supporter, probable pedophile)]: "you're operating under some weird premise that he didn't commit crimes... he did..."

Can't wait for you to mention that Obama ordered a drone-strike against an American citizen in Yemen. Surely, you have been saying how much you want Obama charged for his many crimes?

[Rugian]: "(and let's be clear, you could find a random statute to convict *all* of them)"

Yup. And that's the Cardinal Richelieu game that the Bolsheviks are playing. There are *three* branches of government, but the Bolsheviks want to dissolve their power and infiltrate with more (e.g., propaganda (truth-falsifying apparatuses), the bureaucracy)

They are trying to remove the powers of each:
• Congress — the Bolsheviks want to dissolve the Senate, they want extra Rep. seats through mass-migration, and they want enforced DEI representation (enforced Bolshevik control)
• Executive — they want to dissolve the powers of the presidency, making the executive just some regular citizen group that can be prosecuted at will if it does not comply with the Bolsheviks.
• Courts — they want to pack the courts (and for deranged leftists who fell for the propaganda, that does not mean appointing DNC judges; "packing" means expanding court seats to dissolve their powers), and deranged leftists such as AOC and DNC media want to prosecute the courts for showing favoritism towards American values (e.g., "An Appeal to Heaven" flag as "disqualifying").

And they are trying to expand the powers of the Bolsheviks:
• propaganda — legally enforced Regime narratives (e.g., their infiltration of social media, their attempts to pass laws on "misinformation", mass-censorship, controlled Overton Window)
• bureaucracy — their capture of the "expert class" (Bolshevik slaves) who overrule the decisions of the branches (codified immunity from the 3 branches); this is why they were upset by thhe overturned Chevron deference.

Leftists support these things because they are totalitarian sycophants and pedophile supporters. Their goal is the annihilation of the West. I doubt that any leftist here would push against the DNC's open attack on the Republic's protections.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 02 00:41:06
[Tumbletard (TDS Bot, pedophile supporter, probable pedophile)]: "thus Biden can chuck Merrick Garland & put in the Left's equivalent of Laura Loomer or Steve Bannon or whomever"

This is how out-of-touch tumblefag is. He thinks that Loomer and Bannon are key figures on the right rather than grifters who have been largely discarded. That makes sense, since tumblefag is still such a fucking idiot that he thinks that he can just attack Fox News as though Hot Rod boomer-types are still here to care about that controlled opposition network.

Many leftists have no idea where the ideological pushes are coming from on the right.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 02 00:48:26
*"upset by [the] overturned Chevron deference."
the wanderer
Tue Jul 02 00:52:21
...also the shit justices write (in same excerpt above):

"Trump met with the Acting Attorney General and other senior Justice Department and White House officials to discuss investigating purported election fraud and sending a letter from the Department to those States regarding such fraud. The indictment further alleges that after the Acting Attorney General resisted Trump’s requests..."

total whitewashing... it wasn't about refusing to investigate fraud, they DID investigate his nonsense claims (over & over), they refused to -lie- that they had -found- fraud (which is what the letter was also about)...

whichever shitbag justice wrote that section totally hiding the corruptness... (oh, he just wanted to 'investigate'... gee, whats wrong w/ that... m|m)

& we're stuck w/ these shit justices for at least a generation
the wanderer
Tue Jul 02 00:57:30
(in the unlikely event anyone thinks CC made a good point, please repost it & i will address it... & most likely crush it)
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 02 01:06:36
[tumblefag (TDS bot, impotent idiot)]: "(in the unlikely event anyone thinks CC made a good point, please repost it & i will address it... & most likely crush it)"

There's the tumblefag method yet again:
The Tumbleweed Method
1) Demand evidence
2) Do not read or comprehend any evidence offered and even say that you did not read the evidence (e.g., "TLDR", "just skimmed it")
3) Claim that there was no evidence
4) Gish-Gallop information unrelated to the issue to obfuscate into new delusions which similarly cannot be defended and which themselves fall apart with even the lightest scrutiny.
5) Repeat the method while waiting for your psychotic Trump fixation to be purged by other psychotic — but more effective — people in the slave/death cult.

He really is too low-IQ to read. And worse, he's so fucking stupid that he thinks that not reading, not comprehending, and not steel-manning is him "crush[ing] it". Absolutely delusional.

Tumblefag is in a cult.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 02 11:25:09
1) Demand evidence
2) Do not read or comprehend any evidence offered

in at least our last 3 worthless interactions, i've asked for evidence & you just say you posted it elsewhere & refuse to say where or repost repeatedly (typing huge amounts of shit instead of just posting it "again" though i'm sure you never did)

last chance:
-post where mass fraud found (no, your PA case didn't establish any mass fraud)... would be especially good if it was before Jan 6 where the fuckhead liar was repeatedly claiming it & attempting to treasonously have the election overturned based on those total lies, but you won't find it even now

-post ANYONE (but not some rando or person covered in 'Trump' gear) agreeing a president can take & keep any doc he wants (this -should- be a cake walk... it's the position of the 'party' leader)

saying 'you didn't read it before!' isn't an excuse, just fucking post it, why would it be hard?

you won't, you can't, you are pathetic

(this point still stands: in the unlikely event anyone thinks CC made a good point, please repost it & i will address it... & most likely crush it... i in no way fear any 'CC argument', just don't want to fill the thread w/ shit refuting heaps of complete idiotic nonsense no one cares about)
Tue Jul 02 15:32:05
King Biden doesn't like your shitty tone Chereb Cow. You better shape up or you're going to the slum prison city.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 02 20:31:43
[Hrothgar (traitor to the West who should change his name because he's a faggot and his screen name does not represent his faggot ideology)]: "King Biden doesn't like your shitty tone Chereb Cow. You better shape up or you're going to the slum prison city."

That's cute, faggot. It's based on the Regime's lie that this decision gives presidents access to domestic SEAL assassination squads, but it's cute. Did you upvote that on Reddit and then rush here to copy and paste it, little bitchboy?

[tumblefag (TDS bot, impotent idiot)]: "in at least our last 3 worthless interactions, i've asked for evidence & you just say you posted it elsewhere & refuse to say where or repost repeatedly"

Tumblefag says this and then follows up with this:
• "-post where mass fraud found (no, your PA case didn't establish any mass fraud)"
• "-post ANYONE (but not some rando"

"[Post evidence! But not *that* evidence! *That* doesn't count!]"
— tumbletard

"1) Demand evidence
2) Do not read or comprehend any evidence offered and even say that you did not read the evidence (e.g., "TLDR", "just skimmed it")
3) Claim that there was no evidence"

Tumblefag is in a cult, so his position is unfalsifiable. He claims to want "evidence", but any evidence you provide he will not accept.

Again, this is a major problem with the totalitarian death cult. They *only* believe Regime propaganda, but Regime propaganda will persistently lie to them. They (wrongly) believe that the truth can only come from the Regime's prestige network and its "expert" class, but this network — by definition — will only tell them the truth when it no longer harms the Regime. No matter how many times the Regime admits to having lied to useful idiots such as tumblefag, tumblefag will *still* believe the Regime's newest lies.
• When tumblefag goes to "fact check" information, he will *only* accept Regime narratives — disregarding opposition research — hence, he will never uncover the truth separate from Regime lies.
• When someone in the opposition supplies a counter-narrative, the Regime conducts character assassination to ensure that the Regime's useful idiots do not accept that person's opinion.
• Only those people who accept the Regime's talking points are granted access to the Regime's prestige network, and *only* they will be considered credible by cultists such as tumbletard (e.g., tumbletard's idiotic acceptance of Liz Cheney — he accepted the word of a fucking *Cheney* because the Regime gave him permission to do so).

So keep in mind that were I to reference people such as Sidney Powell, Giuliani, Kari Lake, Ramaswamy, Rep. Troy Nehls, or A.G. Steve Marshall; tumblefag would fall back to Regime propaganda which discards all of their work on fraud in 2020. Again, tumblefag's position is unfalsifiable. It's like trying to escape the Matrix by playing a game within a game within a game within the Matrix; it's a self-fulfilling mental prison.

The core issue here is that the Regime absolutely cannot allow their useful idiots to understand the real and true fraud issues of 2020 (or even the Regime's overtly stated Time Magazine piece or the effect of the Hunter Biden laptop story's suppression on the election), because if the useful idiots realize that there *was* fraud, suppression, and electioneering by the DNC, then the useful idiots *might* realize that their theory-of-mind for Trump is based on Regime lies. I.e., if there *were* election fraud, then Trump's position and political imperatives have a *totally* different meaning than the lies and narratives supplies by the Regime. Because this idea is so dangerous to the fraud-puppet Biden and the totalitarian death cult, it is absolutely imperative for Regime cultists to function exclusively via thought-terminating clichés which deny the possibility that their delusions are built on the sand castle of "most secure election in history" (e.g., the Tumbleweed Method).

See also this relevant meme:
"I love that the mainstream media position is “yes the CIA did bad things in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s but nobody was ever prosecuted and there were no reforms so now they don’t do bad things today you conspiracy theorist.”"

And for those curious about the reference tw made, notice this:
[tumblefag (TDS bot, impotent idiot)]: "saying 'you didn't read it before!' isn't an excuse, just fucking post it, why would it be hard? [/] you won't, you can't, you are pathetic"

That is, notice, again, that tumblefag *admitted* that he is aware that he and I have discussed these issues, yet *simultaneously* he pretends that we never had these discussions. Again, it is the Tumbleweed Method; he simultaneously believes no discussion took place and that if a discussion took place that the Regime's narrative must be the only true narrative. It is cult doublethink.

And for those curious about his reference to a former argument that he and I did in fact have (by his own admission), the PA decision by a captured DNC judge *explicitly* reasoned that discarding *illegal* and *ineligible* ballots would "disenfranchise voters". This was part of the Regime's propaganda line that filtered down to the sock puppets as, "[Hur hur, Trump tried to take my vote away (i.e., I filled out my ballot incorrectly but the DNC "cured it")!]" The reality is that the DNC *explicitly* accepted ineligible ballots and falsified their standing to do so, and Regime media covered for this by flipping the definition of "disenfranchised voters", which previously referred to how *legal* voters who *correctly* filled out their ballots would be disenfranchised by the admission of *illegal* ballots (i.e., the law-abiding and sovereign are disenfranchised by the granting of rights to criminals — a principle that the criminals in the DNC abhor).

[tumblefag (TDS bot; deranged cultist)]: "please repost it & i will address it... & most likely crush it"

"He really is too low-IQ to read. And worse, he's so fucking stupid that he thinks that not reading, not comprehending, and not steel-manning is him "crush[ing] it". Absolutely delusional. [/] Tumblefag is in a cult."

As I explained many times, you fucking faggot:
Your guilt has already been determined. This is merely a sentencing hearing.
I am not avoiding arguments; I supply them every time I post. You simply are incapable of responding to steel-man arguments due to your being in a cult.

You had all of the chances I was willing to give you.
You are an absolute enemy to the West.
You are a traitor.
You are evil.
You are in a cult.
Your cult's purpose is death, the destruction of the West, and the annihilation of sovereignty and nobility.

Do you deny this?
Do you have *anything* positive to say about the West which is not merely inversion and cynical deconstruction?
Is there *anything* about the Republic (*not* "our democracy") that you wish to preserve?
I doubt it.

Thus, the only option here is how badly you will be sentenced.
• Will you be flogged? (This requires contrition.)
• Will you merely be permanently disenfranchised? (Less contrition.)
• Will you be deported to Madagascar? (Less contrition, but middling malevolence.)
• Will you be hanged by the neck until dead? (No contrition, apparent malevolence.)
• Will you be drawn and quartered? (No contrition, obvious malevolence.)

So far, under a God Emperor, you rate execution by hanging, but your cult status continually shows that perhaps you deserve to be drawn and quartered. At the very least, leftists and destroyers such as yourself should never again be allowed to vote. Totalitarian psychopaths such as yourself only wish to annihilate the Great and Glorious West. In the hearts of the noble-sovereign, this treason of yours in not merely some soft and abstract word — it is a recognition that your cult ideology must be purged for the West to survive.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 02 20:42:14
An alternate summation:
"If you are Democrat who is waking up from to the gaslighting, your path to enlightenment looks like this. . .

1. What? Russian Collusion was a hoax??? Well, at least hoaxes are not common in politics.

2. What? Those 51 intelligence professionals all lied about Hunter's laptop? It was real??????

3. Why are CNN legal analysts saying no one but Trump would be charged with those alleged crimes? Is it all just lawfare???

4. Why do all the weird scare stories about Trump sound totally made up? How the hell would he steal my democracy? Were the J6 protesters minutes away from conquering the combined military might of the United States? What's going on here?

5. Holy shit, was the entire media landscape lying to me about Biden's mental acuity??????

You are here


You: At least I know Climate Change isn't totally made up. I mean, how could 97% of scientists be wrong?

Spoiler: Same way 97% of experts were wrong about key pandemic facts and 97% of journalists told you Biden is fine when you are not looking.

You: But at least we know the elections are not rigged. Right?

(I won't spoil the last one for you.)"
Tue Jul 02 20:52:37

the wanderer
Wed Jul 03 11:33:49
hmm, no valid response to worthless interaction 3+ (would've be soooo fucking easy to just post a link to disprove my claims (if it was possible), but nope...)

anyway let's get to worthless interaction 4+

"1. What? Russian Collusion was a hoax?"

what was the hoax?

"2. What? Those 51 intelligence professionals all lied about Hunter's laptop?"

what was the lie? (they did NOT claim it was Russian disinfo, nothing weird about their analysis at all)

"3. Why are CNN legal analysts saying no one but Trump would be charged with those alleged crimes? Is it all just lawfare?"

bullshit... -some- may have said it about Bragg only (& CNN has people of various opinions & no one has claimed the important charges unwarranted at all... & the Right's outlets can't even talk about the charges, the fucking idiots think the J6 charges about the riot, see below)

"4. How the hell would he steal my democracy? Were the J6 protesters minutes away from conquering the combined military"

the dumb-fuck ignorant Right who only knows about the riot... Trump's plan was explicitly to ignore every single cast vote & get appointed winner (as he discussed even before the election happened)

"5. Holy shit, was the entire media landscape lying to me about Biden's mental acuity?"

no, pointing out the misleading clips the Right used wasn't vouching for his acuity

"Climate Change"

check Arctic ice levels over the past decades

explain the historic levels of glacial melt all over the world
the wanderer
Wed Jul 03 11:35:25
hmm... actually the above continued failure of CC was 4+, this will now be 5+
Wed Jul 03 22:19:07
CC hasn't always been this idiotically unhinged right? This is like Hotrod without enough sleep levels of crazy town. Complete and totally loss of comprehension of the reality of the world. One step away from denying the sun exists type mentality.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 05 09:39:51
[tumblefag (illiterate TDS Bot; incompetent mental weakling; probable pedophile)]: "hmm... actually the above continued failure of CC was 4+, this will now be 5+"

That's cute. But always remember that your attempts to insult me are only ever multiplied upon yourself by the number of your psychosis threads. That is, you will always be [now 46+] times more of a "failure" than you could ever pretend me to be. Every time you update that thread series, you are showing that you are more psychotic than anyone here, and you are only "crush[ing]" any semblance reality that you might one day grasp; reality itself turns to dust in your hands since it keeps you from forming a grip around the Regime's inside-out pocket. (You are the Regime's prison-bitch.)

So, in this case, if you think "5+", go ahead and realize that your failure quantity is thus (5+)(46+)= 230 failures.

You can only ever be worse than me, since you are an immoral goblin.

[tumblefag (illiterate TDS Bot; incompetent mental weakling; probable pedophile)]: "hmm, no valid response to worthless interaction 3+"

False. I gave you my response, you just cannot read since you are illiterate and in a cult.

The Tumbleweed Method
1) Demand evidence
2) Do not read or comprehend any evidence offered and even say that you did not read the evidence (e.g., "TLDR", "just skimmed it")
3) Claim that there was no evidence
4) Gish-Gallop information unrelated to the issue to obfuscate into new delusions which similarly cannot be defended and which themselves fall apart with even the lightest scrutiny.
5) Repeat the method while waiting for your psychotic Trump fixation to be purged by other psychotic — but more effective — people in the slave/death cult.

[Scott Adams]: "1. What? Russian Collusion was a hoax?"
"[tumblefag (illiterate TDS Bot)]: "what was the hoax?"

The hoax is that there was Russian collusion. In particular, there is a psychotic and deranged delusion among Regime media that Russians manipulated the 2016 election and successfully installed Trump. This delusion was carried, in particular, by Hillary Clinton. This delusion is a hoax. It is false.

[Scott Adams]: "2. What? Those 51 intelligence professionals all lied about Hunter's laptop?"
"[tumblefag (illiterate TDS Bot)]: "what was the lie? (they did NOT claim it was Russian disinfo, nothing weird about their analysis at all)

Yes, they lied. Their quotation was that the laptop had "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation". This was false, and they knowingly told this lie as a favor to Biden. In reality, the laptop was 100% real, but it was an inconvenience to the Regime so they hid this information from useful idiots such as yourself.

[Scott Adams]: "3. Why are CNN legal analysts saying no one but Trump would be charged with those alleged crimes? Is it all just lawfare?""
"[tumblefag (illiterate TDS Bot)]: "bullshit... -some- may have said it about Bragg only (& CNN has people of various opinions & no one has claimed the important charges unwarranted at all... & the Right's outlets can't even talk about the charges, the fucking idiots think the J6 charges about the riot, see below)"

Not "bullshit", no. Kathy Hochul herself tried to put New York businessmen at ease by saying that the prosecution would be limited to Trump (i.e., that the law was applied exclusively to Trump and would not be applied in the same way to others who may be "guilty" of the same "crime"). The "legal analysts" of CNN followed this up with falsified explanations as to why this was — which all amounted to them admitting that this was a Cardinal Richelieu prosecution.

[Scott Adams]: "4. How the hell would he steal my democracy? Were the J6 protesters minutes away from conquering the combined military"
"[tumblefag (illiterate TDS Bot)]: "the dumb-fuck ignorant Right who only knows about the riot... Trump's plan was explicitly to ignore every single cast vote & get appointed winner (as he discussed even before the election happened)"

You are lying, and you are proving — yet again — that you fell for this hoax.
January 6th was not an insurrection.
The media lied to you.
Trump's "plan" was not to "overturn".
The media lied to you.
Trump's "plan" was not to "ignore every single cast vote".
The media lied to you.
Trump's "plan" was not to "get appointed winner".
The media lied to you.

You fell for this hoax because you are weak-minded. This is why you vote for the Regime. The Regime needs weak-minded people.
• This is why you voted Biden,
• this is why you (probably) got "vaccinated",
• this is why you (probably) got booster shots,
• this is why you do not care that Joe Biden is a pedophile,
• this is why you do not care that Hunter Biden is a pedophile who raped his own niece who became pregnant with his statutory-rape child,
• this is why you were so easily deceived by the Bolshevik Show Trials,
• this is why you believe that Liz Cheney is a "good Republican" (overlooking the Cheney history of war-mongering)
• this is why you believe Hawley was "fleeing".

You fall for these hoaxes because you are a slave.
It is your slavish ideology which itself has resulted in your pursuit of an enslaver who can keep you under the yoke — free from the tyranny of a consciousness or a conscience.

[Scott Adams]: "5. Holy shit, was the entire media landscape lying to me about Biden's mental acuity?"
"[tumblefag (illiterate TDS Bot)]: "no, pointing out the misleading clips the Right used wasn't vouching for his acuity"

You are lying again since you fell for this hoax. It seems that — on top of it — you are falling for the latest "cheap fakes" Regime hoax.
Here is you in 2021 defending the first Biden press conference because you fell for the media hoax:
"[tumblefag (illiterate TDS Bot)]: "having a list of the reporters names is not suspicious [/] and referring to notes is hardly inappropriate... god forbid he should be prepared [/] Biden was aware of actual infrastructure issues and wanting to cap old oil wells... with Trump we’d hear that windmills cause cancer and people allegedly need to flush 15 times"

It was plain as day to many — even in 2021 — that Biden had dementia/Parkinson's and that the Regime was trying to hide it to coddle you slaves. You, being a slave, refused to see it. Look in that thread for how psychotically you defended the obvious dementia of the puppet Biden.

Or are you pretending that Regime media was not running cover for him? This is obviously false. Even now, KJP has continued to defend Biden's "acuity" and dismisses reporters concerns. Regime journalists are even helping her to build a narrative of "jet lag" and a "cold" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh-jnqCapAY ). Regime sycophants were just weeks ago pretending that nothing is afoot ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBCEIPVE1dU ).

At this point, if you do not recognize that the Regime has been using the White House press room and its media control to cover for Biden's dementia/Parkinson's, then you are hopelessly retarded and/or in a cult which prohibits you from seeing plain truths.

[Scott Adams]: "Climate Change"
"[tumblefag (illiterate TDS Bot)]: "check Arctic ice levels over the past decades [/] explain the historic levels of glacial melt all over the world"

That is an absolutely pathetic attempt to assemble "evidence" of "climate change". This is the equivalent of boomers claiming that climate change must be real because it's hot in Arizona ( http://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1806551393743904967 ).

The utility in convincing useful idiots such as yourself that "climate change" is real is that you will be obedient to the demands of the global totalitarian Regime. I have continually warned you about this. Remember me asking you this dozens of times?: "Heard about ESG yet?"

[Hrothgar (little bitchboy who should change his screen name to littlebitchboy)]: "CC hasn't always been this idiotically unhinged right? This is like Hotrod without enough sleep levels of crazy town. Complete and totally loss of comprehension of the reality of the world. One step away from denying the sun exists type mentality."

That's cute, little bitchboy. Do you have an argument, though?

Always recall that you are the little faggot who tried to shut down my election fraud threads. That should have been an indication for you of what a Regime sycophant and pathetic mental weakling you are. Is there a single narrative that the Regime could tell that you would not believe?
the wanderer
Fri Jul 05 12:53:16
"The hoax is that there was Russian collusion. In particular, there is a psychotic and deranged delusion among Regime media that Russians manipulated the 2016 election and successfully installed Trump."

so crazy bot is also unable to separate collusion from interference just like the king moron... also you've established no hoax... also please explain how the Don Jr emails/meeting is not equivalent to collusion (yeah, he wasn't charged... though mere collusion isn't a crime)

(& btw every investigation found Russian interference (& not exactly weird for them to do given one candidate a Russian loyalist w/ a crush on Putin vs one candidate personally hated by Putin)... even the investigation headed by Trump cultist Devin Nunes had that conclusion... not that interference & collusion are the same... though it was very important to the king moron that he clear Russia of -interference- specifically for whatever mysterious reason... & apparently worked on you being unable to distinguish between them as well)


"Yes, they lied. Their quotation was that the laptop had "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation". This was false, and they knowingly told this lie as a favor to Biden. In reality, the laptop was 100% real"

no, they said the -emails- being released by Giuliani had the earmarks & the very next sentence: "We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the
Russian government played a significant role in this case"
plus more explanation justifying the claim, plus:
"Such an operation would be consistent with some of the key methods Russia has used in its now multi-year operation to interfere in our democracy – the hacking (via cyber operations) and the dumping of accurate information or the distribution of inaccurate or misinformation. Russia did both of these during the 2016 presidential election "
& noting Giuliani already was targeted for misinfo in the past when he was weirdly in Ukraine
(so them not even saying it couldn't be accurate emails, just suspecting Russian involvement... the laptop origin story -was- (still is) pretty suspicious)

no lie remotely established


Hochul didn't "ie" imply it would only apply to Trump, she said others aren't doing anything close to what Trump did (despite lying shitbags like 'Mr Wonderful' claiming everyone does w/o ever demonstrating any knowledge of the degree Trump was doing it)... it's completely reasonable that people can't vastly & intentionally misrepresent their info on required bank loan documents, fucking idiotic to believe otherwise


Trump's "plan" was not to ..."
The media lied to you

i'm not going by "the media"... in fact, like your cult side, they mostly just talk about the riot

he -definitely- was trying to overturn the election, and -definitely- by ignoring the vote, as that's what telling legislatures to switch the electors was doing... as you have proven zero times there was no established mass fraud to justify swapping the electors (then or now for that matter), thus that IS ignoring every cast ballot

you never offer any other explanation, and certainly wouldn't be based on anything, as Trump's efforts are completely established & proven, & he was doing half of it publicly...

plus the Pence plan: ignore all states w/ fake electors sent in as supposedly contested, no one hits 270, one-vote-per-State chooses winner... that was Trump's preferred plan (2nd was sending to states for them to vote to change electors... & NOWHERE was mass fraud going to be demonstrated (or -obviously- they -would- have), nor any indication that he actually won the cast votes in any way)

(but i'm sure your 'proof' of some other explanation to fit all the PROVEN FACTS is elsewhere but you just can't show where...)

btw, you claim you didn't fail above... so where are the LINKS... obviously a link mandatory to actually PROVE someone in Trump's 'party' is actually backing his claims that an exiting president can take & keep ANY docs he wants (& should be so fucking easy to do... if self-evidently the whole party didn't know he was a lying bag of shit criminal... plus the common sense that no, a perz can't do that... & the common sense that no, a prez shouldn't do that even if he could... & the common sense that if he could via loophole, there would be rush to change such a stupid policy, instead of nothing...)...

plus where's the links for mass voter fraud found?... there'd be heaps of news sites covering it... give me a local outlet, give me even Newsmax (assuming they actually demonstrate the evidence)... you claiming it's out there somewhere means nothing... obviously

let's see some posts w/ blue links (to substance)

i'm sure we're making real progress here
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 08 04:37:12
[tumbletard (TDS bot, likely pedophile)]: "let's see some posts w/ blue links (to substance)"

Says the faggot whose threads have "blue links" to fucking *Acyn* — an obvious Regime propagandist that tumblefag endorses at face value.

And where were your links for your above claims, you obvious hypocrite?
This is, yet again, the Tumbleweed Method. He expects you to put forth the effort but he makes *zero* effort. Why would I meet the terms of my enemy?

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "so crazy bot is also unable to separate collusion from interference just like the king moron..."

Red herring; deflection to alternate subject.
Special pleading fallacy.
Misrepresentation; straw man fallacy.

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "also you've established no hoax..."

Straw man fallacy.
Invincible ignorance fallacy.

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "also please explain how the Don Jr emails/meeting is not equivalent to collusion (yeah, he wasn't charged... though mere collusion isn't a crime)"

Red herring fallacy

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "(& btw every investigation found Russian interference (& not exactly weird for them to do given one candidate a Russian loyalist w/ a crush on Putin vs one candidate personally hated by Putin)... even the investigation headed by Trump cultist Devin Nunes had that conclusion... not that interference & collusion are the same... though it was very important to the king moron that he clear Russia of -interference- specifically for whatever mysterious reason... & apparently worked on you being unable to distinguish between them as well)"

Red herring fallacy
Straw man fallacy.
Invincible ignorance fallacy.

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "no, they said the -emails- being released by Giuliani had the earmarks & the very next sentence: "We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the
Russian government played a significant role in this case"

Misrepresentation; outright lies.
Straw man fallacy.
Invincible ignorance fallacy.
Note, for instance, that tumbletard must ignore that the CIA's liars explicitly admitted to lying to help Biden — who also lied and made no such nuanced-liarly claims as did the liar tumbleweed. Nice little montage to show this:
"51 Former Intel Officials Colluded with the Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop"
[House Judiciary GOP Official YouTube; June 27th, 2024]

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "Such an operation would be consistent with some of the key methods Russia has used in its now multi-year operation to interfere in our democracy – the hacking (via cyber operations) and the dumping of accurate information or the distribution of inaccurate or misinformation. Russia did both of these during the 2016 presidential election"

Notice how tumblefag now admits that the hoax did indeed take place.
I.e., *if* tumblefag's argument is that the CIA liars were merely saying that this document release was "like" what Russia "might do" (which is false, but let's allow the hypothetical), then he admits that the Biden Regime and Regime media openly lied about this finer point.
Again: special pleading fallacy.

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "& noting Giuliani already was targeted for misinfo in the past when he was weirdly in Ukraine (so them not even saying it couldn't be accurate emails, just suspecting Russian involvement... the laptop origin story -was- (still is) pretty suspicious) [/] no lie remotely established"

Red herring fallacy.
Straw man fallacy.
Special pleading fallacy.

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "Hochul didn't "ie" imply it would only apply to Trump, she said others aren't doing anything close to what Trump did (despite lying shitbags like 'Mr Wonderful' claiming everyone does w/o ever demonstrating any knowledge of the degree Trump was doing it)... it's completely reasonable that people can't vastly & intentionally misrepresent their info on required bank loan documents, fucking idiotic to believe otherwise

Straw man fallacy.
Special pleading fallacy.
Red herring fallacy.

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "i'm not going by "the media"... in fact, like your cult side, they mostly just talk about the riot
he -definitely- was trying to overturn the election, and -definitely- by ignoring the vote, as that's what telling legislatures to switch the electors was doing... as you have proven zero times there was no established mass fraud to justify swapping the electors (then or now for that matter), thus that IS ignoring every cast ballot"

Red herring fallacy.
Straw man fallacy.
Special pleading fallacy.
Invincible ignorance fallacy (ignores my prior claims for the straw man).
Again, the Regime lied to useful idiots such as tumblefag. The "overturn" hoax is indeed a hoax; it is false. Anyone claiming that something was "overturned" before January 7th is a liar and fell for this hoax.

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "you never offer any other explanation, and certainly wouldn't be based on anything, as Trump's efforts are completely established & proven, & he was doing half of it publicly..."

Straw man fallacy ("established & proven")
Invincible ignorance fallacy.

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "plus the Pence plan: ignore all states w/ fake electors sent in as supposedly contested, no one hits 270, one-vote-per-State chooses winner... that was Trump's preferred plan (2nd was sending to states for them to vote to change electors..."

Straw man fallacy (assumed not "fake", "supposedly", etc.)
Invincible ignorance fallacy (cannot assume anything besides its circular logic).

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "& NOWHERE was mass fraud going to be demonstrated (or -obviously- they -would- have), nor any indication that he actually won the cast votes in any way)"

Red herring fallacy.
Straw man fallacy.
Invincible ignorance fallacy (e.g., from the hoax of "no court proved").

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "(but i'm sure your 'proof' of some other explanation to fit all the PROVEN FACTS is elsewhere but you just can't show where...)"

Red herring fallacy.
Straw man fallacy.
Invincible ignorance fallacy.
Unfalsifiability fallacy (e.g., believes the hoax that "[there cannot be evidence because tumblefag will allow no evidence to be heard]").

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "btw, you claim you didn't fail above..."

Red herring fallacy.
Straw man fallacy.
Invincible ignorance fallacy.
Unfalsifiability fallacy.
Conversely, tumblefag's 46 threads do indeed give pure claim that any of his insults of my evidentiary track is projected back upon him by the quantity of his threads, given his obvious psychosis/TDS.

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "so where are the LINKS... obviously a link mandatory to actually PROVE"

Red herring fallacy.
Straw man fallacy.
Invincible ignorance fallacy.
Unfalsifiability fallacy.
Special pleading fallacy.

Yes, tumblefag, where are your links?
When we disputed these issues individually initially, I was linking to Yale websites, legal experts, and GOP officials, but you merely asserted and said crazy psychosis things (e.g., "[that one doesn't count!]"). Where were your links? Where are they now? Some Acyn clip? Some CNN clip? Some Regime "expert"? Liz Cheney? The Bolshevik Show Trials?

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "someone in Trump's 'party' is actually backing his claims that an exiting president can take & keep ANY docs he wants (& should be so fucking easy to do... if self-evidently the whole party didn't know he was a lying bag of shit criminal... plus the common sense that no, a perz can't do that... & the common sense that no, a prez shouldn't do that even if he could... & the common sense that if he could via loophole, there would be rush to change such a stupid policy, instead of nothing...)..."

Red herring fallacy.
Straw man fallacy.
Invincible ignorance fallacy.
Unfalsifiability fallacy.
Special pleading fallacy.

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "plus where's the links for mass voter fraud found?... there'd be heaps of news sites covering it... give me a local outlet, give me even Newsmax (assuming they actually demonstrate the evidence)... you claiming it's out there somewhere means nothing... obviously"

Straw man fallacy.
Invincible ignorance fallacy.
Unfalsifiability fallacy.
Special pleading fallacy.

[tumbletard (TDS bot)]: "i'm sure we're making real progress here"

No, and you still do not get it. If you read anything that I write, let it be this:

Your lies have become the sum of your character. I will not meet you, my enemy, halfway. You ask for blue links to waste my time — while you make no such effort to show your "blue links" since you know that all of them are Regime liars such as Acyn.

You are absolutely evil.
Your inability to live outside of the Tumbleweed Method's fallacies shows me that this is true.
You are in a cult.
The only thing left for you is to have sex with Trump or kill him — that is the nature of your cult.

Being that you are an enemy of the West, you are my absolute enemy.
You having sided with the Bolsheviks makes you a traitor to the nation that I love and defend.
These discussions are merely to identify the level of your guilt — not to argue facts, which you have abandoned.
I hope you live forever and remember perfectly your treasons.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 08 10:24:19
"where were your links for your above claims, you obvious hypocrite?"

you didn't ask for anything you dumbfuck...

as i still don't know what shit you want a link to, here is one of the many times Trump has said he could take any documents:

lawless liar: "Whatever documents a president decides to take with him, he has the absolute and unquestioned right to do so. This was a law that was passed and signed."

now -you- show me anyone in the R party or legal field agreeing that's the law

that requires a link...

if you try to counter the video by saying it's an Acyn post so doesn't matter, you've lost... & are a fucking idiot

dumbfuck fallacy
the wanderer
Mon Jul 08 10:27:54
here's the J6 indictment

disprove something... and/or show me Trump denying anything in it
the wanderer
Mon Jul 08 10:28:26
here's the classified docs indictment

disprove something... and/or show me Trump denying anything in it
Mon Jul 08 13:50:24
Hey, tw, do you have a law degree?
the wanderer
Mon Jul 08 17:02:32
no, what's your point?

do you think "Whatever documents a president decides to take with him, he has the absolute and unquestioned right to do so. This was a law that was passed and signed." is accurate?

why the fuck would anyone want that? & who is rushing to change it?

also, i -have- read the Presidential Records Act which is the law he says provides that absurd ability... it does not... and NOBODY but Trump says it does... whereas if it were true, EVERY R would be noting it to show Trump was innocent (but again, it's zero of them, as they know he's a liar & also guilty)

Trump is a constant fucking liar & lawless fraud, it's just a fact
the wanderer
Mon Jul 08 17:06:09
plus (as if anything more needed for the completely OBVIOUS bullshit), -if- it were true he & his lawyers would've fought the subpoena, rather than his lawyers telling him he had to honor it, so he then hid docs from his own lawyers (established by video & texts)

fucking crazy behavior that your side tacitly accepts & can't even acknowledge happened as obviously no way to defend it
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 10 10:30:19
[tumblefag (absolute dumbfuck TDS bot)]: "you didn't ask for anything you dumbfuck..."

So says the absolute dumbfuck.
Have you ever heard of reciprocity, you piece of shit?
If *you* make a demand then you better put up or shut up.
You *persistently* failed to put up links while you made your false and liarly claims, yet you condemned my posts for not having Acyn links.
Invincible ignorance fallacy.
Unfalsifiability fallacy.
Special pleading fallacy.

[tumblefag (absolute dumbfuck TDS bot)]: "as i still don't know what shit you want a link to"

Because you are a fucking incompetent. You are so fucking abysmally stupid that you think it's enough to leave links to thinks without supplying close-readings or excerpts. Here! Links! Random links! Here's proof! See! Links!

Aha! Now tell me where within those links it says that you're not a dumbfuck! You can't do it!

Invincible ignorance fallacy.
Unfalsifiability fallacy.
Special pleading fallacy.

[tumblefag (absolute dumbfuck TDS bot)]: "if you try to counter the video by saying it's an Acyn post so doesn't matter, you've lost... & are a fucking idiot"

Red herring fallacy.
Straw man fallacy.
Invincible ignorance fallacy.
Unfalsifiability fallacy.
Special pleading fallacy.

Nope. I told you **in advance** that posting Acyn links was disqualifying. You just *proved* that that is the limit of your intelligence. **Even when told your ideological and intellectual limitations you cannot escape them!** Your incredibly small mind can only ever post propaganda from one of the most obvious propagandists on Twitter.

You're fucking retarded!
You are not equipped to evaluate or rationalize evidence!
This makes you a useful idiot!
You are being used by a Regime that wishes to annihilate your people!
You are a traitor to the West!

[tumblefag (absolute dumbfuck TDS bot)]: "also, i -have- read the Presidential Records Act which is the law he says provides that absurd ability... it does not... and NOBODY but Trump says it does..."

Red herring fallacy.
Straw man fallacy.
Invincible ignorance fallacy.
Unfalsifiability fallacy.
Special pleading fallacy.

Absolutely pathetic, as usual, tumblefag.

But again, your guilt has already been determined. This is merely a sentencing hearing.

The absolute guilt that you consistently demonstrate shows that I am right to prepare for these great troubles of our time. Your kind must be absolutely purged from society: disenfranchised, removed from government and bureaucracy, deported, flogged, drawn and quartered — as is befitting of your treason. I hope you are aware that your very ideology is radicalizing people against you into the absolute simplicity of a Zero Sum Game and that the incredible ultra-violence that awaits your ideology will produce only the nightmare vision of society that you yourself have bred.
the wanderer
Wed Jul 10 11:17:54
"You are so fucking abysmally stupid that you think it's enough to leave links to thinks without supplying close-readings or excerpts"

i literally quoted an excerpt right below the link... (the Acyn link contains a video, as 100% of my other Acyn or Rupar links have, 100%, as the video is the point... and 0% of the time has anyone proven them deceptive... feel free to prove so (you -cant-, Trump's said & counterfeit tweeted the same shit multiple times))

for the indictment links, i'm generously allowing you to find ANYTHING at all that's false... i read them fully, can you?
(plus i've posted repeatedly the contents... it's that stuff you claim i'm not giving links to... Trump refusing to return docs, shown to have looked thru boxes on at least two occasions, including weirdly the whole week after his lawyer convinced him he had to honor the subpoena but before he allowed the lawyer to search, for which he didn't return numerous boxes, hence why there was a search warrant & hence why they found tons more docs... on J6, countless things, including Trump pressuring DOJ to -lie- to states (him -knowing- he was asking them to lie) then plan in motion to replace w/ AG who -would- lie to states, foiled only by mass resignation threat, plus proof the fake electors were NOT just in case court rulings go their way & instead to cause chaos in J6 w/ hopes of overturning election, plus the completely obvious attempts to get states to swap electors based on his zero proof bullshit lies... etc.... Hawley's 'jogging' or whatever you called it is not part of it at all...)

also, for you i'm NOT requiring any excerpts, i don't even want any... just fucking link to the things you claim exist (people agreeing w/ Trump's 'defense' on docs, mass voter fraud found, & whatever else i've -repeatedly- asked you to provide ANY evidence of)

pathetic fallacy
dumbfuck fallacy
crazy nutbag fallacy
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