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Utopia Talk / Politics / The rumble in the jungle DEBATES #2
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 02 22:29:09
Thread 1:
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 02 22:29:18
[Rugian]: "Incorrect, the vast majority of voters are not anti-Semites"

See how even the right turns into useful idiots who adopt the totalitarian thought-reform of thought-terminating clichés when they must protect the "Master"-enslaver class?

"Anti-Semites" is a thought-terminating cliché. This comes from social psychologist Lifton, who is cited today in most social psychology introduction textbooks (i.e., not some fringe thinker). Thought-terminating clichés are designed to make a declaration which stunts reason, forcing the implicated to adopt the Overton Window of the struggle-session mob (e.g., "it is what it is", "so it goes", racist! sexist! homophobe! transphobe! xenophobe! anti-Semite! anti-Science! anti-vaxxer! Nazi! Fascist! White supremacist!).

Those who fall for these clichés typically are weak-minded in some way, such as accepting social pressure thoughtlessly rather than consulting the reason of their own mind. Reason requires the ability to see beyond the cliché — evaluating the cliché's accusation independently from social pressure. This is why, for instance, Temple OS programmer Terry Davis would say the "n-word" for sport. The "n-word" has incredible social pressure attached to it under the Regime. Saying, "Nigger," defies that social pressure and de-conditions the mind from a cliché, allowing the brain to make the neural connections that thought-reform attempts to suppress. Failing to overcome this social conditioning induces a kind of stroke within the brain. That failure to overcome becomes an entire sector of reasoning which cannot get "oxygen".

The largest variables in whether or not someone will accept a cliché:
• Varying IQs and
• people going against herd morality to varying degrees

Low-IQ leftists, for instance, are terrified by social pressure. This is the cost of their subordination to the Moral Foundations formula. Under Moral Foundations, they are so concerned with "harm reduction" and "fairness" that one of the more easily defeated thought-terminating clichés (e.g., "racist") will cause them to snap into compliance with their accuser, fearing that they might lose status in the Regime's "anti-racist" hierarchy. They will do almost *anything* to prove that they are not "racist", including allowing mass-migration and the destruction of Western society. They may even convince themselves that they're "contrarian" or free-thinking, yet underlying all of their rhetoric is a total deferral to Regime power (e.g., "[It's 'punk rock' to vote DNC!]").

This is well-captured in this "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" meme:
(Mikael Blomkvist discovers that Martin Vanger is the killer, but Blomkvist is too scared of offending Vanger to reject the offer of a drink and is thus captured.)
(The left is statistically more afraid of offending.)

Of the "anti-Semite" thought-terminating cliché, this is one of the more difficult thought-terminating clichés to overcome. Many people fail this test because they intuitively know the cost of defying this social pressure. The possibility that the post-WWII boomer delusion is a propaganda falsification designed to support the rise of a "Master"-enslaver class is simply too much even for a right-winger who claims to resist state power — so he accepts this tyranny in cowardice.

But there is a useful 4chan meme that summarizes the major issue with accepting the Shoah's propagandized conclusions:
(grammar corrected)
Foundation myth

How do you recognize a foundation myth? It fulfills three functions:
1) It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2) It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3) It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners, the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfills all three functions:
1) We live in the "Post-War World". The lines on the map, the institutions, and the sense of what era we live in all arise from the starting point of WWII.
2) Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism, and so on.
3) The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story, that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the center point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime, it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means that the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

It is this Shoah myth which fed into the Civil Rights Act, Hart-Celler, foreign intervention (e.g., the jewish Kissinger), and the Regime's dogmatic support of our enemy: jewish Israel. The West is being thrust into a global slave revolt ("woke"), and the ultimate inheritor of a slave revolt is meant to be the jew, since their propagandized history is meant to make them the greatest victim — the new "Master"-enslaver. The enslavement of the world is directly stated in judaistic doctrine. They do not hide this.

This is the direct antithesis to Western civilization.

Western civilization is meant to reject the Master–slave dialectic, yet here it is, merging corporate governance with this slave dialectic — accepting Judaism in its "secular" form (e.g., Marxism). Factions of the right often pretend to oppose "woke", yet the ultimate conclusion of rejecting "woke" is to reject this jewish supremacy.

That is why I say that the base does indeed reject jewish supremacy. The simple continuation point of rejecting the slave revolt ("woke") is to reject enslaver client groups such as the jew. And every secular argument that the West has for its support of Israel can be undermined by dividing the jew from Jerusalem. E.g., why support a foothold in the Middle East for the jew rather than the Christian? If that is truly a foothold of "democracy", then why not populate it with non-jewish Westerners?

Because the "foothold" argument is a lie. Because "democracy" is a Bolshevik deception. The "foothold" is jewish supremacy, and "democracy" allows the subversion of the jewish slave revolt to resume.

And to address the cliché itself, I reject the frame of "anti-Semite" as much as I reject "racist". There are exceptions within jewish populations as much as there are within black populations. It is simply that the slave revolt within *any* population should be rejected as a fundamental principle of Western governance. I think the simplest form of this is the Heinlein statement: authority and responsibility.

*If* the jew possesses a righteous cause for power within the Western framework, then let them pass this test:
• no authority within governance, within bureaucracy, within finance/banking, within the franchise/voting
• they can *earn* it through difficult service on behalf of the direct survival of the West.
• once the franchise is *earned*, they take *total* responsibility for any actions which oppose the West (e.g., its values, its principles, its survival) — including the punishment of death for treason.

I.e., if you disagree with my belief that jewish people have (largely but not totally) been taught to impose an enslavement ideology on the West, then *surely* you would be fine with them not being granted power without earning it through the Heinlein test? *Surely* they would be represented in the nobility if they could only arrive there through difficult service which directly puts their *own* lives on the line?
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 03 02:21:14
the pundit class of the right has been struggling with the fallout of the 2024 Biden/Trump debate. The best assumptions come from people who recognize these simple truths:

1) The debate was highly manufactured to *hide* Biden's dementia — but it *failed* to do so.
2) The White House does indeed want the DNC to win in 2024 — this is their *favored* outcome.
3) Regime "journalists" who are admitting to Biden's mental health issues are acting *against* the central Regime narrative.

People who have failed to reconcile these three truths are taking part in a lot of errors.

1) On the Format Question
E.g., "Mr. Dee" seems to think that the format was intended to *reveal* Biden's dementia (July 1st appearance on AA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfPywG-PR0c ),
but this is plainly false.
—— Regime media knew that Trump's major strength was in interrupting and making quick off-the-cuff remarks following Biden's scripted remarks. These were his major strengths against Hillary (e.g., "Because you'd be in jail"), in the 2015 primary ("Only Rosie O'Donnell"), and against Biden in 2020 (calling out Biden's racism and countering the "fine people" hoax). The mute feature of the debate was a major weapon against this since they were able to mute any of these quick comebacks, thus suppressing comedic timing and allowing Biden's voice to carry.
—— Having no audience meant that Trump would have no idea how to read the room or interpret how the crowd was handling his speech, thus, a major comedic weapon would be sacked. Biden, meanwhile, could focus on his earpiece or handlers without getting distracted.
—— Having podiums meant that Trump could *not* walk around (no emphasis on physical presence), and Biden could freeze in place but not have it be visible (not possible if he's walking around but suddenly clenches up).
—— Both moderators were Regime-endorsed Bolsheviks (the jewish Jake Tapper and the jewish Danna Bash), which favors all Regime narratives (i.e., all truth-falsifying favors Biden).
—— CNN Producers (Regime partisans) control all cameras/framing at all times.

The counters to the format question are these:
—— "The 90-minute debate will include two commercial breaks, according to the network, and campaign staff may not interact with their candidate during that time."
—— "While no props or pre-written notes will be allowed on the stage, candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water."
(CNN https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/15/politics/trump-biden-cnn-debate-rules/index.html )
—— The bright lights they used can trigger memory loss, so if CNN did not know this then they messed up.
—— The rapid-fire questions rather than allowing moderator rebuttals favored Trump, since Regime-media self-insertion is a major way to allow TDS voters to feel represented.

If "[no interaction]" were enforced, this would prevent Biden from getting more uppers, and he could not be coached or re-assured.
If "no ... pre-written notes", then Biden cannot refresh his memory or keep on track. Biden was scene many times writing notes, however, so he definitely took advantage of the notepad memory aid.

That said, the DNC highly favored the format towards Biden. Literally all that Biden had to do is not have a total meltdown.

Some notable moments:
• Biden starts with the "inject bleach" hoax.
• 7:00 — Biden seems to forget that he got 13 military personnel killed in Afghanistan. Trump sort of calls him on this at 8:00.
• 8:30 — CNN takes the wide shot so as not to show that Biden's mouth is agape, but they eventually have to cycle the camera to him and Biden closes his mouth (i.e., Biden probably saw himself on the monitor)
• 10:20 — CNN keeps a dual-frame on both candidates while Biden controls his facial expression, but they break away to Trump-only when Biden droops his head down to take notes, then cycle the camera to show that he was taking notes.
• 11:00 — This is a moment that was clipped a lot ("We finally beat Medicare"); Biden keeps losing his words, and CNN is forgiving with wide camera angles to take focus off of Biden's memory-blinking (blinking helps relieve memory strain), but CNN cuts back to the dual-shot just before Biden loses his train-of-thought. They likely did this because of the impending time expiration rather than some magical pre-sight into Biden losing his thought.
• 14:30 — CNN has the dual-shot, and Biden seems to be controlling his facial expression, but his mouth slackens, he goes blank, realizes it, and puts his head down. CNN then takes the wide shot of the stage.
• 15:10 — CNN again changes cams and pans away while Biden has a blank stare.
• 16:45 — Another clipped moment; this is where Biden talks about the right complaining about immigrants raping U.S. citizens whereas Biden disregards this by saying that family members rape their own family members. Biden memory-blinks when he tries to list different family types.
• 17:00 — Biden tries to do a "disgusted" face but the droopy mouth doesn't quite sell it, then he catches himself and puts his head down again, CNN again changes camera angles for him.
• 18:30 — Biden again memory-blinks to remember trimester associations for abortion.
• 20:00 — This moment was clipped also; Danna points to Tapper while Tapper reads his question. Some schizos were claiming that Danna was directing *Biden's* attention, but in context it is clearly Trump who is talking and Danna is signalling that only Tapper's mic is audible.
• 21:00 — Biden claims that Border Patrol supported his position, but Border Patrol released a statement saying that at no time have they done this. Biden may be thinking of some lie that Mayorkas told him. This is also the moment that Trump says, "I don't think he knows what he said either."
• 21:58 — Biden is wide-mouthed and expressionless looking at Biden in the dual-shot, and CNN clips to just Trump. (Again, they were obviously helping Biden.)
• 22:20 — This time CNN lingers on Biden's blank face, but Biden recovers by shifting his head. He seems to have been attempting a disgusted face again.
• 23:30 — Biden again tries to look shocked, but his expression just looks confused.
• 24:30 — Trump: "[Biden] just doesn't know." Trump is clearly trying to gaslight Biden's mental health. Pretty sound strategy.
• 26:00 — More memory-blinking, followed by the "suckers and losers" hoax.
• 27:00 — Biden again is trying to do a shocked/disgusted thing, but he doesn't seem to have the facial control to pull it off.
• 28:00 — Trump correctly says that Biden is unliked in the military. Democrats are *rarely* liked by the military, which is why the DNC has been pushing so much DEI in the military; they are hoping that they can cause a slave revolt in the *military*, but despite these random propaganda pieces that emerge of this or that LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA moment or figure, core enlisted largely reject that kind of top-down PowerPoint presentation nonsense.
• 29:30 — Biden tries to speak off-stage to counter Trump's claim about Biden's military failures, someone passes in front of the camera, and CNN changes to the Trump-only shot.
• 32:00 — Again with Biden's shocked/disgusted face (on topic of Ukraine).
• 35:00 — Lots of Biden word failures as he attempts to list from his talking points (more memory-blinking).
• 37:00 — Stark comparison here. You can see how snappy Trump's facial reactions are to Biden, but Biden can really only do that one shocked/disgusted face.
• 40:00 — CNN cuts away from a particularly blank Biden expression.
• 40:30 — This part potentially supports the idea that the Regime was trying to support Trump in this debate. The Regime absolutely opposes narratives that conflict with their January 6th "insurrection" hoax, but Trump is able to explain that Pelosi was on camera blaming herself for the issues (which Trump believes is because she knew that she had had a chance to accept National Guard from Trump). This sort of thing usually produces Regime thought-terminating clichés and silencing tactics, but the moderators observe the format.
• 41:30 — Biden tells the "three hours [of inaction]" hoax and also the "bloodbath" hoax.
• 43:30 — Biden uses the "convicted felon" hoax.
• 44:00 — Biden tells the "stand by" hoax (i.e., Trump was telling the Proud Boys to stand *down*, but "stand back and stand by" was intentionally misinterpreted by Regime media to mean "[be on alert for orders]" (an absurd conclusion))
• 44:30 — Tapper uses the "34 felonies" hoax too, so the Regime clearly is not throwing this to Trump.
• 46:00 — Biden tells the "retribution" hoax and the "porn star" hoax. Tapper gave Biden a minute here without pre-sending a question (which had been the format to this point; they were willing to burn questions even if the question itself was abandoned).
• 47:00 — Trump gaslights Biden again, lulz. I mean, he's not wrong, but this was clearly his campaign's move to test Biden's cognition.
• 49:00 — Biden tells the "fine people" hoax.
• 55:00 — Returns from commercial break, and Biden was clearly given a little something (e.g., amphetamines). He is slurring his speech a lot while trying to remember talking points, however.
• 58:40 — Biden tells the "no inflation" hoax.
• 1:01:00 — Biden engages in the climate hoax and applauds himself for sending Western wealth to BRICS+ through the falsely named "Inflation Reduction Act".
• 1:09:00 — Biden uses the "suckers and losers" hoax again, the "worst president" hoax, and the "economists" hoax.
• 1:10:00 — Trump makes a very good point: Biden does not fire people the way Trump does. This itself is a proof-of-concept for Biden's deep-state subservience.
• 1:16:00 — Trump correctly calls Biden a "Machurian Candidate". Biden is completely owned by China and the Bolsheviks. The Inflation Reduction Act was a *huge* success for Beijing.
• 1:23:00 — Biden tells the "6 handicap" hoax.
• 1:29:00 — Biden tells the "not one single court [found evidence]" hoax.
• 1:35:00 — Lots of Biden memory-blinking and lost trains of thought.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 03 03:07:22
*"Biden was [seen] many times writing notes"

Oh yes, on 2 and 3:

2) On the favored outcome question:
Some people (e.g., AA, Donnie Darkened) think that *Trump* is the global totalitarian Regime's favored candidate, but I disagree. Trump's primary utility in that situation *would* be (hypothetically) in giving the DNC a reason to provoke civil conflict (e.g., a repeat of the 2020 BLM/Antifa Insurrection) and a reason to blame Trump for the economic time bomb that is set to go off due to the ESG pyramid scheme's implosion.

This would play into the Dugin idea that the West can be destroyed by causing a slave revolt in the West which gives jewish power an excuse to flee the West for BRICS+, at which point WWIII between BRICS+ and the ESG/DEI West would favor BRICS+ ascendancy. The Bolsheviks would thus have a foothold in China, and the West would be economic slaves for the next 100 years (as was Germany in the previous 100).

But, AA's take is that the Bolsheviks want Trump in power to *manage* the slave revolt (i.e., "put the woke away" to protect jews from leftism; https://x.com/OGRolandRat/status/1806628753558134809 ). He thinks that the "Hitler 2.0" propaganda is to set the narrative for how leftists must behave in 2020.

I think this is incorrect. jewish financiers are still *wholly* behind ESG, and they even just defended it last month in committee (House Oversight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pHPH6QeObY ) and at the G7 meeting in June ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBo8V8I54zE ). Their central concern is allowing ESG to collapse to provoke the West/BRICS+ conflict — *not* on simply having a "Hitler 2.0"/"strong man" set the stage. The collapse must happen *before* the strong man to *justify* the strong man.

Further, AA likely does not know about the G7 meeting's next stage in the West/BRICS+ binary: BlackRock is funding the infrastructure for an "alternate" sustainability program in Africa/ME (alternate to China's Belt-and-Road) which is ensnaring right-wing leaders such as Meloni. The scheme is to produce further direct energy competition over rare-earth minerals. This scheme needs time to proceed before further division can be coaxed between the West and BRICS+.

Trump would likely *not* make this mistake. Trump would re-invest in Western oil, his planned firings within bureaucracies would purge DEI revolutionaries, and opposing sustainability in the U.S. would de-fund the Antifa/BLM Red Guard by draining the NGO networks. This would *deflate* the revolution. The Regime needs the revolution to be on track for 2030, whereas right-wing power would delay this by 8 years.

3) On the against-the-Regime journalists question:
People are looking at a clip of Tapper and suggesting that the media is now waking up (e.g., LibsOfTikTok running with that line https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1807903223337959650/video/1 ). This would be consistent with the early reports I listed in Thread 1 (Fri Jun 28 08:40:54).

The problem?
Regime media is already moving past this. It's like they had a panic attack, looked at the polling numbers, and realized that Newsom might not carry them over the finish line. Even CNN is hedging towards down-playing Biden's dementia as a fluke and looking at getting more public exposure for his comeback:
"“We have got to deal with that. That’s the real issue, and have frank conversations about it, because at the end of the day, the existential question facing the Democratic Party is how do we keep Trump from being president – and whatever it takes, every decision each of us makes from President Biden down to a precinct captain in the South Side of Chicago should be through the lens of how best do we protect Democracy and protect America,” Welch told CNN’s Abby Phillip on “NewsNight.”"

ABC News will be doing an interview where they will probably let Biden tell them that he was tired that night. And the useful idiots will believe it. They are *amazing* at selective amnesia.

The Imgur useful idiots are already adopting the next talking points:

They are calling anyone who opposes Biden or suggests apathy for the process a "Russian bot". These thought-terminating clichés work on the multitude of Dukhat types, and that spells success for the Regime. Biden basically just has to work on that amnesia for about a week or two — less if another story can distract. DNC voters have no memory.
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