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Utopia Talk / Politics / THE SUN SAYS It’s time for a change
Wed Jul 03 10:25:06
Wow, they want Labour to win. Will the UK join the EU again?


blah blah blah and then:

Which means that it is time for Labour.

There is no doubt Sir Keir Starmer has fought hard to change his party for the better, even if it is still a work in progress.

The anti-Semitism that was rife under Jeremy Corbyn is largely gone, and Sir Keir has distanced himself from crazy Marxist Corbynista policies and MPs.

Sir Keir has been solid in his support of Ukraine and also Israel - despite coming under significant pressure from Left-wing Labour MPs who were quick to forget the October 7 atrocity inflicted by terrorist organisation Hamas.

Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves has successfully worked hard to win the support of business. They insist they will govern as moderates, whose core ambition is to turbo-boost economic growth. The Sun supports this.

Labour is strong in its support for the Union and strengthening the ties that bind together our United Kingdom.

Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting promises radical reinvention to make the NHS put patients first, not managerial staff. The leadership promises to ignore the concerns of NIMBYs to enforce the building of the millions of new houses and infrastructure we need.

There are still plenty of concerns about Labour.

They do not have a clear plan for getting a grip on immigration, legal or illegal.

They have ruled out increases to VAT, income tax and National Insurance - but, as independent think tanks agree, under Labour taxes are going up. They just haven't admitted which ones yet.

Sir Keir, an ex-Remainer, now talks of wanting closer ties with Brussels - which could mean sacrificing some of our newly-won Brexit freedoms.

He has a mountain to climb, with a disillusioned electorate and low approval ratings.

But, by dragging his party back to the centre ground of British politics for the first time since Tony Blair was in No10, Sir Keir has won the right to take charge.

We will hold Labour to account, without fear or favour.

But we wish them every success.
Thu Jul 04 11:44:26
I was shocked to learn that Keir Starmer was a Human Rights Lawyer. Considering the stance he has taken on Apartheid Israel’s ethnic cleansing and genocide on Palestinians.

But then, I’m not shocked. This moral decay and hypocrisy characterizes the leaders of the West and perhaps especially the leaders of the USA and UK who allow themselves to be corrupted by the Zionists money and their threats.
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