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Utopia Talk / Politics / black crime is genetic
Sam Adams
Wed Jul 03 16:41:38
Blacks in the US commit a shockingly disproportionate slice of the murders... they make up 13% of the people and committing 55% of the murders. The common leftist likes to blame slavery and racism for this, wheras logically genetic differences could likewise be the cause.

So lets look at other black populations. In london, blacks also make up 13% of the population, but have experienced vastly different histories compared to the american black: no slavery, much less racism.

Yet in london they also commit 58% of the murders, confirming that the cause of this disparity is not racism or slavery.

Not only does this point to genetics, but it points to ONLY genetics causing the vastly inflated black crime rate.

The sebs tried to prevent this from being reported:

Wed Jul 03 20:52:58
I say less about genetics and more culture based.

We uplift criminals, rappers, and entertainers over doctors, lawyers, teachers....etc.
Thu Jul 04 04:54:12
Good to see you've corrected for poverty there, given most London homicides are related to gang violence.
Thu Jul 04 05:21:53

For the three-year period year ending March 2020 to the year ending March 2022, when looking at the principal suspect of a homicide offence, around two-thirds (70%) of those convicted were identified as White. This was a lower representation than in the general population (around 82%), based on Census 2021 population estimates. Around one in five (16%) suspects were identified as Black, four times higher than the general population (4%) (Appendix table 31). Differences in these figures are likely to be related to the ethnicity of the population differing by age, region and socioeconomic factors, which have not been taken into account.
Thu Jul 04 05:23:11
Samstitics: "controled experiments are for losers!"
Thu Jul 04 06:06:40

Not to high jack your thread SA, but yeah, this happened about 10 miles from where I live. Love the mayor's quote. To hell with these thugs.

Also to hell with gascon.
Thu Jul 04 06:44:39
If it is culture, then you still need to explain why only some adopt the culture, and of those that do, a very small number commit murder. People live in the same neighborhood, go to the same schools and look at the same hip hop videos, in the worst of cases, only a small minority become violent criminals.
Cherub Cow
Thu Jul 04 09:09:21
"black crime is genetic"

Thu Jul 04 11:57:50
In my experience, African immigrants are often disgusted by US blacks behaviour.
large member
Thu Jul 04 16:53:46
Dont men commit almost all the murders? What conclusions should we draw from that?
Thu Jul 04 17:04:37
Women kill far more men by progressively destroying their souls.
Thu Jul 04 17:10:58
But anyway...regardless of whether this dynamic is due to genetics or social issues, the entire problem is that there's no possible solution to address it.

Okay, so blacks are genetically pre-disposed to crime...what do you do with that information? Introduce re-segregation? Expel all the blacks from the country? All 40 million of them?

If you want to use this as an argument for why white girls shouldn't feel racist to move to the other side of the street when they see a pack of young black males...fair enough. If you want to use this as a basis for policy making...well, good luck with that.
large member
Thu Jul 04 17:12:40
Segregate all males, Expell all the men from the country.

Fair enough that women would rather be alone with a bear in a forest than a man.
large member
Thu Jul 04 17:13:17
My point is that the common denominator is gender, not race.
Thu Jul 04 18:13:33
Seb your link does nothing to disprove what Sam posted. It only says maybe there were other reasons. Then again maybe not.
Thu Jul 04 20:25:53
"Dont men commit almost all the murders? What conclusions should we draw from that?"

Depends how you define murder.

Women absolutley kill more humam beings than males, without question.

If Im not mistaken (I may be) female serial killers are generally far more prolific.
Thu Jul 04 20:35:36
"Fair enough that women would rather be alone with a bear in a forest than a man."

So, what I'm seeing here is that women are terrible at risk assesment.

Or they are lying.

We can prove this simply by installing cameras on hiking trails and where the roads fork intentionally release bears on side and human males on another and see ehat happens.

My hunch is they realize how bad they are at risk assesmemt very quickly.
the wanderer
Thu Jul 04 21:28:16
maybe women are genetically inclined to murder and frame black men
Thu Jul 04 22:39:01

"Differences in these figures are **likely** to be related to the ethnicity of the population differing by age, region and socioeconomic factors, which have not been taken into account."

The report *shows* age,region and socioeconomic factors are significant in themselves.

It's obvious to *everyone* that these factors may explain some, if not all, of any apparent racial differences. Hence the report says "likely" not "possible" as you erroneously claim.

Sam does not control for these, Sam's claim is clearly unsupported.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 05 05:53:19
[Habebe]: "So, what I'm seeing here is that women are terrible at risk assesment."

Stated versus revealed preference.
Selecting the bear is merely an invitation for the White warrior to prove his ultra-violence — destroying the bear, wearing the defeated bear's pelt, and rightfully ruling the West.

[Rugian]: "what do you do with that information? Introduce re-segregation? Expel all the blacks from the country? All 40 million of them?"


The project has failed. We have seen that the result of DEI hiring is the destruction of the West. The test was simple: if DEI hires support the West, then they have a right to rule. But, with DEI rulers in place, they proved that they only want to destroy the West.

So, they should not rule. The franchise should be stripped from the subversive leftists who supported DEI, sustainability, and leftist processes which worked against Western governance (e.g., any who voted for immigration as a fix for GDP, any who voted for immigration and amnesty, any who voted for Biden). More severe punishments should then be doled to those who continue to act against the West despite losing the franchise: floggings, hangings, drawings and quartering, etc.

After a new generation of eugenics, those DEI people who survived can attempt to show nobility again. If they fail, eugenics will contract their numbers once again.

Why should society suffer her traitors rather than know the glories of those who love her?
large member
Fri Jul 05 06:14:38
The problem seems mostly to be with men. So, most def. Deport all men back to where they came from.
Fri Jul 05 07:08:02
0.005% of american population are murderers. Meaning the number of times Jergul is correct is a measurement error.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 05 07:20:55
[Nim]: "0.005% of american population are murderers. Meaning the number of times Jergul is correct is a measurement error."


Jergfag is also taking part in a composition error (yet again). It is not just *that* killing takes place, it is whether or not that killing supports Western society. Black people killing people is a danger to Western society, whereas White people tend to kill those who do *not* support Western society. Again, this is illustrated by the composition of those who serve in the military — particularly in the infantry.

Western society absolutely needs controlled ultra-violence (e.g., it needs men who wield ultra-violence), but black people commit violence *without* control. Thus, little bitchboys of all stripes should be deported (e.g., jergfags/leftists, violent blacks).
Fri Jul 05 07:55:28

"But anyway...regardless of whether this dynamic is due to genetics or social issues, the entire problem is that there's no possible solution to address it."

There's a very easy solution. Put down or exile repeat predators.

Fri Jul 05 07:58:19

"We can prove this simply by installing cameras on hiking trails and where the roads fork intentionally release bears on side and human males on another and see ehat happens."

Bears don't generally attack humans, male or female.

Fri Jul 05 11:24:31
The impact of neighbourhood deprivation on adolescent violent criminality and substance misuse: a longitudinal, quasi-experimental study of the total Swedish population


Results: In the crude model, an increase of 1 SD in neighbourhood deprivation was associated with a 57% increase in the odds of being convicted of a violent crime (95% CI 52%-63%). The effect was greatly attenuated when adjustment was made for a number of observed confounders (OR 1.09, 95% CI 1.06-1.11). When we additionally adjusted for unobserved familial confounders, the effect was no longer present (OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.84-1.10). Similar results were observed for substance misuse. The results were not due to poor variability either between neighbourhoods or within families.
Fri Jul 05 11:25:35
No causal associations between childhood family income and subsequent psychiatric disorders, substance misuse and violent crime arrests: a nationwide Finnish study of >650 000 individuals and their siblings

Fri Jul 05 11:26:40

Results: Children of parents in the lowest income quintile experienced a seven-fold increased hazard rate (HR) of being convicted of violent criminality compared with peers in the highest quintile (HR = 6.78, 95% CI 6.23-7.38). This association was entirely accounted for by unobserved familial risk factors (HR = 0.95, 95% CI 0.44-2.03). Similar pattern of effects was found for substance misuse.
large member
Fri Jul 05 14:45:31
Yes, blacks barely ever commit murders. Which of course was my point. Correct. But if you want to single out any demographic to deport back to where they came from citing murder rates, then it would have to be males. It would absolutely solve all kinds of societal problems.

Males, not race are the problem.
Fri Jul 05 16:06:35
Men are on average taller than women, but among those men the Dutch are the tallest.

Jergul keeps squinting at the world and reporting his observation; it’s all a big blur.
large member
Sat Jul 06 03:36:02
So you are abandoning your critical race theory about blacks being a crime problem then?

Since you are happy to give men a pass and men are the actual definable problem.

You should move more outside your bubble nimcow. Crowded with you and CC in there.
Sam Adams
Sat Jul 06 09:52:19
"Sam does not control for these, Sam's claim is clearly unsupported."

Blacks are poor because they are stupid. This is not the excuse you think it is. It is increasingly evident that genetics directly and indirectly controls the large majority of crime rate.
large member
Sat Jul 06 11:27:41
It is self evident that gender directly and indirectly controls the large majority of crime rate.

So, what should we do about it?
Sat Jul 06 15:09:58

"Education has no impact on income".

Cool story bro. I'll believe it when you don't send your own kids to school.
Sam Adams
Sun Jul 07 00:17:50
Education is well correlated with iq seb.
Sam Adams
Sun Jul 07 00:23:44
Indeed jergul. Some of the things society has done: entire career fields(early childhood education for example) essentially ban men because of the higher male crime rate.

Large chunks of society are segregated to keep men away from womens spaces.

Or at least they were, before the sebs got involved.
Sun Jul 07 10:43:01
"Bears don't generally attack humans, male or female."

How frequently do humam females come across bears?

How frequently do human females come across human males?

When that is factored in, Id bet bears pose a greater threat.
Sun Jul 07 11:09:37
Habebe hits the spot. Murder would need billions maybe trillions of bear encounters to establish that women prefer bears over males.

But like, why? lol :-)
large member
Sun Jul 07 13:37:18
A human male in a forest is way more likely to cause harm to a woman than a bear. The bear will just wander off. The dude? Alone with a woman outdoors? You know she is asking for it.

The flynn effect would strongly suggest that there are socio-economic reasons for IQ lags in specific demographics.
Sun Jul 07 16:02:39

Gosh, almost like you might have discovered that variation on education quality (negatively correlated with poverty) may effect both IQ scores and future income!

Better control for that effect then, before drawing conclusions.
Sun Jul 07 18:57:56

"Using instrumental variables methods that exploit the school assignment formula,
we find that elite school attendance had large impacts on completed education. For women,
we find that elite school attendance generated positive effects on labor market outcomes and
significant decreases in fertility; for men, we find no elite school impacts on any of these laterlife outcomes."

And this basically mirrors studies in the US that saw the elite effect vanish, once you controlled for IQ and that only minorities got a bump from going to Harvard et al. Society has such low expectations on women and minorities, that if they show up with a degree from a fancy school, everyone thinks they must be some kind of unicorn.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 08 04:05:40
[jergfag]: "Males, not race are the problem."

This is further evidence that jergfag is a slavish and compliant supporter of global totalitarianism. This same exact talking point is used by leftists such as James Cameron, by misandrist feminists, by Maoists, by slavish religions (e.g., Lutherans, Calvinists, and Jews), and by the WEF.

It follows from a simple deception: Men are indeed more violent than women, BUT, jergfags who use this deception will omit the utility of violence, such as in the preservation of society (i.e., violence is necessary to save a society from its violent enemies). And these jergfags know — being traitors, cowards, and subversives within Western society — that they are selling this deception *exclusively* to a Western audience. The utility in selling this deception to the West while having no such attention paid to the East/BRICS+ is that the West will disempower its men, making Western society a soft target for the East/BRICS+ (which is currently *empowering* its men).

So, again, the true formula is this:
Who uses ultra-violence to *defend* the West?

Obviously, it is not black people or leftist jergfags who defend Western society. Black people in the West do not possess the IQ or morality to use violence with pro-Western purpose (is gang violence helping Chicago?). Culturally, they apply dysgenics to themselves by exacting violence against black people who are not "black" enough. They are consistently underrepresented in combat arms and special forces in the West since they fail to meet mental requirements such as mental fortitude and discipline under pressure. They are a slave society of crabs pulling each other down into the bucket.

Naturally, jergfag would thus love to distract against this Biological Leninism (Bio-Leninism) — this use of black people and men as props in a game of biological warfare in the West. Because jergfag is a coward and endlessly subservient to destroyers and is incapable of even hypothetically acting as a contrarian to that slavish ideology, the basis of his argument (removing men from Western society) would — as all of his talking points do — cause the suicide and destruction of the West.

As would seb.
It is in seb's interests to ignore the lower IQ of black people because seb also advocates for Bio-Leninism. If seb can successfully ignore this IQ and violence disparity, then he can help the totalitarian Regime destroy the West by introducing the black bio-weapon into Western governance. That is the purpose of DEI. This is why sebguls oppose meritocracy and use these disingenuous arguments. They are traitors. It is, as usual, that simple.
Mon Jul 08 08:18:04
The internet has responded.

Guys, would you rather spend 90 days in a desert with a woman or a dog?

Pwned. To the max.
Sam Adams
Mon Jul 08 09:41:29
Seb, blacks score much lower even when they go to the same schools as whites.

Its genetic.
large member
Mon Jul 08 13:54:41
Got to love the Flyn effect. Who cares if the average black man has only has an IQ 10-20 points higher that service members returning from their victories in world war 2? The greatest generation was more than smart enough.

As for crime. Obviously it is driven by social and economic factors. Now, if we absolutely wanted to deal with crime, then that is best done targetting gender, not race. So yah, send men back where they came from.

Or, perhaps fix the social economic drivers generate crime in the first place?

I suggest airdroping playstations into ghettoes. Let the young lads play games instead of dealing drugs (entrepeneurship as one of our posters would call it).

Like the internet could survive 90 hours in a desert, let alone days.
large member
Mon Jul 08 13:57:32
And before you say it. I am pretty close to peak IQ at the paramount of Flynn before reverse Flynn set in. Am just saying :D.
Mon Jul 08 16:04:43
That wasn't the question and "the internet" is not a person. Lrn2meme.

"So yah, send men back where they came from"

That is disgusting and illegal in most jurisdictions, this isn't Game of Thrones, mother fucker. However, men do try to approximately get back to where they came from. Successfully I may add, men are by far the best group at getting back in where we came from.
Mon Jul 08 16:39:40

Citation needed.

In any case going to the same school isn't necessarily the same thing. Did their parents read to them at night, or were they pulling overtime in a retail job etc. etc.

You reach for genetics to explain everything without even attempting to try and isolate other well known effects. It's lazy, unscientific and moronic.
large member
Mon Jul 08 16:47:34
Lern2meme yourself. I am alluding to the basement dwellers lack of critical thought. 90 days in a desert? lulz. They would not last 90 days on a porch.

Indeed. Sending anyone back where they supposedly came from is indeed disgusting and illogical. See your better half for manifestation of those sentiments.
Sam Adams
Mon Jul 08 21:30:42
"Did their parents read to them at night, or were they pulling overtime in a retail job etc. etc."

Indeed. Low iq compounds. Not only are you stupid but your kids are stupid AND you are a shitty parent. Its a real curse. I dont see how you escape it. Best not to associate with the stupid as much as possible.

"You reach for genetics to explain everything without even attempting to try and isolate other well known effects. "

This very thread starts with the elimination of typical excuses/factors. Lol dunce.

"Citation needed."

You'll just ignore it so why bother.
large member
Tue Jul 09 04:29:33
Why does it matter that blacks are only 10-20 IQ points smarter than the greatest generation?

Also, it seems very relevant to think that the Flynn effect has had less of an impact on black communities for social and economic reasons. A thought that has nothing to do with genetics at all.
Tue Jul 09 13:51:36

"Indeed. Low iq compounds."

Believe in epigenetics do you? You just claimed it was genetic, now you agree there are larger environmental effects routed in socio-economic conditions.

Tue Jul 09 14:02:58
"This very thread starts with the elimination of typical excuses/factors"

No it doesn't in two important ways:

Firstly it doesn't control for socioeconomic factors at all. The relative socioeconomic condition of black Londoners may be comparable to those of American blacks generally. The lack of a history of slavery is a really shitty handwavey proxy to argue that you've controlled for socioeconomic impact when there's actual statistics you could use instead. By shitty I mean "so incompetent as to wonder if you've an IQ under 90". I say wonder, I don't really. I have high confidence that's the case.

Secondly, it neglected to mention the murder and violent crime rate in absolute terms in the US is through the roof compared to London.

But if the propensity for black people to commit murder and violent crime is genetic, why is the absolute rate of violent crime between US and London so different?

If US blacks and British blacks are just genetically predisposed to violence at the same rate, as you suggest, then given London violent crime rates are lower than the US, but have similar proportion of blacks, then blacks should be responsible for a much greater proportion of violent crimes in the UK than the US.

The fact that the proportion is the same seems far more likely to reflect socioeconomic effects that drive crime rather than innate characteristics like propensity of a demographic to violence.

This line is argument you use also proves that white Americans are more criminal and genetically inferior to white Londoners. This might actually be a sound result if you are representative of white Americans though.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 10 04:25:20
[Sam Adams]: "You'll just ignore it so why bother."

That's leftists in a nutshell.

Sebgul is a fucking liar, and one of the ways these liars propagate their arguments is by ignoring yours. jergfag, for instance, repeated his argument with zero indication that he had even read any other arguments.

A good meme applies here:
"When you are arguing with a Leftist or a Boomer, you are actually arguing with the TV — and the TV cannot hear you and it does not care."

These subversives are just liars and propagandists. Their primary purpose in "debating" is wasting the right's time with lies, red herrings, and deceptions. They do this because if the right actually realizes that the right does indeed already know the truth and does not need the left's psychotic and delusional input, then the right will apply policy which discards the leftist's many lies. The right does not need to convince the sebguls; the sebgul's prestige network itself must be destroyed, their opinions discarded, their franchise removed, their politics made low-class, their people impoverished and removed from all governments and all systems of power (e.g., finance, business, law).

This is not "[muh socio-economic factors]". That is a leftist lie that has been repeatedly disproved through the sheer volume of black failure. The DNC/leftist city is a monument to this leftist lie. Chicago has voted DNC for almost a century, but what good has Chicago made of the black? With trillions poured into these communities, all that the West has to show for it is the economic parasitism of the racialist welfare state — an investment that has never and will never pay off. A new youth center or a classroom with new laptops has persistently proven Jean Raspail's metaphor correct: "Your universe has no meaning to them. They will not try to understand. They will be tired, they will be cold, they will make a fire with your beautiful oak door."

The leftist's solution of dumping trillions into low-IQ, malicious, and delusional schemes such as, "[hur hur, give them PlayStations]" only ever results in the absolute destruction of these gifts, since these people are so low-IQ and dysfunctional that they cannot preserve their own resources. An intelligent European can preserve heirloom furniture for generations, but a black within a DNC-city will turn a penthouse condo into a Zerg creep within a few weeks. They are cargo cults who can never realize that these fine things require the upkeep and creative efforts of intelligent work.

In the worst case, these sebguls *know* all of these truths but ignore them because they know that the black bio-weapon is an effective means of destroying Western society. The racialist welfare state is not just a lie that the left sells to black communities to keep blacks enslaved but represents the theft of European birthright. All of European labor is being siphoned into the leftist subversive's economic dead ends to prevent the rise of the Great Spirit of the West. The sickly sebgul absolutely opposes the West, thus their malicious lies must pretend that black people just need more trillions of European wealth before black communities can finally reach the activation energy of their impossibly nonreactive chemical equation.

In this case, we know — as an absolute truth — that black people are indeed significantly less intelligent than the Europeans whose nations they occupy in the West. If their position is to be fixed, the left's solutions must be entirely discarded. Instead,
• Black people should be denied the franchise
• Black communities must demonstrate mandatory Church attendance
• Black communities should be completely deprived of welfare funds that are directed from outside of their race (e.g., White tax dollars should not end in black communities)
• Black communities should be kept separate as is appropriate for their unequal status
• "Equity" principles in policing must be completely abandoned; black criminals must be charged by their crime with a total disregard for liberal lies such as "systemic inequality" in sentencing or "disparate outcomes", thus removing dysgenic blacks from society
• The dysgenics of Planned Parenthood must be abolished; abortion must be illegal in black communities
• Marriage must be required for black households with children
• Rap, hip hop, and saying, "Nigger," must be illegal in black communities; only White people can say, "nigger"
• Black people should be denied access to government and the bureaucracies, and they should not be allowed to make money through sports — in fact, the NBA, NFL, and MLB should be abolished in favor of local sports which show the martial prowess of particular communities (i.e., pulling from the peoples of *those* communities), and these local sports must be feeders for military service and martial prestige networks, thus, sports teams would represent local militias

Once these pillars are established, we can talk about which black people can re-earn the franchise through difficult service on behalf of the survival of the state. People such as Denzel Washington can continue to vote during the transition period because "Man on Fire" was fucking cool. If Gladiator 2 sucks then I take this back.
large member
Wed Jul 10 05:46:12
Ah yes. Apartheid. It has been tried. It did not end well. The answer to the problem is of course "a better, more equal union". Abolish the mechanisms that cause such perverse disparities in wealth and incomes.

Black people are significantly more intelligent than the greatest generation that won ww2. The Flynn effect. So we can discount IQ as a justification for anything. Or do you think the greatest generation never had the right to franchise?

Personally, I am jotting down IQ disparities to the Flynn effect. Whatever mechanisms caused IQs to increase only partially took place in repressed communities for natural reasons.
Sam Adams
Wed Jul 10 09:38:36
"Firstly it doesn't control for socioeconomic factors at all."

Why do blacks always fall into the same economic group? Why do other poor groups comit less crime?

Genes seb, genes. Its the most likely answer.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 10 09:59:33
[Sam Adams]: "Genes seb, genes. Its the most likely answer."

Yup. Simple as.

No jergfag deception about "[hur hur, vacuous and transparently stupid apples/oranges comparison of black people to the greatest generation that falls apart with only the smallest of scrutiny tho??]" will change this fact. Left-wing policies have made the situation worse, since left-wingers are definitionally dysgenic. The left has created a bio-weapon and has declared war on the West. Their policy suggestions are all more of their malicious poison; they are incapable of being contrarian if it violates the global totalitarian Regime; they are slaves making slaves.
Wed Jul 10 10:54:29
>>"Man on Fire" was fucking cool."<<


<3 <3 <3
Thu Jul 11 05:29:50

Then why are blacks in London so much less likely to commit violent crime compared to American blacks?

It's it because blacks don't constitute a meaningful genetic group?
Is it because British blacks are genetically different to American blacks (invalidating your argument).
Or is it because the dominant factors for violent crime are environmental, and genetics only accounts for minor variation (hence preserving the relative proportion between groups).

The evidence you've presented - relying on relative rates rather than absolute rates - isn't very convincing, is it?

Far more likely to indicate other effects, or a coincidence.

Come back when you have an actual data set with actual analysis rather than a blind leap to the conclusion you already held going in.
Thu Jul 11 05:30:46
You actually seem to be getting worse at this. God help your employer.
Thu Jul 11 06:40:50
“Is it because British blacks are genetically different to American blacks“

It would be astonishing if they weren’t. The UK black population are a product of immigration, the overwhelming majority of black people in the USA are descendants of people brought as slaves. Immigration is selecting for completely different criteria. The fact that there is variance within a population, does not invalidate the variance between population. This can already be seen in the USA comparing life outcomes of recent black immigrants with those of the black descendants of slaves.
Thu Jul 11 08:23:03

"It would be astonishing if they weren’t."

In which case, how does comparing the relative proportion of violent crime committed by Black Americans Vs Black Londoners tell you anything useful when the absolute rate of violent crime is different and they are different genetic populations?

The OP and its assertions are laughably incoherent.
Thu Jul 11 08:44:32
They are not (completely) different populations, but you should have comprehended that from what I wrote.

I don’t have to be unreasonably charitable to understand the OP. The thread title is wrong however, all crime is influence by genetic, not just “black crime”. The point here is that regardless of country of residence, and origin story, african linages are failing in a range of life outcomes, to a greater degree that European, Asian, even MENA lineages. You will obviously find succesful people of African origin, when you examine them closer you will initially see huge “cultural” difference between the successful and those failing slave descendents vs recent immigrants. It is a reasonble inference that those two groups will have genetic differences. You would of course find this in any population, the losers and the winners of any ethnic group will be partly the result of different genes.
Sam Adams
Thu Jul 11 09:45:09
"Then why are blacks in London so much less likely to commit violent crime compared to American blacks?"

Blacks have the exact same disproportionate crime rate in the UK as they do in the US.

Thanks for proving my point.
Thu Jul 11 11:06:02

It should be equally easy for you to have comprehended from mine that "genetically different" means in relation to the supposed genetic basis for this propensity for crime.

If you mean "genetically different, but not different in relation to these supposed black population crime genes" then I'm not really sure what your contribution was trying to achieve.
Thu Jul 11 18:44:50
What you said doesn't make sense, or you are using words incorrectly. You are doing the same bizarre and fallacious thing Jergul did earlier, comparing apples and oranges across time and space. The British black population is not from the same stock as the US black population. If we stay on the subject of crime and take the data at face value, while British blacks commit fewer crimes than American blacks, both groups commit more crimes than European lineages. Your line of questioning assumes they should be identical, despite widely different origin stories, cultural, and legal contexts. In summary, there is variance within lineages as well as between lineages, simultaneously.
Thu Jul 11 18:54:19
And when I say "It would be astonishing if they weren’t" [genetically different], I am specifically talking about crime, since it is now well established that there is a significant genetic influence on criminal behavior. Immigrants are generally not a random sample of the population they originate from, depending on immigration policy. A place like Sweden has acted as a magnet for low-life scum and criminals, whereas US and UK immigration has been more selective. My intuition on the issue suggests that British blacks have much more in common with recent black immigrants to the USA rather than those who are descendants of slaves. I would bet you that if you could extract that from US data, you would see far more similar results across outcomes, including crime.
Thu Jul 11 19:11:14
But none of this has anything to do with the point sam is making. Namely, that regardless of the variance within African lineages, they are still failing and falling behind European lineages. Frankly behind everyone. There is no society that I know of on this planet where black people are under-preforming in criminality and violence.

It is what it is and do with it what you like, but you lost this battle long ago. I encouraged you back then to stake out a moderate position before... you know before some Trump like character does to this issue, what Trump did to US politics.
Fri Jul 12 01:39:34

FFS Nim, no I'm not. Sam's argument seeks to prove blacks are genetically prone to crime by comparing black populations in America and London. I'm pointing out that his own numbers show a difference, not similarity, and yes, they are unlikely to be the same genetic group anyway.

I'm expressing this perfectly clearly, you just doing that thing of yours again.
Fri Jul 12 06:16:53

"Blacks have the exact same disproportionate crime rate in the UK as they do in the US."

Nope, they don't.

Urban US violent crime rates are higher than London, so even if blacks in London are committing the same proportion of crime, they are committing it at a lower rate. That doesn't make sense if the propensity to commit crime is driven by genetics and you believe these genes to be consistent between the population.
Sam Adams
Thu Jul 18 17:52:02
Lol leeds
Sam Adams
Thu Jul 18 17:56:32
There is no where blacks go where their crime rate is not massively disproportionate. Despite decades of welfare and handouts too. At all income levels. Its genetic seb.
Sat Jul 20 04:32:58

Romanians, retard.
Sat Jul 20 04:33:44
Just to check, you do understand Romania is a country in Europe, not Africa. I know you can be pretty bad at geography.
Sam Adams
Mon Jul 22 20:20:29
The rioters in leeds were not romanian, you dunce.

Did you make up that lie, or you were lied to and gullible?
Sam Adams
Mon Jul 22 20:22:25

Anyway here is one of your imports butchering a housecat.
Tue Jul 23 03:21:32

Er, yeah they are. It's an area with a high level of Romanian Romas. The event was triggered by social workers calling at a Roma household and their entire extended network turned out to protest.


The Muslim guy in some tweets is a green party councillor and he's intervening to try and stop the burning of bins.

You literally can't tell the difference between Romas, Arabs and Africans can you?

Literally all just an indistinguishable group of brown people on your eyes.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 23 04:31:49
I think it's time we accept that sebfag is a black jew and that that's why he's so retarded and subversive.
Tue Jul 23 04:51:04
I think it's time we accept CC is an early version of ChatGPT trained on far right social media.
Tue Jul 23 09:48:23
Sam Adams
Tue Jul 23 16:59:10
You can see in any one of 30 videos lots of muslims and africans rioting. Maybe it started with a few gypsies but your crime loving imports are not turning that chance down.
large member
Tue Jul 23 19:27:48
What is even your point?
Wed Jul 24 03:43:12

I suspect the issue is you just can't tell the difference.
Wed Jul 24 03:44:15
Brownish skin, black hair, beard - must be an African or a Muslim!!
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