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Utopia Talk / Politics / Bob Menendez verdict
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 12:03:53
found guilty on all counts

DOJ persecution of Dems!!! a politician committing crimes shouldn't be charged!!
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 12:06:50
also election interference (obviously!) as he's running this year
Tue Jul 16 14:15:26
Lol. Tw, you are so dramatically pathetic. Menendez was bought by foreign entities. Very different from the silly shit trump is being persecuted with.
Tue Jul 16 14:21:23
Also. The week continues to get worse for tw.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 15:04:39
has your side found a way to spin the Menendez verdict as validating Trump somehow?

i don't doubt they will... they did with Hunter's guilty verdict...
Tue Jul 16 16:28:09
I'm just glad the DEI hires instituted 3 years ago under biden at the DOJ couldn't find a way to sweep this under the rug. I guess the gold bars were really difficult to downplay.
Tue Jul 16 17:57:54
comparing Trumps accounting department putting the wrong memo on a check to what Menendez has done would be like comparing someone spitting off the Hoover dam to someone destroying the Hoover dam. This of course applies when Lake Mead was full and not depleted by draught and overuse.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 18:41:18
& no one did... Trump's been charged w/ other & more serious crimes, crimes he's offered no defense for... yet pretends there's nothing to them, & your side plays along

(also that crime you noted was shown to be deliberate deception, not a wrong memo line)
Tue Jul 16 19:06:27
you want to elaborate on those serious crimes. Can't be the documents or Biden would be on hot water. A serious crime shouldn't be ignored but presidents taking documents has always been ignored right up until Trump did it.
Can't be January 6th. He wasn't a part of the riot and asked people to be peaceful in their protests. If his rhetoric leading up to January 6th was a serious crime then why is much more incendiary speech from the politicians on the left ignored? You don't ignore serious crimes.
So what serious crimes?

Oh and another question. You have a lawyer that you and/or your company consults with and that lawyer then acts in your behalf. What do you write in the memo when you pay him? Did all the other checks written to him have the same notation in the ledger?
These crimes are so serious that they were ignored or dismissed until a couple of days after Trump said he would run for office again.
The Hoover dam analogy stands as a good and proper analogy of the different levels of crime between the two.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 21:26:29
which president refused to return classified docs and even hid them from lawful subpoena? (and Biden didnt do those things either... a prosecutor looked at what he did, which was significantly different (including multiple searches not complained about at all), and made a call)

and hey look, another person who thinks the J6 charges are about inciting the riot... jesus fucking christ... complete ignorance of Trump charges is mandatory

he wasn’t paying Cohen for legal services... so no, not a legal expense

“These crimes are so serious that they were ignored or dismissed until a couple of days after Trump said he would run for office again”
Totally ridiculously provably fucking false.. every last one in progress before he super-early announced

“The Hoover dam analogy stands”
well you don’t know a fucking thing about the charges so I guess you can believe whatever batshit crazy thing you want
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 21:38:24
that's also you, like Rugian, accepting the idea that if an ex-president loots any & all classified docs he wants on the way out, that NOTHING should be done about it... a fucking crazy position i'm certain you wouldn't have if not required to defend Trump...
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 21:50:24
...and your side claims to believe Biden takes bribes, yet has no concern of Biden making use of this complete bullshit claim of the law (probably as it's complete bullshit, yet the complete bullshit is regularly stated by your candidate as his defense... yet only ever stated by your candidate nobody else.... as -everyone- knows it's complete bullshit hence why zero effort to make changes to an apparently crazy law & never claiming it is the law to defend Trump... as it's very obviously complete bullshit... have i made that point clearly enough yet?)

keep eating the completely obvious shit that the cult leader extremely obviously excretes out for you...
Tue Jul 16 22:56:07
You know tw is melting down and having a borderline panic attack when he posts multiple long posts defending his position. Sad.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 23:37:50
if only you could see how fucking insane your positions are you'd understand

Trump takes, refuses to return, & even hides classified docs (important ones)... he offers a provable obvious lie as his only defense... somehow none of that matters

are you doubting some part of it? or just aren't able to fault Trump for anything ever? if he did it, it's fine, regardless of the it
Wed Jul 17 00:01:01
Tw, you do realize that now after Saturdays attack you are 100% being monitored? All your internet activities are being watched. You are the textbook case lunatic they need to watch for because they can't fuck up publicly again.
the wanderer
Wed Jul 17 00:15:02
CC would go first
the wanderer
Wed Jul 17 00:19:24
...plus my positions are completely rational (unlike yours)
Wed Jul 17 01:08:56
Lol. Tw. Posting about trump multiple times. Every day. For 4+ years is not rational. You are definitely being watched.
Wed Jul 17 01:33:41
"that's also you, like Rugian, accepting the idea that if an ex-president loots any & all classified docs he wants on the way out, that NOTHING should be done about it... "

not what I believe at all. Not even close. I do believe we have to treat them all the same so Biden should be facing the same charges and then some. He should face additional charges for what he removed while in the Senate.
And we don't know how many of those documents were classified because the FBI admitted the classified cover sheets were provided by them and placed over documents before the evidence photos were taken. They also admitted to moving documents around and are unsure if they returned them to the same boxes they came from.

What do you think Trump was paying Cohen for? You do realize no disclosure agreements happen all the time and usually are negotiated through a lawyer that expects to be reimbursed plus paid for his time?
the wanderer
Wed Jul 17 11:50:23
And we don't know how many of those documents were classified because the FBI admitted the classified cover sheets were provided by them and placed over documents before the evidence photos were taken. They also admitted to moving documents around and are unsure if they returned them to the same boxes they came from
hey more stupidity & falsehoods... are you saying the FBI is just lying at what documents they found? (for which Trump has denied NONE of it, & his current 'defense' isn't 'they framed me!' (but yeah, he floated the idea a couple times early on)) ... also he's on audio tape showing one of the docs (for incredibly stupid reasons) to Mark Meadows ghost writers

& they kept track of what they found in each box (including the order i think)... and ALL boxes are from Trump & doesn't fucking matter what order they were in, that changes nothing... plus there's photos of the boxes toppled & spilled, before the FBI ever came in his completely careless storage of them, so the order can't possibly be important to anyone

"What do you think Trump was paying Cohen for? You do realize no disclosure agreements happen all the time and usually are negotiated through a lawyer that expects to be reimbursed plus paid for his time? "

he was undeniably reimbursing Cohen for paying Stormy (& an agency that helped rig online polls...)... & criminal CFO Weaselberg wrote out the plan right on the invoice of Cohen transferring the money for Stormy making it extraordinarily clear what it was for
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