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Utopia Talk / Politics / Non US customer service
Wed Jul 17 03:05:29
Why is it that every nation Ive dealt with aside from US companies can not seem to figure out competent customer service.

1. Waiting takes FOREVER.
2. It can be like pulling teeth to hand them money!

Like I want I product, I jave cash, take my fucking money and get it delivered ASAP, I will come-back and probably be a repeat customer.

But no, they need to know exact product numbers for example, why must I do your job? What are you being paid for? To waste my time doing your work?

And if the product isnt available, why have you not immediately recomend a similar product? Again, it's like pulling teeth.

Return policies seem absurd in my spoiled American view as well.

Here a woman returned a Christmas tree on new years eve and got her money back, why? Because we have lax return policies.

Admittedly thats a bit extreme and silly, but it's an example of how much the US treats customers better.

This sort of interaction btw is not like a one time ordeal.

Now, Ive not dealt with every country and company, sure.

But in general, this seems to be a common theme.

Perfect example in my own personal life, just 2 days ago.

I bought an ultrasonic cleaner, $155.

Wasn't impressed, it was ok, not great.

I wanted to return it, I went to Walmart, they said the system wasn't working.

I didn't want to be bothered with contacting fed ex and all that.

I called 1800 walmart, was very nice on the phone, and within 5 minutes they have me my $155 back and told me to keep the product for free because they fucked up by having the system down when I got there.

That's quality customer service that ive never experienced in foriegn companies.

China probably is the 2nd best Ive encountered, and its still appalling.
Wed Jul 17 05:35:18
ur quality service with da broken system when u went there?

they alrdy fucked up.

Wed Jul 17 06:04:18

I wouldn't know. I buy all my foreign products from American retailers. :oP

Wed Jul 17 07:38:40
Murder, It's not a bad idea.

Tc, Customer Service is not IT.
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