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Utopia Talk / Politics / Iran is one step closer to THE bomb!
Sat Jul 20 03:59:29
Thanks again to Donald Trump for cancelling the nuclear deal^^


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday warned Iran can now produce the necessary fissile material for an atomic bomb in as little as a week or two, but has yet to take steps to assemble a weapon.

Speaking at the Aspen Security Forum, Blinken indicated he was not optimistic about the chances for reform in Iran despite the recent election of a relatively more moderate candidate, as Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is still the one who “calls the shots.”

“When this administration came in, we tried to pursue again, nuclear diplomacy with Iran, because if you could at least take one problem off the board, which is Iran potentially with a nuclear weapon, that’s inherently a good thing,” he said.

Blinken blasted Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, which the former president defended in his speech to the Republican National Convention Thursday night, saying Tehran “was broke” when he was in office but is now “very close to having a nuclear weapon.” Blinken, however, seemed to argue it was Trump’s approach that led to Iran being on the cusp of nuclear breakout capabilities.

“Instead of being at least a year away from having the breakout capacity of producing fissile material for a nuclear weapon, it is now probably one or two weeks away from doing that,” he said, clarifying that Iran has not yet produced a weapon itself, which would take far more time.
Sat Jul 20 07:53:03

I thought this thread was going to be about "Horizon: An American Saga". :o\

Sat Jul 20 07:59:49
The Biden administration has pretty much been fellating Iran for the last four years with all sorts of sanctions waivers and funds releases and ordering Israel not to attack them...and you blame Trump?

Lmao. JCPOA was never about preventing Iran from getting the bomb, it was about punting the issue so the then-current generation of world leaders wouldn't have to deal with it. It was always bullshit.
Sat Jul 20 08:02:39

Well now nobody it going to deal with it, just like they didn't deal with North Korea, or Pakistan, or India.

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