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Utopia Talk / Politics / The DNC A55a55ination Coup #3
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 18:38:47
Thread 2:
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 18:38:59
Thread 2 was not quite full yet, but the sebguls made it super ghey. We're back on track now with today's Hearing:
"Oversight of the U.S. Secret Service and the Attempted [a55a55ination] of President Donald J. Trump"
[GOP Oversight, Official YouTube; July 22nd, 2024]

I'm still going through it, but most of the hearing is a joke since the Secret Service clammed up and gave the "ongoing investigation" line, but, surprisingly, AOC revealed something interesting (clipped here, but this occurs in the full video (above) at 2:02:00 ):

AOC basically asks why the Secret Service did not have a perimeter which accounts for the effective range of common AR-15 builds. The Secret Service gives their non answer, of course (personnel, overwatch was in place, security expectations, etc.), but more importantly AOC reveals *why* she is asking: she is afraid for her own life.

Someone in the comments points out that this is indeed personal for her, and I responded with this:
She has to know what happens after the first domino falls.
If the DNC had successfully made July 13th happen, they would have experienced tremendous asymmetric blowback.
These MK Ultra opportunists select psychosis-inducers: the opposition whose existence most upsets them.

I couldn't say it explicitly on Twitter, but it's a simple causal chain that I have mentioned before on the topic of tumblefag's myopic bloodlust and what it would cost him:

• Stage 1: MK Ultra candidate* #1 takes the hint from Regime media and a55a55inates "Hitler 2.0"
• Stage 2: MK Ultra candidate #2 sees "his guy" ("Hitler 2.0") has been killed by candidate #1, and he is now given psychological license to go after similar targets within the DNC.
• Stage 3: MK Ultra candidates #3 – 20 know that this is the moment. They begin selecting DNC targets as well.
• Stage 4: The Troubles begin.

The primary psychosis-inducers in the DNC are..
- Rashida Tlaib
- Ilhan Omar
- Cori Bush
- Ayanna Pressley
- Nancy Pelosi
- Chuck Schumer
- Jamie Raskin
- Biden / Harris
- Warren
- Klobucher

And those are just some of the politicians. Most psychosis-inducers in the DNC exist within the media:
- Anyone working at the View
- Joy Reid
- Psaki
- Rachel Maddow
- Jim Acosta
- Dana Bash
- Erin Burnett
- Alisyn Camerota
- Kaitlan Collins
- Van Jones
- Jake Tapper

And the 3rd tier is where it gets messy. Most MK Ultra people work in places where they are somewhat familiar with the area or do not have to travel far. This means that most target selection occurs in local states among whatever DNC candidates are available — regardless of how much national attention those candidates have. This means secretaries of state who tried to remove Trump from the ballot, Democrats whose names appeared in the 2022 mid-terms, judges whose addresses are available, and any soft targets or targets of opportunity.

In other words, if the a55a55ination attempt had been successful, myopic goblins get what they want ("[The object of our fixation is gone!]"), but blowback results in the mass death of their own political candidates. AOC knows that she is at the top of this list.

And, again, these lists are based on psychosis-inducement — not based on practicality or strategic value. AOC, for instance, is a useful idiot with no strategic value within the DNC. But, she is insane, has power, says crazy things which irritate people, and is a figurehead for more insane leftists. That's literally all it takes.

*(for you retards, I say, "MK Ultra candidate" not literally but to describe a particular known phenomenon. Any given population has a Normal Distribution of sanity. Psychosis propaganda is designed to increase the threshold of what people can rationalize to such an extent that the fringe elements of the Normal Distribution can no longer stand the propaganda and are pushed into action. This is, for instance, tumblefag's domain. The propaganda broke him, so his only recourse is to have sex with Trump, kill him, or gain sexual gratification from the spectacle of another person killing him.)
the wanderer
Mon Jul 22 19:10:51
is it your crazy contention that 'regime media' falsely painted Trump as some villain when he's completely innocent of any of their critique?

& yet your list of Dems & media (primarily CNN) targets are responsible for bringing it on themself?

odd you have no blame for Trump, who has unstable idiot supporters (see Qanon, Alex Jones, yourself... those believers love Trump, & it's specifically Trump, not Republicans) & Trump actively stirring up unjustified hate against so many...

also, given this assassin so far appears to just be a guy who chose assassination over mass shooting & didn't really care what party he hit, just wanted someone known, then how is it a DNC attempt any more than an RNC attempt or FauxNews attempt or any entity who mentions politics attempt?

i'm sure you'll have great answers

(& hopefully you're being monitored)
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 19:57:47
Do we notice that tumblefag did not address any steel man arguments and resorted to lies, subversion, and red herrings?

You're a dumb bitch faggot, tumblefag, and your open lies and subversion are a threat to these United States, and you yourself are a likely direct and active threat to the well-being of Trump and his people.

I, on the other hand, have repeatedly reiterated that political violence is absolutely a terrible idea, that it would only hurt this nation that I love, and that I would never engage in it nor condone it. Your opposition to this post is merely you casting red herrings to deflect from the real issues that Regime media was stoking. You have not responded to these steel man issues because you are a coward and illiterate. You are even too stupid to realize why I would only list DNC figures: it's because I was talking about blowback, you retard.

We know — for a fact — that Regime media provoked the a55a55ination against Trump. It was their goal, and they nearly delivered on their overt goal. Regime media repeatedly and openly referred to Trump as "a threat to our democracy", cast him as a "dictator", lied about him being a "fascist", lied about him being "[Hitler 2.0]", and used all manner of absurd and delusional propaganda to justify in the minds of their useful idiots and the public at large that Trump needed to be defeated at all costs. This is so thoroughly established by thousands of hours of DNC propaganda that if you deny this fact then you are simply proving to us — yet again — that it is in your best interests to lie about this fact because you want to continue to attempt to a55a55inate Trump. You are an unhinged lunatic, a cultist, a threat to yourself and others, and are evil.

The DNC clearly still wants to a55a55inate Trump, and tumblefag's continued psychosis here is a sobering proof of this. This nation is not safe while tumblefag-types have the franchise, political office, access to the bureaucracies, and access to banking and finance.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 22 21:31:50
hmmm.., now who can’t read the others posts... (or way to duck or misunderstand everything)

“ Regime media repeatedly and openly referred to Trump as "a threat to our democracy", cast him as a "dictator”” ... yet zero indication that was relevant to the shooters motive, in fact so far looks not to be...

anyway, carry on with the rabbits
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 22:57:06
[tumblefag (probably pedophile)]: "“ Regime media repeatedly and openly referred to Trump as "a threat to our democracy", cast him as a "dictator”” ... yet zero indication that was relevant to the shooters motive, in fact so far looks not to be..."

You're still too retarded to read.
You're such an abysmal dumb fuck that you would require a manifesto that directly says, "[I'm doing this because the media brainwashed me.]" That's how fucking retarded you are. But you are an ideological clone of this shooter. You suffer the same psychosis. *You* are the evidence.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 23:44:29
Other highlights from the Hearing:

• 25:00ish — Bolshevik Raskin predictably pivots from condemning the attack to making this an opportunity to push for an assault-weapons ban to stop "weapons of war" (the fucking gun-grabbing faggot). Whenever he has time, he is sure to emphasize that the shooter was using "his father's AR-15", since Raskin is trying to score political points off of the a55a55ination attempt of his political rival. He also is sure to mention that the shooter was initially identified via the serial number of his rifle, which he takes a moment to mention would be a useful requirement (more gun-grabbing faggotry).

• 51:30ish — Jim Jordan asks about Secret Service requests for additional manpower. Director Cheatle only claims that the Secret Service denying requests for additional help does not indicate that security was compromised but does not explain how that can be so. Without revealing specifically what was denied, she can get away with truth or lies in this scenario.

• 56:30 — Rep. Norton tries to deflect to gun violence. She uses the gun-grabber logic of "mass shooter's gun of choice". More lies and deflections. All she asks is whether or not disarming law-abiding people will make it easier for a tyranny to occur — but she's speaking of this tyranny as a positive (the coward's logic of "safety").

• 1:03:00ish — Rep. Turner talks about threat assessment but uses it as a means to talk about the threat of Iran (Turner is an Israel shill, so talking about Iran serves Israel's want to attack Iran). There has been some chatter about the possibility that the shooter was helped by a foreign government since Crooks was in possession of some signals kit that would be difficult for people to acquire and difficult for a 20-year-old to even know about, but I am not convinced by this. Crooks could literally just Google "ways to trigger devices remotely" or something and find that equipment. But Turner focuses on Iran's threat assessment as a way to call out the Secret Service for not being prepared for an even greater threat than Crooks.

• 1:10:00ish — Rep. Lynch's (obvious Democrat) questions are clearly trying to steer towards more gun-grabber idiocy. He stupidly and ignorant claims that the shooter had extra "clips" (it's "magazines", dumb fuck) and claims that those "clips" meant that the shooter could have "mowed down" the entire Secret Service detachment. This is retarded logic because it has no concept of return fire. This is a common leftist stupidity. He goes on to claim that it was a Secret Service error to keep Trump contained while the shooter was neutralized, because, again, he is so retarded that he thinks that an "AR-15" can just make "quick work" of the Secret Service shield. The monumental retardation of this is that he is essentially suggesting that the Secret Service should have tried to run Trump off the stage while the shooter was still active — but this would have put Trump in *more* danger. Maliciously evil fucks like this want to remove weapons from law-abiding people.

• 1:14:00 — Director Cheatle fields questions from Rep. Foxx about why she was hired and why she refuses to resign despite failure.

• 1:19:00ish — Rep. Connolly congratulates the Secret Service for their other successes and pivots to the Democrat wish for gun-grabbing, claiming that fewer guns would make the Secret Service's job easier (delusional nonsense). He further claims that if the Secret Service Director does not agree with his want to disarm lawful Americans that she is unfit for office (i.e., *that* is his imperative — *not* that she should not be in office after failing to protect Trump). This is becoming a theme among the Democrats: they do *not* want to criticize the Secret Service except in very limited and dutiful theater. This is effectively further admission that they would *prefer* that the Secret Service had *failed*.

• 1:27:00 — Rep. Grothman asks the DEI question. Director Cheatle has previously said — openly and directly — that she has been intentionally increasing the DEI presence within the Secret Service. She here claims that she is hiring the "best", but her DEI claim contradicts this as does her belief that *she* is the "best" (a claim she made earlier to Rep. Foxx). In other words, in *her* language she believes that DEI candidates *are* the best — not in actuality but in her preference for DEI. It's like a hammer-lover saying that a hammer makes the "best" shovel.

• 1:32:00 — Rep. Krishnamoorthi asks how it is that the Secret Service did not stop the rally despite a threat being known for about 2 minutes. Director Cheatle says that they are investigating communications to determine what was known. Director Cheatle also answers here that there is no indication of foreign staging of this shooting.

• 1:38:00 — Rep. Cloud points out what I've said before: Bolsheviks such as this Secret Service director organize bureaucracies so that accountability is shielded. Rep. Cloud simply wants to know which Secret Service billet is ultimately responsible for an event's security plan, and Director Cheatle says that there are overlapping realms of responsibility. This sounds good to sebbish faggots and people who might pretend that she's talking about overlapping sectors of fire, but we're talking about bureaucracy. It is in the best interests of a Bolshevik organization to remove accountability for any one figure. This is a self-cycling design, since bureaucracies formed in this way encourage no one to claim responsibility, since anyone who claims responsibility can be removed as a scapegoat. This means that those who survive an accountability purge are more likely to bury themselves behind bureaucratic protections (i.e., the system selects for cowards).

Cloud also has a funny joke here. He points out that Director Cheatle is a champion for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility, and that Cheatle has accomplished the "accessibility part".

• 1:41:30 — Rep. Ro Khanna (a Democrat crook who supports ESG) reads a generic "condemn violence" statement and surprisingly calls for Cheatle's resignation.

• 1:46:00 — Rep. Palmer also asks about the Iran threat assessment. Unlike Rep. Turner, Palmer's focus is entirely on how the Iran threat assessment should have boosted security (as opposed to Turner wanting to talk about Iran as an enemy).

• 1:59:30 — Rep. Higgins also calls out the "shell game".

• 2:14:00 — Rep. Biggs admits to the record a series of DNC calls to violence against Trump.

• 2:18:00 — Rep. Brown starts with a generic statement on opposing political violence, then immediately pivots to January 6th and Pelosi, congratulates the Secret Service, and asks easy questions that gives her an excuse to blame "gun violence". You don't have to guess their political parties. They're all on the same script.

• 2:21:00 — Bolshevik Raskin again.

• 2:25:00 — Nancy Mace's questions. She accuses Cheatle of intentionally leaking her opening statement to news outlets. Some people clipped this because Mace says, "Shit," twice. It's mostly theater.

• 2:31:00 — The Bolshevik Rep. Stansbury, who is a sustainability commissar who fervently supported the Party Doctrine of ESG at the ESG Hearings, predictably makes this about gun-grabbing. Her only real point is that citizens should not be allowed to purchase ammunition, and that no one should have access to "military style" weapons. These people are shameless.

• 2:39:00ish — Rep. Laturner asks why Cheatle is unwilling to reveal even undisputed facts that she clearly knows. She stonewalls.

• 2:42:00 — Rep. Frost (another idiot who just supports whatever they tell him to support) barely cares about the obviously coordinated talking point about condemning political violence. None of them believe it. He asks generic questions.

• 2:48:00 — Rep. Fallon asks the foreign adversary question (i.e., if a 20-year-old broke security, how is the Secret Service equipped for professionals). He reveals that Cheatle has still not personally gone to the actual site. He hits harder than the others on the "sloped roof" mistake that Cheatle previously made. The other Reps gave her more distance on this since she expressed that she was previously talking out of her ass.

• 2:52:30 — Rep. Lee lies about a "culture of violence" for her angle. To her credit, she asks how it's acceptable for Cheatle to avoid answering any questions for her stated investigation-estimate of 60 days, but she immediately undermines this by asking the same question as Rep. Connolly (i.e., would disarming Americans make it easier for the government to establish a benevolent tyranny).

• 2:59:00 — Rep. Donalds asks some repeat questions about what the failure point was. The unity on the "resign" talking points from the Democrats is making me very suspicious of their motives. It is possible that removing her during the investigation would allow the FBI more leeway to remove incriminating evidence or otherwise control the narrative. Deputy Director Ronald L. Rowe Jr. does not have any red flags that show a Regime victory if he takes Cheatle's place, so it may just be fake outrage from the DNC.

• 3:03:00 — Rep. Goldman (Bolshevik) stumbles through more retardation. He then drops a retardedly transparent line that is even more egregious than the other faggots: 3:08:30 "[Texas Rep.] recreated the shooting twice with an AR-15 and ... [hit] 15 out of 16 shots. I don't know why that doesn't convince him that we should get rid of AR-15s ... and weapons of war." The absolute fucking retard. Because you can hit things with a rifle, rifles should be banned? Imagine being this retarded. Tumbletard knows.

• 3:09:00 — Rep. Timmons asks about FBI updates. He is able to get confirmation that Crooks is believed to have acted alone (Cheatle previously waffled on this question). Cheatle again claims that all assets requested that day were received, but this obfuscates what others revealed, which is that they had been denied assets so regularly that they just stopped asking. Timmons is the first to ask about Crooks' detonator device. Timmons also asks a very obvious question that contradicts DEI: Trump is tall. Short DEI hires are not tall enough to cover his body, and yet, multiple short DEI hires were seen attempting to protect Trump.
Cheatle takes this personally since she is short, saying that her agents are "perfectly capable" (so she's delusional).

• 3:15:00 — Rep. Moskowitz (Bolshevik) actually makes a decent point despite being a Bolshevik who supports ESG: after the Uvalde shooting, the police department insulated itself from accountability with the same Bolshevik strategy and assigned no blame. This tactic was undermined by the governor firing the police chief. He's using this to intimidate Cheatle, but he's also revealing solutions to Bolshevism. Cheatle is asked if she would have resigned if Trump had been killed, and she deflects. Moskowitz then asks the same bullshit question about the disarming of Americans making benevolent tyranny easier, and he gets Cheatle to say, "Yes," by changing the variable from AR-15s to RPGs. Cheatle is weak.

• 3:27:00 — Tlaib does not even bother condemning political violence. She immediately talks about mass-shootings instead. She fakes being emotional while listing various shootings, even throwing in the word "racist" for extra cred among the mental weaklings. "I immediately thought of the children." lol! "Weapons of war." lol! Her testimony is easily the most retarded so far.

• 3:32:00 — Rep. Burchett asks about Secret Service occupying the building that Crooks used. He calls Cheatle a "DEI horror story."

• 3:37:30 — Rep. Crockett appears in a comically absurd costume and asks Cheatle if this was the result of DEI. Cheatle is somehow able to say that it is not, even though she cannot answer anything else so confidently. So she is lying. Crockett very racistly emphasizes "young White male" in order to lie about the Secret Service perhaps not challenging Crooks because of his race. This is directly contradicted by the evidence. We know that Crooks was being watched for suspicion, the question is only why Secret Service failed to address the known threat. Crockett then deflects to mass shootings and open-carry, since she is clearly trying to disarm law-abiding Americans because she — like all of the other Democrats in this hearing — are traitors. Crockett does admit that people in Congress have indeed been calling for political violence and escalating violent rhetoric. Surprisingly, she does not immediately pivot this as blame on the GOP, so she actually spoke the truth. She, like AOC, reiterates the issue of political retribution.

• 3:43:00 — Marjorie Greene asks about the agent in charge of the site. She has some fun questions mixed in here, ending with a question about whether or not there was a conspiracy within the Secret Service to a55a55inate Trump.

• 3:50:30 — Rep. Pressley starts with some retarded shit about gun violence and how no one should be afraid (this is weak people logic; some people *should* be afraid, such as Bolshevik anti-American political leaders). She then talks about DEI and how it's totally cool even though she herself is a representative of it being a total and monumental failure. She then lies about women in the Secret Service having to meet the same standards (they do not). She even shoe-horns Project 2025, lol.

• 3:53:00 — Rep. Raskin again. He hilariously seems to "compliment" the retards that go before him, but it's almost like he's saying it ironically, like, "[I know that you're a fucking retard, but I'll give you an especially large amount of praise so that it looks like I don't think you're a retard, but actually the praise is so over-the-top that I'm subtly revealing that you're my retarded golem]." Raskin then deflects to other "mass shootings". Then he talks about disarming citizens. More deflection. These people are evil.

• 3:58:00 — Rep. McClain mentions the "shell game" and is able to get Cheatle to reveal that Cheatle is fully briefed on the FBI's investigation (she even knows how many shell casings were on the roof and what explosives were in the vehicle) but is intentionally hiding behind "refer you to the FBI" so that she does not have to answer questions.

• 4:02:30 — Rep. Boebert continues McClain's line of questioning, beginning with the knowledge that Cheatle does indeed know. Cheatle says that she apologized to Trump personally for the Secret Service's failure. Boebert asks for Cheatle's personal texts and calls. Boebert points out that regular people saw Crooks as particularly suspicious but Secret Service and police did not approach him. Boebert asks if the Secret Service had anyone on the water tower. This may be because people were circulating clips of the water tower that (to them) appeared to have a person on it. This was obviously a shadow, but retards gonna retard. Cheatle at least answers this directly and puts that on the record. Boebert asks again about the slanted roof, but Cheatle deflects to a general statement about overwatch.

• 4:10:20 — Rep. Fry mentions the Secret Service's failure with Jake Sullivan and others, showing a pattern of failure. He asks about communications, but this is all open source knowledge so he's wasting time. Fry is able to get Cheatle to admit that Crooks became especially suspicious 5 minutes before the first shot and was confirmed as a kill shot seconds before.

• 4:17:30 — Rep. Luna asks for names and numbers. Cheatle here at least admits that it's her personal belief that Crooks acted alone (she previously defaulted to the FBI on that). Luna rightly points out that Cheatle may have perjured herself at this point. She definitely looks worn out and has been providing slightly more honest answers towards the end.

• 4:22:30 — Rep. Langworthy mentions that he went to the site himself. This is funny because Cheatle has not. He basically just torches Cheatle and points out, as others have done, that no one has been punished in any way for this failure.

• 4:27:10 — Rep. Burlison asks about responsibility and guidelines. He asks about encrypted apps and whether or not Cheatle uses them. Cheatle admits to carrying both work and personal phones.

• 4:33:30 — Rep. Waltz asks about claims that Mayorkas denied increased security for Trump. He reveals that Secret Service came to him personally to tell him that "for years" additional protection requests were denied. He shows that Mayorkas lied by obfuscation, that Cheatle is similarly lying by obfuscation, and that Anthony Guglielmi also lied. In reality, the Secret Service was asking for additional resources but those resources were denied, forcing them to patch security vulnerabilities as best as they could. They were set up for failure. Waltz points out the total lack of press conferences by SS, FBI, and others.

• 4:42:00 — Rep. Comer admits more material into the record. Raskin closes. He talks about bipartisan support for resignation before just talking about gun violence in general like a good Bolshevik. "Weapons of mass destruction" lol.

Comer: "There's never accountability in this administration."


The summary of summaries:
• The DNC largely attempted to not care about the a55a55ination attempt at all and instead blamed this on "mass shooters" so as to posture for gun-grabbing.
• The DNC clearly wishes that the shooter had been successful, and they condone political violence against their enemies.
• Director Cheatle was slowly worn down by the end and admitted that she knows specific details and has been briefed by the FBI but was hiding these details from the committee.
• Awards for biggest retards go to Reps Connolly, Lynch, Goldman, Crockett, Pressley, and Tlaib.
• Lynch's testimony is hilarious since he has no fucking clue what he's talking about.
• Tlaib's testimony is hilarious because she can't act and didn't bother pretending to be against gun violence.

So just remember that if a president gets a55a55inated you'll hear modern Democrats calling to disarm American citizens. That's the level of retardation we have achieved under Bolshevism.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 22 23:48:53
so anyone who has ever talked about Trump was conspiring to get 1 nut after 8 years to finally try to take him out (even though done merely as a fairly random political target)

makes total sense

& even though it does NOT appear to be this guy's motive... you believe it's media/dems/thinking-people who have corruptly painted Trump as bad, whereas for AOC (& every other target you have on the left) it's their own fault for their behavior... Trump's been perfect... no way he caused any negative views of himself...

face it, by your logic this was a Trump assassination attempt on himself by putting out his idiocy for years, including desperately wanting media attention daily & thus gaining notice of this nutter...
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 23:56:57
[tumblefag (TDS bot, likely pederast)]: "so anyone who has ever talked about Trump was conspiring to get 1 nut after 8 years to finally try to take him out (even though done merely as a fairly random political target)"

Do we see how tumblefag can only produce straw man arguments? He can only speak in lies and subversion. At no point can he directly address my actual stated claims.

"The DNC clearly still wants to a55a55inate Trump, and tumblefag's continued psychosis here is a sobering proof of this. This nation is not safe while tumblefag-types have the franchise, political office, access to the bureaucracies, and access to banking and finance."
large member
Tue Jul 23 01:58:43
You have in no way established the DNC wants to assassinate Trump and Tumbleweed will not replace you.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 23 02:12:04
"We know — for a fact — that Regime media provoked the a55a55ination against Trump. It was their goal, and they nearly delivered on their overt goal. Regime media repeatedly and openly referred to Trump as "a threat to our democracy", cast him as a "dictator", lied about him being a "fascist", lied about him being "[Hitler 2.0]", and used all manner of absurd and delusional propaganda to justify in the minds of their useful idiots and the public at large that Trump needed to be defeated at all costs. This is so thoroughly established by thousands of hours of DNC propaganda that if you deny this fact then you are simply proving to us — yet again — that it is in your best interests to lie about this fact because you want to continue to attempt to a55a55inate Trump. You are an unhinged lunatic, a cultist, a threat to yourself and others, and are evil."
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 23 02:55:35
Collection of some of the DNC's calls for violence:
Tue Jul 23 03:13:44
"Any given population has a Normal Distribution of sanity.

Psychosis propaganda is designed to increase the threshold of what people can rationalize to such an extent that the fringe elements of the Normal Distribution can no longer stand the propaganda and are pushed into action."

This is an interesting projection that tells us a lot about how CC thinks.

What most people do in this situation is not leap into action, it is switch off and disengage in a form of learned incapacity. Cf. How it has been used in Russia: nothing is true, everything is possible etc.
Tue Jul 23 03:14:36
Indeed much as the easiest thing to do with insane pseudo rationalisations one encounters here.
large member
Tue Jul 23 03:20:40
I think it ultimately is in my best interests to make some popcorn and enjoy the spectacle. Your election, not mine.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 23 04:29:07
[sebfag (actual retard, likely pederast)]: "What most people do in this situation is not leap into action, it is switch off and disengage in a form of learned incapacity. Cf. How it has been used in Russia: nothing is true, everything is possible etc."

Seb literally too low-IQ to realize that he just fell into an obvious error — failing to correctly rationalize a Gaussian distribution.

There's even a meme about this:
If you're a pathetically low-IQ person such as sebfag, and someone says, "Most Indians are short," sebfag will respond by saying, "[Not all Indians are short. I know a really tall Indian girl.]" This demonstrates how pathetically low-IQ the sebfag is because it was already built into the statement that not *all* Indians are short — that it's a matter of *many* or *most* being short across a distribution. But, sebfag cannot reconcile multi-state conditions, so he must piss and shit his diaper and respond to one state at the expense of the others. This is why you can never get him to understand that black people are lower-IQ than White people; he will always break into the "[but exception!]" logic. He cannot rationalize multiple inputs simultaneously.

In this case, sebtard failed to realize that it is the *bulk* of the Gaussian distribution that continues to behave somewhat rationally during psychosis propaganda — *not* being provoked into violence. I stated this clearly in my above writeup, but sebtard was too fucking stupid and illiterate to recognize that he just repeated a fragment of what I already said while — in his intellectual stupor — believing that he'd extracted some insightful proof of my "projection". You can be assured that any time that sebtard thinks he's discovered something clever, it is only because he stumbled into a colossal error that will further demonstrate his abysmal retardation.

Again, sebtard is illiterate.
If I wanted to correct sebtard's illiteracy, I would be forced to break this simple Gaussian concept into even more explicit thought bubbles — and he would still fail to rationalize them.

For instance, simplified thought bubbles that sebtard still will not understand:
• Psychosis propaganda is directed as a leftist normal distribution
• Most people will accept the propaganda, repeat the lies, and vote as commanded
• As propaganda increases, the general level of insanity within the population increases — across a distribution
• It is within rare elements across the distribution that individual and rare people will be so overcome with the propaganda that they feel a direct need to take action. These are MK Ultra candidates. They possess the right combination of variables such as easily brainwashed, irrational, impulsive, capable of planning, psychotic, isolated.

This is totally wasted on sebfag. I could explain this a hundred different ways and he would still say some retard shit about how, "[hur hur,] What most people do in this situation is not leap into action [hur hur! I am not tarded at all! hur hur!]"

It really is fucking sad. He's a fucking retard.

large member
Tue Jul 23 05:19:37
What has probably happened is a Gaussian distribution transformation. Driven mainly by the Flynn effect and its reverse.

Remember, there is actually only quite a small demographic with peak intelligence (happily, my demographic, but we all knew that at some level). A demographic walled in by Hot Rods on once side and The Children's on another (HR worked in accounting most of his life. He was among the smarter of his generation).

Populism thrives when people are dumber. What we are seeing is politics degrading to 1905-1955 levels of strong faith in strong leadership with the vilification of the opposition. Because only evil ignorance can explain pigheaded unwillingness to see things the correct way.

I suggest eating cake. Or maybe popcorn. Most of the globe is still getting smarter thanks to Flynn anyway. The reverse effect is for the golden billion.
large member
Tue Jul 23 19:28:53
Thankfully, I am the CC anectdote.

Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 26 00:11:23
Ugh, Trump actually believes that Iran is trying to a55a55inate him:

No, it was not Iran. It was the DNC. Israel *wants* the U.S. to attack Iran. Israel has wanted this for *decades*.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 26 23:21:08
Andrew Torba, CEO of Gab:
"Approximately 30 minutes ago, Gab learned that Thomas Crooks, the deranged Joe Biden supporter who attempted to assassinate President Donald Trump, may have had an account on our platform. We are unable to confirm that the account in question actually belonged to him.

The account was last active on the site in 2021. As far as we are aware, the account did not use the site to send any direct messages. He posted on the site nine (9) times total.

While the account made very few posts on the site, the majority of them were in support of President Biden. A number of posts in particular expressed support for President Biden's COVID lockdowns, border policies and executive orders.

We have saved the account data pending receipt of a search warrant.
[12:34 July 24th, 2024]
"Some more context: the reason we know is because we received an emergency disclosure request from a law enforcement agency."

The nine messages from "epicMicrowave" do indicate left-wing talking points, including:
• "illegal immigrants are not criminals"
• "[immigrants] show lower rates of crime"
• ""so yes more people votes for [Trump] but thats a result of larger turnout not a genuine increase in popularity"
• "Actually the executive order allows an easier path to US citizenship therefore no longer making them illegals"
• "The reason all the deaths are down is because you are in stick in your house."
• "However [Biden's] order doesn't actually open borders or reduce the authority of border patrol"
• "Im sorry explain to me how trump was ever concerned with what the left wanted, or anybody in the GOP for that matter?"

That last comment was in response to Torba saying this in 2021:
"It's astonishing how quickly the left wields power when they get it. 40+ executive orders. Total domination of committees in Congress. Pressuring the Supreme Court to do their bidding. Absolutely incredible. The right should learn from this. When the right gets power we tip toe around appeasing the left and not making them mad. The left doesn't care. They stomp all over us with no regard to our thoughts on the matter. The right needs to learn this lesson. Now."

In other words, Crooks' assumption was that neither Trump nor the GOP care about the left, which is false, but it is a particularly leftist belief that the right does not care about the left. The reality is that the left is so embedded in the prestige networks that many if not most GOP politicians — including Trump — tried to appease the CNN crowd so the right would seem "reasonable". This is the nature of the GOP merely being the DNC going the speed limit; the slave revolt keeps swimming left. The left, of course, completely disagrees with this and vehemently fights against the possibility, which, again, exposes them. tumblefag, for instance, would very likely pretend that Trump has never compromised — even if he knew that this exposes him as a leftist. He simply could not help it.

• Gab was contacted by "a law enforcement agency" to release information about Gab user epicMicrowave in connection with the Crooks investigation.
• User epicMicrowave spouted left-wing talking points in his few comments, including support for the global totalitarian Regime during COVID, hatred of Trump, and hatred for right-wing border policies.
Sat Jul 27 15:59:13

"Psychosis propaganda is designed to increase the threshold"

Then you are talking about the top tail not the bottom tail and mean "decrease" not "increase".

Having a PhD in physics dealing with stochastic turbulent structures and being intuitively familiar with all sorts of distribution it is obvious that when you refer to an increasing threshold to increase the proportion of the population affected, the threshold must be below the mode of the distribution.

I suppose if I had thought a bit more from your perspective, I suppose it would be obvious you used incorrect language, but who wants to spend inhabiting the absolute sewer that's your mentality.
Sat Jul 27 16:41:57
Apparently, comprehending CC's statement is beyond someone with a PhD in physics and familiar with Gaussian distributions. Who knew?

This type of pedantry while boasting about deep knowledge on the very thing you trip over, because someone used the wrong word is actually the hallmark of a midwit. Nhill comes to mind as to exact opposite, he managed to have conversations, despite being *literally* autistic, and me using the wrong technical jargon.
Sat Jul 27 19:28:59

Hush, of which you do not understand, do not speak.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 27 22:38:09
sebfag once again showing that he does not have the literacy to chime in since it just leads to more brain diarrhea. He misread my initial post, shit the bed, got called out, and is now attempting to recover with more diaper-shitting about his academic non-achievement in faggotry — and *still* fails to understand my point since he is *still* making a category error!

As I told williamthecoward: little bitchboys like this are just proving that academia is largely pushing through total fucking idiots. sebtard is *not* the exception where someone smart and capable was rightly drawn to academia; he instead is an example of a total fucking idiot who was pushed through academia in the same way that people will make the class retard into Homecoming King because they think it's funny.
Sun Jul 28 09:24:11
No, I read your initial post just fine.

In any case you've missed the central thrust of my argument, which is empirically that the psychological response to what you call psychosis propoganda isn't to lower the threshold (that you erroneously referred to as raising) at which the top tail engages in violent action, it's actually to raise the lower threshold where the lower tail disengages completely from politics in a form of learned incapacity.

Your inability to clearly communicate your incorrect theories of propoganda is very much a you problem not a me problem.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 28 13:10:50
[Sebtard (retarded dipshit)]: "No, I read your initial post just fine."

No, you absolutely did not. If you understood what I said at even a 3rd grade reading level then you wouldn't be shitting the bed yet again. I have never seen you engage with a steel-man argument because you are literally too retarded to do so.

This thread is about the deranged would-be Trump a55a55in who was activated by left-wing psychosis propaganda. Contribute or get the fuck out — no one has ever wanted your retarded pilpul, you absolute faggot.
Sun Jul 28 14:51:15
Yes, and I'm saying your nonsense about "left wing psychosis propoganda" is not only a hallucination, it is also something that cannot work in real life.

Far more likely given the Epstein releases he was driven by the right wing QAnon stuff.
Sun Jul 28 18:54:51
Information can not radicalize people.
Sun Jul 28 19:35:51

Awwww bless.
Sun Jul 28 19:36:41
Any information inevitably drives people insane.
Sun Jul 28 19:37:13
Oh look, turns out we can both be retards!

Only one of us is acting though.
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 05 21:28:40
"A sitting Democrat [Jamie Raskin (Bolshevik, MD)] made it clear that he and his colleagues intended to overturn the election and prepare for civil war after a failed attempt to murder Trump"

As a reminder, this is the same Raskin who wants to abolish the Electoral College (allowing Bolshevik totalitarianism), who wants to create a new law making it so that the VP merely holds a ceremonial role at the Elector count (thus allowing uncontested fraud), who "conveniently" protected Ray Epps, and who pretended that Antifa is "just an idea" and that White Supremacists are the FBI's biggest issue (falsifying threats using a captured DoJ).

So here he is transparently giving away the DNC's stated plan: *if* Trump wins in *2024*, the DNC will begin falsifying "insurrection" claims for *2020* to remove Trump from power.

Again, this is what the DNC means by "our democracy". It is not about whether or not the people decide on a candidate; it is whether or not the Bolsheviks *want* that candidate. If they cannot control Trump, they'll control Vance or Johnson. Even though retards such as tumblefag think that Vance is some kind of "far right" threat, he's an Israel shill, so the Bolsheviks actually prefer him to Trump since Trump seems to be taking Israel donor money but would probably do what he wants once in office.

So the Regime just used massive propaganda campaigns to create Manchurian Candidates to a55a55inate Trump, and, since that may not pay off (though they're certainly hoping for more attempts), their backup plan is to create civil war conditions in 2025.
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 12 06:06:27
To post some details for posterity:
Brandon Herrera video shows the absurdity of the ear-shot being intentional and also demonstrates the effect of a high-caliber weapon on a skull:
[July 20th, 2024]

Gerand Thumb did the same:
[July 21st, 2024]

Some of the details that they were working with were not even correct at the time they released the video, but they had the key details correct. Also note that those test dummies they use tend to exaggerate gore, so even though high-caliber weapons were why Crooks was bleeding from his nose and mouth (which I pointed out previously), the skin and skull tend to minimize the appearance of these things on the outside.

This is from late July but has some additional details regarding the shooting itself:
"NEW Video Cops Engaging Trump Shooter, Spotted 90 MIN Prior"
[jeffostroff; July 29th, 2024]

It draws from this video:
"Trump Rally - Butler, PA. 07/13/24. Extended Cut"
[Dayve Stewert; July 28th, 2024]

Short version is that police knew of the shooter 90 minutes before the shooting. An officer who was expecting that he was ending his shift forwarded images of the shooter to his unit.

In the minutes before the shooting, you can see that police were attempting to surround the building and get to the roof (footage shows the view from between the shooter and Trump). Police (apparently) did not have communication with Secret Service to warn them to remove Trump from the stage. Broken communication was a major factor. In other words, Secret Service had a major working gap in this area and were not responding to communications from police within that area. :|

This video uses a drone to plot the shooter's route:
[Spa Guy; August 6th, 2024]

The commentary in this video is absolute garbage since this guy is speculating about evidence that he cannot assign to the shooter (e.g., most of the prints on the roof probably came from investigators; the drone footage would be way too late to the scene to claim that interesting details were all from the shooter). But, the video itself is useful because you can see that the shooter
• parked his van down the street,
• walked to a table with a backpack (where his photo was taken),
• waited (probably seeking a moment when he felt he could get away with scaling the roof),
• went to a low point entry onto one roof, and
• then had to run across a bunch of rooves to get to his final position.
• At some point along the roof he assembled his weapon from his backpack.

Police may have been bottle-necked while looking for access points to the roof, with evidence of this being that the shooter apparently pointed his weapon at an officer who attempted to access the roof. This would explain other officers moving at ground level to spot him. (Typically, tactical thinking has people try to flow around bottlenecks to find other vantage points that are useful — i.e., find wherever "work" can be done.)

It was previously speculated that a different access point was used by the shooter:
"NEW Evidence: How Trump Shooter Got On Roof"
[[jeffostroff; July 30th, 2024]
..but this previous speculation doesn't account for the FBI removing part of the shooter's actual route for their evidence-processing. There was also some speculation about the shooter using a bike, but the cyclist was someone else with a backpack who was identified and interviewed.

This video has better route-mapping and shows some of these concrete details:
"Trump Shooter Running On Roof NEW VIEW Police Bodycam"
[jeffostroff; August 11th, 2024]

So, anyways, it has now been about a month since the DNC successfully incited a left-wing psychosis victim to attempt to a55a55inate their primary opposition following the dementia/Parkinson's meltdown of their Biden puppet at the Trump/Biden debate. Recall that after failing to have Trump killed, the DNC removed Biden in favor of an Indian woman who blew her way into power and calls herself "black" to encourage voter turnout among black people. Incidentally, if the DNC had succeeded, Nimarata Randhawa (another Indian) would likely have been the GOP candidate, which I warned about before the a55a55ination (i.e., I warned that DeSantis dropping out would put the a55a55ination play in motion for Randhawa).

Hilariously, sites such as Imgur are still openly getting news and strategy from New Republic, which infamously timed a Trump-as-Hitler cover very soon before the a55a55ination attempt:

So, if you think that the DNC attempting to a55a55inate its political opponent through propaganda resulted in soul-searching and a return to principles... nope. Bolshevism can only continue to destroy. Their only regret is that the shooter was not successful, and one of their hopes is that another will try. These people have no conscience and even now are blasting the echo chambers with warnings of "Christo-Fascism" — admitting their guilt in the process.
Cherub Cow
Tue Aug 13 07:24:04
Very good point:
"Trump would be wise to remove from his Secret Service team anyone who says they believe the Fine People Hoax that is being spread by Biden and the Harris campaign right now. Get it in writing.

Ideally, you want a Secret Service team that has more incentive to keep you alive than to let someone “kill Hitler.”

I would also demand the current head of Secret Service issue a public confirmation that they know the Fine People Hoax is debunked.

If not satisfied, use private security."
Cherub Cow
Tue Aug 13 09:13:27
The Secret Service sniper who stopped the shooter appears on BodyCam with his spotter here:
"Meet Secret Service Snipers Who Killed Trump Shooter BWC2-122104"
[jeffostroff; August 12th, 2024]

In the early hours after the shooting, a lot of people (e.g., Gerand Thumb) incorrectly assessed that the sniper team appearing behind Trump in the ground footage (i.e., to Trump's NorthWest) were the ones who took the shot, but it was the team to his SouthEast, since they had a view that was not obscured by the trees. This caused some issues by more retarded conspiracy-slingers about "[Why didn't they shoot sooner?]", with the answer being, "[Because the snipers you're seeing in that video had their view obscured by trees and were not the ones who fired]."

The video also includes footage of when this SouthEast SS team were alerted to the commotion on the "AGR International" building's rooves and adjusted position from observing the South to observing the AGR rooves to their North (18:10:10 local time). The shooter fired his first shot at about 18:11:35 local time, so that means this SS team observed the rooves for about one minute and 20 seconds, which was the time spent by the shooter running across the rooves and then low-crawling up the final roof. From this team's vantage point, Crooks' head would not have been visible until the moment he began firing, so they reacted on sight within about 5 – 9 seconds. Trump reported yesterday that the team gained sight of the shooter via muzzle flash (1:01:10 in his discussion with Musk: http://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1823144316014911820 ).

So again this goes to communication between the Secret Service and local police, with the AGR building being a major oversight when it came to sectors of fire. (The Secret Service largely left that area to police control but did not have good communication with the police.) Director Cheatle "corrected" the record regarding her early claim that counter-snipers were not deployed to this AGR roof due to the roof's pitch presenting a safety issue (her early claim here: The Hill; July 16th, 2024 https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/4776617-secret-service-director-assassination-attempt-roof/ ), but her "correction" was merely that safety was *part* of the decision-making process (and this is if you steel-man her position). The result, of course, of not assigning personnel to the roof itself is a major non-coverage of that sector — personnel shortage being itself another issue.

Some reports even state that a sniper unit was *within* the AGR building behind Crooks but that those windows do not have a sight-line to the rooves there. These sorts of issues are obvious to spacially aware security planners, so the question is why people without spacial awareness are promoted within the SS, and DEI largely answers that question.
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 19 00:56:35
Further developments regarding the DNC's successful provocation (via mass-formation psychosis propaganda) of an a55a55ination attempt against their chief political rival:

2 days ago there were videos regarding Representative Clay Higgins' visit to Pennsylvania for his own personal investigations:
[jeffostroff; August 16th, 2024]

Higgins released his report here, though the above video does a good job visualizing the information:
[Official House dot Gov page of Clay Higgins; August 15th, 2024]

Major details are that Higgins finds outright negligence concerning the US Secret Service's (USSS's) interfacing with local police. USSS was supposed to pick up radios so that local police could interact with them, but apparently the USSS largely neglected to do so. It sounds like they only interacted with police leadership, which means that police had to work things up their own chain-of-command in order to have anything relayed via Police leadership to USSS leadership, which is an obvious oversight given how quickly events develop. There *does* seem to be *some* cross-chatter, though, given that the USSS Sniper Teams had about 1:20 (min:ss) (minus twelve seconds, explained below) of warning to focus on the AGR rooves.

Worse, though, is that Higgins revealed that it was actually an on-the-ground Police SWAT member who disabled the shooter. The 9th shot belonged to this Police SWAT member — not the USSS — and that shot damaged the rifle of the shooter and injured him. There is a pause after this SWAT shooter's shot, followed by another round, and it is *that* final round that came from USSS, killing the shooter.

This technically means that the USSS killed an injured shooter who was no longer a threat — basically cleaning up the Police SWAT member's work. This has given new room to conspiracy theorists, who are claiming a "Jack Ruby" situation of the shooter being cleaned up to avoid further testimony. I.e., the SWAT member's shot may have allowed Crooks to be questioned, whereas the USSS' kill shot silenced him. The pause between the SWAT member's shot and the USSS shot gives minor credibility to this, as does the fact that the USSS were using high-powered scopes and binoculars which may well have been able to determine the state of Crooks' weapon and his health.

Taking away from the theory, though, is how quickly this happened. From the USSS' good-faith perspective, even though shots had ceased, USSS would still want to be sure that the shooter was no longer a threat **at all**, given that Trump was still on stage, Crooks was still alive, and no one was on the roof to physically remove the weapon from Crooks (damaged weapon or not). The SWAT member also relayed that Crooks went down after the SWAT member's shot, popped up, and then was shot by USSS — so USSS may not have had a shot in that down window. All of this decision-making took place within about 4–10 seconds, and that is much more believable than the theory's timeline, which is that the USSS' thought process was 4–10 seconds of, "[Damn; our Manchurian Candidate failed, so now we have to take out the evidence.]" It's certainly *possible*, but it becomes improbable against the USSS' good-faith decision-making and the fact that USSS routinely and infamously goes through lie-detectors. Results could certainly be faked, but a general rule is that the more a theory has to expand into co-conspirators the less likely it becomes. Conspiracies of system are much more likely here (e.g., hiring incompetence through DEI).

At any rate, the SWAT member's shot is shown here. You can see when he took his initial shot (partially obscured behind a metal beam), a pause (4–10 seconds), then him pumping his fist after the USSS takes the kill shot:
[jeffostroff; August 18th, 2024]

Channel "Gray Hughes" picked up the same story but several hours earlier:

They both point out that the ground officer's video (which shows the SWAT member) was actually off by about 12 seconds. This means that the SouthEast sniper team actually had 1:20 - 12s or about 1:08 of observing the AGR rooves before firing.

Higgins' initial report also adds detail to the damage seen in the dead-Crooks image, which is that the final shot by USSS "entered somewhere around the left mouth area and exited the right ear area". So obaminated was also about correct in Thread 1 when he said, "I guess they shot him straight through the mouth?" ( http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=93008&time=1720921877144 ). We can now say that the USSS shot is visible in the dead-Crooks picture. The entry wound may be the dark spot on Crooks' upper mouth-area on his left (i.e., facing down towards the roof), with the exit wound partially visible as torn flesh about an inch below his right ear (that pic still available here http://x.com/utism_/status/1812301133706076671 ). This likely would have ripped through his teeth and brain stem (and/or upper spinal cord), causing the tooth damage and blood patterns we see.

Higgins also complains about how quickly the FBI released the scene: just 3 days after the shooting. The FBI also *already* released the body to the family for cremation — even before a final coroner's report has been released. This fits for more FBI incompetence and maliciously bad oversight.

Higgins also dispels the "water tower" idiots a bit. One of the more obviously bad theories was that a second shooter was on top of the water tower. These people were obviously over-interpreting a shadow, and the angle from there would not have matched any other trajectories. But, Higgins further dunks on them by explaining that the water tower was fenced off, the ladder is 20 feet off the ground (has to be accessed by special crews), two police units were guarding the wooded area around it, and there is an additional ladder to the roof — all of this adding a lot of time to any second shooter's efforts.

Higgins was one of the few anti-ESG people at the 2023 Hearings, so I do not think he's a full-blown Regime apparatchik, but he does "stand with Israel", which could indicate he's playing a role in an Israeli coverup. Overall, though, his work currently seems trustworthy.

Local police disabled Crooks.
USSS took the kill shot.
FBI is fumbling the crime scene.
Cherub Cow
Tue Aug 27 06:31:29
Not only did the FBI release Crooks' body to the family for cremation in about 3 days, but the coroner was not notified:
"‘Do You Find It Odd…?’: Cory Mills Presses Witnesses On Puzzling Details Surrounding Trump Shooting"
[Forbes Breaking News; August 26th, 2024]

Full hearing on C-Span:
[August 26th, 2024]

The FBI also released the Crooks residence as a scene within about 3 days. This is on top of other issues such as the FBI cleaning the crime scene after 3 days and the FBI maintaining its (usual) complete lack of transparency. At this point, it is very likely that they have Crooks' manifesto but are withholding it.

It is only fortunate, then, that the Gab CEO released Crooks' on-platform identity and exposed that he was a leftist. The FBI would likely not have revealed that information, just as investigators attempted to hide that Audrey Hale, who murdered 6 Christians including 3 children in March 2023, was a trans-man on testosterone who specifically and intentionally targeted a school because it was a predominantly White Christian school. Hale's manifesto had to be released (in part) through police leaks to independent media.

While I would have liked to think that the FBI wouldn't behave maliciously in such a high-profile case where the public has access to a great deal of information already (i.e., the obvious availability of information forcing them to at least admit to those known details), it seems that they take any opportunity to act in bad faith. There is pretty much nothing keeping them honesty. Director Wray basically said nothing at his appearance at a July 24th hearing — though he *did* try to float the lie that it may not have been a bullet that hit Trump (it was) — and there has not been any followup now a month later. The FBI's actions so far have been entirely consistent with them being a Bolshevik-owned organization.
Cherub Cow
Sun Sep 15 21:36:36
The DNC A55a55ination Coup continues:

"Trump ... targeted in second apparent assassination attempt"
[CNN; September 15th, 2024]
"A Secret Service agent spotted a rifle barrel with a scope sticking out of the fence of the golf course and “immediately engaged” with the person, Bradshaw said. The agent who spotted the rifle, Bradshaw said, is part of a team that stays a hole or two ahead of Trump on the course. The person was 300 to 500 yards away from Trump, an official said."

We knew that additional attempts would occur, since the DNC has *not* stopped encouraging a55a55ination attempts — even after the first one *should* have driven the seriousness home to them (Pareto residual/foxes being cowards, you'd think that they'd suddenly see reality and fear it as blowback endangers them — but not yet). You do not have to Google/DuckDuckGo too hard to find Regime media *still* calling Trump "an existential threat to Our Democracy™". But, leftists will simultaneously make these statements (which encourage a55a55ination) and pretend that they're *not* encouraging a55a55ination, as per my Schrodinger's Trump meme:

And notice also that not *once* did the ABC moderators at the Trump/Harris debate bring up the topic of the 1st a55a55ination attempt against Trump. Regime media largely pretends that it did not even happen. Just think of that. Regime media is in such control of propaganda that they can spend months talking about a lost Malaysian Airlines flight but can drop the story of a presidential a55a55ination attempt in a single week.

ABC's total disregard for this as a debate question, of course, simply adds to the immense bias that ABC displayed at the debate and that Regime media displayed in their followup (e.g., one anchor even pretended that Harris only lied once — when she lied something like 20+ times).

With the 2nd attempt, BlueAnon CT Nutters such as tumblefag are already pretending that Trump staged this to change the news cycle (delusional cultist psychopaths):
[tumblefag (TDS Bot)]: "so could be... -cultist dispatched to distract & change news cycle"
(While I could in good faith say that this was done by tumblefag semi-sarcastically, tumblefag is incapable of recognizing sarcasm in Trump and thus should be taken as deadly serious via the consequences of his own psychotic rhetoric.)

This is similar to left-wing psychopaths whose stupidity and ignorance caused them to speculate that some ultra-capable shooter staged the first a55a55ination attempt by shooting Trump in the ear (a shot that would be risky even with a highly accurate weapon, much less the poorly scoped discount rifle that Crooks was carrying). This is similar to the FBI facilitating BlueAnon CT-nuttery via Christopher Wray entertaining the idea that it may not have been a bullet that hit Trump. This came from a false narrative that perhaps a teleprompter had been hit, kicking up fragments which hit Trump — but there was zero evidence of this since Crooks' initial volley was completely unobstructed.

And now, after all of the mistakes that the FBI made in the first investigation (e.g., releasing the body for cremation, releasing the crime scene within 3 days, scrubbing and releasing the Crooks residence, lying about Trump being hit, delaying the release of important information (still!), helping Regime media bury the story by (still!) not releasing findings in a press conference), we are now supposed to believe that they are competent to handle a 2nd investigation:
[CNN]: "The FBI is investigating what it said is an apparent assassination attempt on Donald Trump at his Florida golf club Sunday"

Now, if you're a BlueAnon CT Nutter, then the true "conspiracy theory" (in their diminutive sense) is that the FBI is *not* corrupt (psychotic delusion). But, for anyone paying attention to the FBI's track record, we see the peril of a corrupt anti-Trump and pro-Regime FBI investigating crimes that they themselves are emboldening. In other words, the DNC encourages these a55a55ination attempts, and the FBI cleans the crime scenes to ensure that future attempts are possible.

Another interesting detail:
"The person in custody in connection with the apparent attempted assassination is Ryan Wesley Routh, according to three law enforcement sources."

People may remember from the movie "Conspiracy Theory" (1997) that MK Ultra activations are typically given 3-part names in the press (e.g., Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth, Mark David Chapman). The narrative of that movie was that this only applied to *successful* attempts, but this 3-part name formula has now occurred via Thomas Matthew Crooks and Ryan Wesley Routh.

Other BlueAnon CT nonsense is that Crooks was "NOT ... a Trump hater" (tumblefag), which is false. As captured in this thread series, Crooks was indeed a Trump hater, with his Gab history showing that he had freely adopted Regime talking points on immigration and his search history revealing that he had been led to kill by Regime media.

Also, an important thing to realize is what might be called the Franz Ferdinand effect: pre-WWI propaganda had reached such a fever pitch that *many* a55a55ination attempts were activated from *many* fringe groups. It was *not* just one man who killed Franz Ferdinand; it was *collectives* that were activated such that if one shooter had failed (and indeed one had; there were 25 in the group and 6 active a55a55ins) there were more waiting for Ferdinand elsewhere.

One of the many lies which has permeated the post-WWII discourse is that of the "lone gunman". This is similar to the lie of the Supreme Dictator (e.g., the singular Hitler) who alone consolidates evil. In reality, works such as "1984" paint the reality from the historical record as just these sorts of collectives. We are dealing with Marxists and Bolsheviks. As Heinlein warns about collectives as well, these people think in terms of Zerg/sentinel swarms since no singular one of them is capable enough to succeed. Their goal is not to cultivate and activate *one* *singular* MK Ultra operative but to saturate their propaganda such that *many* individuals are drawn to these actions. Tumblefag-types are copy&paste victims of this propaganda; there is nothing unique about a tumblefag. Tumblefag's consciousness is like a Duke Nukem sprite: a simple series of sub-routines that they obey and which can be copy&pasted endlessly to populate a scenario. His hatred of Trump is first-order programming, and his low-IQ ensures that he cannot see beyond this programming.

This sort of propaganda-on-the-collective is seen across MK Ultra subjects of blurred/agnosia-induced subjects. So, for instance, even *if* someone traditionally votes Republican (a lie that Sebfag fell for with Crooks and ran to propagate like the useful idiot he is), they are still drawn by Regime propaganda to believe that high-ranking figures must be killed, since Regime media explicitly wants political violence to justify the acceleration of their pre-figured plans. Donnie Darkened is one such propagator (@DonnieDarkened; 138k followers). This account *appears* to be right-wing Christian but propagates Regime signals by calling Trump the anti-Christ and playing into all narratives which support Regime determinism. This is a common fault of accepting Regime signals: accepting deterministic principles is merely a psychological trap which facilitates Regime-favored outcomes. I.e., it is just as useful to the Regime for a psychotic leftist such as tumblefag to hate Trump as it is for a right-wing DonnieDarkened-type to believe Trump to be the anti-Christ. This delusional thinking facilitates the same Regime-favored outcome: attempts on Trump's life.

This is the same thinking that Hollywood propagandists use to saturate messaging across demographics. Hollywood propagandists do *not* merely send a message to one useful demographic (e.g., making a war movie that glorifies a lone gunman wherein capable 30-something right-wingers are activated to certain thinking strategies) — they instead activate messaging across all demos. For instance, the movie "Spontaneous" (2020) activated Trump-a55a55ination narratives in the left-wing teen and early-20-something demo. This movie was about politically-active teenagers hating Trump so much that they "explode" (a metaphor for Regime propaganda psychosis as "good" and necessary). The only thing is that because Regime media so heavily favors left-wing propaganda in its funding, saturating right-wing demos is often perilous. That is, right-wing people are much more skeptical of propaganda than are the left, so anything calling the right to action is dismissed as "fed" activity (i.e., it is bad/fed-jacketed). The left, meanwhile, is perilously accepting of Regime propaganda and fully accepts these narratives. Hence, a tumblefag-type is far more likely to attempt political violence than any right-winger, so it is far easier to guess that those attempting such political violence are indeed from the left.

In short, Regime media has continued activating MK Ultra psychopaths to do their bidding, with this 2nd attempt on Trump's life being the result. It will likely not be the last, given the persistently psychotic attitudes of tumblefag-types. Even *if* this would-be shooter turns out (unlike Crooks) to be a right-winger, the central core is the same: it is Regime propaganda which facilitates this psychosis. Case in point: do you think tumblefag has made almost 50 threads about Trump because he's such a unique and quirky totally indy and special individual with individual traits and cool indy-music posters? Lol, no. Tumblefag is a clone, an NPC, and a Marxist collectivist. There is nothing unique about him, and in that total lack of uniqueness is the sea of many such collectivists being activated to this kind of violence. In talking to tumblefag you are talking to "the TV", and "the TV" wants these a55a55ination attempts.
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 16 00:57:07
It may not be totally confirmed yet, but there is a Ryan Routh who had an account on Twitter who appears to match the shooting suspect. His Tweets are extremely left-wing, his account was suspended today, and he began posting psycho content around February 2020:

Typical left-wing talking points used are
• unconditional support for Ukraine
• Has attempted to actively recruit Americans to fight in Ukraine
• fixation with a leftist revolution
• hatred of Trump and love of Bolshevik "democracy" (he tried to coin "Keep America Democratic and Free" (KADAF) for Harris and "Make Americans Slaves Again" (MAFA) for Trump)
• Tweets favorably at the Bolshevik Jew Seth Rogen
• Attempted (probably ironically) to get Vivek Ramaswamy to join NeoCon DNC asset Nikki Haley (pretty much only DNC instigators pretended that Haley was a legitimate candidate; see for example tumblefag)
• calls for globalism ("wish for every human around the world to be happy and successful")
• In June 2020 pretended that Trump was his 2016 choice but in the same Tweet called him "retarded" and said "I will be glad when you gone" (psychotic left-wing a55a55ination rhetoric); in May 2020 also Tweeted at Hillary Clinton that "we all must do our part to get rid of this idiot that is in the white house ... do the world a favor"
• Lots of ACAB rhetoric
• Support for George Floyd Insurrectionists
• called for a Federal police force (the DNC's FBI-Lite plan; the "Defund" movement intentionally federalizing all local police training; Biden later pushed this via EOs in early 2021)
• Supported Bernie, then supported Tulsi.. but, again, Tulsi support was only as a means of removing the rest of the GOP field (he lays out a scenario where exactly this happens: the rest of the field is eliminated for Tulsi; this is also when Tulsi was still DNC). This is, again, the left-wing disingenuous tactic of putting Regime sycophants in power by falsifying support in the opposition camp. No one on the right thinks of Tulsi as much more than a recent convert ("the left left me" type) who should not be trusted with power.

So this Twitter account matches a LinkedIn account with the same man, and CNN is picking up images of this same man in their articles:

New York Post has an image of this same man being arrested today at the scene (broken link to prevent thread-stretching):

So, yeah, another left-wing crazy tried to kill Trump. What are the odds that the next one will also be left-wing?
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 16 01:24:59
Hakeem Jeffries, who regularly provokes a55a55ination attempts against Trump, here living the Shrodinger's Trump meme today and getting called out for it in the comments:
"Political violence has no place in a democratic society."
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 16 02:10:28
jeffostroff doing some good mapping of the scene again:
"2nd Assassination: Trump Golf Course Shooting Analysis"
[September 15th, 2024]
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 16 10:02:08
Due to the FBI being incredibly corrupt and left-wing and biased, DeSantis is pledging to have local Florida authorities investigate the left-wing cultist who was inspired by Regime media to attempt to a55a55inate the Regime's primary political opposition:
"The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination at Trump International Golf Club.

The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP nominee."
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 18 05:01:17
Hillary Clinton, whose psychotic ego is largely responsible for the post-2016 TDS propaganda that liquefied tumbletard's brain, appeared on MSNBC on Monday to proclaim that Regime media should keep pushing for a Trump a55a55ination:

"Clinton: Take Trump at his word and be outraged by what he represents"
[MSNBC Official YouTube; September 16th, 2024]

[Hillary Clinton]: "I don't understand why it's so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is ... his danger to our country and the world ... stick with it."

This Regime imperative of stoking another a55a55ination attempt was reiterated by the White House on September 17th, where retarded shit-emoji Karine Jean-Pierre was pressed on her having called Trump "a threat to our democracy" in her first appearance after this "threat to our democracy" rhetoric directly inspired a left-wing a55a55in to attempt to kill the Regime's primary political opposition:

"Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre"
[White House Official YouTube; September 17th, 2024]
(Bookmarked to relevant section at 42:50):
[WhiteHouse dot gov; September 17th, 2024]

[Peter Doocy]: "It's been only two days since somebody allegedly tried to kill Donald Trump again, and you’re here at the podium in the White House Briefing Room calling him a 'threat.' How many more assassination attempts on Donald Trump until the president and the vice president and you pick a different word to describe Trump other than 'threat'?"

[KJP]: "...The question that you’re asking, it is also incredibly dangerous in the way that you’re asking it ... January 6th ... January 6th ... one of the darkest days of our democracy ... January 6th, one of the darkest days ... we have to refer to him as a threat ... January 6th, Peter. January 6th. Wait — January 6th — how many times do I have to — January 6th, 2021."

Very compelling stuff. It's basically four minutes of KJP talking about January 6th. That was 3 and a half years ago — and the Regime would not dare forget it — but they have already memory-holed the two attempts on Trump's life in the last two months. Wild — "Brazen," a fine judge might say.

So, yeah. If you didn't believe from the left-wing echo chambers and from UP's resident psychotic leftists that the left absolutely wants to try again to kill Trump, believe it from Clinton, the White House, and the usual cast of characters (e.g., House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, who "respectfully" waited one day before returning to his "Extreme MAGA Republican" copy/pasta http://x.com/RepJeffries/status/1835634816668037593 ). The Regime is absolutely pushing for another attempt on Trump's life. It's basically their main strategy right now.
Wed Sep 18 13:02:54
I wonder how many times Cherub Cow was raped over and over again by those closest to her to have so much trauma, she chases her delusions infinitely as a terminally online shell of a person.
Wed Sep 18 13:11:39
Jesus dude.
Wed Sep 18 16:55:14
The left is obsessed with rape. It's no surprise, as they fill their days raping our culture and way of life.
Memory Lane
Wed Sep 18 17:05:06
I remember when Rugian and Forwyn used to make vile remarks about Hot Rod back in the day...

....I drink and remember things.
Thu Sep 19 05:10:57
Ok so something that's been bugging me about all this...

Why swap the S for 5? Do people think the NSA's software agents don't have simple rules for checking obvious substitutions?
Thu Sep 19 09:15:27
Well clearly it's working, seeing as CC is still posting here.
Thu Sep 19 11:21:58
"Forwyn used to make vile remarks about Hot Rod back in the day..."

Use your memory to pull one up. I largely ignored or lightly defended him until his fake death. Perhaps I drink and don't remember things, but I don't recall participating in lil Davey jokes. Even after I was not as nasty as many. Certainly I didn't discuss his chronic rape.
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 23 09:48:52
[Forwyn]: "The left is obsessed with rape. It's no surprise, as they fill their days raping our culture and way of life."

Absolutely. It is once again that Handmaid's Tale meme ( http://pbs.twimg.com/media/GKbDtfVasAAWOtT.jpg ). It's their sick fantasies projected onto others. I'd also remind that left-wing male feminists are typically predators and rapists who use deception to get closer to targets because they are otherwise unfit for relationships outside of cuckoldry and polycules. This fits dukfag's character. Most leftists are pederasts, rapists, and sexual degenerates.

[Seb (faggot)]: "Why swap the S for 5?"

It adds one simple layer of search obfuscation. Obviously, more sophisticated programs can just add 1337 speech tracking, and anyone taking a good look could find this easily. This isn't for the full weight of Sauron's eye, you oblivious faggot. If various levels of security need to be explained to you, then you might want to fuck off.


"BREAKING NEWS: Letter Written By Trump’s Alleged Would-Be Assassin Detailing Plans Released By Feds"
[Forbes; September 23rd, 2024]

[The left-wing cultist and psychopath who attempted to kill the Regime's primary opposition on behalf of the Regime which propagandized him into trying to kill their opposition]:
"I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job, and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job. Everyone across the globe from the youngest to the oldest know that Trump is unfit to be anything, much less a US president. U.S. presidents must at a bare minimum embody the moral fabric that is America, and be kind, caring and selfless and always stand for humanity."
(This failure letter was apparently kept in a lock box to be released if he failed.)

Sounds like tumblefag, doesn't it? In particular that word "unfit". This is a psychosis-inducing propaganda line that cultists stick to out of cult dogma. It's not even their own vocabulary. They all say it. This is because, once again, these cultists have received the exact same programming and are living the exact same script. Words and phrases such as "MAGAt", "threat to our democracy", "extreme MAGA Republican", "freedumb" — all cult language. It's the same thing as sebfag dropping into threads 3 days late and repeating lines from propaganda rags like the Guardian and BBC that have already been proven false. He got his NPC update and is proceeding as programmed.

And I've also pointed out that Bolshevik propaganda to induce a55a55inations counts on exactly this kind of collectivist "movement" of a55a55ins:
• "Try thinking like Bolshevik collectivists:
Regime strategy is not to cultivate one robust asset—that's strong thinking. Collectivists instead propagandize an entire population to activate dozens of assets, who cascade like penguins off a cliff."
• "Any one collectivist is weak and may fail, but Regime propaganda and the revolt-mob keep pushing more and more useful id's into the task.
E.g., Tsar Alexander II faced 7 attempts and more than 19 [a55a55ins]. This began with 3 lone shooters and proceeded to 3 group-led [bombings]."
(Image summarizing Tsar Alexander II's a55a55ins included.)

This is generally because left-wing collectivists are weak and sickly degenerates who can barely remember to take their SSRIs on schedule much less successfully carry a slave revolt. Even given billions of dollars across markets to encourage them to commit acts of desperation and despair (e.g., the BLM/Antifa insurrection, "trans" medicalization, hormone emasculation/sterilization, ESG dedicated to elevating their sickly culture), they're still slavish invalids who hate right-wing ideology so much that the idea of being competent is itself something that they avoid.

Hence, they must form these very focused single-task collectives where multiple people just have to perform one function each. For the anti-tsarist Bolshevik a55a55ins, one person would look through a window, another would trigger an explosion, another would carry a knife, another a gun, etc. After enough attempts, the amount of people involved had grown to enough killers that the task was completed. Just think of Somalians, Red Army, or the Zapp Brannigan meme — all taking turns picking up rifles only to get shot, with their only strategy being that their opposition might eventually run out of bullets or have a lapse in defense. That is how little they value even their own lives.

Given that we are facing Bolshevik infiltration of Western governance, we can see these same parallels at work. They will keep trying to kill Trump until they have simply saturated the market. The media will keep propagandizing their need to kill Trump to make this happen in the useful-idiot class. Just think of thousands of tumblefags, hrothgars, or sebguls out there, brooding and planning for their one chance. Having had their brains liquefied by propaganda, that is the only thing that they can do to free themselves of the anguish of their own lives. They have been told — repeatedly — that this one man stands between them and a slave paradise. It is all that they have. They can think of nothing else.
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 08 03:01:09
DNC strategist Aisha Mills continues pushing for a Trump a55a55ination:

So again,
If the Bolshevik a55a55ination strategy continues, assuming survival, we'll probably see another lone attempt followed by group attempts. Escalation quickly moves to explosives and contingency plans. So, while Trump was able to get away with pumping his fist on the first attempt, Bolshevik acceleration would mean that repeating that kind of exposure in future attempts is a terrible idea. This is because of the swarming nature of collectivists, who will be present to act in the moment following another collectivist's failure.
Cherub Cow
Wed Oct 16 12:24:35
Mark Dice released a good compilation today of recent attempts by Regime media to provoke further a55a55ination attempts against Trump:
"They're Scared!"
[October 16th, 2024]

A highlight is Chris Hayes basically painting Trump as an imminent fascist threat ("openly fascist") who will murder and jail all of his political enemies using the military. Another is Harris claiming that even 5th tier podcaster-"journalists" such as "Charlamagne tha God" would be jailed under Trump.

It's worth noting again that these people are projecting their own terrible designs. What they think that their opposition would do with power is exactly what they want to do with power. They can only imagine what would happen to them were their punisher exactly like themselves.
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