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Utopia Talk / Politics / "Hamas is coming"
Thu Jul 25 11:24:08
White House condemns pro-Hamas agitators in DC: 'Disgraceful'

The White House condemned the anti-Israel agitators who descended on Washington, D.C., on Wednesday in protest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress.

"Identifying with evil terrorist organizations like Hamas, burning the American flag, or forcibly removing the American flag and replacing it with another, is disgraceful," White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a comment to Fox News Digital Wednesday evening.

"Antisemitism and violence are never acceptable. Period. Every American has the right to peaceful protest. But shamefully, not everyone demonstrated peacefulness today."

Hundreds of pro-Hamas protesters gathered in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday where they were seen lighting American flags on fire, scrawling graffiti outside Union Station and chanting "Allahu Akbar."

Agitators at Union Station, which is located near the U.S. Capitol, burned an American flag and vandalized a statue with the words "Hamas is coming." They also removed American flags and replaced them with Palestinian flags instead.

Netanyahu delivered an address to Congress on Wednesday amid his nation's war against Hamas, which has raged since October. Amid his remarks, Netanyahu tore into cease-fire demonstrations that have played out across the U.S. since the war began.

"I have a message for these protesters. When the tyrants of Tehran, who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair, are praising, promoting and funding you, you have officially become Iran's useful idiots," Netanyahu said.

"Some of these protesters hold up signs proclaiming ‘gays for Gaza.’ They might as well hold up signs saying, ‘Chickens for KFC.’ These protesters chant, ‘From the river to the sea,’ but many don't have a clue what river and what sea they're talking about."

Thu Jul 25 11:31:54
Israel's fault
the wanderer
Thu Jul 25 12:22:30
do you think no reason to protest?

they aren't all actually pro-Hamas as Faux pretends
Thu Jul 25 14:14:42
"they aren't all actually pro-Hamas"

The amount of mental gymnastics it takes to support leftist protests is stunning.

"Defund the Police" doesn't ACTUALLY mean they want to de-fund the police

"Hamas is coming," "From the river to the sea," "Death to Israel" doesnt mean that protestors are ACTUALLY being anti-Semitic

How about this tumbleweed. When people chant slogans I'm going to take them literally; don't expect me to put in ten minutes of research on Wikipedia in order to be able to parse the alleged meanings behind these "non-literal" chants.

And no, there's no valid reason to protest against Israel. The latter is fighting a war against medieval terrorists who intentionally hide behind civilians. You want to protest anyway, protest Hamas and Islam.
Thu Jul 25 14:17:27
Imagine thinking that writing pro-Hamas slogans on statues in our nation's Capitol is at all acceptable behavior.

You are a disgrace, tumbleweed.
the wanderer
Thu Jul 25 14:51:52
did Israel recently bomb a refugee camp that they designated themself as a safe zone? was their own explanation that they suspected 1 Hamas leader there? (they've admitted doing that twice actually that i've seen & i barely pay attention)

saying Hamas hides amongst civilians doesn't automatically make it ok to bomb civilians (in 100.0% of people's minds), so yes there is reason to protest Netanyahu & Israeli actions

the views of the protesters Faux finds doesn't make it the views of all of them
(also i wouldn't put it past Netanyahu to be behind some of the pro-Hamas graffiti... the guy is a weasel)
Sam Adams
Thu Jul 25 15:02:32
"saying Hamas hides amongst civilians"

Wait does tw think that hamas doesnt hide amongst civilians?

"doesn't automatically make it ok to bomb civilians"

Lol of course it does. All of gaza is a military target.
the wanderer
Thu Jul 25 15:05:15
also, see Charlottesville

supposedly 'good people on both sides' as Faux only played up the statue-defender angle, deflecting from the tiki-torchers (who are the ones who organized the rally)

so why here do 100% have to be pro-Hamas? (& i doubt whatever groups organized were pro-Hamas)

a photo of one group:
'stop arming Israel', 'not in our name' doesn't mean 'go terrorists! kill jews!'
Thu Jul 25 15:09:03
"did Israel recently bomb a refugee camp that they designated themself as a safe zone?"

Neither you nor anyone else turned your opinions on Israel over that.

Let's be honest. If you're an anti-Semitic Jew-hating piece of shit who opposes Israel today, you were an anti-Semitic Jew-hating piece of shit who opposed Israel on October 8.

Everyone protesting against Israel had held their opinions since the very outset of this conflict.

"saying Hamas hides amongst civilians doesn't automatically make it ok to bomb civilians"

The "civilians" (by which you mean terrorist supports who happen to be unarmed) largely support Hamas. Fuck them.

"the views of the protesters Faux finds doesn't make it the views of all of them"

Would you perhaps say there are very fine people on both sides?

Boy, we're sure past the days where being within 1,000 feet of a Nazi made someone a Nazi, aren't we.

"(also i wouldn't put it past Netanyahu to be behind some of the pro-Hamas graffiti"

Okay, conspiracy theorist nutter

Is it really beyond your comprehension that there are just a ton of Jew-hating Muslims and far-left college idiots out there?
the wanderer
Thu Jul 25 15:09:30
on bombing civilians i specified "in 100.0% of people's minds"... do you think 100.0% of people believe as you do

Israel prevents journalists from going in to report, though videos & images still make it to social media (& not fake ones... why wouldn't there be casualties when they admit doing the bombing...) thus not hard to see how some would get upset
the wanderer
Thu Jul 25 15:13:29
i typed that last post before seeing Rugian's post (which he presumably typed before seeming my Charlottesville post :p)

but the social media images (& stories) part addresses why yes, there definitely is reason why protesters would exist beyond simply hating jews... obviously...
Thu Jul 25 15:51:28
Tw, you are an embarrassment and it's pathetic that you lack the self awareness to understand why.
the wanderer
Thu Jul 25 16:26:16
...as you believe Israeli leadership is infallible
Thu Jul 25 17:34:07
No leadership is infallible. The fact that you unwittingly parrotted a trump talking point you demonized a few years ago says a lot about your general intelligence and critical thinking skills. Which again, goes to your pathetic lack of self awareness.
the wanderer
Thu Jul 25 17:50:59
speaking of that moment... your 'jews will not replace us' crowd actually was just jew hate

while now that its sort of on the other side, your crowd painting any protest of the (always unbalanced*) response by Israel as must be jew hate... no other possible reason...
(*i even agree w/ two eyes for an eye... though that's not what's going on as the eyes not coming from the perpetrators)

anyway, this isn't my issue, discuss as you will... i am 100% certain there are reasons to protest other than hating jews, if you don't believe so, you are nuts
Thu Jul 25 18:04:45
Lol. Tw still doesn't get it. Again. A pathetic lack of self awareness. I guess when you've drowned yourself in a political obsession for the past 8 years a significant amount of brain rot is destined to take place.
Sam Adams
Thu Jul 25 23:50:35
"always unbalanced"

Amazing. The civilized armies of the world do not seek nor deserve "balance" with the uncivilized.
Fri Jul 26 09:30:52
Anyone else kinda feel like the sane people in western civilization are Custard's remaining soldiers and they are surrounded on all sides left and right by complete, unthinking idiots?

"gays for gaza" lmao, bunch of naive fools.
Sat Jul 27 06:01:55

"gays for gaza"

Gays for getting thrown off of roof tops.

Sat Jul 27 08:08:48
It's not even rooftops man. Rooftops would be humane. They would set them on fire or drown them or torture them to death.

Radical Muslims are not rational people and their methods are beyond brutal.
Sam Adams
Sat Jul 27 10:59:38
Leftist-loved hezbollah just blew up a little kids soccer game in israel.
Sam Adams
Sat Jul 27 11:08:03

Image of israeli kids and women ripped up with their intestines torn out.

Muslims, sebs, and other leftists are celebrating this.
Sat Jul 27 15:14:19

”Radical Muslims are not rational people and their methods are beyond brutal.”

There are no ”radical” Muslims, just Muslims who take their faith more or less serious. And those that take very serious in entirety are the most rational. Rational meaning they act in accordance with a framework, given certain assumptions. In a nutshell, the Quran is the word of Allah, the only god worthy of worship and Muhammed was his last prophet, a man worthy of emulation. Failing god means hellfire, doing his work an eternal life in heaven. Given that input and framework, not killing gay people would be insanity.

Set them on fire and drowning them are things that the Islamic State did. However, they indeed threw gays off roofs, the instances in question, were the Jordanian pilot (fire) and Iraqi security forces (drowning).

When you look at scripture (hadiths), it’s a coin toss, some say fire shouldn’t be used some say it may be used to kill apostats. Either way, it’s not a deal breaker, you are not going to get excommunicated if you use fire instead of a sword. You have to consider that the Jordanian pilot was considered worse than an infidel or apostate, he was a traitor, doing the bidding of infidels.

As for the drowning, it was on the basis of an eye for an eye. I do not remember the details, but let your imagination run free; maybe they had used water to torture Islamic state members or killed their members with water

That’s right I just wrote all of this.
Sun Jul 28 02:22:03

Hezbollah denied that they are responsible for the attack on occupied Heights. If Hezbollah are ”terrorists” why would they deny their attacks?

It is more likely this attack was made by Israel itself, so that they can justify a larger war in the ME. Netanyahu been talking about and looking to start a war against Hezbollah, Iran and the Houthis for quite some time. Israel had no problem with murdering their own people on oct 7 to start the genocide on the Palestinians, so they had no problem to kill more of their own people now either. From their point of view, they are doing it for the greater good.

Also, why are the jews transfering their children onto military occupied territory? They do this to use them as human shields for their terrorist commando centrals.

By the way, the terrorist jews murdered 30+ children and wounded another 100 in an attack on a school yesterday. And for the past months the jews have murdered 20,000+ children and tens of thousands of women and men.

The jews have far greater experience at murdering children than all of the arabs combined. Not even ISIS has killed 20k+ children.
Sun Jul 28 02:22:30
*Golan heights
Sun Jul 28 04:44:56
Spell coming differently and suddenly its a wierd gangbang porn.
Sam Adams
Sun Jul 28 16:17:35
Widespread jamming. All flights cancelled into beruit.

Its on. Hezzies about to find out.
Sam Adams
Sun Jul 28 16:44:51
"Hezbollah denied that they are responsible"

Sam Adams
Tue Jul 30 16:28:12
A top hezzie got his shit wrecked. Along with his entire building of human shields.

Tue Jul 30 16:37:11

As it should be.

Sam Adams
Tue Jul 30 22:27:51
Strong rumors that israel just blew up the leader of hamas in tehran.

Amazing if true.
Sam Adams
Tue Jul 30 23:07:30
Seems like its true. Wonder how that was pulled off. Either lol iranian state security or lol jerguls soviet air defenses.
Tue Jul 30 23:19:14
Consequences will never be the same!
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