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Utopia Talk / Politics / Childless cat ladies
Fri Jul 26 14:45:17
Holy shit, JD Vance is pretty based.

That sort of comment is thr type of thing that costs you womens' votes though.

Yes, women as a collective have garbage ideas on how government and society should work...but their votes count as much as anyone else's. Don't call the childless cat ladies childless cat ladies, JD.
Fri Jul 26 14:47:56
The quote

"We are effectively run in this country via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made, so they want to make of the country miserable too."

I mean, he's not wrong...but you can't SAY that JD!
Fri Jul 26 15:07:33
Fuck it, he is right and men know it and based women know it. The only people who are gonna get upset by it at the simps (cuckhat, tw, ibty) and the cat ladies he speaks of. Everyone else is gonna smirk at the comment.
Fri Jul 26 16:27:37
Fri Jul 26 16:31:44
Well if Trump dumps Vance in an effort to prove he's not a misogynistic rapist out to fuck any women who stands still for too long in his presence. It won't be an unusual event.
The ultra right wing have fucked up. They should have gotten the 19th Amendment repealed before this election.
The Republicans are asking to have their asses handed to them come Nov.
Fri Jul 26 18:14:22
They had to go back three years and cherry pick something he said in jest. And now they are claiming he doubled down on the remark because he joked about it a day or two ago.
If he were a Democrat all his past comments would have been scrubbed from social media. Seems the left fears their past. Vance admitted saying it explained it in context and then the left cherry picked the explanation using only one line out of a good long comment.
The left has no sense of humor so is unable to detect when someone isn't being serious.
the wanderer
Fri Jul 26 18:26:02
we all know R's are the party of moral & family values... that's why life-long cheating fraud Trump is your nominee... who on his ~5th child finally managed to stay in the family until the child reached adulthood
large member
Fri Jul 26 19:20:37
A whole thread about Nimcow?
Turtle Crawler
Fri Jul 26 22:46:24
You can tell by how much pressure they are putting on Trump right now to dump him that he'll be an effective VP
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 26 22:52:14
[tumblefag (TDS bot, likely pederast)]: "we all know R's are the party of moral & family values... that's why life-long cheating fraud [pedophile puppet Biden was the Democrat's nominee]"


[Vance]: "a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made, so they want to make of the country miserable too."

This is simply correct. The left-wing is run by bureaucrats, faggots, and ugly people — this includes "childless cat ladies", which — in context — is Vance talking about resentful ugly leftists, wine moms, and misandrist-feminists. It is women like jergfag, for instance, who should not be allowed to vote. Leftists are spiritually women and therefore should be covered under a repeal of the 19th Amendment.
Sun Jul 28 01:36:01
Turtlecrawler has a point.

Personally, I was hoping for Tulsi, but JD is ok.
Sun Jul 28 11:51:09

All these childless ladies and their cats will remember this come voting time.

Mon Jul 29 12:29:44
I can see the DNC trying to accept cat votes.
Mon Jul 29 13:25:59
Cats are simple dumb animals with primitive brains even compared to dogs.
Mon Jul 29 17:20:40

Cats are better and more worthy citizens than Nazis.

Cherub Cow
Fri Aug 02 00:09:55
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "Cats are better and more worthy citizens than [leftists]"

Fri Aug 02 19:16:45

That would probably also be true.

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