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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trumps most aggregious lies
Wed Jul 31 20:01:35
Top 3, 5, 10.

You pick.

What are his worst lies?

Tw, dont list like 800.

Just the worst of the worst so it's a manageable and debatable list.
Wed Jul 31 20:02:23
Feel free to add in deceptions and such as well, just label them as such.
Wed Jul 31 20:06:52
the wanderer
Wed Jul 31 22:22:49
i don't want to be pinned to being the worst but just off top of my head:

- 'i won the 2020 election'... no, he didn't, nothing suggests he did... just complete & continuous undermining of democracy

- on similar lines: 'there were 5,000 dead / out-of-state / underage / illegal alien voters' (he used that in multiple states w/ varying #'s... but NEVER any list & the # changed... so OBVIOUSLY bullshit... & he was presenting it to state a legislators in effort for them to vote to change election, so not remotely meaningless lies at all)

- on similar topic: liar claims 'the J6 committee deleted all the evidence' (no they didn't) & he claims it was deleted as exonerated him (obviously false... as if he had seen it he could present it, if he hasn't how would he know... plus it didn't happen)... plus whenever he gives remote details he's talking about Nancy Pelosi being in charge of security... thus like the entire Faux/cult side he is only talking about the riot, which is NOT what the bulk of the hearings were about nor NONE of the criminal charges (NOTHING has come out exonerating him on any of it... their side doesn't even talk about it)

- also on his felonies: 'i did nothing wrong / Presidential Records Act lets me take any doc i want w/o question'... no it doesn't... it's readable if you disagree, or you could note if he was right, the charges already would've been dismissed & EVERY R would be noting it (given it would prove his innocence) instead of ZERO of them doing so (+ there would be a rush to close the loophole as idiotic to be the law... but it's not)... plus EVEN IF he was right (he's 100% not), that's still crazy irresponsible behavior (& corrupt behavior in hiding shit)

- 'i said the wrong word' regarding the Helsinki moment where he was openly siding w/ Putin against our own intel agencies the entire press conference (& had been doing so for ~two years up to that point... NEVER w/ any supporting evidence)... then when even Fox got upset at him, he went on TV to lie to every American that he meant to say 'wouldn't' instead of 'would'... (a complete & obvious lie as it didn't fit the sentence plus would ONLY fix the clip media sites were using to demonstrate his siding w/ Putin, but he was siding w/ him the whole time... plus he'd been saying the same shit for ~two years... for whatever mysterious reason it was very important to him that people not believe Russia interfered in the election... again providing NOTHING to support his position & ALL intel agencies concluding they did, as well as Senate & House committees... one led by Trump capo Devin Nunes)
(a completely crazy incident that should never have been moved passed...)

- 'the bible is my favorite book'... said repeatedly at rallies in bible country, him carrying it out on stage & declaring it, a completely disgusting claim to influence gullible morons (as well as him always questioning the faith of opponents who actually seem to be religious... like claiming Mitt Romney faking his mormonism, Ted Cruz faking his christianity, also Pelosi, Biden, many others... & no, they weren't questioning his faith back (though obviously could have as was complete obvious fraud))

also, just walking over to his counterfeit twitter...
"Word is that they refuse to have Sleepy Joe Biden at the Democratic National Convention. They hate him, and he hates them!"

there's been heaps of shit like that he just makes up... like his claim countries are 'emptying prisons & mental institutions across the border' (NO evidence ever & he's been saying it for years)

anyway, i'm sure i missed tons of other huge ones
Thu Aug 01 07:49:16


Thu Aug 01 07:51:52

"What are his worst lies?"

His entire life is a lie.
Average Ameriacn
Thu Aug 01 08:24:55
What lies? Everyone knows that he wears a hair replacement, you can't call that a lie.
Thu Aug 01 09:33:35
So, Im taking these all at face value at this point***

1. Favorite book is the Bible, this doesn't even seem damaging.

2.Declaring his innocence, again

3. I won the election, meh, again, not out of line from standard politicians.

So we are down to

4. Said the wrong thing
5. J6 committe deleted evidence

Kamalla outright making up that Trump refuses to debate her is a worse lie than than the first group.

4 and 5 I have to look into TBH, Im just not familiar with the details.

Trump hasnt verified the debate because harris isn't the verified candidate yet.

Likely? Yes, bit not certain.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 01 11:21:21
"Kamalla outright making up that Trump refuses to debate her is a worse lie than than the first group"

you're comparing to his attempt to overthrow the election w/ obviously made-up lies (& convincing his whole cult that our elections are completely fraudulent, not just then but still)... PLUS him lying to all our faces about what a law says to defend against serious felonies he definitely committed... should a president understand the law & abide by it? i think yes

so, Trump is wayyyyyy worse on that

(also Trump has put out numerous signals about avoiding debate w/ Kamala)

& on 'the wrong word' that's Trump siding w/ our enemies based on NOTHING... no minority report evidence... nothing... him making the stupid 'if Russia did it, we'd never know as they are so good at it' thus everyone on our side wrong (a claim he got from Putin)... Trump equivalent to a Russian spokesperson for ~2 years while sitting 'president'

that will be worse than anything from anyone...
Thu Aug 01 22:14:34

The insurrectionist claimed that Biden had authorized the FBI to use deadly force during the raid of Mar-a-Lago.

I mean he should have, but he didn't.


A Trump campaign fundraising email with the subject line “They were authorized to shoot me!” was sent soon after he posted on social media and made even more outrageous claims.

“I nearly escaped death,” it reads. “You know they’re just itching to do the unthinkable. ... Joe Biden was locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger.”

Thu Aug 01 22:17:26
The dude DID get shot while the people biden sent to protect him let that shot happen....

So...it's not that far feteched.
the wanderer
Fri Aug 02 00:08:36
except it was a proven total lie... it was boilerplate language included in every FBI operation (& was about NOT using deadly force)

though i wouldn't put that one entirely on Trump as the whole Faux/cult shithole went with the blatant lie & i don't think Trump the origin, was some piece of shit R twitter operative i think
Cherub Cow
Fri Aug 02 01:07:59
It's respectable that you think you can try reasoning with tumblefag, Habebe, but that ship has sailed. tumblefag fell for the "overturned" hoax and even the Hawley "fleeing" hoax. He's in a cult. All this thread does is give him an excuse to duplicate his psychosis talking points and maybe drop an acyn link like the little bitchboy he is.
the wanderer
Fri Aug 02 11:09:01
"overturned" hoax...

crazy nutbag CC doesn't think Trump was trying to overturn the election (up to & on J6... w/ Giuliani still going after)... crazy nutbag CC can't acknowledge the Pence plan, nor fake electors (including some rushed to Pence on that day... were there court cases just resolving showing Trump won? no? was it explicitly stated by the traitors that that was not the reason for them? yes), or all the proven (including public) pressure on legislators to swap elector, or Trump telling them if Pence does the 'right' thing they win, & then tweeting out Pence failed them while aware riot going on... etc...

embarrassing (& alarming how that whole side can't address any of it)

also extremely crazy nutbag still talking about Hawley... & trying to deny he would be in any concern at all about a violent mob attacking cops & breaking windows to get into the building... yeah, it would be totally normal that he was only hustling for cardio...

somehow more embarrassing... despite being completely meaningless

lets also analyze the idiocy of CC using that meaningless example as primary citation to discredit the J6 committee, something w/ no relevance at all to any charges... charges which weren't established from video clips that even -could- be misrepresented... CC can't cite a single thing relevant to the charges as the whole Faux/cult side can't even acknowledge what the charges are about... plus CC lied about watching the hearings, & just has little dumb twitter clips from cultists for info
Fri Aug 02 12:11:42
"I didn't have sex with a porn star"

Not his worse lie. Just his most obvious one and makes it clear that he'll like about anything
Fri Aug 02 17:38:59
This entire thread was made because I constantly hear the left say "Trump lies", well all politicians do, ALOT.

So they respond with "With Trump, it's worse, its different"

Now, I am not holding TW to these being the absolutley most damaging/worse lies.

However it's notable, these are what came to mind.

If we are talking about POTUS lies that uave had serious and major damage.

The worst that comes to my mind instantly is "That nigga has weapons of mass destruction and yellow cake"

Trump atleast publicly confronted (The brother, Jeb) and said "Your brother lied us into war"

Now, THAT is a terrible lie, with major repercussions that still impact us.

Kamalla as a prosecuter withheld evidence exoneratinf a man on death row until the court compelled her to do so.

She kept people as slaves to fight wild fires long after their release date.

GWB's obviously has a larger negatice impact mainly due to scale.

But, Trumps don't sound that bad in comparison.

They say claimed the election was stolen from him.

Again, not an uncommon thing for politicians to claim.

He peacefully left office on time, and foight his fight in the realm of public opinion.

Much like Hillary, who claimed he stole thebelection from her by colluding with Russia basically.

We all know now, that was fabricated, and all signs actually point to HRC/ the oligarchy within the Democratic party.
the wanderer
Fri Aug 02 18:54:04
"He peacefully left office on time, and foight his fight in the realm of public opinion
Much like Hillary"

wrong... i don't know why an entire side of the aisle can't even notice his actions... but he DID try to overturn the election & was still doing so on J6, and with ZERO evidence he won & in fact using numerous lies that he made up himself so he KNEW he was fully acting corruptly (including when asking the DOJ to lie for him... he KNEW he was asking them to lie as that's why they were refusing to say & do what he wanted & why he put in motion a replacement who -would- lie)

i don't know why i keep mentioning this stuff, i've encountered no one here nor on twitter who can even acknowledge those aspects (that are not even disputed) much less defend them... so fucking weird...
the wanderer
Fri Aug 02 18:58:00
also a 'president' siding with our enemy over our own people with ZERO reason to do so also problematic (& working hard to convince the public to believe our enemy instead of our own people)... yet, again, i'm the only one who seems to notice...

also a 'president' being unable to comprehend classified document law, completely lying about it, as well as simply being ridiculously irresponsible w/ said docs (which remains true even w/ every idiotic/lie defense he's put out) also really fucking unacceptable...

meh... the insanity will continue... & if fuckhead elected again, he WILL do more crazy fucked up shit, & another chance for people to finally notice it... probably won't though...
Fri Aug 02 19:15:05

Basically the point of this thread is asking people for examples of Trumps lies, just to respond "it's not that bad" to everything.

Mon Aug 05 00:19:29
Murder, Uhm, what lie is worse than standard politicians lies?

Honestly, Trump is one of the most honest politicians in national level US politics.

Kamala harris (the person LITERALLY im charge of the US border), literally said today Trump doesn't care about the border, she will be the one to fix it.

The point of this thread was to show that Trump really is not this major liar that is out of the realm of normalcy.

Dukhats post is possibly the greatest example.

Let's say he did fuck Stormy daniels.

A politician denying habing sex with a woman thats not his wife!!!

OMFG!! stop the presses, this is unheard of in US politics.

Could you imagine! A politician denying an affair?!?!

In all of my days.

Mother fucking flabergasted.
the wanderer
Mon Aug 05 00:54:30
"The point of this thread was to show that Trump really is not this major liar that is out of the realm of normalcy"

you haven't established that remotely... it's just you being stubborn & ignoring massive things

trying to overturn the election w/ lies is FUCKING huge... (& his whole cult think elections continue to be full of mass fraud, there is ZERO chance they will accept a loss)

(siding w/ the enemy (based on NOTHING) & lying to our faces about it is also fucking huge... & committing felonies then only lying as your defense is also fucking huge...)

...plus he lies day in & day out, on any topic no matter how big or small or idiotic

no, it isn't remotely similar to any other politician
Mon Aug 05 19:30:55
"you haven't established that remotely... it's just you being stubborn & ignoring massive things"

The irony.....

"trying to overturn the election w/ lies is FUCKING huge... (& his whole cult think elections continue to be full of mass fraud, there is ZERO chance they will accept a loss)"

Evidence shows that whennit comes to election denial, the Democratic party takes the cake.

Been at it since Gore lost.

But lets look at recent history of HRC and the fat lady from GA.

Both lost fair and square, no last minute election rules being changed all over, and yet both had routinely said the elections were stolen from them.

Both are federally known politicians.

So, yeah, seems commonplace in out elections, and Trump isn't the outlier.

Siding with the enemy..... against who?
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 05 20:38:05
[Habebe]: "The point of this thread was to show that Trump really is not this major liar that is out of the realm of normalcy."

And you have established that thoroughly. The global totalitarian Regime lies as a matter of course, so their claims of Trump lying are merely their distracting by generating psychosis in their tumblefag useful idiots (i.e., make the tumblefags make mountains out of mole hills). Between the Regime and Trump, one is obviously worse, and it is obviously the Regime.

And this is easily tested. tumblefag *still* does not know what ESG is, and he likely never will. These people are in a cult which shields them from basic truths. Understand this deeply: it is not about the truth for them. They dogmatically believe the "overturned" hoax not because it is true (it is not), but because their cult demands it. Even at a basic rhetorical level, "overturned" is false (without even looking at the evidentiary claims), but they are blind. If they refuse to see that "overturned" is a lie, then they cannot see election irregularities, and they cannot comprehend the actual motivations of Trump or of January 6th protestors. By shielding themselves from this kernel truth (that "overturned" is a lie), they can construct a grotesque tree from a poisoned seed. This empire of lies is built on sand and can only lead to their total ruin.

We even had a thread series where we evaluated whether or not January 6th was worse than the BLM Insurrection. We itemized the property damage of the BLM Insurrection, their direct attacks on the Republic's power, the subversion of liberty, the murders and executions of the opposition by the BLM/Antifa goons, and the Regime's flagrant support for the BLM Insurrection at the level of bailouts and NGO networks. We then itemized the Capitol protest and found its damage wanting by comparison — mostly based in lies about officers killed (when none were) or of police harmed (when far more were harmed in the BLM Insurrection).

So which do you think was worse? The Capitol Protest or the 2020 BLM Insurrection?

Obviously, the BLM Insurrection was worse. This is true financially, metaphorically, and as a basic political reality. Of the latter, does anyone really believe that the BLM Insurrection was fighting for the Founders' vision of a Republic of Liberty? Of course not. Not even sebfags could tell such a lie. The BLM Insurrectionists overtly destroyed in the name of Marxism, the slave revolt, and the destruction of Western values. They did this openly and stated it outright. One of their refrains was and still is that these United States were "founded on racism" and "systems of oppression". Whether or not you agree with their premise (and, of course, it is false), their stated goal is the destruction of the foundations of these United States. They say it. They do not hide it.

But, in the mind of psychosis destroyers and death/slave cultists such as tumblefag, January 6th was worse. It is not a comparison based in reason — only power. When you talk to tumblefag, you are talking to an NPC, a clone, a cultist, a destroyer — not a real human with conscience, a regard for truth and beauty, or a heart that could ever know love. They have been broken by the will of the Regime like Winston at the end of "1984". Their version of "love" is compliance with their own annihilation.

Even more simply: see them by their fruits.
What virtues has tumblefag ever constructed?
Does a sebgul love the West?
If you ask them direct questions, can they answer them or do they Gish Gallop?
Do they pass the test of Theseus' ship, or do they deconstruct into oblivion?

What little conscience they ever had has been made so infinitesimally small that even were they sentenced to 8 years in the Regime's own gulags to reflect, they would merely fall more deeply into their own twisted nature, punishing themselves more than any guard ever could and vowing to display even more Faith in Party upon release. Solzhenitsyn and Bezmenov warned of these tumblefag types. These types are useful during the slave revolt, but they have no place in the Maoist Utopia and are thus discarded. The Soviet useful idiots disappeared into the Urals, the Maoists into the countryside, the tumblefags perhaps to some frozen Canadian tundra. They cannot see a world beyond the fulfillment of their mission (ending Trump), and so there is only the wastelands and "a silence so profound that [their] ears run and melt with the deafening sound."
the wanderer
Mon Aug 05 21:32:00
"So, yeah, seems commonplace in out elections, and Trump isn't the outlier."

Trump is the ONLY ONE who tried to overturn the election... & not by legal means... that IS an outlier... a MASSIVE FUCKING outlier (& already saying if he doesn't win it's from fraud this time)

"Siding with the enemy..... against who?"

sided w/ Putin... against the USA
kind of a big deal... especially as the sitting 'president' (& with ABSOLUTELY NO evidence backing his claims, which were just stupid made up shit such as 'if Russia did it we'd never know as they're so good at it')

giving you details doesn't matter, you ignore them
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 05 21:39:55
You can tell that tumblefag is getting more desperate, dangerous, deluded, and dumb — boiling in cognitive dissonance — when he starts all-capping:
• "IS"

It is exceedingly easy to identify a cultist. He cannot even successfully project his state onto others, since who speaks like this other than cultists such as himself?
the wanderer
Mon Aug 05 22:44:33
it's showing emphasis, you dumb fuck

(also, the guy you find a mature mentally-fit adult, for whom you believe requires brainwashing to think he lies constantly despite him provably lying constantly, does all caps posts regularly)
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 05 22:55:27
[tumblefag (TDS bot, likely pederast)]: "it's showing [my absolute psychosis since I am a] dumb fuck"

ftfy, bitchboy.

Trump using all caps has a lot more power behind it than some pathetic weakling venting his impotent psychosis across 48 threads that live as a monument to his soulless Regime sycophancy. It's the difference between a kitten mewing in anger (your pathetic usage) and a lion ripping the throat from a wildebeest (the God Emperor's excellence to a crowd of millions). Despite all of your critiques of Trump, you will always be the pathetic weakling living off the crumbs of his life — desperate to fuck him, kill him, or see someone else accomplish those for your vicarious pleasure. Sad!
the wanderer
Mon Aug 05 23:20:51
"Trump using all caps has a lot more power behind it..."

good lord...

(also he posts more than i do...
a shame you can't see or hear his words as you love him so much)
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 05 23:54:38
I don't think about him that much, actually. You do, though, since you're in a cult and want to fuck him or kill him.
the wanderer
Tue Aug 06 00:28:35
who is the cult leader? the DNC & broad media establishment & deep state? how does leadership by so many work?

& why does so much of my material come directly from Trump's posts & ramblings?
Cherub Cow
Tue Aug 06 01:27:34
[tumblefag (TDS bot, likely pederast)]: "who is the cult leader? the DNC & broad media establishment & deep state? how does leadership by so many work?"

Do you really not know how collectivist cults work? I've explained this repeatedly, but you didn't read, so I think you're just being disingenuous as usual, since you are evil and your illiteracy facilitates your evil. This concept is explicitly described in "1984". You read that in high school, did you not? Did you forget its lessons because they conflicted with the Regime's programming? Did you think (erroneously) that "Big Brother" is a Trump/Hitler-like person? What do you think Big Brother *was*?

[tumblefag (TDS bot, likely pederast)]: "& why does so much of my material come directly from Trump's posts & ramblings?"

I've addressed this delusion of "[hur hur, I'm just reading his Tweets]" repeatedly as well. You seem to think that you're getting it "[from the primary source]", but that has always been one of your greatest self-deceptions. You are no different from a common BLM/Antifa leftist who can only see the world through the slave revolt, believing everyone to be an "oppressor" or "oppressed". In your case, you can only ever interpret Trump incorrectly. It is your cult dogma.

And I have repeatedly explained how you falsify truth through this dogma. How, for instance, do you "know" that Trump is lying? The answer is that the Regime has *told* you what is "true". Thus, when you read a Trump comment and believe that he is "lying" and there is "ABSOLUTELY NO evidence backing his claims", it is because you are "fact-checking" through a direct reliance on the Regime's lies.

Your foundational understanding of "truth" and the place from which it comes has been corrupted by cult dogma. You can never escape this prison. You cannot even read this. You already stopped reading long ago. You know that the truth would cost you everything.
the wanderer
Tue Aug 06 11:17:07
Thus, when you read a Trump comment and believe that he is "lying" and there is "ABSOLUTELY NO evidence backing his claims", it is because you are "fact-checking" through a direct reliance on the Regime's lies.

completely false... Trump told Raffensperger FIVE thousand dead people voted (his earlier claims were TEN thousand as he can't remember what number he uses)... that was Jan 2, his claims should've been solid... he presented 0 names of the 5,000... he never presented any names of any of the 1,000s of dead/out-of-state/underage/etc voters that he claimed all over the place

i determine there is NO EVIDENCE as he provides NONE, why would he provide none if he had it? thus, yes it's a LIE

also, on his 'suitcases' bullshit video in GA that he claims shows fraud going on... the State released the full video, not his cherry-picked area & noted all normal... the FBI interviewed every person in that operation, he also had a US attorney investigate, everyone told him he was wrong, yet he kept saying it including his J6 speech & will to the present... his evidence that he's right? NOTHING... as he's provided NOTHING... the onus is on him

what evidence did he present Russia did not interfere? NOTHING... just idiotic claims that 'we'd never know it was them as they are so good', (whereas every investigation concluded Russia did)

he claims the PRA lets him take any & all docs he wants w/o question or recourse... i KNOW that is false as i read it... PLUS, as he's the R nominee for president, don't you think there'd be tons of people confirming it instead of NOBODY? 'meh, there's complete proof of his innocence, but why bring it up...' (also, common sense lets you know it would be completely idiotic for the law to state that & nobody is urging it be changed/fixed)

(caps for emphasis so you read it how intended, since you can't figure that out)

you are an idiot
the wanderer
Tue Aug 06 15:22:34
here you go, nutbag idiot:

What are the chances that Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST President in the history of the U.S., whose Presidency was Unconstitutionally STOLEN from him by Kamabla, Barrack HUSSEIN Obama, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Shifty Adam Schiff, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, and others on the Lunatic Left, CRASHES the Democrat National Convention and tries to take back the Nomination, beginning with challenging me to another DEBATE. He feels that he made a historically tragic mistake by handing over the U.S. Presidency, a COUP, to the people in the World he most hates, and he wants it back, NOW!!!

give me the proper context where that's not fucking crazy over & over... (if you can see the words)

also your opinion on the various caps words... especially HUSSEIN...

and explain how it was "Unconstitutionally STOLEN"
Cherub Cow
Tue Aug 06 23:54:25
[CC (Benevolent Defender of the West)]: "Thus, when you read a Trump comment and believe that he is "lying" and there is "ABSOLUTELY NO evidence backing his claims", it is because you are "fact-checking" through a direct reliance on the Regime's lies."
[tumblefag (treasonous swine, TDS bot, likely pederast)]: "completely false..."

Completely and irrevocably true.
Where did you check for the truth of those numbers, tumblefag?
How do you evaluate exaggerations versus explicit truths?
If I say that there are thousands of tumblefag-types shitting their diapers, must I provide a list?

Are you really too stupid to understand this? I think so. But I also think that you are maliciously evil and must be absolutely defeated — your name is the new Ephialtes of Trachis. This is merely a sentencing hearing. Your defense of cult dogma proves only how terrible the punishment must be. May you live forever, remember everything you have done, and experience the horror of a conscience eternally reflecting your memories upon it.

[tumblefag (treasonous swine, TDS bot, likely pederast)]: "[I am] an [abysmal and un-salvageable] idiot"

ftfy, bitchboy.

I noticed you dropped a number of subjects where you were pissing and shitting yourself and preferred instead to wage another cultist Gish Gallop with some random Trump nonsense — as is your dogma. So, again:
• Have you ever heard of ESG, tumblefag?
• What do you think "Big Brother" was in "1984", tumbletard?
• Would it be the Canadian tundra to which you plan to flee after you bring about the ruin of your people and are discarded by the Party?

You do not have the intellect to answer these simple questions much less to consider their meaning. You are a useful idiot and a slave. You are in a cult that affirms only enslavement, compliance, and annihilation. It is your nature, since you are a weak little boy, impotently adding to your psychosis threads every time your cognitive dissonance is stirred into all caps — which your psychosis demands that you defend. You cannot even read this and have very likely already abandoned trying. There is no nobility within you. The smallest fragment of your heart that perhaps remains to express love of the West has been reduced and twisted to the only purpose your mind can retain while gasping for air after stealing from even its most automatic processes: you can only be freed by fucking Trump, killing him, or taking sexual pleasure vicariously through those who do it for you.

I don't think much about him at all.
the wanderer
Wed Aug 07 00:53:15
Where did you check for the truth of those numbers, tumblefag?

what numbers, you fucking idiot? the 5,000 dead voters? he claims it & it's up to others to prove him wrong? where did he get 5,000? why not 4,000, why not 6,000?

seriously what the fuck is wrong with you

i say 500,000 fraud voted for Trump... this is now true til you prove it's wrong...

"must I provide a list?"

yeah, you fucking have to... he's telling Raffensperger to find him 11,000 votes citing the 5,000 dead voters (amongst other bullshit)... he provides NO evidence of any dead voters... see an issue? it's there, i assure you

he also presented similar OBVIOUSLY MADE UP X,000 claims to state legislators when urging them to swap electors... he needs to have no evidence of his claims?? you're fucked in the head


"I noticed you dropped a number of subjects"

no idea what you're talking about

and you're the one dodging everything as usual... (did you even see i posted a Trump post for you to comment on? or is it invisible even when i do it...)

i'm still unsure if you are insane or a troll...
Cherub Cow
Wed Aug 07 07:33:56
[tumblefag (treasonous swine, TDS bot, likely pederast)]: "what numbers, you fucking idiot?"

Wow, you really are this stupid. I broke it down into incredibly simple and discrete thought bubbles so that you could process the details, but it was still beyond you. I cannot break it down into even simpler terms. It was literally two thought chunks:
1) How do you evaluate the statement?
2) Where do you go to compare the statement to an authority that "contradicts" the statement?

Your retardation here makes sense, since if you pretended to have an IQ over 70 then you might have to admit that you are, in fact, comparing Trump's claims to the Regime's claims — and preferring the Regime's claims. You want to keep re-iterating that "[hur hur he literally just said it]", but you cannot escape that what he said has to be understood in Trump's rhetoric and that it must be compared to a Regime authority. Because this undermines your 48-thread psychosis, you must evade this reality altogether (because you're in a cult).

[tumblefag (treasonous swine, TDS bot, likely pederast)]: "and you're the one dodging everything as usual... (did you even see i posted a Trump post for you to comment on? or is it invisible even when i do it...)"

Yes, I saw it, and I directly explained that your TDS post was more Gish Gallop nonsense — red herrings and your endless list of fallacies. You don't understand how fallacious your own reasoning is (due to you being mentally retarded). You have never been equipped to handle reasoned debate because you never learned to avoid falling into these obvious fallacies. It is one of many reasons that the cult so easily absorbed you.

[CC (Benevolent Defender of the West)]: "I noticed you dropped a number of subjects"
[tumblefag (treasonous swine, TDS bot, likely pederast)]: "no idea what you're talking about"

Of course you do not. It's due to your lack of IQ and your being absolute evil. But, again, this is merely a sentencing hearing. Like I said, you will never answer those simple questions. I've been asking if you've heard of ESG for about a year. It doesn't matter how many times I repeat the question — the cult demands that you respond with red herrings.

Maybe you could revert to your document-handling red herring now. You like that one. It comforts you. Your confidence in the matter surely reflects that you possessed a high-level clearance as opposed to it reflecting your compliance with cult dogma. Surely. Surely.
the wanderer
Wed Aug 07 11:13:23
wow... a lot of words & not a lick of substance, as usual

mind-boggling there are idiots out there who still can't tell Trump is a liar when he does it so obviously

what Trump told Raffensperber (on JANUARY 2)...
The other thing, dead people. So dead people voted and I think the number is close to 5,000 people. And they went to obituaries. They went to all sorts of methods to come up with an accurate number and a minimum is close to about 5,000 voters.

In Pennsylvania, they had well over 200,000 more votes than they had people voting[NOPE]. And uh that doesn’t play too well, and the legislature there is, which is Republican, is extremely activist and angry. I mean, there were other things also that were almost as bad as that[NOPE]. But, uh, they had as an example, in Michigan, a tremendous number of dead people that voted. I think it was I think, Mark, it was 18,000[NOPE]. Some unbelievably high number, much higher than yours, you were in the 4-5,000[NOPE] category.

he doesn't need to back any of this up... he's just 'exaggerating' off the zero he can demonstrate...

& if you are going to stupidly claim nobody certifying results ever thought to check for dead voters til Trump mentioned it on JANUARY 2... (plus that the way to suggest looking is to simply declare 5000 of them...) then you're a fucking idiot cultist...

& Raffensperger DID say he looked at all the issues Trump has brought up & he's just wrong (& his # of dead voters was single digits)... Trump didn't care at all, his no evidence is better... & continued to claim the same shit in his J6 incitement speech to the present
Wed Aug 07 20:38:45
"no, it isn't remotely similar to any other politician"

Objectively this BS.

If you take the name Trump out of the equation amd ask 100 randomized people, I doubt theyncould tell the difference.
the wanderer
Wed Aug 07 21:32:05
then they also aren't paying attention

just on quantity alone he massively laps anyone (probably in any profession at all not just politician & at any point in history given social media)

then also on topics, he lies about dumb shit that has no bearing on anything... he is not similar to anyone
Wed Aug 07 22:55:30
We don't actually know on the quantity.

No one has an exhaustive list.

Lting about dumb shit, ok, so your argument is, its not that his lies are so much more damaging, but that he lies excessivley about un inportant stuff.

Like the current POTUS, who makes up random stories like being arrested with civil rights leaders.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 08 01:10:29
"so your argument is, its not that his lies are so much more damaging"

nope, not at all... massively dangerous damaging lies as in my first post (that you & the whole R side just crazily dismiss)... but also tiny idiotic meaningless ones as he's mentally-ill... he runs the gambit
Thu Aug 08 01:21:31
Dissmiss because they are common place in our elections.

HRC and many other federal politicians had called trumps 2016 win a stilen election or something similar.

They said he consipred with Russia to steal the election.

How is that worse than Trumps.claims?

Because you may be the sole person who still beleives in Russia hate being real.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 08 02:11:54
“How is that worse than Trumps.claims? ”

I don’t know how many times I need to say it... Hillary conceded the next day, Trump hasn’t and will never

Hillary made no attempt to have results reversed, Trump ignored his failures in court challenges and went with a path to avoid the judicial branch entirely and try to use his cultists in state legislatures to just be appointed winner (including trying to get Pence to single handedly give him the win)

that is MASSIVELY different,.. I know you won’t see it... your whole side doesn’t even know what the J6 criminal charges are about (they are about what I just detailed... and none of the behavior is even disputed, just never talked about)
Thu Aug 08 04:28:49
Trump left office.

Again, your doing mental gymnastics to make it different because it's Trump.

It's literally the same thing.

Trump feigned some legal battles, that was done and over with quickly.

And then they both went on to repeatedly claim the election wqs stolen.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 08 11:16:21
"It's literally the same thing"

not remotely, one tried to corruptly stay in power w/ lies, one didn't try to do so

"Trump feigned some legal battles, that was done and over with quickly. "

nope... Trump didn't even care about the legal challenges, he never talked about them, his efforts were entirely outside the legal realm (of which Hillary did zero) & weren't over quickly, still were going on to J6 (& would've continued if his support didn't fall off... & kinda still did continue w/ cultists who ran for office claiming they'd decertify state results (gee, none of that happened) & Trump still tweeting about canceling all rules including the Constitution, to have the 'rightful' winner installed)

completely undeniably undisputedly publicly Trump wanted Pence to reject electors... that's not the law... incredibly obviously one man, who could easily be on the ticket (& was), can't reject the electors (just 1 tiny portion of Trump's corrupt acts to -stay in power-... that's Trump ignoring the law for his personal benefit, & still claims that's the law)

on documents, Trump claims the PRA lets him take any & all docs & nothing can be done about it... & obviously no one would ever write that as the law... & it's publicly readable & doesn't say that & nobody else claims it does... (thus Trump again clearly obviously ignoring the law for his personal benefit)

both of these instances are stuff he says/does openly in public to the present, not claiming he misspoke, yet R's have -crazily- made him candidate again... (mostly as sticking heads in the sand rather than defend or even acknowledge his positions)

-Hillary did NONE ZERO NOTHING like Trump
-Biden didn't do like Trump on docs (no refusing to return, no hiding, no lying about the law)

& EVEN if they both DID do similar, which they DIDN'T... you have to combine two people to match Trump... so he's still clearly worse on just those examples... -maybe- if you combine every lie told by every other politician they might match Trump

anyway, you'll continue in your belief Hillary did the same & whatever...

may the Trump blindness insanity one day end
Thu Aug 08 22:13:06
Fri Aug 09 05:20:36
Apparently he has repeated the lie that his crowd on Jan, 6 was larger than that of Martin Luther King's crowd in 63 when he gave his 'I have a dream' speech.

He is so insecure.
Fri Aug 09 05:31:27
He's currently claiming that he was in a helicopter with Kamala's ex boyfriend San Francisco Mayor Brown and they had an emergency landing.

Brown says he has never in his life been on the same aircraft with Trump.

Apparently Trump was on a helicopter in Florida with former Calif. Governor Jerry Brown. Who when asked about it said there was no emergency landing.

I wonder if there has been a new chapter entered into the Trump Bible. 'There is No truth except Trump truth.'
The way this guy does math. Seven letters could be two chapters.
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Sat Aug 10 08:08:14
Yo why has habebe run away from this thread?


75% of everything trump says are lies, 12% is half true, 8% mostly true and 3% true
Mon Aug 12 20:12:56
Patom, "Apparently he has repeated the lie that his crowd on Jan, 6 was larger than that of Martin Luther King's crowd in 63 when he gave his 'I have a dream' speech.

He is so insecure."

Ok, Ill take your word on it, but, honestly, again, a politician, exaggerating the size of their support.

Seems relatively common place, and Id even argue tame relative to Kammalla Harris.

Didn't she fake an entire support group? The "K-Hive"

Even now, with these Zoom calls, where they repeat the same person in multiple squares to give the false appearancemof a larger crowd.

Both of those, seem worse than Trump exaggerating how big his crowd is.

And TBH, ai have no idea about actual crowd size comparison , maybe he did have a bigger crowd, he draws bigs crowds.
Mon Aug 12 20:22:07
Jesse, I have a life, this is actually the most Ove posted here in a while.

2. What authority does politifact have to be trusted to give accurate unbiased fact checking.

They are self proclaimed fact checkers if I'm not mistaken.

Twitter/X has a better system of fact checking.

Also, what a lazy response. Muh fact checker list.

Which supports my original theory, his lies are so mundane, mpst everyone couldn't rember 3 Heinous lies that had some sort of real world negative impact.

Like says, WMDs, but, Dems even Seem to like the Bushes now...

No one other than TW's delusional mind demons have come up with a lie that he has said, that doesn't seem RELATIVELY normal, or even mild
the wanderer
Mon Aug 12 21:56:33
nothing delusional about all the ones i listed... what's fucking nuts is your side's inability to recognize & acknowledge his words & actions

everything i listed was done publicly... there's no relying on witness testimony or speculation

he's already saying the election full of fraud & that the only way he can lose is from mass fraud (even in a State he lost by a lot) so guess what will happen if he loses... total mystery...
Tue Aug 13 10:58:16

Let me ask you this, did HRC, formally concede.

And then followed up with a media tour claiming the election was basically stolen by Trump conspiring with Russia.

Which, btw, didn't happen.

However the Biden campaigns largest donor (or one of)

Literally was an agent of a foreign country, and is now in jail for fraud.
Cherub Cow
Tue Aug 13 11:24:56
Habebe, are you starting to understand that when you speak with tumbletard you are speaking with a cultist?

He will simply Gish-Gallop your latest question. He is mentally incapable of sticking with one issue. The thread was doomed from the outset because you allowed him to pick more than one "lie". The only thing that will free him from his cult is step 5, and Crooks did not quite succeed on July 13th, so tumbletard's psychosis only grew.

The Tumbleweed Method
1) Demand evidence
2) Do not read or comprehend any evidence offered and even say that you did not read the evidence (e.g., "TLDR", "just skimmed it")
3) Claim that there was no evidence
4) Gish-Gallop information unrelated to the issue to obfuscate into new delusions which similarly cannot be defended and which themselves fall apart with even the lightest scrutiny.
5) Repeat the method while waiting for your psychotic Trump fixation to be purged by other psychotic — but more effective — people in the slave/death cult.
the wanderer
Tue Aug 13 11:30:36
yes, she formally conceded

i'm unaware of her declaring he conspired w/ Russia (beyond the proven elements), i -am- aware of her claiming the Russian interference could've swayed the win (which it could have, moreso in encouraging nonvoters to vote Trump, or Hillary voters to not vote, rather than switching one to another)

and this was in no way an effort to be installed as winner... & even if you believe Hillary behind the FBI Russia investigation (she wasn't), that's still not an effort to be installed... if Trump impeached, Pence the president

trying to be installed as winner by any means necessary (ones not legal) is a big fucking deal
(& they were NOT legal... state legislators told him so & he attacked them... Gov Kemp said so & Trump -still- attacking him... the Pence plan not legal... hence why Trump criminally charged)

did Hillary just declare as fact Russia changed 100,000 votes & demand her electors be used, & DOJ to lie about it, & tell Biden to reject Trump's electors, etc? did she invite a crowd to the Capitol & incite them w/ ideas that the election being stolen & the country will be lost unless Biden does the 'right thing', then send the angry mob to the Capitol & tell them Biden failed to do that right thing (while aware an attack already started)...


"Biden campaigns largest donor... in jail"

no idea how relevant & tons of Trump associates are convicted criminals... ones he actually knows & worked with, not just ones who donated
the wanderer
Tue Aug 13 11:48:52
The CC Method
1) Claim to have given evidence somewhere else & never ever provide it again
2) Say 'Gish-Gallop' & insults & ramble forever, saying nothing of value or substance
3) Consume feces [this was proven somewhere else, that evidence will not be shown again]
the wanderer
Tue Aug 13 12:27:50

CC: Please provide any evidence against any of the lies i've posted... (look up the definition of 'evidence' if you have to)
The Third Reich
Tue Aug 13 16:37:07
Need to leave my wife alone, she is still addressing her vaginal dryness.
Tue Aug 13 20:37:30
Can someone dig up a list of Hillary quotes regarding the matter? I'll try to get to it later if not.

But the strongest evidence points to Hillary in effect played a cop planted drugs in a car as an excuse to search them.

We can not say it with 100% certainty but, a preponderance of the evidence says she had the Dossier fabricated, and whispered "Muh Russia"
the wanderer
Tue Aug 13 22:17:09
"a preponderance of the evidence says she had the Dossier fabricated"

there's no evidence of that, what preponderance are you citing?... she hired a firm for oppo research, they hired Steele, he did the dossier, was concerned what he saw so gave to FBI, he acknowledged raw intel & wouldn't all be accurate

also the dossier was NOT why there was an investigation of the Trump campaign (though Faux worked real hard to convince their gullible audience of it)

and there's no possible way it would lead to overturning the election... (& it wasn't public til after election so not even 'election interference' -EVEN IF- she had it fabricated, which there's no evidence of)

no possible way comparable to Trump's efforts to destroy democracy (which factually did happen... it is undisputed that he was trying to get the results changed & not by lawful means & was trying to do it based on claims lacking any proof & were clearly completely made-up in many cases... or please cite the proof of his claims (it obviously doesn't exist or a news outlet would have posted it, or Trump would've posted it (if every single news outlet is controlled by an anti-Trump cult as CC believes))
Cherub Cow
Wed Aug 14 05:01:55
[tumblefag (TDS bot; deranged cultist; likely pederast)]: "The CC Method"

Ah, tumblefag is trying projection again. Maybe it will work this time? Nope? Oh yeah, it won't work because this is thread #48 proving that he is a mentally deranged TDS bot:

And for those dumb enough to buy tumblefag's 80-IQ rhetorical deception wherein he pretends that I didn't provide evidence, I have indeed provided him evidence hundreds of times. But guess what? He does not read it. His illiteracy is a requirement of cult dogma. His pretense is that I should "now" provide him evidence (always "now"; always asking for it to be delivered to his treasonous feet)... but whenever I do, he goes right to Step 2 (i.e., "do not read"). I have demonstrated this dozens of times. Whenever I write longer than a sentence, he admits that he is too retarded to read long posts and asks for the retard-length version (since he is retarded). Even now, he is too retarded to read even this short paragraph. He'll probably ask if I supplied evidence in it because he is retarded and that is his retarded function. So it was a sad attempt at projection, and it does not work because he is a liar and his meme comes from a place of lies. That is why the left can't meme.

So, again:
The Tumbleweed Method
1) Demand evidence
2) Do not read or comprehend any evidence offered and even say that you did not read the evidence (e.g., "TLDR", "just skimmed it")
3) Claim that there was no evidence
4) Gish-Gallop information unrelated to the issue to obfuscate into new delusions which similarly cannot be defended and which themselves fall apart with even the lightest scrutiny.
5) Repeat the method while waiting for your psychotic Trump fixation to be purged by other psychotic — but more effective — people in the slave/death cult.

Anyways, Habebe is correct that there is an incredible amount of evidence that Hillary did not concede the election. Hillary's anger at losing is largely why the DNC boosted propaganda, frying tumblefag's tiny little brain.

All of tumblefag's comments about the "fraud" "cult" "liar" are about the DNC. He can only project, since he is evil and if people know just how evil he is then they will not want to deal with him. This is why slave cults have time limits. A Daenerys-type can lie, empower slaves, and make her play, but no one trusts that kind of a villain. Only through nobility can there be trust, stability, and benevolence — and tumblefag lacks all of these things. He will be crushed by his own ideology, as many slave revolts are rightly crushed.
the wanderer
Wed Aug 14 11:17:31
hey, wow, absolutely nothing... & with CC's choice of numerous lies to expose, but absolutely nothing, just claims of it being elsewhere, as i said (& thus feces presumably consumed)


"that there is an incredible amount of evidence that Hillary did not concede the election"

oh, please share... (you never do)

here's her concession speech, maybe it's AI...

my god you're an idiot
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 19 06:44:33
[tumbletard (TDS bot, likely pederast)]: "hey, wow, absolutely nothing... & with CC's choice of numerous lies to expose, but absolutely nothing, just claims of it being elsewhere, as i said (& thus feces presumably consumed)"

You still won't get it no matter how many times I repeat it. I'll try to explain it in even simpler words:

I believe you.
I believe that you believe what you believe.
I believe you when you confirm that you will never change.
I believe you when you fall repeatedly into the Tumbleweed Method, which only ends with Trump's death or the end of "Trumpism", which the Regime will use against you as long as it can because it must squeeze utility out of your cult dogma — thus it will never end in your lifetime.

I have already supplied you with evidence — whether or not you believe this.
You spit too many times in my face when I did.

This is no longer about evidence.
Your guilt has already been determined.
Our further "conversations" — if we can call it a conversation for me to speak to a brick wall of left-wing cult dogma — is merely a sentencing hearing.

Because of this, you are my absolute enemy.
My principles no longer protect you.
You are a foreigner to me — part of an invading anti-West army.
I have no obligation to treat my enemy with my virtues — mental or otherwise — since I know that you despise virtue itself, having aligned yourself with an overtly Marxist totalitarian government.
Just as you will not be satisfied without Trump's defeat, I will not be satisfied without yours and without the defeat of all of those like you.

This is not a political negotiation.
You are standing across a battlefield from me.
The only way this ends is with your total defeat.

I warned you about this for years.
The consequence of your dogmatic polarization is that you have spiraled into a cult which is impervious to reason.
Marxists do not care about truth, beauty, or reason, and you serve them now.
This has created for you the enemy that previously only existed in your mind.
You are now a part of a slave army that is fighting the free.

I have agreed to meet you on those terms that you yourself have bred.
Only your total loss and unconditional surrender is a fitting outcome.
I do not need to convince you of anything.
That time is past.

I know that you are illiterate, so that was too much to ask of you to read.
So even more simply:

When two people cannot agree on the truth, the truth is made by force.
"May thy knife chip and shatter."

May the Troubles to come reach you wherever you are.
May you live forever with a perfect memory and a conscience to torment you.
Dickhead UPer
Mon Aug 19 10:00:27
Wall of text and still amounts to nothing. I love the tactic though. You see, 'if I throw alot of text out there, with some information, mainly conjecture, not based on real facts or anything. It will display what I think is dominance over the subject(s)...but the reality is that I am so full of shit'.
the wanderer
Mon Aug 19 11:18:06
CC supposedly has evidence that he was not lying on any of the ones i cited (where he definitely was lying), but CC will not repeat it ever... instead type crazy meaningless paragraph after crazy meaningless paragraph

totally makes sense...
Cherub Cow
Wed Aug 21 07:27:16
[tumbletard (TDS bot, illiterate useful idiot, Regime cultist, likely pederast)]: "CC supposedly has evidence"

Still too stupid to understand those "meaningless paragraph[s]", eh?

Your illiteracy will not be accepted as an excuse.
Like I said:
"I believe you.
I believe that you believe what you believe."
And that makes you my absolute enemy.
My principles will not protect you, since — as my enemy — you are not shielded by them.

"May the Troubles to come reach you wherever you are.
May you live forever with a perfect memory and a conscience to torment you."
the wanderer
Wed Aug 21 12:02:18
are you off your medication?
Wed Aug 21 18:33:26
Basement dwellers
Cherub Cow
Thu Aug 22 00:25:46
[tumblefag (TDS bot, likely pederast, illiterate coward)]: "are you off your medication?"

We all know that it is the left that must be thoroughly medicated. You can pop by Imgur and Reddit and see them talking about all their pathetic maladies, like anxiety and even an inability to bathe. Or, with williamthecoward here, you can ask him how many times he's called in sick because he's too mentally weak to even leave his bed. Those are your people. That is you.

So that was a weak projection and deflection, faggot, but your illiteracy will not save you from what's coming. All of the posts you failed to read will remain as a dark chasm in your mind that you cannot fill — like a student who searches his memory for answers on a test for which he never studied. If only you had been a better student!

Alaska, tumblefag still doesn't know what ESG is.
He never will.
Cherub Cow
Thu Aug 22 00:27:59
*"[Alas], tumblefag still doesn't know"
the wanderer
Thu Aug 22 22:54:16
here you go, Sparky...

"Everybody, Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, and Conservatives, wanted Roe v. Wade TERMINATED, and brought back to the States."


how is that not a ridiculously obvious lie? it's a relatively new lie he's been making so you can't claim your defense is already somewhere else & thus can never be repeated (which makes total sense on other issues, btw)...
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