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Utopia Talk / Politics / Texas GOP purges 2.1 million voters
Fri Aug 09 19:55:51
Republicans don't even try to hide it anymore.

Fri Aug 09 21:51:44
I know... shocking that a state would be so transparent about wanting a fair election.
Fri Aug 09 21:55:25
I'm betting that the majority of those purged are women and or people of color.
Fri Aug 09 23:52:42
Republicans don't need proof. They just look for what they already want to believe on the internet and always find it up Elon or Trump's butt.
Sun Aug 11 11:00:59
" know... shocking that a state would be so transparent about wanting a fair election."

Yeah, I know, like how the GOP keep going after eliminating mail in-ballots. Fair elections amirite?
Sun Aug 11 11:26:37
"majority of those purged are women"

Hopefully. Repeal the 19th
Sun Aug 11 12:41:14
It's really rough to go to a ballot in person with an ID. Definitely hurts blacks and women the most. We know those people can't get IDs.
Sun Aug 11 15:19:22
Yes. So tough for those who may be out of the area to vote. Ya know like military deployment, working out of state, country, etc. Let's not forget about the "widespread" fraudulent voting that has occured for decades that has eroded the election process. All because bitch ass Trump lost. Fair elections! Amirite?
Sun Aug 11 16:55:38
there are exceptions made for military and if you plan ahead you can request an absentee ballot.

And how exactly can something that happened not even four years ago be responsible for decades of fraud?
Sun Aug 11 17:06:07
Because that is the narrative that is being pushed along with it?
Sun Aug 11 17:07:45
But of course you subscribe to narrative that there is fraudulent election practices that have run amok. But if you need to to hang on the teet of the my pillow guy....please continue to do so.
Sun Aug 11 17:53:24
The main point about all this foolishness is that if Trump never claimed there was fraud, no Republicans would be claiming there was fraud.

Remember all the elections of the last 30 years before Trump? No election swinging fraud ever claimed or detected on the national level. Closest was vote counting drama with Bush vs Gore 2000.

But then, Trump comes a long, and suddenly it's rampant? LOL, come on man.
Sun Aug 11 18:23:14

Can we all finally agree that you are a terminally uninformed person, who has been relying on unreliable sources, for a great many years now?
Sun Aug 11 21:28:23
delude look at the history of ACORN in Colorado. That type of behavior needs to be prevented. It might not affect the presidential elections but it can make a hell of a difference down ticket.
Sun Aug 11 21:36:45
"I swear fraud has never happened before and so it can't happen now. "
Mon Aug 12 06:08:48
So, where is the fraud that produced 3 million illegal votes in 2016. Where is the fraud that produced 8 million illegal votes in 2020?

How many people would be involved in a national conspiracy of this size?

Trump sent the very best investigators out to root out all this voter fraud. What did they dig up? How many were indicted?
Mon Aug 12 08:35:13

"I swear fraud has never happened before and so it can't happen now."

Fruad has happened. It happens every time Republicans deny legitimate voters their right to cast votes to elect their representatives and decide constitutional amendments and other ballot initiatives.

And that happens to millions every fucking election cycle.

Denying a US citizen his/her right to vote should be a capital offense.

Mon Aug 12 11:19:53
"delude look at the history of ACORN in Colorado. That type of behavior needs to be prevented. It might not affect the presidential elections but it can make a hell of a difference down ticket."

Oh you mean the push to show the practices of the organization was fraudulent, based upon the o'keefe video and blah blah blah, yeah we talked about this on UP around that time then too, Hot Rod was all over it. The end result:

O'keefe found to be a liar.

ACORN: has shitty employees that were not as regulated, but it was mainly a push to get new voters registered, but services not retained for the general pres. election that year. And upon review of new registrations, majority of them were legit, while there was duplicates and mishandled registrations they were discarded or corrected.

ACORD: defunct due to bad publicity, even though the functionality as a whole was legit.

GAO: Did not found ACORN mishandled money from federal agencies.

Now, if you're going to cite that. How about the gerrymandering attempts from the GOP in various jurisdictions that have been contested.

Or other attempts regarding GOP lawyers to push cases that would and can impact elections from Arizona, Nevada, Mississippi, Missouri, where judges have ruled against them citing basically these are attempts of voter suppression.

""I swear fraud has never happened before and so it can't happen now. ""

No one is saying that you clown shoe.

What /is/ being maintained and acknowledged is that while yes, voter errors occur, along with attempted fraudulent activities on a very miniscule scale, is not on any level that has been pushed by Trump and the current make up of the GOP of being rampant.

Data has shown that isn't the case. And the cases that has been brought forth, all have been ruled against. Note: Coming from Judges that were placed in these jurisdiction during the Trump administration.

Mon Aug 12 13:47:55
"So tough for those who may be out of the area to vote. Ya know like military deployment, working out of state, country, etc."

What fraction of mail-in votes in 2020 do you think those demographics accounted for? I'd say <10%
Mon Aug 12 13:50:58
"gerrymandering attempts from the GOP in various jurisdictions that have been contested."

Considering the vaunted far-right USSC just ruled that you have to proactively gerrmander to create black districts otherwise you're disenfranchising them, I'd say the fears are probably overblown.
Mon Aug 12 14:07:55
"What fraction of mail-in votes in 2020 do you think those demographics accounted for? I'd say <10%"

Apparently enough for it to be challenged to have it made illegal.....

"Considering the vaunted far-right USSC just ruled that you have to proactively gerrmander to create black districts otherwise you're disenfranchising them, I'd say the fears are probably overblown."

...I guess just about as much if not more than say rampant voter fraud and the election is stolen, amirite?
Mon Aug 12 18:22:27
ACORN creating fake registrations was just part of it. They targeted Republican leaning neighborhoods by filing change of address forms for people making it much harder for them to vote. Had a few other dirty tricks attributed to them as well.

Election fraud happens and even if that fraud doesn't affect the final outcome it should be investigated and if people are found guilty they should be held accountable.
Tue Aug 13 16:29:24
I mean, you act like no one was held accountable?

In the meantime...


Wed Aug 28 15:25:32
So I looked up this story and it turns out the OP is complaining about dead people and people who no longer live at their registered address being removed or suspended from the voter rolls.

ROFL. Democrats literally want the dead to be able to vote.
Wed Aug 28 15:50:13

2.1 million registered voters died recently in Texas?

Damn the vaccine really is killing everyone!

Wed Aug 28 15:58:28
Or if Texas didn't have a history of inaccurately removing people from voter rolls before, the distrust wouldn't exist...
Wed Aug 28 16:06:08
Well first of all, you provided the wrong number. The 2.1 million figure is for number of voters on the suspense list, which is not equal to them being "purged" - they're still on the rolls, but the county doesnt know what their address is or thinks they moved. A person can request that the state remove them from suspense by October 7, and even if they don't they can still vote, they just have to submit some additional information when they do.

The actual "purging" done was 1.1 million voters removed from the polls in the period between 2021 and today. The breakdown of that 1.1 million is as follows:

Over 6,500 noncitizens
Over 6,000 voters who have a felony conviction
Over 457,000 deceased people
Over 463,000 voters on the suspense list
Over 134,000 voters who responded to an address confirmation notice that they had moved
Over 65,000 voters who failed to respond to a notice of examination
Over 19,000 voters who requested to cancel their registration
Total: Over 1.1 million


So yeah, its hardly as unreasonable as you're making it out to be.
Wed Aug 28 16:08:33

"In 2019, Texas officials flagged 95,000 voters whom they identified as “noncitizens” and accused broadly of voter fraud. After review, it turned out that many of the people identified on the rolls were naturalized citizens. The scandal resulted in the secretary of state resigning. The state abandoned the effort after numerous lawsuits, which resulted in the state setting new guidelines for future voter roll clean-ups."

No skepticism needed.
Wed Aug 28 16:13:34
So they fixed the problem, but you still have an issue with it. Okay.
Wed Aug 28 16:24:55
Not at all what I said.
Wed Aug 28 16:31:41
What you said was that Texas made a mistake several years back, the guy who made the mistake resigned and new processes were put in place to prevent a recurrence of the mistake, but you're still skeptical anyway.

Of you're going to be starting arguments over what the definition of "is" is, then this will be a very short conversation.
Wed Aug 28 16:55:36

"Well first of all, you provided the wrong number. The 2.1 million figure is for number of voters on the suspense list, which is not equal to them being "purged" - they're still on the rolls, but the county doesnt know what their address is or thinks they moved. A person can request that the state remove them from suspense by October 7, and even if they don't they can still vote, they just have to submit some additional information when they do."

I see ... so all they have to do to vote is jump through some additional hoops that everyone else doesn't have jump through. That doesn't sound at all like voter suppression.

I see a lot of numbers, but no breakdown of those "suspended" or purged by party affiliation or demographics.

I wonder why. I'm sure it's all on the up and up ... just like every other right wing voter suppression measure since the civil war.

Wed Aug 28 16:57:16

I'm sure Texas would have no problem turning over these lists to the federal government so they can check them for "errors".

Wed Aug 28 17:09:26
"What you said was that Texas made a mistake several years back, the guy who made the mistake resigned and new processes were put in place to prevent a recurrence of the mistake, but you're still skeptical anyway.

Of you're going to be starting arguments over what the definition of "is" is, then this will be a very short conversation."

My god you're so shortsighted.

My inference is that based upon past experiences with the electoral process and the over exaggeration of fraud in every aspect of elections, and the cloud that now lingers because its embedded in the culture. Some parts of the population in Texas are skeptical. While it is noble to address any discrepancies based upon past controversies. You do have a class of voters who have been disenfranchise and targeted who will always remain suspicious because they were falsely caught up in that particular situation.

Furthermore, and ironically enough there is a post about Texas again regarding voting irregularities you have another demographic of citizens of the latino who just have been targeted warrants served that yielded nothing. Which furthers the skepticism and causes people not to trust what Texas is doing.

Also, Abbot, not really a person view with great integrity.

So, it isn't about me, per se, it is me providing a perspective and sentiment that some people in Texas have because of these missteps. Your assertion that it is "fixed" is far from being accurate.
Thu Aug 29 05:11:05
"I'm sure Texas would have no problem turning over these lists to the federal government so they can check them for "errors"."

Texas AG already ahead of you.

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