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Utopia Talk / Politics / Joe Rogan response to Trump
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Mon Aug 12 14:33:52
well sort of.

funny short video.

Mon Aug 12 17:27:10

Trump's not going to be happy.

Mon Aug 12 17:40:04
Poor Gillis. Got fired from SNL about seventeen seconds after they hired him because whiny leftists reposted videos of him using ethnic slurs in some old comedy bits.

Mon Aug 12 18:41:19

Rogan just called Trump an ass kissing coward.

Trump is going to have to challenge Rogan to a fight.

I don't make the rules.

Tue Aug 13 16:14:21
It's amazing how liberal media creates a narrative.

Joe supports trump. Period.
the wanderer
Tue Aug 13 17:24:20
not liberal media narrative

Joe Rogan:
"...they do it on the left and they do it on the right. They gaslight you. They manipulate you. They promote narratives. The only one who's not doing that is RFK Jr.

I am a fan. He's the only one that makes sense to me. He's the only one that -- he doesn't attack people. He attacks actions and ideas, but he's much more reasonable and intelligent"

that's not supporting Trump... i'm sure you'll notice...
Tue Aug 13 17:29:56

He called Trump a bitch.

Tue Aug 13 17:51:54
When I put 'period'. It means I cannot be challenged.
Wed Aug 14 03:53:29
Joe literally stated he is voting trump. He likes Kennedy as a person. Again. Liberals made it an issue.
Wed Aug 14 07:02:40

If you keep going after you say "Period.", then the period gets rescinded.


Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Fri Aug 16 02:43:17
Poor Rugian angry about a successful comedian who was fired 5 years ago from one of many TV shows he hates.
Fri Aug 16 12:26:46
Ibty being a moron.

Gillis was fucked by liberals and he still became successful by basically pandering to right wing humor (saying the word retard) and liberals are now desperate to bring him into their fold.

He is a moderate by the way.

Which means he is a right winger.

Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sat Aug 24 22:13:52
He's a guy that tells jokes for money. Fired a long time ago for a joke he told an even longer time ago. He stopped telling Asian jokes so I guess he's mainstream now.
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