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Utopia Talk / Politics / RIP Isreal
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Tue Aug 13 14:28:47
Apparently genocide is bad for the economy.


Key facts

Tourism has plummeted

47,000 businesses gone bankrupt since Oct 7

60,000 businesses may close by end of 2024

Israeli Bonds are Junk status

60% drop in foreign investment in just one quarter

Cheap labor from Palestine has been stopped obviously

Power grid is still reliant on coal.

Columbia their largest supplier has suspended shipments of coal cause of genocide.

Tue Aug 13 17:35:17

wtf does Israel need coal for? You'd think 1 nuclear power plant could power the whole thing.

Tue Aug 13 17:44:40

You really don't know what that word means.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Tue Aug 13 22:31:14
-Rugian I understand "fucked"
Wed Aug 14 01:05:12
Israel must be destroyed. Along with its enabler the USA. The world did just fine back when none of these criminal mafia countries existed, and will do just fine again when they are gone. In fact, the world will be a better place when they and their criminal mafia leaders are gone.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Wed Aug 14 02:56:31
Hey if you judge us all by our worst examples your no better than Israelis.
Wed Aug 14 04:55:32
That is how the mechanics of projection works...
Wed Aug 14 06:02:40
Okay. Some of you are good people. Maybe even most of you. But the rest must be destroyed.
Wed Aug 14 06:04:12

aint gonna happen

wishfull thinkin.

becoz 2-3 weeks ago, i saw video xplainin how they get da moniez and fuelz 2 fund da war from...

rememba da oil fields occupied by murica in iraq in syria...oh right ur propganda media never told u this.

but u do.

guess where all that stolen oil is going 2?

i think it was douglas mcg who xposed this shit

Wed Aug 14 06:21:54
Israel: Has over a thousand of its citizens slaughtered by a bunch of medieval barbarians

IBTY: Ha ha ha they don't have oil anymore lolol

One day you'll look back on this time and regret how idiotic you were in retrospect.
Cherub Cow
Wed Aug 14 06:57:00
"Israel: Has over a thousand of its citizens slaughtered by a bunch of medieval barbarians [as Israel itself ordered, as Israel itself allowed, as Israel itself planned, with the aim of giving themselves pretext for their pre-existing plans of attacking Iran, Lebanon, Syria, and others known since before the post-9/11 Iraq war]."

On day, you'll look back on this and wonder how you fell for the 9/11 pretext trap despite all of the lessons learned in 2001, such as that our governments hate us and are owned by Israel.
Wed Aug 14 06:57:14

"Okay. Some of you are good people. Maybe even most of you. But the rest must be destroyed."

Let me Trumpify that for you ...

"Americans are murderers and rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Wed Aug 14 07:00:28

"Israel: Has over a thousand of its citizens slaughtered by a bunch of medieval barbarians [as Israel itself ordered, as Israel itself allowed, as Israel itself planned, with the aim of giving themselves pretext for their pre-existing plans of attacking Iran, Lebanon, Syria, and others known since before the post-9/11 Iraq war]."

I bet you'd love some Cocoa Puffs. :o)
Wed Aug 14 07:04:24

You know the horseshoe theory of politics I assume.

It definitely holds true here. The far left and the far right are basically united when it comes to an irrational and obsessive hatred of Jews.

Wed Aug 14 07:32:47
Although I'll admit that there's a marked difference as to how you arrived at your hatred.

Most leftists base their entire understanding of the Israel-Palestine conflict on four TikTok videos they watched a couple of months back.

You, on the other hand, got to this point through what must have admittedly been an impressive amount of time going down the online rabbit hole, and you emerged on the other side with this epic saga of the Jewish menace leading a 2,000 year war on the West, starting with their imposition of slave morality upon the Roman Empire through their creation of the Catholic Church and ending with their provoking of a great worldwide war in which the Global South attempts to massacre us all.

I mean, points for creativity, for sure. It's not a wholly convincing narrative though...
Wed Aug 14 08:06:16

I just hate that they are a permanent line item on our budget.

Wed Aug 14 08:33:25

That's a fair criticism. But think of it as a relatively small addition to the overall amount we spend on soft power abroad.

One more overseas base, if you will. Only difference is that the natives are the ones manning it there.
Wed Aug 14 08:37:11
That "line item" goes 100% towards buying US military hardware and services. So, even as something one would hate, it has to be kinda meh. Maybe you in principle don't think US companies should be subsidized, but they are and this is just another one. Many countries receive military aid, and all that money goes back into US military industry.
Wed Aug 14 08:49:58
Noice. I want me a beautiful Israeli girl with grey eyes.
Wed Aug 14 09:41:57
”irrational and obsessive hatred ”

Irrational? Millions of different people throughout the history has disliked jews. So many people and for such long time throughout history must mean that there is a reason for why jews are disliked or hated even.

”the natives are the ones manning it there”

They are not the natives. The majority of the Israelis are Europeans who has settled on land that they stole from the Palestinians.
Wed Aug 14 10:06:21
99.99% of history is the history of rapists and racists.

People hating Jews isn't the throw-down you think it is.

I hate muslims because they always bring conflict everywhere they go because their belief system explicitly states that they are inherently superior to other people.
Wed Aug 14 13:41:00
IBTY this thread is fake news! The Israeli economy is stronger than ever!

"Now Is the Time to Invest in Israeli Companies

The country is bursting with innovation and scored as one of the best for producing startups.

August 13, 2024"

Wed Aug 14 14:45:17
as i said be4 they only capable of runnin da economiez coz they got stolen oil given 2 them from another thief

Wed Aug 14 15:11:21
We have gold in our pockets, and control over all the bands, our long noses protect us from all the upheavals, it’s gonna be fine
Wed Aug 14 15:11:46
Wed Aug 14 15:37:12
”Now Is the Time to Invest in Israeli Companies”

Rofl. That article is basically written by Mossad.

I thought you were smarter than this, Rugian.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Tue Sep 03 14:21:34
Rugian I posted undisputed economic facts you posted a opinion piece hidden behind a paywall.

Now protests and strikes are yet anthor blow to a weak economy.
Tue Sep 03 15:52:28

It was written by the chair of the national securities (NOT security) regulation body.

Your accusation is basically tantamount to claiming that every article written by Gary Gensler is actually CIA propaganda. Don't be ridiculous like this.


You're going to have to forgive me if I don't base my worldview off of what some ex-MCNBC reporter-cum-internet CT nutter says.

Should I count you as one of those people who read the story of how Hamas, a barbaric group that adovcates a medieval form of Islamic rule and denies Israel's fundamental right to exist, how they executed a bunch of hostages that they took during their entirely unprovoked raid which resulted in the murder of over 1,200 Jewish men, women, and children, who kept those hostages for months on end while they themselves hid behind civilian targets that they intentionally hoped would be bombed by Israel, and thought, "this is Israel's fault?"
large member
Tue Sep 03 17:41:16
"I see a black bird, therefore all birds are black". A fallacy. Gensler can certainly pen an article aligned with Mossad interests without every article he has written becomming CIA propaganda.
Tue Sep 03 17:58:08
And if Gensler pens an article extolling the virtues of investing in the American economy? Does that a black bird make?
large member
Tue Sep 03 23:17:46
What would two black birds prove even if it did?
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 04 03:11:16
[Rugian]: "You know the horseshoe theory of politics I assume. [/] It definitely holds true here. The far left and the far right are basically united when it comes to an irrational and obsessive hatred of Jews. [/] Although I'll admit that there's a marked difference as to how you arrived at your hatred ... I mean, points for creativity, for sure. It's not a wholly convincing narrative though."

That "marked difference" invalidates the horseshoe theory.
And I do not care if reality itself is "not ... wholly convincing" to you. It is happening. It is not "creativity" on my part; it is descriptive of reality. It is baked into ESG / sustainability governance.

It is very simple:
• I oppose slave morality and the slave revolt since it is dysgenic; slave revolts — by design — "succeed" by killing a society's noble DNA and empowering the slavish (an inversion of Western society's values; effecting an enslaveable people).
• The left fully supports slave morality and the slave revolt, they just want to be the "Master"-enslaver class.
• The Jew fully supports slave morality and the slave revolt, they just want to be the "Master"-enslaver class.
• The controlled-opposition right (e.g., the NeoCon) gives lip service to opposing the slave revolt (dislike of "woke") but supports the Jew as the "Master"-enslaver class (i.e., controlled-opposition right supports the slave revolt if it benefits the Jew).

More concisely:
• I oppose "woke"
• The left supports "woke"
• The Jew supports "woke" if they can benefit, and they are its central funders
• the controlled-opposition right supports "woke" if the Jew can benefit

In other words, I oppose anyone taking part in the slave revolt, and this includes the overlapping categories of those taking part in it (e.g., many leftists, dysgenic goblins (i.e., ugly people), Jews, Muslims, Indians, the Chinese, the "Global South").

The goal of the global slave revolt is to justify the rise of the "Global South" (BRICS+) over the "Global North" (the West). This is the explicit and stated goal of sustainability governance and is easily found across corporate documents in every single industry. They call this "global equity" (mass re-allocation of wealth from the West to the East), and it explicitly justifies mass-migration to the West, the destruction of Western values towards a "global citizen", and international co-dependence to prevent the persistence/formation of any national sovereignty (i.e., globalism). You can see these principles on the United Nations webpage (e.g., SDGs), on the World Economic Forum site (e.g., Strategic Intelligence Map), in the Inflation Reduction Act, and in sustainability propaganda (e.g., "The Message" in current cinema). This is what "woke" is.

Israel is *not* "our greatest ally".
That is a lie.
Israel is *not* a strategic "democracy" in the Middle East.
That is a lie, and democracy is evil.

These lies are generated by the post-WWII boomer delusion wherein the West at large is at fault for the Jewish "Shoah" and must forever atone for evil mustache man (and ask why the West is at fault for *Germany*!). These lies propagate "woke" (the slave revolt). These lies are easily disproved. Why, for instance, must Israel be a *Jewish* state rather than the Kingdom of Jerusalem (i.e., a Christian state)? Certainly, Christians are funding it. Certainly, Christians died in Iraq and Afghanistan for these Israel-caused wars. Certainly, Jewish people are incredibly *under*-represented in Western militaries. Should Christians not be the benefactors of their own good works? Why does the West need an intermediary that fills Israel with orthodox Jews who spit on Christians?

Foreign aid is slavery.
Support for Israel is enslavement of the West.
Israel is *generating* "woke" and hoping to direct it in its favor — to enslave the world.

A hundred pieces of fiction in the last 200 years have warned about exactly this. Tolkien knew. Frank Herbert knew. T. H. White knew. George R.R. Martin knew. If you really want to support the Jew, then ask why they have not fulfilled Tolkien's wish in return.

Tolkien's "Hobbit" posited that the Jew (dwarves) would return to their homeland (the Lonely Mountain) to rebuild the Third Temple and awaken the dragon (the Muslims of the Middle East) which would begin destroying the Western people in the surrounding region and provide pretext for the Greater East's attack on the West. Here, Sauron represents the final "Master"-enslaver over the world — threatening Western liberty in the global conflict. This is directly from Tolkien and from debates over the Jewish Question at the time, with people knowing even in the late 1800s that Zionism would destabilize the Middle East.

Tolkien's hope was that Sauron was a separate entity from the Jew/dwarves (e.g., Bolshevism and Eastern collectivism as separate from Jewish interests), and that the greed of the Jew (represented by Thorin) could be overcome through a Western alliance (Men, Elves, and Dwarves against the East). A central requirement was that the Jew's greed, subversion, and lies (Thorin going back on his word once he secured the Mountain) would give way to the old Hebrew martial spirit. That is, the Jew would need to fight on behalf of the West rather than be a parasite upon it or subversive element within it. They would need to deal fairly. They would need to support Western values.

Has this happened?

Do Jews support Western values by voting consistently for left-wing candidates throughout their entire history in the U.S. ( http://www...-in-u-s-presidential-elections )? Do they support Western values by sending Western wealth to our enemies in BRICS+? Do they support Western values by promoting LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA degeneracy in our cinema and by flooding the Internet with porn? Do they support Western genetics by collapsing White birth rates and flooding the West with BRICS+ migrants? Is their anti-White hatred some kind of convoluted love of Western people?

The real "creativity" here would be coming up with a narrative for why Jewish people have undermined the West for hundreds of years but are somehow working on our behalf.
Wed Sep 04 07:51:39

Cherub Cow opposing "slave revolts" is the least surprising thing on the internet since Tucker Carlson had a Nazi on his show.

Not that Nazi, the other one.

No, the other one. :o)
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