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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump's cognitive decline
Randal Graves
Sat Aug 17 21:09:17
....so at a rally Trump being in Wilkes-Barre, PA talking about weird pointless shit, and then addresses them as North Carolina.
Sat Aug 17 22:57:57
Trump has always done that rallies. People seem to forget that trump will rarely stick to a script and play off the vibe of the crowd. And mistaking the state he is in is a pretty common mistake presidential candidates make while campaigning and going to sometimes multiple states within a 24 hour period.
the wanderer
Sun Aug 18 00:08:56
does the quantity & content of the stupid shit he talks about EVERY time he leaves prompter ever bother you? and make you realize he's a mentally-ill lying idiot...
Interesting facts
Sun Aug 18 01:18:28

This Kamala HQ tweet, viewed 2.3 million times, falsely implies that Donald Trump did not know he was speaking in Pennsylvania.

It's clear in a longer clip that Trump was acknowledging a group of women from North Carolina who regularly attend his rallies.
Sun Aug 18 05:32:06
This is a nothing burger but if biden or harris did this it's fair game. -mtard
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 19 06:12:51
Tumblefag just went 4 years pretending that Biden was mentally fit for office. There is no lie he will not tell.
Mon Aug 19 08:59:20
Haha that video shows why people love trump.

He is off script, talks about the north Carolina women and then says "they are supposedly happily married, how does that work?"

See. Normal people understand he is making a joke. People like tw will think he is attacking their marriage.
Mon Aug 19 09:56:44
Only a joke when Trump does it, anyone else, they are unfit

Mon Aug 19 10:40:55
"See. Normal people understand he is making a joke. People like tw will think he is attacking their marriage."

Trump really has exposed how the left doesn't have a sense of humor about anything. It's actually hilarious how the interpret the most obvious jokes as dead serious statements or deadly threats.

OMG guys, Trump posted a meme of his beating up a CNN logo at a WWE match, it must mean he's calling for violence against journalists!

For fuck's sake guys. Learn to laugh every once in a while.
Randal Graves
Mon Aug 19 10:43:50
Maga Trump slobknocker for sure.
Mon Aug 19 11:03:25
Liberal faggots. Look at the audience responds.

They know its a joke. They laugh. He calls out a husband. He compliments the husband for picking the wife.

Audience laughs and applauds.

This is what natural charisma looks like.
Mon Aug 19 11:28:44

Keep in mind that these are the same people who are enthusiastically blubbering about how Kamala's unbridled magnetism is filling the nation with a sense of elation and the promise of joy, hope, and change...even though less than 90 days ago they were praying that Biden stayed in the race because they knew that Kamala was a political idiot.

These people have no independent opinions of their own, they just parrot what they see on their social media feeds and the legacy media.
Randal Graves
Mon Aug 19 11:36:08
The maga trump cultists continue.

Funny you don't see any cultist about how kamala or biden is the greatest in these forums. But we see the usual suspects continue to lap up the bathwater of trump. What poor stupid fucking retarded imbeciles. Funny thing is. It's going to really blow their fucking minds when trump loses. Dude is too old anyways
Mon Aug 19 11:40:10
"They know its a joke"

Like he joked about joining along with his brethren to storm the Capitol. He is a prankster for sure.
Mon Aug 19 11:45:19
You're more in a destructive cult than a personality one. You don't love Biden, you hate Trump and Republicans. Your obsessive fanatatism is focused on tearing them down more than propping any particular person up.
Mon Aug 19 11:52:27
Name 1 accomplishment kamala has done, beyond reaching certain offices, in her entire life that you will vote for.

And then try to call me a blind "trump supporter"
Randal Graves
Mon Aug 19 11:56:32
I get it Rugian, I do. Worshipping an individual is your only way to feel to have salvation. No matter all the lies, the traitorous actions, the undermining the election and everything else in between. In your mind you have now aligned with the thought processes that a cult isn't bad because you are in one. It's funny how you carry yourself as an independent thinker, but you're not.

What a sad pathetic specimen you have become.

"destructive cult" I mean if that isn't pure projection.....
Randal Graves
Mon Aug 19 11:58:55
Do you one better, find me policies trump as touted in this campaign other than "Vote for me Ill fix it or if not the world will end"

Considering the lengths you go to defend, you're definitely a maga braindead fucking morning.
Randal Graves
Mon Aug 19 12:03:53
Mon Aug 19 12:07:21
Trump's humor is limited to:
John McCain got shot down and was captured and spent 5 years as a POW. HA HA HA HA HA.
Gold Star mother? Tough shit your son was stupid and got himself killed. HA HA HA HA HA.
Randal Graves
Mon Aug 19 12:09:19
Trump couldn't be bothered to wait for returning deceased troops. Didn't once or twice and never did it again. What a sad, sad specimen Trump is. He truly hates the military. Unless it's the paramilitary proud boys.
Dickhead UPer
Mon Aug 19 12:17:54
Your support for Trump seems more like blind loyalty to a personality than a principled stance on policies or values. It's less about truly supporting what Trump stands for and more about opposing those who challenge him. This intense allegiance often dismisses any criticism, viewing it as an attack on the man rather than an honest evaluation of his actions and policies. Instead of focusing on constructive discourse, the energy is spent defending Trump at all costs, even when it might conflict with your own principles or the best interests of the country.
Mon Aug 19 12:49:34
Let's pay attention here. 6 posts by liberals all attacking trump, not one acknowledging kamalas accomplishments.

They call us obsessed.
Mon Aug 19 13:01:34
Yeah, the projection is off the charts here.

Trump has a solid four year track record to give an indication of what he would do if he returned to office. Some of the items on that list I like (cutting taxes, deregulation, border security, conservative judges). Some of the items I don't (deficit spending, bump stock ban, chaotic messaging). But in balance, I like what he's selling policy-wise a lot more than I don't.

You think I support him because I love the guy personality? Fuck no, the man is an egomaniacal asshole who constantly fucks himself up. I support him *strictly* on policy, what he will (and wont) do while in office.

Meanwhile, you guys will be voting for Kamala, because...
the wanderer
Mon Aug 19 13:20:58
because she's not Trump...

a guy who doesn't use facts to make decisions...
a guy who instead regularly invents his own reality...
a guy with zero intellectual curiosity as prefers inventing those own facts...
a guy with no respect for the law, just doing what he wants & claiming it's legal... while claiming (lying) what opponents do is illegal...
a guy who lies ~100% of the time he speaks...
a guy completely susceptible to flattery & bribery...
(& so much more!)

a completely absurd & clearly unfit candidate
Mon Aug 19 13:23:51

Tw proves what we are saying

"Because she isn't trump"

You would vote for a dementia riddled biden who is clearly just a puppet to people you've never seen or voted for before you'd vote for trump.

You do not want a free country. You would sell this country to anyone so long as they opposed trump.

Policies do not matter.
Mon Aug 19 13:26:54
Btw. Can you imagine how massive of a scandal this whole biden/kamala thing is going to be once trump is in office?

The investigation into how long the dnc knew biden was mentally incompetent will be a big deal. Why they kept him away from primary debates from Kennedy. How they waited til the last minute to prop kamala up, for the first time in history a presidential candidate who wasn't voted for in primaries and didn't get vetted.

Absolutely amazing how brainwashed the democrats are.

2 months ago they were praying biden would rise to the occasion because kamala was a horrible candidate.

Now she is their messiah.

Because as tw says "she isn't trump"
Randal Graves
Mon Aug 19 13:40:39
"Trump has a solid four year track record to give an indication of what he would do if he returned to office."

Continuation of eroding civil liberties, project 2025. Check.

"Some of the items on that list I like (cutting taxes, deregulation, border security, conservative judges)."

Cutting taxes for the rich, ignoring the middle class. Check.

Deregulation. Accountability out the window. Check.

border security, he really didn't do much before and lied how it would be all address. Tax burden. So more lies. Check. (Funnily enough under Obama, more were deported) Oh Border Security package was created under current administration. Trump threw a fit, so it did not prevail (would look good for him for the campaign.) But if you want to elaborate more on what he will do, go ahead, because Trump sure hasn't said anything.

"I like what he's selling policy-wise a lot more than I don't."

The thing is, he really doesn't have any policies. He has vague statements, even at the RNC it was pretty generic.

"Meanwhile, you guys will be voting for Kamala, because..."

I should dare ask, have you not even bothered trying other than what Trump keeps saying about her? Because you know, he is ...reliable.

"Why they kept him away from primary debates from Kennedy."

You mean the same Kennedy that asked for a spot in
Biden administration, then Trumps administration, and currently Harris for exchange for his endorsement. Dude, STFU. You're fucking joke.

"Absolutely amazing how brainwashed the democrats are."

Looking in that mirror aren't ya you fucking magabitchass cult fucktwat.

"2 months ago they were praying biden would rise to the occasion because kamala was a horrible candidate."

This is how sad you are. 2 months ago, it was the status quo, 4 months ago, it was, well if Biden is all we got, definitely better than Trump, both old, both senile. But you have a new person and it seems things are going alright, seems there is a new energy. And you're afraid, just like Trump bitchass self is afraid.

"Now she is their messiah."

Do you really want to compare the hours of video how trump is pretty much worshipped versus Biden, Harris, etc? You really want to go down that route?

You're such a bitch.

Mon Aug 19 13:44:08
Biden is still running for president.

the wanderer
Mon Aug 19 13:49:56
"Policies do not matter"

fairly accurate (for me anyway)... i want a candidate who is a functioning adult and not riddled w/ mental illness & criminality

there is no job i can imagine hiring Trump for

maybe if psychiatrists had display models in the window...
Mon Aug 19 13:55:15
"You mean the same Kennedy that asked for a spot in
Biden administration, then Trumps administration, and currently Harris for exchange for his endorsement. Dude, STFU. You're fucking joke"

This is easily one of the weirdest counterarguments I've ever seen.

I am talking about how long the dnc has known about bidens mental decline and why he avoided primary debates with Kennedy and you respond by "the same Kennedy that asked to be in various administrations !?!?!"

What the fuck does that have to do with bidens mental decline? And why does Kennedy asking to be in administrations cancel him out of primary debates.

Like how are actual fuck does your mind work?

You strike me as the sorta guy who will stroll into a retail store and argue the merits of a certain product because he has nothing else to do. Yes I remember those horrible days.

Mon Aug 19 13:57:07
And once again!

Still none of this kamala supporters have said a single thing her that they support beyond her not being the old man who lives rent free in their heads.

He really has grabbed em by the pussy.
Mon Aug 19 13:57:26
"And why does Kennedy asking to be in administrations cancel him out of primary debates."

RFK didn't qualify for primary debates.

Maybe you should learn how things operate?
the wanderer
Mon Aug 19 13:59:36
Kamala doesn't think climate change is a chinese hoax

Kamala isn't in love w/ Putin, Orban & Kim Jong Un

there's some reasons
Randal Graves
Mon Aug 19 14:01:19
"I am talking about how long the dnc has known about bidens mental decline and why he avoided primary debates with Kennedy and you respond by "the same Kennedy that asked to be in various administrations !?!?!""

I cannot help that you're too fucking stupid to see the connection. One, fuckhead didn't qualify to participate in the debates. Which is pointless anyways...

2ndly, this whole new pseudo conspiracy theory about Biden's cognitive abilities was hidden, and since we have nothing else to hit Harris one, we are going to die on this sword in hopes to sway the momentum.

You seem like a guy who strikes me with a huge black dildo with red trump lettering shoving it up your ass while you suck off your cousin from west virginia.
Randal Graves
Mon Aug 19 14:04:06
Oh and one more thing about RFK, it was also to point out how fucking desperate this guy is to be relevant and how the GOP really hopes he gets to stick around, but it seems he is becoming irrelevant since the Harris momentum has pretty much skyrocketted.

So not only are you fucking upset that Trump isn't doing too hot right now, but you're upset that RFK isn't either.

And if you also cannot see that old man Trump is having some cognitive issues, then it says alot about your dumbass and how you are blindly following trump.

Just look at the extents youre going now.
Mon Aug 19 14:06:37
Keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer

– Sun Tzu

There might be a reason why Trump wants to be close to Putin and Kim.
Randal Graves
Mon Aug 19 14:07:27
dictator buttsex.
Mon Aug 19 14:10:42
Who decided why Kennedy wasn't qualified to debate and what was the qualifier ?

Seems like it's clear why he was locked out.
Mon Aug 19 14:14:49
For crying out loud, do you not understand how the election process works?
Mon Aug 19 14:16:44
Due to low polling and ballot access across the country. This has always been a thing when there are multiple candidates running for president. And usually isn't just 3 candidates. Usually multiple people run, but they do not get the recognition, so you never hear much about them. Nor how they never qualify to be on debates.
Mon Aug 19 14:17:35
I know elections and Biden is still running.

Mon Aug 19 14:17:35
I know elections and Biden is still running.

Mon Aug 19 14:17:39
"I won't answer the questions... for reasons.. "
Mon Aug 19 14:18:27
I clearly answered you idiot.
Mon Aug 19 14:18:55
I ignore answers because it makes me look stupid.

Mon Aug 19 14:19:27
Geez, calm down with the trolling....
Mon Aug 19 14:20:04
I can't help it.

Randal Graves
Mon Aug 19 14:22:37
Stupid fucking retarded maga cockslurping can't even figure out how elections work, what a fucking dweeb. Maga cultist bitchass bitch.
Mon Aug 19 15:26:44
Mental decline? How many years did we have Ronald Reagan not being capable of answering questions from the press? How many years was he just the figurehead will George Bush I ran the country?
Cherub Cow
Thu Aug 22 00:12:06
[obaminated]: "Hahah

Tw proves what we are saying

"Because she isn't trump""

Lulz, yeah. If you needed tumblefag to absolutely invalidate his entire life in the cleanest way possible, you really couldn't ask for a better sentence. He's a cultist and a pedophile-supporter. The Regime death cult has the best useful idiots, everyone says so.

[Randal Graves (bored UPer who activated a multi to shake things up and is pretending to be even more psychotic than tumblefag)]: "this whole new pseudo conspiracy theory about Biden's cognitive abilities was hidden"

"New"? I've been pointing this out since before the first Biden press conference. Here I am in March 2021 saying that Regime propagandists are pulling an FDR by hiding an obvious dementia/Parkinson's puppet:
"I imagine that the White House believes that they're doing a great thing. When Biden dies of natural causes [this summer?], I'm sure there will be an article in "Time" Magazine about how the White House came together like was done for FDR, protecting this good and noble man from the evil cynicism of the press. Thus, they "fortified" Biden's public image, with Jill Biden changing Biden's diapers and speaking in his ear to manage his vexations like a virtuous Salemite. Oh how the DNC media will fawn over those virtues. And when it's brought up that the opposition knew all along that Biden was mentally incompetent and that the DNC has at last admitted it, the DNC will be able to take the high ground, pretending that seeing that incompetence makes you a bad person — and racist, if that can be shoehorned somewhere."

We've known for years that Biden is a mentally unfit puppet. They installed him knowing — in advance — that they just needed a body that would sign anything they put in front of him.
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 22 03:41:27
Stupid fucking idiotic fucktwat Magabitch would do anything to suck the thimble size dick of Trump has the audacity to be critical of anything when in reality is just some old bitch behind the keyboard putting peanut butter on her dusty old pussy to get the gratification of a 4 legged being.
the wanderer
Fri Aug 23 21:55:55
good Jason Bateman narrated piece advocating for Kamala over Trump merely for being normal:


voting on policies would be great... but R's keep putting up this absurdly unfit fuckhead...
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