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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump is getting so desperate ...
Mon Aug 19 00:13:03
That he's posting AI generated memes of Taylor Swift encouraging her fans to vote for him.

I can only assume that he wants to get sued. :o)

the wanderer
Mon Aug 19 01:21:34
there are a couple posts up on his feed implying Swifties going for him so hopefully it will push her into coming out hard against the shitbag
Mon Aug 19 02:42:54

It doesn't really matter. Young people don't vote.

Mon Aug 19 07:03:11
This election there may be a large upsurge in young women voting. That is if they value of being able to make decisions about their reproductive rights or for that matter Voting rights.
Mon Aug 19 07:21:20

Don't hold your breath. It's the same every election cycle. Young people are too lazy and stupid, and too easily conned into not voting because candidates aren't custom made to their personal specifications.

They don't understand consequences.

Mon Aug 19 08:15:03
"They don't understand consequences."

The "consequences" in this case being that you wouldn't be able to get a taxpayer-funded elective abortion in Week 37 of a pregnancy.

The horror.

The fact that you are so butthurt over even the most reasonable of abortion restrictions just proves that you're a massive piece of shit.

Meanwhile, the consequences of a Democratic victory, would include Venezuelan-style economics that would destroy our country, open borders, schools that think they have more of a say in raising your children than you, the effective abolition of the 1st and 2nd Amendments, and turning the American government into a banana republic where the courts and law enforcement are abused to go after the opposition.

So yeah. For those that do understand the consequences, they know exactly who to vote for.
Mon Aug 19 08:33:28

"The fact that you are so butthurt over even the most reasonable of abortion restrictions just proves that you're a massive piece of shit."

There's no such thing as reasonable. Maybe we can start mandating vasectomies for all men with 2 or more kids. That's reasonable.

"schools that think they have more of a say in raising your children than you"

Says the guy who feels that government should have the power to force children to have children ... and then leave them all to starve.

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