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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump loves America first and foremost
Mon Aug 19 13:53:07
Trump loves America and hates communism and losers.

Trump Sketches Future of US Military—Hunting Cartels, Quelling Unrest, and Immigrant Detention Camps


1. Use military force against drug cartels.

Well, the drug cartels are like private armies run by some of the worst criminals in the world. So in a way it makes sense to use military force against them.

2. Rid the military of “Marxism” and “communism.”

Well, what can I say. We all know that communism has no place in America.

3. Deploy the military against civilian protestors.

If the protesters are masked and armed and hurt other people and destroy property, why not? But the police in the US already are militarized so maybe deploying the military on top of the police is like putting cream on the mashed potatos. I don’t know, but maybe the more the better? As long as it’s done for the love of America.

4. Use the military to build detention camps and National Guard troops to round up migrants for mass deportations.

8 million migrants has invaded the US in… was it like in one year? lol. USA gotta do something. Sure the US can stop putting strangling sanctions on every south american country and see if people will chose to stay in their home countries when their economies are better instead of migrating to the USA. But the US can also keep the sanctions, round up the migrants, and send them back. Whatever Trump opts for will be for what is best for America, I believe.

5. Deploy the National Guard into American cities struggling with crime and mental illness.

Let’s be honest. No one llikes to live in a city or a neighborhood that it is stricken with crime and where mentally ill people are roaming the streets in masses. It is not safe. The National Guard is a resource that can be used more often to solve some of the problems that America has. Criminals, mentally ill and the masked and armed protesters could be round up and sent to a detention camp. America would be more safe then.
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