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Utopia Talk / Politics / broke and broken 2
Mon Aug 19 14:14:47

slow mo implosion

i knew it. i thought it was from 1990 onward...

turns out it been since 1910s...

wowzers we just didnt know coz social media didnt exists 100 years ago

u know wut they say. being an enemy of kee is dangerous, but being a friend of kee is...lethal!

Sam Adams
Mon Aug 19 21:13:49

A 67-year-old man has been jailed after chanting "you're not English any more" at police officers during a violent demonstration in London.

This is from the bbc so maybe seb will believe it?
Sam Adams
Mon Aug 19 21:14:14
Like seriously this is some real gestapo shit.
Tue Aug 20 01:10:03
It's harder to find cheap labour today I think. You can't use slaves anymore and the Brits doesn't want to import cheap labour from the 3rd world. They have also been told by the US to decouple from China. The largest and best manufacturer in the world. So everything becomes more expensive for the Brits.

It has also become harder to steal the resources from other countries. Because we are not in the 1910-1920's anymore.

So of course, Britain's economy will struggle.
Tue Aug 20 06:26:02
Since you didn't read the article. It wasn't the chanting the words that got him jailed. You're just too lazy to read the article. Dumbass.
Tue Aug 20 06:30:33
"Notley was jailed for 20 months after he admitted violent disorder and causing religiously aggravated distress at Inner London Crown Court."


"He helped push another demonstrator into a police officer which "precipitated a physical confrontation involving the police [and] demonstrators", the prosecutor said."

Not good enough I'm just going stick with the sensational headline so it fits my narrative. Sure, if it was just only the chanting this would be alarming. But your attention span is so feeble, not at all shocking you didn't extract the details.

Tue Aug 20 09:01:24

The man pleaded guilty to violent disorder, which wasn't "shouting you're not English anymore" but, the part where he assaulted a policeman.

It's in the actual story. Sorry your attention span doesn't let you understand the difference between "after" and "for" in a headline.
Tue Aug 20 09:02:27
I guess I should have read the whole thread too.
Sam Adams
Tue Aug 20 16:00:33
Ah, so your saying the bbc makes shitty headlines?
Sam Adams
Tue Aug 20 16:02:18
"He helped push another demonstrator into a police officer which "precipitated a physical confrontation"

This doesnt get you jail anywhere else on earth except maybe north korea. This is pure repression of political opposition.
Tue Aug 20 17:51:18
"Ah, so your saying the bbc makes shitty headlines?"

Ah, so your saying news outlets make sensational headlines to have readers triggered to read or triggered to not understand context. Fixed it for you.

What you did was fall victim to the headline without reading the article and making an assumption and conclusion and being wrong.

"This doesnt get you jail anywhere else on earth "

Interesting self-absorbed world you dwell in.
Tue Aug 20 18:56:13

Headlines fine: catchy and sensational. The normal reader goes "what? For that? I must read the details?"

The savvy reader goes "Oh I see where this is going".

The credulous goes "OMG it says he was imprisoned for yelling "your not English any more" (Narrator: the headline did not in fact say this).

"This doesnt get you jail anywhere else on earth except maybe north kore"

Dude, in the US this would get you shot by the police. It's physical attack. He's trying to get you on the floor, in a riot, where you head will get kicked in. US cops would unload their gun at him.
Tue Aug 20 18:56:47
Attacking police in a riot gets you prison time. This is the way.
Sam Adams
Tue Aug 20 22:55:58
So... the bbc lies or exaggerates for clicks. Hmmmmmm.

"Dude, in the US this would get you shot by the police. It's physical attack. He's trying to get you on the floor, in a riot, where you head will get kicked in."

Lol that little push? Ive been in fun sports riots more agressive. Your far left antifa and blm rioters have done much worse than this little push a million times over, 0 have been shot by cops.

A few were shot by regular citizens.
Sam Adams
Wed Aug 21 00:41:56

Heres a muslim that actually assaults people(and robs) multiple times given a much lighter sentence. A two tier, anti-white justice system.
Wed Aug 21 04:21:47
'News media exaggerates headlines to get readers'

Fixed it for you again.

You act like newspapers or news media has started a new way to promote.

You're such a dumbass.
Wed Aug 21 05:47:32

newsmedia is just ur propafunda and doing wut they r told

Sam Adams
Wed Aug 21 22:31:00
A competent method of communication would involve 0 lies or exxagerations.

Especially if you are a journalist in 2024 and your reputation is already near 0.
Thu Aug 22 01:02:28

Attacking police, and rioting always attract higher sentencing. Sentencing guidelines are publicly available online and judges are required to condider them and normally take pains to explain sentencing with reference to them. Nobody cares about your opinions about what is "worse" when you've made it clear that you're primary concern is to round up all the brown people and shove them into the sea "because genes".
Thu Aug 22 01:06:38
Don't go blaming your fundamental lack of media literacy on anyone else but yourself.

"Following" or "after" or "In the wake of" are standard Journalistic techniques to connect events into a narrative without necessarily committing to a claim if causality. All news outlets do it, if you are in or passed late 30s and not figured that out (most people get it in their teens) then you should just go retire and live alone in the woods. Participating in industrial society by consuming mass media is clearly not for you.
Thu Aug 22 01:11:40
The point about "after" is it's not a lie or an exaggeration.

The headline clearly states he was arrested for violent disorder. It's oblivious chanting *isn't* violent disorder. The chanting (referenced in the strapline below the headline) is additional flavour.

Only an idiot that's been reading lots of nonsense would seriously consider chanting meets the definition of violent disorder.
Thu Aug 22 03:37:50
"A competent method of communication would involve 0 lies or exxagerations."

Then go all the way back to the beginning of printed media and tell them about it....

"Especially if you are a journalist in 2024 and your reputation is already near 0."

It's easy to attack journalists.....especially when they report things you don't like to hear.
Fri Aug 23 05:22:13
Sam, since you've kinda acknowledged that you are a bit gullible and fall easily for these conspiracy theory social media posts and click-bait headlines, I thought you might find this by a criminal law barrister that explains what's going on with the convictions and sentences.

Fri Aug 23 05:31:40
"A general rule of thumb: Whenever you read a headline or a tweet suggesting that somebody has been implausibly imprisoned “for doing X”, it will not be because of X. It will be because they actively participated in something much bigger, and much more serious, than the narrator wants you to realise."

Sam, it occurs to me though, that as you regularly use the above tactic yourself, you can hardly complain about sensationalist headline writers doing the reverse.

Sam Adams
Mon Aug 26 06:13:51
Sebs africans migrants filmed themselves cutting the throat of a white uk man, laughing about it, and then filming the ambulance coming to pick up the body, then posted the video online.

Seb thinks this is ok, but the mean tweets are the problem.
Sam Adams
Mon Aug 26 06:22:08
"Don't go blaming your fundamental lack of media literacy on anyone else but yourself."

Says the guy that reads bbc.

"Attacking police, and rioting"

I'm sure the bbc did indeed tell you they all attacked the police. Despite no evidence of this, you believed it. You believe that its ok for minorities to riot against perceived discrimination that you faked, and then say its ultra illegal for whites to riot against having their kids throats slit by your migrants. You are so literate.
Sam Adams
Mon Aug 26 07:38:45

Lol seb goes on video.
Mon Aug 26 15:08:00

He pleaded guilty to attacking the police.

It's not really in doubt.
Sam Adams
Tue Aug 27 17:59:49
Only a very few white rioters attacked the police. Yet they were all thrown immediately in jail.

The airport muslims who actually attacked police are free.
Wed Aug 28 06:21:58

Quite a lot attacked the police, and the ones that confronted with overwhelming evidence pled guilty were thrown into jail yes.

If you plead guilty, do you think you should just, you know, hang around for a few months?

Those that pled innocent are either held on remand or released on bail awaiting trial. Like the airport folks you keep whining about.

This is how it has worked for literally hundreds of years. I'm not sure why you are surprised.

It's all in the link.
Wed Aug 28 06:22:38
You do understand that you can't be sentenced until you have been found guilty by a trial or pleaded guilty at magistrates, right?
Sam Adams
Wed Aug 28 12:33:58

Sebs migrant assaults women, is given a 500 dollar ticket.

White men are given 3 years in jail for angry tweets.
Sam Adams
Wed Aug 28 12:37:00
So attacking people isnt a real crime, if you are the correct skin color. Only white people have to pbey the law.

This isnt going to backfire on you at all, lol. You are raising an entire generation of angry young white men who are going to be far right.
Sam Adams
Wed Aug 28 18:34:22

One of sebs migrants cooking a neighborhood cat.
Wed Aug 28 22:46:59
Sam Sam, why do you lie?

6 month sentence suspended for two years, 35 rehabilitation activities, 180 hours of unpaid work, electronic tagging for four months and £500 costs.
Thu Aug 29 00:52:42
"One of sebs migrants cooking a neighborhood cat."

Ah the "RadioGenoa" account. It is posting the same things over and over again to keep his special kind of followers entertained.

Aug 12, 2023

Oct 26, 2023

Dec 5, 2023

Aug 28, 2024

Note that he also posts the video in reverse to make it easier to trick his stupid followers into thinking they're watching something new.
Thu Aug 29 05:08:38
You mean Sam is supporting Russian Propaganda?

Who is behind the Italian propaganda platform publishing misleading anti-migrant videos?
Radio Genoa reaches an audience of millions with disturbing videos. Its operators claim Europe is on the brink of collapse, and that right-wing populist political parties are the answer.

Research indicates a pro-Russia disinformation network may be responsible.

It's fine though, Sam just likes to read headlines.
Sam Adams
Thu Aug 29 10:11:05
"6 month sentence suspended for two years, 35 rehabilitation activities, 180 hours of unpaid work, electronic tagging for four months and £500 costs."

So, a 500 dollar ticket and a slap on the wrist. This is still 0 punishment relative to all the white men punished much more for doing much less. Why dont you stick to the point?
Sam Adams
Thu Aug 29 10:13:12
"It is posting the same things over and over"

Yet the migrant still killed and cooked that cat. The video is real is it not?
Thu Aug 29 10:16:17
I mean sure, if you think 500 is worth more than 180 hours of your time... I guess that tells us something about your wage.

Suspended sentence means you go back to jail for minor infractions. Wearing a radio tag means they can monitor you for those infractions. 180 hours community service is over a month of mandatory unpaid labour.

Why are the sentences for those that have pleaded guilty higher?

Rioting is always treated as a more serious crime because widespread public disorder spreads; and most of those convicted have long police records for rioting and violence at sporting events; being at high risk of re offence means you don't get to avoid going to jail.

Thu Aug 29 10:18:58
And I remind you, a bunch of people were arrested in 2010 for rioting around left wing issues. Again during the BLM protests. Again during the Sarah Evarad protests. And even left wing country protestors at this event.

The always get similar treatment.

Don't riot. Don't attack cops. We aren't soft on this just because the perps are white. They aren't allowed to do a little bit of rioting as a racist treat.
Thu Aug 29 10:21:14
But also let's look at the retard who was moaning that a headline was misleading, here deliberately trying to pretend the only sentence was a £500 fine and a stern talking to.

We can also conclude Sam has an hourly wage of $2.70 if he thinks £500 is the most salient part of the sentence rather than 180 hours of unpaid labour. Explains a lot.

Sam Adams
Thu Aug 29 10:57:16
"Why are the sentences for those that have pleaded guilty higher?"

Because they have white skin and the wrong politics.
Sam Adams
Thu Aug 29 11:01:33
"Rioting is always treated as a more serious crime because widespread public disorder spreads"

If this was true, and you had an unbiased judicial system, you would have gone after the palestinians rioting and threatening jews all over much harder than you did. The conclusion is obvious: white skin and right leaning politics is punished much more harshly than minorities or left wing politics.
Thu Aug 29 11:33:29
Sam why are you supporting Russia?
Thu Aug 29 14:37:16
No Sam, because the crimes they are accused of are different.

Black and other minorities convicted of the same crimes have similar sentences.
Thu Aug 29 14:39:00
"would have gone after the palestinians rioting and threatening jews"

They did. I showed you links.

The thing is, the violence associated with the gaza marches was far less frequent. They were overwhelmingly peaceful, unlike the riots seeking to burn down hotels with migrants and mosques.
Thu Aug 29 14:40:29

Because he's a fascist at heart and he yearns for based managed democracy in the USA, thinking he will be a Silvoki not one if the dumb guys sent to die in a trench with inadequate kit and a Chechnyan with a gun to his back
Sam Adams
Thu Aug 29 14:42:51

In their countinuing crackdown on white men speaking, the Uk arrests an 11 year old child.
Sam Adams
Thu Aug 29 14:45:58
"Black and other minorities convicted of the same crimes have similar sentences."

Lol didnt you spend 80,000 posts trying to convince people that african crime rates in london were the result of unfair biased policing from evil white men?
Fri Aug 30 03:53:15

Nope, and I'll take that attempt to change the subject as an admission you were lying about the previous rioting arrests.

Over policing poor areas and excessive cautioning and prosecution of people on drugs charges that are as or more common in white populations but not picked up by police because they don't do stop and searches there is significantly different from rioting where the crime is obvious and caught on cameras.
Fri Aug 30 04:43:50
Hey Sam, this is the guy you defended:

"At the forefront of the violence was Joshua Jones, sentenced to three years and two months for hurling objects at the police. Jones is a serial criminal, holding 15 previous convictions for 26 offences, including football hooliganism, grievous bodily harm, assaulting a police officer, possession of a fighting dog, theft and criminal damage.

We can reveal that Jones is also a former English Defence League (EDL) activist, attending a series of disorderly protests organised by the now-defunct anti-Muslim group between 2010 and 2014. He was also active in the openly nazi North West Infidels, and posed with Nick Griffin, then-British National Party (BNP) leader, while holding a white supremacist flag in 2012."
Fri Aug 30 04:46:04
Here is another of the guys you wept tears for:

"Warren Gilchrest, who filmed the attack while repeatedly shouting “kill him” and “stamp on his face”, has been jailed for three years. Gilchrest also assaulted two police officers who were trying to rescue the victim of the attack.

Gilchrest has dozens of previous convictions, including sexual offences against children under the age of 13. Police also found disturbing Nazi material, some of which included depictions of children, at his home."

Crocodile tears that actual Nazis with long criminal histories including paedophilia are not getting suspended sentences.

Disgusting Sam. Disgusting.
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 02 17:07:30
Congrats seb your media was able to find 2 real criminals in the 1000 you arrested. If those stories are even true. Did the bbc tell you this?

Meanwhile, muslims continue their violent anti-jewish rhetoric in your pathetic country and your two tier justice system looks the other way yet again. If a white man said those things about blacks you would arrest him on the spot and sentence him to years in jail with 0 trial.

Tue Sep 03 09:12:43

Nah, that's just two I picked up that you *specifically* defended.

You say there arguing a convicted paedophile that pleased guilty to assaulting a policeman should be given a non-custodial sentence.

Tue Sep 03 09:14:37
With a criminal record that long, of violent crimes, and obvious high likelihood of re-offence, it would be mad to provide a suspended sentence.

What do you want? For him to go out and beat up and rape a kid?
Sam Adams
Tue Sep 03 11:28:14
Member Tue Sep 03 09:14:37
With a criminal record that long, of violent crimes, and obvious high likelihood of re-offence, it would be mad to provide a suspended sentence."

Under your two tier anti-white system if they are black or pakistani you give them 46 felony chances.
Sam Adams
Tue Sep 03 11:44:15

Five children, a boy and a girl, both 14, and one boy and two girls, 12, have been arrested over the murder of an 80-year-old man in a park in Leicestershire.

Guess the race seb.
Sam Adams
Wed Sep 04 11:28:48

London is creating a special bus service for jews, because sebs hordes of violent imports have made the city unsafe.
Wed Sep 04 11:32:38
” London is creating a special bus service for jews”

Why only for jews?

Why not for Scandinavians, Germans, Poles, and Chinese also? This is racism. Apartheid.
Fri Sep 06 01:16:03

You got the last three or four "guess the races" wrong though Sam. It's almost like you suck at even trying to cherry pick a narrative.

Not content with demanding that paedophiles with long histories of prior charges for rioting get non custodial sentences, here you are again falsely claiming two tier policing and sentencing even though your own evidence for this involves comparing first time offenders with hardened criminals with repeat offences including fucking sexual assault of minors.

Did you get dropped on your head?
Fri Sep 06 01:18:20
And as for intimidation of Jews, didn't you go out and march around in chinos with tiki torches along with your mates shouting "Jews will not replace us" like fucking Nuremberg repeated as a tragic farce a few years back, Sam?
Fri Sep 06 02:51:01

Also the Victim was a minority... Really want to bet none of the kids are white?
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 06 11:47:24
Tired of being wrong all the time, seb just resorts to making up random babble.

"Why only for jews?"

Jews are the only group londoners routinely discriminate against, though if seb gets his way whites will soon be prejudiced against officially.
Sam Adams
Sat Sep 07 21:26:59

BBC cited for 1500 obvious journalistic errors and massive pro-hamas bias, just thus year.

"Durrrr bbc is real news twitter isnt"
-low iq brits
Sun Sep 08 05:35:29

Lol Jursalem post. Even Israelis acknowledge it as the fox news equivalent.


^Sam and friends merely enjoying a short walk on a nice day out, as he'd put it.
Sam Adams
Sun Sep 08 19:07:26
Sam Adams
Sun Sep 08 19:08:29
Sam Adams
Sun Sep 08 19:08:40
Sam Adams
Sun Sep 08 19:10:56
Plenty of sources. Lol seb you dunce.

And then while discussing media bias your only response is a guardian article from 7 years ago?

Sam posts 470 cases of terrible things happening in the uk in the last month, seb responds with a case from 7 years ago that the guardian probably made up.
Mon Sep 09 12:12:07
That's not plenty of sources, that's one source: a report produced by the Telegraph, which has a long standing history of attacking the BBC for not reporting the news with a right wing slant as the Telegraph avowedly does (the Conservative parties broadsheet of choice).
Mon Sep 09 12:14:52

Nothing, absolutely nothing, that has happened in the UK comes remotely close to an organised march by neo Nazis chanting their intent to dispose of Jews while the police protect them and the sitting president endorses them as very fine people.
Mon Sep 09 12:15:19
And Sam, let's be honest, those guys are you. Their your demographic to a T.
Mon Sep 09 13:16:32

"Snopes Fact Check

No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'"

Sam Adams
Mon Sep 09 21:32:44
"comes remotely close to an organised march by neo Nazis chanting their intent to dispose of Jews while the police protect them and the sitting president endorses them as very fine people."

Not a single thing you said is true. All is well established liberal media lies that even most liberals have now given up on. Are you fucking retarded?

"That's not plenty of sources, that's one source: a report produced by the Telegraph"

Yet you seemed to think it was important to go after jpost in the post before? Perhaps you didnt read it. Perhaps you didnt understand it. Lazy or stupid.
Tue Sep 10 01:16:06
It may be that Britain can’t afford to build more prisons so they have to release prisoners to make room for new prisoners?

Chief prisons inspector warns of 'revolving door' as around 1,750 inmates are set for early release

A former inmate at HMP Parc in Wales has warned that "unstable" prisoners who have not been rehabilitated are about to "come back out on to the streets" due to the government's scheme to free up space in prisons.

The chief inspector of prisons for England and Wales has warned that today's early release of around 1,750 offenders is going to be "risky".

It is being done to create space in the country's overcrowded prisons and the government insists the alternative was "unthinkable" and would have led to a "total collapse of the criminal justice system".

But HMP Chief Inspector of Prisons Charlie Taylor told Sky News: "It's a risky time with so many prisoners coming out at the same time. Normally, there are about 1,000 prisoners coming out a week. Most of those 1,000 prisoners will still come out this week. But on top of that, we've got 1,700 other prisoners, and then in October, we have another tranche of around 2,000 coming out as well, inevitably, that puts some risks into local communities and greater strain on already stretched probation services."

Justifying the decision, Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood said: "We inherited a prison system on the point of collapse. This is not a change we wanted to make - it was the only option left on the table because the alternative would have seen a total collapse of the criminal justice system.

"We would have seen the breakdown of law and order because courts would not have been able to conduct trials, and the police would not have been able to make arrests."

Early release will not apply to sexual offences, serious violence and terrorism offences and some cases relating to domestic abuse. The government says it announced the decision as early as possible to give probation services time to prepare.

The mass release coincides with a damning report from the chief inspector which describes a "devastating picture" of life behind bars with "a surge in illicit drug use, self-harm and violence".

Continues: http://new...set-for-early-release-13212129
Tue Sep 10 01:19:22
USA has its own problem with crime. Apparently, immigrants in the USA kill and eat people’s pets. It may be that the USA is actually more broke and broken than Britain is.


JD Vance

Months ago, I raised the issue of Haitian illegal immigrants draining social services and generally causing chaos all over Springfield, Ohio.

Reports now show that people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn't be in this country. Where is our border czar?
Tue Sep 10 05:13:14


Though, no denial about Vance drag days and couch fornication. Those seem to be true with photo evidence of item 1.

Sam Adams
Wed Sep 11 19:59:08

Muslims are vastly more likely to be mooches.
Mon Sep 16 03:15:46
Keir Starmer is being told to lie more:

Financial leaders and party insiders warn Starmer: we need less gloom, more optimism

PM told his downbeat tone risks putting off investors and that his conference speech must temper realism with hope

The government’s gloomy diagnosis of the state of Britain is imperilling the private investment needed to secure economic growth, City figures are warning, amid widespread calls for Keir Starmer to inject more optimism in his Labour conference speech later this month.

Mon Sep 16 08:13:34

We can afford to build prisons.

The problem is Sam's that think we shouldn't build prisons because it's bureaucratic, and instead we should pay private companies billions more to build and operate them, and when they turn around and demand huge operating costs, to stop building them so we can cut taxes instead.
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 16 10:39:12
Now thats theres white men to imprison, now seb is interested in building prisons. Interesting how that changed.
Mon Sep 16 12:41:47
No Sam. Orher way around.

Now that there's immigrants to imprison, you are decrying the lack of investment in "bureaucracy" (aka state capacity) that you yourself spent decades advocating for.
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