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Utopia Talk / Politics / US: Freedom to Treason
Tue Aug 20 07:21:27
Armed and Underground: Inside the Turbulent, Secret World of an American Militia (AP3)

* Militias After Jan. 6: Internal messages reveal how AP3, one of the largest U.S. militias, rose even as prosecutors pursued other paramilitary groups after the assault on the Capitol.

* Organized Vigilantism: AP3 has already sought to shape American life through armed vigilante operations — at the Texas border, outside ballot boxes and during Black Lives Matter protests.

* Close Ties With Police: AP3 leaders have forged alliances with law enforcement around the U.S. Internal files reveal their strategies for building these ties and where they’ve claimed success.


The story is way too long to post here. It's about one of the many treasonous "militias" in the US that the government ignores and allows to organize, recruit, train, and entangle themselves with law enforcement and politicians alike.

This shit has been going on for about half a century now, and it will be the end of this nation if Democrats don't grow balls and hang them all.
Tue Aug 20 07:45:30
Well, if Russia invades the US, which they very well may do if they aren’t stopped in Ukraine, you will wish that you have these militias to protect you.
Tue Aug 20 10:16:10

They most certainly would not protect me. I'm a spic.

Tue Aug 20 10:41:29
Waaaaah citizens exercising their constitutional rights to peaceable assembly waaaaah

Randal Graves
Tue Aug 20 11:42:05
Stupid fucking magabrained asshat would support racist fuckhewd criminals. Typical of the bitch behind the name rugian
Tue Aug 20 18:28:43

Waaaaah murder wants to hang traitors waaaaah

Wed Aug 21 00:44:28
” It's about one of the many treasonous "militias" in the US that the government ignores and allows to organize, recruit, train, and entangle themselves with law enforcement and politicians alike.”

Sounds like the government, politicians and law enforcement are allied with them. If they are allies, it can’t be treason?
Wed Aug 21 07:46:08

"Sounds like the government, politicians and law enforcement are allied with them."

Yes, and we call those traitors MAGA Republicans.

"If they are allies, it can’t be treason?"

We fought a whole war over that concept. The US Civil War. MAGA lost, but Americans were too merciful and didn't hang all the bastards then.
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