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Utopia Talk / Politics / romulus
Tue Aug 20 09:18:05
so after da prometheus bullshit, i decided 2 give this one a go.

back 2 tradition roots.

modern spaceship and shit. infestation. simple enuff story.

and how did they execute this shit...

i would say 7.5 out of 10

- better than xpected
- story is simple but good enuff.
- it aint prometheus bullshit storyline
- da special effects r amazin as u wuld xpect from alien franchise and space
- they took some clear inspirations and shit from dead space and older alien movies and realized wut ppl wanted 2 see and wut not

- aliens r weak and slow, no real reason why
- no real characters
- some characters r really unlikable

Tue Aug 20 09:21:37
also da new world they build, is amazin.

wuld love 2 see more of that, as 4 example da prestory 2 this movie (wut happened and shit).

so da main story is short, simple and sweet but culd have easily enjoyed another few hours of different story set in da same universe. 4 example wut happened prior or wut happens after and shit

sign of great world buildin.
Tue Aug 20 09:34:40
also in case it isnt known yet and i betcha it isnt known becoz da story in prometheus is horseshit vague

but here it is.

there is da engeneers race. which r like proto humans, a godlike race compared 2 humans.

they make lifeforms everywhere. includin humans. they did not directly make us. but they indirectly made us.

they do this with da black goo. which is biochemical and very toxic but creates new lifes and shit.

they got this from a being a supernatural creature that they worship (proto alien) which is why all da lifeforms they create resemble this alien shit.

but this goo doesnt create single life. it mixes dna and shit and create new life.

so thats how da engeneers got da black goo which they use as weapon and use 2 create new life.

so somewhere down da line, we humans evolve like da synthetic peoples (androids) and advance.

we sorta rival da engeneers now which they do not like. so they go after us.

which is where da prometheus story begins. when we arrive there, it was said they was gonna come and wipe da slate clean and create new life on earth but they got held back from outbreak.

anyway, this is also why da black goo is airborn and everything looks black. coz david our droid has begun 2 experiment with it. da black goo mutates da different life forms on da engeneer planet and shit and ended up wipin everything there.

also, it is just one of da engeneer planets, they supposed have more since they like an ultra advanced galaxy traveling civilization.

but yea da movie does very poorly xplainin this bullshit. which is why everyone hates them.
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