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Utopia Talk / Politics / Magas hold jd vance jizz cups
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Tue Aug 20 09:32:12

Die-hard Trump fans start 'carrying cups of JD Vance's sperm' in weird sign of support
Supporters of Donald Trump's presidential campaign have been photographed carrying around plastic cups, bearing a picture of running mate JD Vance and the slogan "full family kit"

In the US presidential race Donald Trump's pick for Vice President, JD Vance, has spent weeks trying to shake off Democrat accusations of being "weird." But some die-hard Trump fans are making that task difficult, with a bizarre new trend - carrying around cups appearing to be full of JD Vance's "sperm".

Pictures from recent Trump events have shown supporters touting their odd cups, with some dangling them around their neck, while others have been seen proudly waving theirs in the air. The cups have a sticker bearing the vice presidential hopeful's face, as well as the words "JD Vance full family kit."

The strange show of support is a reference to Vance's comments attacking women, like Democratic rival Kamala Harris, as "childless cat ladies." In a 2021 interview with then-Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, Vance argued the US was being run by "a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too."

Tue Aug 20 10:20:42


Tue Aug 20 11:32:41
Beats carrying around a sperm soaked couch seat mattress.
Randal Graves
Tue Aug 20 13:17:04
But but Trump doesn't have a cult following
Tue Aug 20 18:33:35

Where the heck are all these board names coming from?

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