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Utopia Talk / Politics / Walz: we'll indoctrinate kindergarteners
Thu Aug 22 07:57:25
Demoncrats love to indoctrinate children while they're young and impressionable. The earlier they turn your kids into the next generation of social justice warriors, the better.

Vote Demoncrat if you want these policies to be imposed nationwide.

"Tim Walz Brings ‘Liberated’ Ethnic Studies to Minnesota

Beginning in kindergarten, the state’s schoolchildren will be indoctrinated in radical racial ideology."

Thu Aug 22 09:16:16

Vote Republican if you hate America.

Thu Aug 22 10:27:50
Indoctrination....interesting, what's being imposed in classrooms now, oh yeah the bible and the 10 commandments based on the guise of historical significances. Fairy tale stories mind you.
Thu Aug 22 10:38:07

It's OK, they only want to teach the Old Testament.

Thu Aug 22 11:06:02
Okay boomers. Seriously, how old do you have to be to think that the BIBLE of all things is being taught in public schools?

Or are you guys talking about those OK and LA mandates, which a) are certainly going to be struck down on the courts, and b) are clearly just a reaction to this woke bullshit that's being pushed into classrooms in liberal states (including CA, the largest state of them all?)

Either way, that's weaksauce whataboutism.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 22 11:30:45
do you have a problem w/ what Walz actually did or are you outraged right off the incredibly obviously biased headline?
Thu Aug 22 11:47:22
Repubs have nothing. Just more culture wars bullshit.
Thu Aug 22 11:58:42
the wanderer Thu Aug 22 11:30:45
do you have a problem w/ what Walz actually did or are you outraged right off the incredibly obviously biased headline?

I'm going to go ahead and assume that you didn't read the article.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 22 12:26:04
actually i did... just asking since you didn't post anything of value (beyond accepting the obviously biased headline)

Walz's role appears to be signing a bill for ethnic studies that was passed by the State legislature (& that's his whole role in the story)

(with some standard misleading as you would expect from an article w/ extremely obviously biased headline)
Sam Adams
Thu Aug 22 12:49:11
"Fairy tale stories mind you."

That have been proven to work.

If you are going to lie to your population you might as well use the tried and true historical method. The woke version will just lead to civil war.
Thu Aug 22 14:19:41
"Or are you guys talking about those OK and LA mandates, which a) are certainly going to be struck down on the courts, and b) are clearly just a reaction to this woke bullshit that's being pushed into classrooms in liberal states (including CA, the largest state of them all?)"

Would you elaborate on this "woke bullshit" because that seems like a fun thing to rag about which appears to be a bunch of nothing. Woke is a terminology invoked because your bigotry got check.

Now I will concede there are some elements of agenda being pushed, but not on the scale that many of you are clinging to and and exlaim woke anytime someone tells you "hey, stop being a bigoted asshole!"

But you are the sensitive type.
Thu Aug 22 14:20:25
"That have been proven to work."

Your basis of proof doesn't exist, and just because you say so, isn't so.
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 22 14:24:48
Oh look at the fucking magatrump bitch whining about indoctrination as your fucking dipshit bitchass wanna be dictator is pushing project2025. Yet you're working about this "indoctrination" you should worry about your ass getting inseminated by your boy JD and Trump, JD thinks your couch, Trump knows your a bitch.
Thu Aug 22 14:48:34
Lol bro's still unironically posting about p2025 and couches
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 22 14:50:32
couch is a rib, everyone knows it.

The other thing, something not to ignore, but you play your games of Trump isn't trying to be a dictator at all he really loves America.

Fucking stupid ass bitch ass maga bitch.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 22 14:58:50
why was p2025 written? where do you think a Trump admin will be hiring from to fill positions? especially if reinstating schedule F (Trumps effort to replace 1000s of civil servants w/ loyalists)
Sam Adams
Thu Aug 22 20:47:58
"Would you elaborate on this "woke bullshit"

Lol really?
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 22 21:05:46
Stupid fucking racist magafuckhead probably the ones that gets shot down over his racist bullshit. 'Waaah. Can't let me be racist, you fuckin woke'
Fri Aug 23 04:52:49
I mean he can either state his opinion or not, SA.
Sam Adams
Fri Aug 23 12:39:09
The proliferation of woke bullshit in the US is widespread and obvious and indisputable.

Asking for evidence of it is like asking for evidence that the earth is round. Poor form.
Fri Aug 23 13:05:16
"Woke bullshit" is a very subjective term because it is used for so many things that people nowadays deem it to be, especially in the scope of merely respecting the differences of particular backgrounds.

Ergo, it would be reasonable for a request elaboration. But, if you can't do it, you can't do it. And of course with your simplistic approach ignoring the complexities and variables surrounds such term, one would argue that it isn't all the 'obvious & indisputable.'

But you are a lazy person, so that should be expected.
Sam Adams
Fri Aug 23 13:09:06
Correct. Listing out all 20,000 examples of woke bullshit that should have been self-evident to a stranger on the internet is not worth my time.

Good day.
Fri Aug 23 13:36:23
You just only proved my point, its subjective.

No, no, good day to you.
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