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Utopia Talk / Politics / Biden admin hugely overstated job growth
Thu Aug 22 08:28:15
But but but Biden deserves so much credit for the strong economy (read: stock market), amirite?

"Nonfarm payroll growth revised down by 818,000, Labor Department says

As part of its preliminary annual benchmark revisions to the nonfarm payroll numbers, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said the actual job growth was nearly 30% less than the initially reported

The revision to the total payrolls level of -0.5% is the largest since 2009.

At the sector level, the biggest downward revision came in professional and business services, where job growth was 358,000 less than initially reported."

Thu Aug 22 08:46:53

He's old. Numbers are hard.

Thu Aug 22 14:22:06
Begs the question, where was all of your rage of exaggerations by your emperor Trump?
Thu Aug 22 14:26:31
Thu Aug 22 16:29:02

Trump is allowed to lie. It's just part of his charm.

Thu Aug 22 16:39:11
Trump has a literal army of fact checkers assigned to pouncing on him every time he says 819 when the correct number is 818.

Meanwhile, Biden routinely fails to get the amount of 000s right every time he's forced to recite numbers...but the media preferred to bury all of those errors for three and a half years in order to pretend that the clearly senile man was fine.
Thu Aug 22 16:44:36
"Trump has a literal army of fact checkers assigned to pouncing on him every time he says 819 when the correct number is 818."

I mean if he didn't lie like every two words, this wouldn't be a problem now would it?

"eanwhile, Biden routinely fails to get the amount of 000s right every time he's forced to recite numbers...but the media preferred to bury all of those errors for three and a half years in order to pretend that the clearly senile man was fine."

I mean if that's how you feel? But facts don't care about your feelings. This administration accomplished quite a bit in comparison to Trumps. But hey, crime is really bad....said Trump, who is a bit senile too.
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