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Utopia Talk / Politics / US: Life expectancy by state
Thu Aug 22 09:51:07
Life expectancy at birth in 2021

By the numbers: Hawaii (79.9 years), Massachusetts (79.6) and Connecticut (79.2) have the longest life expectancy at birth as of 2021, per a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analysis.

Mississippi (70.9 years), West Virginia (71.0) and Alabama (72.0) have the shortest.

Thu Aug 22 09:52:16

Apparently "freedom" takes a decade off your life.

Thu Aug 22 09:56:03
Whoa, you mean obese negroes and meth-addicted rednecks live shorter lives than wealthy white people and Asians? No kidding!

If that blew your mind, just wait until i tell you what color the sky is :o
Thu Aug 22 10:15:32

Maybe red states should consider not producing so many obese negroes and meth-addicted rednecks.

Thu Aug 22 15:33:10

Nope, US life expectancy is worse than the UK's at every income percentile, even the top.


Factors include:
Opioid crisis
Poor healthcare
Poor diet
Guns (even relatively low numbers of people being killed when young has a huge impact on life expectancy)
Fri Aug 23 07:45:33
Of course the Red Neck States consider birth from the time of impregnation. Maybe that's why they want to eliminate abortions so they can catch up with liberal northern states.
Fri Aug 23 08:55:18

What exactly are you disagreeing with me on? I specifically called out obesity and drug abuse as causes for Americans' lower average lifespans.

But we both remeber how Sam Adams definitely demonstrated that an apples-to-apples comparison where non-black Americans are compared to British people proves that the latter have a lower life expectancy than Alabama. Black Americans, it can't be emphasized enough, are a huge drag on our numbers.

And no, that's not due to institutional racism or whatever. No one forces Tayvon to eat KFC and commit a drive-by.

My quick math suggests that homicide (inclusive of all weapons) drags down US life expectancy by 2.5 months. It's not nothing, but it's less of a factor than you make it out to be. Also and again, the number would be *significantly* less if America's negroes were taken out of the equation.

The healthcare item...lol. You'll convince me on that one when your NIS is able to see patients in less time than it takes for cancer to go from Stage 1 to 3.
large member
Fri Aug 23 09:38:52
Would not life expectancy plummet when you take "America's negroes" out of the equation?
Fri Aug 23 09:54:21

"Whoa, you mean obese negroes and meth-addicted rednecks live shorter lives than wealthy white people and Asians? No kidding!"

My point is simple, it's not just poor and black people. It's also the rich white ones.

You have lower life expectancy at *every* point of the income curve.
Fri Aug 23 09:55:40
"But we both remeber how Sam Adams definitely demonstrated that an apples-to-apples comparison where non-black Americans are compared to British people"

I don't actually. Sam rarely produces anything that is of sufficient quality to allow an actual comparison.
Fri Aug 23 09:57:04
"when your NIS is able to see patients in less time than it takes for cancer to go from Stage 1 to 3."

Cancer is prioritised. Things that might be cancer get rush diagnosis, and I've diagnosed treatment happens quickly.
Sam Adams
Fri Aug 23 12:35:59
3 obvious points:

The US stats are skewed by larger numbers of negros, who lead unhealthy fat lives and shoot everyone nearby.

Even amongst the civilized populations the US definetly has more fat motherfuckers at all income brackets, except the very top. Meh... if some people want to be retarded and get fat thats their choice. Not my problem.

By actively taking in the shittiest of immigrants, your future is a massive decline in life expectancy relative to tech increase(if any). Enjoy lol.
Sam Adams
Fri Aug 23 12:40:46
Another point. The UK and much of europe mooch off US medical tech, that we pay for.

Sit down and thank your betters seb.
Fri Aug 23 12:41:53

The motivation behind murder's original post was to demonstrate that Democratic states have better healthcare policies than Republican ones, using life expectancy rates as definitive proof of the matter.

You've done the same thing by expanding the comparison to one between the US and England (NOT the UK, just England - presumably because the other parts of your country would drag that average down).

In both cases, it's a classic mistake of equating correlation with causation.

Wealthy white Americans aren't living shorter lives because of a lack to access to quality healthcare. They're the ones who can best afford it after all. And the hospitals and doctors near them tend to be of the highest quality, due to a combination of proximity to the nation's top medical schools and being the most willing to pay their bills. Seeing a doctor is not a problem, nor is receiving tests and treatments in a timely manner.

So why the disparity with England? It's probably a whole multitude of factors, including everything from lifestyle and diet to urban vs. rural distribution to their geographic location on the planet to consumption rates of deadly intoxicants to caf ownership rates.

Not paying the government to provide our Healthcare is
Fri Aug 23 12:43:17
probably not the utter gamechanger that you and murder believe it is. You in particular I would think could acknowledge that, given your views that your own health system has been woefully underfunded for at least the better part of a generation.
Fri Aug 23 12:46:22
They also mooch the security umbrella of the US, as Europe has largely deconstructed its own defense. The word sustainability comes to mind, and then my eyes glaze over when I see stuff like this. How impressive! You managed to make people live longer while someone else was providing the medical technology (and all the tech progress) and essentially the border guards? Nice!
Fri Aug 23 14:24:31

We spend far more on healthcare than anyone and get shittier results. Our system is retarded. People who want to deny care to everyone are evil.

Fri Aug 23 14:31:14
Murder what is spent on healthcare is not all going to health care or the wages of healthcare workers. A pretty large chunk is going to the Insurance Industry, who have yet to perform any health enhancing service.
Fri Aug 23 16:45:59

No, it's devolution.

Wales, Scotland and NI have their own health authorities.

I wouldn't assume they would pull the result down because even collectively they are quite small in population compared to England, but also the devolution funding settlement means they get more per capita than England.

"aren't living shorter lives because of a lack to access to quality healthcare"

No, as I said, it's opioids, lifestyle and gun violence. The article this is from shows that definitely.

"woefully underfunded"
For the last 15 years. Prior to that it topped global stats. I wouldn't call 15 years a generation. However it's worth noting despite the underfunding, it's still pretty good at delivering population health outcomes.

It's a scandal when even a poor person doesn't get cancer treatment in a timely fashion and dies in England. In the US it is entirely possible if they can't get coverage.

But actually that's the wrong thing to look at. Life expectancy is strongly leveraged by infant mortality, and the US has poor maternity care not just among the poor but also surprisingly bad for even middle class folks. In part a consequence of poor maternity and paternity leave allowances etc.


"The US stats are skewed by larger numbers of negros"

The fact the top income decile of Americans live shorter lives than the too income decile of English is skeweed by black people is it Sam?

"They also mooch the security umbrella of the US,"

Dude, we have nuclear weapons and blew hundreds of billions fighting wars with the Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan that had nothing to do with UK defense and were entirely wars of choice by the US. We also run air defence patrols in nordic airspace and provude AWACS and airborne intelligence for you guys.

The UK certainly isn't mooching off a security umbrella. The reverse is more obviously the case.

Fri Aug 23 17:18:57
Uhm dude, your entire navy is now smaller than the task force you sent to the Falkland Islands. You basically rode in on the fumes of nostalgia. The echoes of what has once been. This is clearly above your head seb, as you are the one who posted the link to that graph, thinking it had captured something meaningful. Go talk with jergul and he will draw some straight lines for you and tell you everything will be fine in 400 generations.
Sam Adams
Fri Aug 23 17:58:49
"The fact the top income decile of Americans live shorter lives than the too income decile of English is skeweed by black people is it Sam? "

Yes. Just less so than lower incomes, as your chart shows. Also keep in mind that much of the incompetence and danger in the US is built around catering to negroids or avoiding them. Our drives are more dangerous because negroids ruin the cities where we work, we can't build public transportation because negros might use it, road funds are diverted to negro handouts and extra police. Hospitals are overwelmed with overdoses and gunshot wounds. It really sucks when you let so many extremely low iqs into your lands. Their nefarious effects spread far. You'll be learning this the hard way thanks to your immigration policies.
Fri Aug 23 18:08:40
I beg the question why we haven't kicked you out yet, then.
Sam Adams
Fri Aug 23 18:15:17

Pack of feral negros randomly assaults elderly white man. Common in the states. Increasingly common in euroland.
Sam Adams
Fri Aug 23 19:09:30

Heres abetter chart. Finer detail. Life expectancy by county.

Now the red vs blue break down completely. Tons of rural red counties and blue cities in the top. What this correlates best with is being in the north and avoiding negros.
Sam Adams
Fri Aug 23 19:11:49
And money. Lots of the richer parts are above 80, wether red or blue.
Fri Aug 23 19:14:09
Aren't you scared?
Fri Aug 23 21:18:42
Sam, a question. What did you do to be born what race you are? Just curious.
Sat Aug 24 08:25:15

"Uhm dude, your entire navy is now smaller than the task force you sent to the Falkland Islands"

Yeah but one T45 can engage and kill more fightercraft than the entire taskforce.
Sat Aug 24 10:35:47
You'd think that at some point in Sam's life a black guy stole his girlfriend.
Sam Adams
Sat Aug 24 11:42:45
"What did you do to be born what race you are?"

Superior genes.

By that measure what did you do to avoid being a fish? Why do you deserve to be human? Why do you get to conquer and eat the planet and not them?
Sam Adams
Sat Aug 24 11:45:07
"Yeah but one T45 can engage and kill more fightercraft than the entire taskforce."

This would be true if your enemies had also not evolved.
Sat Aug 24 12:38:18
You meant superior 'jeans' didn't you. Autocorrect gets me too.
Sat Aug 24 23:21:24
Sam that wasn't the question. What did YOU do to merit being born as you are?
Sam Adams
Sun Aug 25 05:49:13
I have superior genes. And superior parenting. Thats why i am who i am. We owe our parents quite a lot, or at least I do. We have an obligation to not let the civilization our ancestors built turn to shit.
Sun Aug 25 07:10:05
Autocorrect is a mother fucker...where do you by your superior jeans that your parents bought you when you were younger? This isn't your run-of-the-mill Old Navy jeans right?
Sun Aug 25 10:21:50
Sam you aren't answering the question. What did you personally do to merit being born in your situation?
Sam Adams
Sun Aug 25 15:12:36
I am my genes. You cannot divorce the two patom. So are you. This is how life works. I got into the place i am by the natural selection and hard work and choices of my anscestors. So did you.
Sun Aug 25 16:14:05
So in actuality you are nothing more than an accident of nature. Neither you or I did anything to merit being born as we are. We could have been born black or any number of races.
large member
Sun Aug 25 16:32:32
Nuture more than nature. You genes were technically not good enough to chew crayons in the USMC. But your parents did some heavy lifting and made sure you got the help and education you needed to find a functional, nay, even successful place in society.

Which is very good. But perhaps judge a bit less? It is unseemly.
Mon Aug 26 02:35:13

Argentina has devolved. Russia is shit. And not only can a T45 engage more targets, it is better at engaging against counter measures, the missiles are faster, more agile and longer range. Those are different performance metrics.

And going back to the original point, given the last few wars we've been involved in have been on America's request, it's clear the defence relationship is the other way around.

The UK is secure, the US mooches of us.
large member
Mon Aug 26 03:23:02
The T45 design kind of sucks. Not me saying this. The UK MOD infers this quite heavily. Correct imo, either go frigate size, or go cruiser size. The DD has had its day.
Mon Aug 26 07:04:13
"Yeah but one T45 can engage and kill more fightercraft than the entire taskforce."

So predictable and so retarded. Your military is not the only one to improve in quality over the last 45 years sebtard. Quantity is still quantity. Modern ships however impressive can not magically be in more places at once.
Sam Adams
Mon Aug 26 07:29:50
Seb is clinically retarded. China will thump the uk with 0 effort, and seb will come crying to the US for help, like always.
Sam Adams
Mon Aug 26 07:31:06
"We could have been born black or any number of races."

No, we could not have. If we were born different, we would not be us.
Mon Aug 26 07:55:10

"Seb is clinically retarded. China will thump the uk with 0 effort, and seb will come crying to the US for help, like always."

China is clear on the other side of the world. There is no scenario where the Chinese and the UK square off 1 vs 1.

Mon Aug 26 10:34:23
Well actually the Brits did at one time try to do in China what they did in India. I think the Opium wars was part of it. Of course back then what is China today was not united in the least.
Mon Aug 26 14:47:24

Works absolutely fine.

"Your military is not the only one to improve in quality over the last 45 years"

So why were you using quantitative metrics retard?

"Quantity is still quantity"
Our security threats are very limited geographically. Why do we need to be globally deployed? Except to take part in American wars. Who is mooching on whom?
Mon Aug 26 14:50:04

"China will thump the uk with 0 effort"

China is going to sail a task force to the literal other side of the world and attack the UK?

China has absolutely no interest in doing that.

If China is attacking anyone it will be US Pacific bases, and it will be the US asking for allies to help contain China.

large member
Mon Aug 26 17:14:55
Slotted for retirement before reaching the 30 year mark after a midlife overhaul to try and resolve chronical underpowered? Works just fine in a dry dock maybe.
Sam Adams
Tue Aug 27 18:01:43
"China is going to sail a task force to the literal other side of the world and attack the UK?"

If we were not here to protect you, yes. Attacking your trade or australia would be even easier.

You really should be on your knees thanking us.
Wed Aug 28 04:56:55

That's about keeping production lines going.


Attacking our trade with whom exactly?

Our biggest pacific trade partner is fucking China.

Australia isn't our responsibility, if we are in a war with China to defend Australia, how is that "mooching off the US", that's Australia mooching off the UK and the US.

China isn't coming here.

Also if there's a war between the US and China, my money is on China cause they can out produce you. You'll be asking other countries for help with China, not vice versa.

Wed Aug 28 04:59:36
And no, China isn't going to sail a fleet to the other side of the world to attack us because they don't have a motive, and our attack subs would sink them in transit and if they posed an existential threat to the UK it would end in mutually assured destruction.

They don't need to use military to damage UK trade with the Pacific, they can just ... not trade with us.

Wed Aug 28 05:01:01
Anyway, we are way off point:

US life expectancy is lower at every point in the income distribution even though the top percentile of US income earners earn significantly more than the top percentile of UK earners.

Essentially, you suck.
Wed Aug 28 05:02:56
And trying to argue that the top 1% of US earners life expectancy is dragged down by poor black people is a new level of statistical inadequacy even from you.
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