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Utopia Talk / Politics / RNC vs DNC ratings
Thu Aug 22 19:50:15
Trump and his Trumpicantards worry about ratings... w

Rejoice! Trumpicantards considering ratings fraud and will find attorney's to sue the networks!

Trump Must Be Having a Meltdown Over DNC’s TV Ratings
A TV rating–obsessed Donald Trump can’t be happy about how many people are tuning in to watch the Democratic National Convention.

Former television star Donald Trump might be heartbroken to learn this: His Republican National Convention television ratings pale in comparison to the numbers coming out of the Democratic National Convention.

The number of viewers tuning into the DNC night after night continue to beat out the television ratings from the Republican Convention in Milwaukee last month.
Fri Aug 23 07:16:14

You know he's having a meltdown.

Fri Aug 23 07:26:47
This is only because Republicans watched the DNC in far greater numbers than Democrats watched the RNC. Congruent with the pathological reaction that libtards have dealing with opinions other than their own.
Fri Aug 23 08:44:34
Nim is in a mood.
Fri Aug 23 09:47:58
Democrats have popular ex-presidents and celebrities.

Trump had literally the worst of the worst on stage and a washed up Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan.

If it was the 90's, Trump might have had a chance in the ratings with the lineup he brought.
Fri Aug 23 09:48:29
Nim's still smarting from losing his life savings listening to some random dumbass online.
Randal Graves
Fri Aug 23 12:03:56
"This is only because Republicans watched the DNC in far greater numbers than Democrats watched the RNC. Congruent with the pathological reaction that libtards have dealing with opinions other than their own."

Anyone else hear the charlie brown teacher's voice when reading this? I sure did. What a whiny bitch you are.
Fri Aug 23 16:34:49
Issues and policy will make Trump President.
Fri Aug 23 16:36:54
In theory if he had any.
Fri Aug 23 17:08:29
the problem is randal you hear most facts or even opinions that are not your own as just noise. That is why you will remain ignorant on most any topic.

Nim is correct that the right is more apt to listen to opposing views than the left. Some wanted to know what the left had to say. Also had many on the right tuned in for the same reason they watch NASCAR. They want to see the wrecks.

The DNC was also able to generate some ratings by leaking surprise guests that were actually never going to show. The DNC got higher numbers but didn't put anything forth that is going to sway voters.
They will get a little bump that will be gone by the end of the month.
Randal Graves
Fri Aug 23 17:16:27
Hey fuckhead who can't figure out that trump is convicted felon... ignorant on topics is how you operate. You are in fact on levels of ignorance that that others cannot comprehend. I so beg the differ that the "right" is more apt to listen to opposing views. So much of it, that bipartisan legislation is such a chore now, that the main culprits to kill anything due to their insistence of not entertaining other views have been the right. And those are things that very few of the "right" who do come out get scrutinized by their own.

So no mister delusions of grandeur maga fuckhead dipshit cut old man...they are not 'more apt'.

What a fucking delusional world you magabitches live in.
Randal Graves
Fri Aug 23 17:21:53
You magatwats will say anything to defend your fucking 'god' who is panicking. So much that even Fox news, his sanctuary, is finding excuses to cut him or or just ignore him.

Fri Aug 23 17:23:14

"Nim is correct that the right is more apt to listen to opposing views than the left."

Clearly. That's why the right created a right wing media echo chamber that only tells them what they want to hear.

Fri Aug 23 17:26:24

Feel free to spell out which non-leftist information sources you use to learn about the right.
Fri Aug 23 17:31:40

The dnc literally trolled viewers into watching by claiming Beyonce was gonna show up.

Didn't happen.

But they got the ratings.
Fri Aug 23 18:05:29
Were you disappointed? Sounds like you were disappointed. But despite about the internet rumors, before that even came afoot, they were already beating RNC in ratings and Trump was not happy about it.

So, Beyonce rumor or not, RNC pales in comparison and DNC had a better presentation. This hurts your soul I'm sure.

Fri Aug 23 19:41:15

"Feel free to spell out which non-leftist information sources you use to learn about the right."

I don't use any leftist information sources.

Fri Aug 23 19:42:22
I can't tell if Byron is a genuine poster or if he is portraying some democratic supporter with the mentality of tc.
Fri Aug 23 19:45:53
And I can't ever remember a time in the history these forums you ever made a sounding argument to anything or have said anything of intelligence.
Fri Aug 23 19:54:34
I'm just as outraged as trump losing the ratings war.

Sat Aug 24 18:30:02

Trump can't accept that he lost the ratings war. He's demanding a recount.

Sat Aug 24 19:31:32

Trump can't accept that he lost the ratings war. He's demanding a recount.

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