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Utopia Talk / Politics / RFK drops out and supports Trump
Fri Aug 23 16:33:21
The DNC convention was a disaster. Harris might have to replace Walz cause I guess thats what Dems do to old men with memory and credibility issues.


Trump will be restored as President
Fri Aug 23 16:37:30
You mean all this time he wasn't president
Fri Aug 23 17:20:33

Trump finally realized that RFK Jr was hurting him more than the Democrats, so he had the worm drop out of the race.

Fri Aug 23 17:30:28
It was obvious for the past 6 months that the dnc was fucking over Kennedy and he was gonna endorse trump.

Harris has zero standing now on being a uniting candidate.

Gop and dems, big names, are with trump.

Harris has gop members who are political life support.
Fri Aug 23 18:07:05
"It was obvious for the past 6 months that the dnc was fucking over Kennedy and he was gonna endorse trump."

How so?

"Harris has zero standing now on being a uniting candidate."

The polling pretty much says she is doing a good job uniting. You must be in an alternate universe.

"gop and dems, big names, are with trump."

Yup, stay of the peyote.

"Harris has gop members who are political life support."

Your soul must be hurting.

Fri Aug 23 18:10:21
And your insinuation that RFK is a big name. lulz
the wanderer
Fri Aug 23 18:42:51
"Harris has gop members who are political life support"

because your cult leader destroys all who don't worship him

your cult now hates all living past R nominees for president (plus Pence)... that's weird...
the wanderer
Fri Aug 23 18:55:30
dumbfuck RFK Jr is on stage suggesting Trump will protect free speech & protect from totalitarianism... & will make America healthy again

what a fool
the wanderer
Fri Aug 23 19:01:41
i think even claimed Trump would protect the environment... i can't think of R who has come out worse for the environment... Trump tells the cult climate change is a hoax, actively discourages renewable energy, & thinks drilling more is a day one dictatorial priority...

RJK clearly a dumbfuck if believing what he says (or a dumbfuck if just lying as believes Trump will come through w/ whatever empty bribe promises he made)
the wanderer
Fri Aug 23 19:02:39
*an* R who...
Fri Aug 23 19:47:07
Eh, I'm ignoring the morons.

Let's be very fucking clear here. Trump pulled off a coup and it blew the wind out of harris' sails immediately after her convention.
Fri Aug 23 19:50:29
When I say /fucking clear/ it means I'm being seriously retarded.

Fri Aug 23 20:33:35
Should I be proud that the retarded troll is hyper focused on me ?
Fri Aug 23 20:36:34
I guess it's a reward to know that some dude in his late 30s is making accounts solely to specify me and highlight what I'm doing. I'm mean, id rather just randomly post and forget about it. But it's nice to know some people still liv3 in high school.
Fri Aug 23 20:44:41
I'm so vain I think this is about me

Fri Aug 23 21:16:10
"I'm using a troll account based on your account name you used prior to 08, but this isn't about you"
the wanderer
Fri Aug 23 21:50:58
this might explain why superdude thinks the convention a disaster
(Daily Show compiled some Faux coverage clips... video intentionally starting at ~17:25)
be sure to catch Jesse Watters at 21:10+ describing as joyless & a funeral...

news you can trust...
Sat Aug 24 04:18:31
Still retarded after all these years

Average Ameriacn
Sat Aug 24 04:32:19
RFK said nasty things about the Trump vaccine, has he ever apologized?
Sat Aug 24 11:37:42

I have to explain this every 4 years, so let me do it again.

This affects nothing.

Everyone who was going to vote for RFK Jr knew that he had zero chance of winning, but was going to vote for him anyway because they refused to vote for Biden or Trump. They had decided that setting their vote on fire was better than supporting either of them. RFK Jr dropping out isn't going to change the way they feel about Biden or Trump.

Trump had already been weighed and measured and found wanting by RFK Jr's supporters.

I don't think Kamala will pick up any support either because RFK Jr's loons were willing to risk Trump winning rather than voting for Biden.

RFK Jr's voters will likely still vote for him, or for the Green Party candidate (is that Jill Stein again?) or some other rando with zero chance to win ... or they just won't vote.
Sat Aug 24 12:45:22
"Eh, I'm ignoring the morons."

Can only avoid yourself for so long.

Anyways, it's comical to think that RFK was going to make that much of an impact anyways. Especially after him devolving into a conspiracist devoided of all logic and reason and proven wrong on so many accounts by his conjecture. Here merely was a distraction.

But the saddest part is that even though there is a dire need for multi-party systems it's mostly always individuals who are crackpot. And alas we are left back to the two. However in this case Trump is clearly a maniacal moron and I do question anyone that argues he has any profound intelligence.
Sat Aug 24 21:16:05
"Conspiracy theorist" - delude when describing jfk Jr who has been consistently right on covid.

Remember when you idiots claimed covid wasn't made in a Chinese lab?
Sun Aug 25 07:24:35
""Conspiracy theorist" - delude when describing jfk Jr who has been consistently right on covid."

Well JFK, JR died in a plane crash, so, that is remarkable to continue to make such ridiculous theories, would love to know his secret to long-lasting life, especially after death.

BUT, If you meant RFK, Jr. and by "right" you mean proven wrong on mostly if all accords, then yes.

"Remember when you idiots claimed covid wasn't made in a Chinese lab?"

Not sure if I was part of that or hanging around the forums during that time as a sabbatical, but I am sure it's no worse than you pretending that covid wasn't all that bad or it didn't exists, or the hysteria to not want to practice basic hygienical practices because you feel the government was taking your 'god given rights' and this is 'communism' and shit.

But sure, idiot. You stick with Rfk, Jr who peddles the notion that wifi causes cancer, chemicals in water makes people transgender, antidepressants causes school shootings, AIDS isn't caused by HIV, the whole austism and vaccine thing.
Sun Aug 25 09:00:45
RFK, jr is Trump's prophet

Mon Aug 26 14:46:16
Covid wasn't all that bad. I can give you first hand evidence but it won't matter. You are brain washed. So yeah. Covid was the worst thing ever and the vaccine is very safe.
Mon Aug 26 15:14:16
"Covid wasn't all that bad."

Except for those that it affected, lost their lives from it, and still have after effects from it. Sure, wasn't all that bad. And I'm the one "brainwashed".

"So yeah. Covid was the worst thing ever and the vaccine is very safe."

Vaccines in general are safe, but you're not providing anything to demonstrate other than sharing conspiracy theories. And anecdotal evidences that you are thinking about sharing to prove your point, would not equate enough justification to indicate the large scale effect that you are inferring.

Not only that, but also the fact that yes, some people who take vaccines, or medications to address the particular symptoms may indeed have side effects or no effects at all.

But, here are again, you justifying who is seemingly now a nut job who not only made those claims of the aforementioned but

1. 2004 election was stolen
2. Doesn't believe the person who killed his father did it.
3. Pharma industry is throwing money at dems (reality data shows that 23 of the biggest pharma indies and trade organizations have favored republicans 14 of the 16 past elections.
4. Bill Gates and Fauci concocted covid 19 hysteria.

Again, the extremes you are going to justify that somehow RFK Jr. is a person of any significance based up such conspiracies demonstrates your complete ineptitude to any discussion points.
Randal Graves
Mon Aug 26 15:20:49
Wow, is stupid maga fuckhead dumbass bitch ass really claiming that RFK JR is somehow relevant? You're a fucking stupid ass joke dude. A fucking joke.
Mon Aug 26 18:43:08
covid didn't kill anyone, just a bad cold, drink robitussin and it will solve your ailments.

Jebbebiah Wilkins
Mon Aug 26 23:18:18
Breaking news: RFK will stop chemtrails!! I want to vote for him!!!!

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