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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump's Epic Meltdown
Sat Aug 24 08:57:59
Trumpicantards go out of their way to justify any crazy, childish, dumb action by Trump. It seems that want to embrace extreme, foolish antics as 'normal'.

Of course Trump became unglued during Harris' speech as he realizes he isn't getting the attention or having the momentum as he did before. So the old almost 80 year old crybaby goes on tangents via social media or calls into FOX News (Our competition) to rant about how unfair he feels he is being treat. Of course Trumpicantards will exclaim the same thing, they talk about it is unjustly how he is being treated, how the Harris campaign is getting all the attention, how unfair it is that Biden isn't running anymore.

This view is shared by the racist, bigoted, closted homos, closeted bigotted, internet trolls, or various media personalities that say the craziest things just to get attention. Unfortunately, it does attract other crazies and the more this occurs, the more trendy, or normalization it's become. They tout about their gun rights, which has been decades in the making, guess what, guns are still around and people can still own them. They claim how crazy conspiracy theories that something like Sharia law is going to be imposed, never happened, nor entertained, yet items such as project2025 which would be just as damning as the concept of Sharia Law. They claimed how the country will fall into disorder, or civil war, or the world will come to an end. Again something that has been expressed for decades, and still here. The hyperbolics that has been pushed by the extreme right is being more receptive by others.

Bottomline the Trumpicantards only relish in things like this by Trump during Harris' speech and it only highlights how sensitive they are, yet they would rather point the finger at others and call them snowflakes, but the reality is that they are the biggest snowflakes and their God leads by example.

Trump Has Multi-Platform Meltdown for the Ages Over Harris’ DNC Speech

Notable reactions to Harris’ statements included:


“A lot of talk about childhood, we’ve got to get to the Border, Inflation, and Crime!”

“Walz was an ASSISTANT Coach, not a COACH.”

“Too many ‘Thank yous,’ too rapidly said, what’s going on with her?”

“She caused the Attack of October 7th.”

Trumpicantards rejoice as they realized they are the biggest bunches of pussies ever.
Sat Aug 24 09:32:06
The irony of you, a clear multi of someone who felt that one account wasn't sufficient for posting anti-Trump content, writing up this whole screed about Trump and the right, in which you largely rely on sophmoric insults to convey your point, in order to claim that Trump is the one having the meltdown.

Lol. Why do you hate Trump so much again? You ARE Donald Trump. Maybe you don't have his success, his billions of dollars, or his political beliefs, but when it comes to having a political debate you are easily on equal footing with Trump when he's at his worst.
Randal Graves
Sat Aug 24 09:39:03
Biggest magafag trump boot licking bitch on the forums coming to the rescue. We get it Ruggy Poo you're Trump's bitch.
Randal Graves
Sat Aug 24 09:40:58
And how fucking dumb do you have to be to not know what a coach is? Though, he was one letter away from triggering Vance's inner desires by not spelling it as "couch".
Sat Aug 24 10:30:53
"largely rely on sophmoric insults to convey your point,"

So he is being Trump and the current make up of the repubs?
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