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Utopia Talk / Politics / IDF whupping ass
Sam Adams
Sun Aug 25 00:37:28
Not quite night 1 of gulf 1 but the iaf is going to town on hezbollah.
Sun Aug 25 09:40:05

Just more limited strikes. As long as Israel is tied up in Gaza, they won't launch a major operation up North.

Sun Aug 25 15:13:35
Launching missiles into Lebanon is a big deal. Israel is clearly prepping for a bigger war beyond Gaza.
Mon Aug 26 06:54:54
Well, this was in not a limited strike. IDF engaged 100 aircraft. From the sound and look of things the IDF pre-epmtively struck Hezbollah as they were preparing for the revenge attack of their leader that was turned into a meatloaf a couple of weeks ago. Hezbollah was forced to launch without organization and erratically, achieving little.

Hezbo was rekt.
Sam Adams
Mon Aug 26 07:46:46
Pretty effective massive airstrike AND israel(or the US) clearly has someone inside hezbollah.

Hezzies/iranians/palestinians and other assorted goatfuckers indeed got pwnd.
Mon Aug 26 08:11:36

"Well, this was in not a limited strike. IDF engaged 100 aircraft."

Yeah, but this is not a sustain operation. They hit and stopped.
Mon Aug 26 08:48:05
The gullible children who falls for the Zionist propaganda that Israel destroyed THOUSANDS of Hezbollah missile launchers.

There are no missiles, no ballistic missiles, no large missiles, south of the Litani river. What you have there is drones and small rockets and none of these have launchers. And Israel destroyed none of these. It was just a show. A show of force that lasted for 20 minutes. And you can tell that it wasn’t really anything terribly serious because Hezbollah who actually does admit casualties in these occasions have always been very honest when they have lost people, say that the whole process lost two men, which should indicate that it wasn’t very serious.

In Tel-Aviv, the headquarters of Mossad and Unit 8200 where attacked as well as an airfield/base.

”Hezbo was rekt”

Mon Aug 26 12:35:27

Article about the damage to the Mossad base.
Mon Aug 26 13:33:59
Yes, that is what Israel wants you to believe.
Mon Aug 26 15:34:01
Either there is footage, or it is yet another hallucination. The Axis of retardation never misses an opportunity to show us footage, no matter how grainy or poor in quality or when they are relying on American or even Israeli. Show us the footage. Oh right...

Remember that I told you months ago these idiots were back slapping each other, back then using Kornet missiles to blow up poultry farms. Before it became a cool meme on social media.
Mon Aug 26 15:38:39
Paramount is such a fucking scripted NPC, he literally is quoting Hezbollah in response to things nobody has said in this thread:

"The gullible children who falls for the Zionist propaganda that Israel destroyed THOUSANDS of Hezbollah missile launchers.

There are no missiles, no ballistic missiles, no large missiles, south of the Litani river."

lol you mindless drone.
Mon Aug 26 16:12:59
What are you talking about that I have quoted Hezbollah?

It is Israel who has made the claim that they destroyed thousands of launchers. I heard it on SVT this morning.

That Hezbollah has no missile launchers south of Litani river comes from Alastair Crooke.
Mon Aug 26 16:37:54
Tue Aug 27 02:00:41
That is even more hilarious, you have no idea where half the shit you say comes from, because you got it from a middle man. Yet you still completely missed your unintended comedy, you are literally prompt answering and denouncing specific that nobody has mentioned here. AND! *drumroll* The denouncing that it happened, and the specific mention that there were no "ballistic missiles south of the Litany" are from Hezbollah. Tadaaa!

You clueless clown :)

So, no footage of the Hezbollah attack. Because it didn't happen. Their drones, like all the other drones have cameras. The reason there is no footage is because Hezbollah got rekt. Their attack was foiled and most likely as Israel suggests, some large portion of the munition to be used was destroyed. If it was thousands or hundred or however many it was, if they were ballistic or not, nobody cares. Since the attack was foiled it was not very efficient. We know that if Hezbollah can get their shit in order, they could do damage, in theory at least. However, war is more than running like rats in tunnels, but every now and then then rats manage to do some damage, score a point and win a battle.

You should really stop listening to these imbecile western analysts, since they leave out a lot outright stupid things. Like when Nasrallah says that the Israeli attack didn't come because they had intelligence, but because they saw our movements and preparations... Because that isn't a form of intelligence. It's not like a speak Arabic, there are many translation services.

Remember when I told you to face reality in Gaza and concentrate on keeping Hezbollah south of the Litany? :D When was that, december?
large member
Tue Aug 27 03:38:39
Not sure I am terribly impressed. Russia flies 30 FAB sorties a day give or take. Surging 100 sorties with the same kind of payload seems unlikely to have done much.
Tue Aug 27 03:53:33
Well, I don’t follow Hezbollah so I don’t receive information from them first hand. I think that you also receive information from middle hands? Like from news reports, right? In this case, as I have already said, I got the info from Alastair Crooke who is very well connected in the region. Based on what he says in the video I judge him to be credible. More credible than the information that the Israeli government and their intelligence services wants to convey to the public.

So what are you going to do about it? You can cry here like an Israeli stooge, about that I don’t believe in Israel’s propaganda. That’s what.

You probably believe Israel when they say that they have only lost 10 soliders in Gaza. Or when they say that Hamas killed the people who was partying in the desert when there is video footage of Israeli helicopters gunning them down and destroying their cars.

” Since the attack was foiled it was not very efficient. ”

According to Alastair, Hezbollah has said that their evidence suggests that their attack was successful. It can mean that it was successful enough for Hezbollah to determine that they now have revenged Israel’s assassination of that guy in Beirut earlier. If Hezbollah is satisfied it must mean that the attack was successful. Of course, you can always argue that Hezbollah didn’t cause massive damage to Israel, but then, was Hezbollah expecting to cause massive damage with their drones and rockets? Did they even want to cause massive destruction to Israel at this point? I think not. I think it was a calculated strike. They hit the targets that they wanted to hit – the commanding structures responsible for the assassination of that guy in Beirut. If they wanted to cause massive damage they would likely have launched their missiles.

” You should really stop listening to these imbecile western analysts”

Yes, everyone must only listen to Netanyahu, right?

” Nasrallah says that the Israeli attack didn't come because they had intelligence, but because they saw our movements and preparations... Because that isn't a form of intelligence.”

I don't think they deny that it is a form of intelligence. What they are referring to in this case is that Israel has not received the information from a mole or the like. You should be intelligent enough to draw that conclusion.
Tue Aug 27 16:20:48
So many words, so little substance. This is very easy paramount, yes I listen to the primary sources and then I see what kind of evidence is produced. They have telegram channels and translation through gpt is very good.

With the axis of retardation it is very simple, they will use and abuse *anything* they can, write poems and songw about it. Hezbollah claims they used drones and scored all kinds of hits in sensitive. Those drones have cameras, and hezbollah has released such footage many times previously as they have hit sites in the north. We also know this was a revenge attack, because Hezbollah said so. We also know based on Hezbollahs own words they were indeed attacked by Israel. Do you see a pattern? I can based exclusivly on Hezbollahs own words together with the complete lack of evidence (knowing they never miss such opportunities) reach the conclusion that their attack was foiled and rekt up the ass. And then they went bla bla bla, this was only the first stage of the revenege. LOL :-) contrary to what ”Alistair” suggested, Hezbollah, knowing what a whimper this was, said this was the first stage.

”You should be intelligent enough to draw that conclusion.”

There is actually no way to know, but if we take your word for it, as someone who didn’t listen to his speech, you are saying he said they were incompetent, not infiltrated? It was a totally different form of incompetence! This was a defensive remark, because of recent events, completely missing the point that nobody gives a fuck how your operation was undermined and your plans rekt. It was just cherry on top that it was one form of intelligence (information) over another.

Gold advice. Use telegram and gpt, stop listening to morons
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