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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump Cult being Cultists
Tue Aug 27 18:41:17
Collect Trump Cards....(Yup, its back.)

Yes, we start with that. Trumpicantards are good at projecting, like how they project that the democrats or the other side are somehow mesmerized in hysteria because of Harris. But with the latest video released by Trump for CollectTrumpCards.com shows the lengths that Trumpicantards(cultists) will go in order to be feel validated.


Trumpicantards(cultists) rejoice as they attempt to rally for their messiah as his campaign is hemorrhaging for money.

the wanderer
Tue Aug 27 19:15:24
the money isn't even for the campaign, just to his pockets for doing absolutely nothing
Tue Aug 27 22:18:40
Why didn't you mention the purchase also comes with a piece of the suit he wore at the presidential debate?
Tue Aug 27 23:41:03
Only Harris followers treat their candidate like a messiah

the wanderer
Wed Aug 28 00:51:39
"also comes with a piece of the suit"

if you spend $1500... his debate performance was so memorable right? remember his 'answer' on... anything?
Wed Aug 28 02:18:46
"his debate performance was so memorable right? remember his 'answer' on... anything?"


Well he avoided most of the questions because he instead preferred to respond to whatever Biden had just said previously.

There was that one answer where he said "we had H2O" in response to a question about his climate change policy.

There was that one point where he was asked about his fitness to serve and he responded by talking about his golf game.

Oh yeah, and there was that one point where he singlehandedly destroyed the sitting President of the United States so badly that Democratic Party bossed felt compelled to launch an unprecedented soft coup against him, forcing him out of the election and turning him into a total non-entity in favor of his disloyal VP...

...a "president," who, by the way, had been one of the chief architects of getting Trump on that stage in the first place, by constantly boosting his profile in public remarks and ordering an unprecedented criminal prosecution of him, all because he believed that Trump would be the "easiest" Republican to defeat in a general election.

So yeah. It was kind of a memorable event.

Wed Aug 28 05:19:22
And even more memorable as he is throwing a tantrum every posts he makes because now he is facing someone more formidable than before and not getting the attention he wants.

Where now that his sanctuary Fox cuts feed from him when he starts to ramble and every rally or press conference he gives now, he is in such a comatose state like he overdosed on Ritalin and barely gets his message out. Which is usually the same rhetoric with no substance... "people are saying, I don't know about that, but it something tremendous"

But yes, I think it's important for him to get his nice little NFTs out there and get a piece of fabric because you know that's normal.

And easiest indeed. Where you had Trump and Biden in this 2nd round barely outmaneuvering one another and now a fresh face has energized their base. The others are playing catch up. And if you keep using the word coup enough it's really going to ....mean nothing. Because that's the best you got to disparage the change of the guard.
Wed Aug 28 05:47:39

"And even more memorable as he is throwing a tantrum every posts he makes because now he is facing someone more formidable than before and not getting the attention he wants."

Have you seen any of Kamala's debates? She is not more formidable.

Wed Aug 28 06:52:15
Debating isn't what I am referencing, and even so, she won't fall asleep at the podium.
Wed Aug 28 08:45:42
'alot of people are calling me the crypto president...I don't know about that...or if it's true, but people are saying it.'

Con man gonna con.
Wed Aug 28 09:19:02
"Biden and trump barely outmaneuvering one another...."

Man I wish could be on whatever the hell your dealer is selling you.
Wed Aug 28 09:24:08
I wish you could say something intelligent, but here we are.

Data, polls and all showed that Trump and Biden were virtually tied and that the general population, once again, were rather indecisive because you had them two running again.

If you cannot decipher, ascertain, nor put together that these two are no desirable, then I don't know what to tell you. Reality is that you're dumb and shouldn't come as a shock, but then again you think RFK is right on everything.
Wed Aug 28 09:28:27
Yes. That is why everyone (democrat analysts included) were saying that trump was bound to win, donors were withholding donating to biden because they saw it as a waste of money and why biden had to disappear for a week before announcing his resignation via tweet - because they were tied and not because the writing was on the wall.
Wed Aug 28 10:17:27
"Yes. That is why everyone (democrat analysts included) were saying that trump was bound to win, donors were withholding donating to biden "

Donors started to withhold mainly after the debate, because of the abysmal performance. Up to that point, it was a statistical tie. Though I am impressed with your inability of now paying attention to the timeline of the sequent of events that took place.

"why biden had to disappear for a week before announcing his resignation via tweet - because they were tied and not because the writing was on the wall."

Again, all after what occurred. This doesn't disqualify the fact that for most of the election cycle up until the debate both Biden and Trump were at a statistical tie. Even after the debate, Trump only had a marginal bump. Of course we all know how it stands now, Trump in panic mode.

But sure, continue to play the game of now understanding how timelines and such work. You are the same person the other day I believe that couldn't understand why RFK wasn't able to be part of the debates. It's because you're incapable of understanding the most simplest of concepts. But of course, you're the same person who believes everything RFK says.
Wed Aug 28 10:19:40
I wish Trump would pee on me, only then I would understand the golden stream of success.

Wed Aug 28 10:52:56
"Up until 3 months before the election, they were tied, until biden had to show his face and talk and then it was obvious who was going to win."

Good point.

"You also believe everything rfk says"

Um... okay?
Wed Aug 28 11:05:58
Just more shining examples of your ineptitude.
the wanderer
Wed Aug 28 11:08:06
"he singlehandedly destroyed the sitting President of the United States so badly..."

really? Biden was doing well until Trump spoke/singlehandedly destroyed him? if it wasn't Trump there, Biden might've sounded ok?

Trump had a poor performance overshadowed by Biden being horrible on his own

do you really think an alleged shred of the suit Trump wore is of value to anyone but a deranged cultist?
Wed Aug 28 11:24:51
"Yes. That is why everyone (democrat analysts included) were saying that trump was bound to win, donors were withholding donating to biden because they saw it as a waste of money and why biden had to disappear for a week before announcing his resignation via tweet - because they were tied and not because the writing was on the wall."

There was no doubt that support for Biden was waning, but at the same time Trump wasn't faring all that much better. The debate highlighted what people were saying about both candidates, but it was more of a negative impact on Biden for sure.

Generally speaking, people didn't care for either one of these candidates, just one in particular performed poorly at a debate and optically as a whole for the campaign was negative. This is why more support was pulled and internally discussions were had. In fact, the debate did them a favor.

But, sure I get it, you're trying to find any reason to justify that Trump somehow has something to hold on to, even though there are alot of examples right now that Trump is floundering.

And its funny.
Randal Graves
Wed Aug 28 12:03:28
Stupid maga fuckheads not shocking they fucking come in to justify their cultist behaviors. so fucking weak.
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