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Utopia Talk / Politics / JD Vance hates Adopted Kids
Wed Aug 28 07:44:27
Trumpicantards love the fact that JD Vance has an affinity to fornicate with inanimate objects of the cushiony furniture sense (Their campaign has not confirmed nor denied it, so we can only work with presumptions) because he wants to spread the love and ensure that anything can get pregnant and have their own biological children so they can get more voting rights. (JD and Trumpicantards, you can't get furniture pregnant.)

JD has now moved on past the childless cat lady's remark, no not really, more audio has surfaced where he feels that anyone with adopted children cannot have a say about education, or feels that any remarks about the direction of teaching children are only considered being 'brainwashed'.

Sooner or later, its going to be revealed that JD is probably a closeted homosexual boy scout master and catholic priest wannabe who wants to have his way with children. Unfortunately at this time, we haven't received any evidence of that, other than his continuation of insinuation.

Trumpicantards rejoice as they felt Trump picked an excellent VP candidate!
Wed Aug 28 13:51:07

Well we know for a fact that JD is a tranny.

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