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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump biggest piece of shit
Thu Aug 29 13:32:02
Trumpicantards love to associate themselves with shit. Take a look at Trump and his recent excursion at the Arlington National Cemetery where they assaulted staff in order to make a propaganda video to push an agenda that Trump really cares about the military.

News flash, he does not. If so, he wouldn't have been so hasty of turning everything back over to the Taliban when he was president, and then play the game that it was the next administration's fault.

He would called military veterans and those who died in service suckers and losers. He wouldn't invoked John McCain and insulted his service.

The Army has rebuked Trump and called out the disrespect. Trumpicantards don't care, posters like Rugian here, don't care. The cult following will do cult things.

Trumpicantards rejoice!
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 16:07:07
Ill ttt this because it pisses Rugian off.
Thu Aug 29 16:11:40
Admiring your own handiwork, eh?
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 16:13:16
Enjoying content that pisses you off.
Thu Aug 29 17:39:28
Saw the video, it was not worthy of a physical altercation. Don't bodyblock people
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 17:42:23
Where is this video, forskin?
Thu Aug 29 18:02:08
You made a new thread without a basic search? Lol

Even a clearly biased article can produce no video with damning behavior, only, "muhhhh staffer, muhhhh law"

Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 18:04:46
I didn't make this thread.

So you lied about seeing the video of the staff being pushed. Good job Forskin.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 29 18:17:38
"Trump releases TikTok video of visit to Arlington Cemetery"

confirming obvious campaign photo op which is against the law

also, that video doesn't show his team shoving aside the woman who was trying to keep them from breaking the law...
Thu Aug 29 18:22:19
"video of the staff being pushed"

Reading comprehension fail

"keep them from breaking the law"

Not law enforcement
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 18:26:01
"Reading comprehension fail"

'I saw the video...don't bodyblock ppl'

You implied you watched the video of the incident that isn't released. Good job Forskin maga bitchboy, be all the trump you can be....a liar.

"Not law enforcement"

Oh do you know the specific duties of this person and what they are supposed to do or not. How insightful you are....let's hear it, what will you lie about this time, forskin.
Thu Aug 29 18:40:28
Yes. I saw video released of their conduct at the ceremony. Nothing there warranted attempting to physically block an entourage.

"specific duties"

Not law enforcement or security? No authority to physical block them. Nothing else needed
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 18:42:52
"Not law enforcement or security? No authority to physical block them. Nothing else needed"

So, no you don't have a clue, got it forskin. keep on lying.
Thu Aug 29 18:48:21
"Arlington National Cemetery staffer"
"Arlington National Cemetery worker"

"ANC employee"
CNN, Army

Not LE or security
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 18:51:47
So no list of responsibilities. Just headlines.
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 18:54:45
"...who had sought to enforce restrictions on taking photos and video at part of the burial ground this week."

They have some authority....why else would they try to enforce restrictions.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 29 19:03:21
you're being sucked into a nonsense argument

obviously any employee is allowed to try to enforce the rules

& Trump's side claims to have video of the altercation, but since not releasing it, obviously looks bad for them
Thu Aug 29 19:06:02
A theater employee can tell you to leave. They cannot yank you out by the arm.

Sorry ya'll are hemming and hawing about muhhh law but know none of it lul
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 19:13:03
"A theater employee can tell you to leave. They cannot yank you out by the arm."

So you saw the video. And you still claim you know the responsibilities of this employer and what authority they have or not?

Well fucktwatmaga bitch. You've lied about seeing the video of the altercation. You're pretending you know what responsibilities and authority the employee has.

Good times maga bitchass foreskin.

And TW...I know. I'm toying with my prey.
Thu Aug 29 19:23:37
If media could seize on the employee being security or LE, they would have.

Dunning-Kruger on display. Lmfao Cuckhat-levels of retardation
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 19:30:00
"If media could seize on the employee being security or LE, they would have."

So it's the media's fault?

"Dunning-Kruger on display. Lmfao Cuckhat-levels of retardation"

I mean, you're the one came in the thread right off the bad lying your bitchass off you magatwat trump boot licking cunt.
Thu Aug 29 19:51:28
More reading comprehension fail.

Since the media is desperate to seize on any negative reporting they can, it would exacerbate the story if they could harp on the fact that the employee was authorized to physically impede the entourage.

They were not, they know they were not, they didn't press charges, the media will bitch and cry for a couple days, the world will continue to spin
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 20:01:30
Phrases such as enforcing restrictions from various media outlets seem to be the theme.

Maybe if Trump and the maga blow hards didn't try to take advantage of a sanctimonious location for political points, which is against the law. Maybe the employee wouldn't have to try enforce restrictions that may be part of their responsibilities.

But maga fucktwats like yourself, foreskin, would rather come in and lie about seeing the altercation and forming an unsupported conclusion where the anc and the fucking army had made official statements indicating trump is a bitch basically. Just like you. Fancy you have that common with em.

Go cry some more about how they are picking on your bitchass dictator wannabe.

Thu Aug 29 20:10:56
"enforcing restrictions"

Yes, any employee can verbally inform, instruct, even demand compliance. They cannot initiate force. Call the cops before your dumbass gets shoved aside, not after.

Lol Cuckhat Jr literally invents a strawman in his head and then rants about it.

Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 20:27:09
Foreskin comes in lied about seeing the video of the altercation supports Trump's staff assault the ANC staff for enforcing rules that is part of their responsibilities, and has the audacity to claim strawman arguments. What a magabitch you really are.
Thu Aug 29 21:12:40
" Thu Aug 29 19:03:21
you're being sucked into a nonsense argument

obviously any employee is allowed to try to enforce the rules"

What? No. A janitor cannot physically touch me if I'm in a restricted area. They can yell at me or they can call security.

I was waiting to see this employee come out and speak to the press about the incident because obviously she would look like and be treated like a hero on liberal news networks. But she hasn't and there is are obvious reasons for that.

1) she wasn't allowed to do what she did.

2) trump has gotten permission to be photographed there.

3) because she wasn't giving authority to put hands on people doing something they aren't supposed to do, she wasn't informed/told about it because she didn't need to be told because it would have nothing to do with her.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 29 21:19:58
“A theater employee can tell you to leave. They cannot yank you out by the arm. “

it’s the Trump side that got physical

“they know they were not, they didn't press charges”

as they fear definite death threats

also note no one asking why Trump side not pressing charges... why? as the woman didn’t get physical

Thu Aug 29 21:25:39
Or they aren't pressing charges because doing so will only keep this story alive. They want to force the liberal media to have to report on kamala, not give them reasons to continue to talk about trump.
Thu Aug 29 21:28:01
"As they fear definite death threats"


Trump got shot. Another dude in Arizona (or was it nevada) got arrested for issuing death threats on Trump.

Liberals joke about "next time don't miss"

"One more inch!"

Has anyone on the right bothered to issue death threats to kamala?

You are so twisted in your head, the world you live in only exists in your head.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 29 21:40:54
"trump has gotten permission to be photographed there"
& they've decided not to mention that? NO, they didn't... not even possible someone could give that permission... it involves the graves of numerous soldiers & covered by law not just someone making a call

-a woman tried to stop them from violating federal law (& not by force)
=they shoved her aside (illegal, disgusting)
=they filmed campaign shit at a location not permitted by law (illegal, disgraceful)
-they smeared the woman as mentally-ill & pretended not to understand her objection (disgusting)

yet obviously you can find only fault in the woman doing her job...
Thu Aug 29 21:47:01
"Has anyone on the right bothered to issue death threats to kamala?"

Yes, multiple times actually. Before you speak, do you bother researching anything before making claims?

1. https://www.wric.com/news/virginia-news/66-year-old-winchester-man-arrested-for-making-online-threats-to-vp-harris-and-former-president-obama/

2. https://www.npr.org/2024/08/06/nx-s1-5065392/man-arrested-threats-kamala-harris

3. https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdtn/pr/man-charged-threats-against-president-vice-president-and-former-president

4. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2024/08/06/kamala-harris-death-threats-frank-carillo

5. https://www.9news.com/video/news/nation-world/man-arrested-for-making-threats-against-biden-harris/73-39308608-544d-474f-ae3b-16ee2bbfa8be

the wanderer
Thu Aug 29 21:52:44
speaking of that assassination shot, there remains ZERO evidence it had anything to do w/ calling Trump a threat to democracy or done over political leanings at all (or done by the 'deep state'...) which i'm sure would blow obaminated's mind (though he just won't believe it... it 'feels' wrong, facts are what you decide they are now, Trump style reality)
Thu Aug 29 21:53:26
I take it back, I'm a big enough man to do so.
Thu Aug 29 22:38:26
"it’s the Trump side that got physical"

Obstructing the free movement of an individual is a physical act. Even security can and have been charged for this. You cannot impinge on the movements of another person without legal authority.

Sounds like she learned real fast. I like how everyone unilaterally agreed it was a "she" rofl. #repealthe19th
the wanderer
Thu Aug 29 22:52:14
so if you go to a restaurant & head toward the kitchen, if any employee stands in your way & informs you that's not permitted, you can shove them aside (unless their specific job is security?...) & go in the kitchen & grab some food & it's the person who stood in your way who is the only one at fault?
Thu Aug 29 23:47:31
Foreskin is a typical far-right keyboard warrior. Interacting with other neckbears he falls into all their typical logical fallacies:

Ad homoinems
Moving the goalposts
Red Herrings

etc. etc.

Fri Aug 30 00:04:14
A kitchen restaurant has a bit more dangerous objects in it than say.... a cemetery.
the wanderer
Fri Aug 30 01:22:32
no relevance at all...

the law is no political filming around those graves... woman told them... they shove her & say fuck off... they put up the videos on campaign social media proving the clear violation

law violated (+ additional disgusting behavior), your cult doesn't care at all... rinse repeat
Fri Aug 30 05:53:06
"Obstructing the free movement of an individual is a physical act."

No it isn't. It it considered passive. Especially in the regards to preventing a person(s) from a restricted area they are not allowed. If the reports is as it is, the most likely aggressor is from Trump's camp who decided to push aside. For most accounts this as been established and admitted.

"You cannot impinge on the movements of another person without legal authority."

Good Samaritan laws, powers of citizens arrest, or the authority of employees whose responsibilities would allow prevention to unauthorized areas and in this particular case standing and obstructing, and due to the rules of ANC and and postage of of what areas are restricted.

It is reasonable to accept the fact that employees of the organization, business, or entity can enforce it, thus preventing unauthorized access. And if impeded and is escalated. Yes, law enforcement would have to get involved. An employee merely doing their job does not constitute them being the aggressor by prevention. When they are touched or pushed with physicality, there lies the problem. Which goes to the notion that they had legal right to press charges but they did not. (That had been established)

But, please tell me where you got you law degree, I would love to compare.

Fri Aug 30 06:01:30
I am not going to go down the rabbit hole with this particular matter.

Especially with the likes of forwyn, only for the sheer fact that years ago, this is the same person that claimed the Charlottesville car attacker was justified and came up with every excuse in the world to defend their actions. (Serving life in prison mind you and was a neo-nazi)

His interpretation of any law or ordinance and the like should be taken with a grain of salt due.
Fri Aug 30 07:41:03

"law violated (+ additional disgusting behavior), your cult doesn't care at all... rinse repeat"

Neither does the DOJ.

Fri Aug 30 09:11:51
"No it isn't. It it considered passive."

Lol block someone from leaving a building and come back with your false imprisonment mugshot.

"Charlottesville car attacker was justified and came up with every excuse in the world to defend their actions. (Serving life in prison mind you and was a neo-nazi)"

Remember when the truck driver got on a road before it was blocked off, got the fucking shit beat out of him by subhuman protesters, and then got arrested anyway, and charged, and had to plea out, even after became clear it was their own fuckup? And the folks who bloodied him walked off scot-free?

Lol let's not pretend the law is enforced in a logical manner when it comes to goombas in the street.
Fri Aug 30 09:55:02
Noone remembers that because Iut’s probably misrepresented a billion times by far-right partidans before it reaches your tiny brain. Your faux outrage is always amusing.

Foreskin is just another dumbass who doesn’t know how to use a filter and makes himself mad all day over anecdotes.
Fri Aug 30 14:47:31
"Lol block someone from leaving a building and come back with your false imprisonment mugshot."

This is not remotely what occurred and what you described is an entirely different situation. Also, there are a lack of variables and you would have to take into the account of the totality of the circumstances for justification.

But, again, continue, I would like to know more based on what cases you have argued?
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