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Utopia Talk / Politics / Napoleon - ot
Thu Aug 29 15:43:11
Ridley's edition is out on apple. Added about 45 minutes, so now it's 4 hours long.

I thought the theatrical version was decent but long. I'm glad I can watch this at home because 4 hours is a hell of a long time to watch a movie.
Thu Aug 29 15:56:57
I wanted to like the theatrical version but I just couldn't.

The entire movie was 1) scene dryly reciting a pivotal event in Napoleon's career -> 2) scene between him and Josephine to give Joaquin's characterization of Napoleon some sort of pathos -> 3) pivotal event several years later -> 4) scene with Josephine -> repeat ad infinitum

The movie tried to be an epic tale of the rise and fall of a great man of history, but it just felt flat to me. A shame, because Napoleon's biography should by rights be a gold mine of material for Hollywood to make entertaining content out of.
Fri Aug 30 01:30:23
Ridley Scott is the most on and off director ever. Classics like Alien and Gladiator mixed with completely forgettable dreck.
Fri Aug 30 01:33:54
ridley washed out

kingdom of heaven is crap

then they blamed it on "managers in suit"

and added anotha shitty directors cut of like 40 min

can find it nowhere and nowhere thought it was good anyway

all his movies lately suck. gladiator was trash

in fact i cannot think of any movie that was good

only alien

Tue Sep 03 10:11:29
This movie was a big letdown for me. Not nearly enough Napoleon being a battlefield genius and WAY too much of his boring ass personal life at home.
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