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Utopia Talk / Politics / Democrats: Every fucking time
Thu Aug 29 17:20:11
Harris pledges to appoint Republican to Cabinet

Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday pledged to appoint a Republican to her Cabinet if elected, saying she believes it would be crucial to hear from different viewpoints while in office.

“I think it’s important to have people at the table when some of the most important decisions are being made that have different views, different experiences,” she said in an interview with CNN. “And I think it would be to the benefit of the American public to have a member of my Cabinet who was a Republican.”

Thu Aug 29 17:20:31

The stupid literally never ends.

Rot Rod
Thu Aug 29 17:21:54
Can't be a real republican.
Thu Aug 29 17:40:34

If you can't tell that she's been blatantly lying her ass off and saying whatever shit is likely to increase her odds of getting elected in November, then I really can't help you.

Do you also believe her claims that she's pulled a complete 180 and now disavows literally everything she advocated for during her 2020 run? That she's a moderate who had no role whatsoever to play in the Biden-HARRIS administration?

She. Is. A. Liar. And a sociopath. Say what you will about Trump, at least he never slept with his boss in order to advance his career.
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 17:44:14
Lol you're such a bitch. Hurting so badly about your trump. I'm sure you have a trump dildo for your assi
Thu Aug 29 17:47:37
Thanks for the quality political analysis.
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 17:50:09
Oh you mean like yours?

"buh, buh, she lyin...trump never lies."

Who are you kidding? It's obvious you're such a fucking stooge that all objectivity was lost years ago when Trump came around pushing his Obama ain't American and He is Muslim and birther nonsense. You've been hooked ever since. Here we are over a decade later and your fucking "political analysis" is still stale before.

How fucking weak you are and any other kool-aid drinking maga fuckhead.

Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 17:52:48
All these years and still a bitch.
Thu Aug 29 17:57:28
Uh...I think you have me confused with Hot Rod? Sorry dude, but your timeline is completely fucked up.

Trump pulls a ton of shit out of his ass during his freewheeling ego-stroking sessions...but at least you tend to get a genuine sense of what his actual politics are. He hates illegals, he broadly espouses conservative political principles, but with a heavily populist strain which includes everything from tariffs to culture wars. We knew that about him in 2015 and we know that about him today.

What is Harris posing as right now, and what are her actual politics? Two entirely different things. She cynically believes that the shortened timeline of her candidacy gives her the means to con a large number of voters on this question, and by the time they figure out otherwise it'll be too late. Scum. Absolute scum.
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 18:02:53
"Uh...I think you have me confused with Hot Rod? Sorry dude, but your timeline is completely fucked up."

No, quite evident you're into Trump's ass. So, no, wouldn't be wrong that you're all into his shit.

"but at least you tend to get a genuine sense of what his actual politics are. "

Yes, but bitchass Trump wants to be dictator, wants autocracy, yes, quite easy to see his fucking politics and quite easy to see, VERY, tremondously, easy, people say, I don't know who, but they say that he wants it badly, not sure if it ever came out of his mouth, even though he has said it, but you keep defending him, so we can only presume.

"He hates illegals, he broadly espouses conservative political principles, but with a heavily populist strain which includes everything from tariffs to culture wars. We knew that about him in 2015 and we know that about him today."

Can't hate illegals if you used them all those years. He doesn't have conservative principles, because they are not what they were classified as before, but that is because you're a blind fucking dumbass twat follower for Trump.

And his other shit predates 2015.

"What is Harris posing as right now, and what are her actual politics? Two entirely different things. She cynically believes that the shortened timeline of her candidacy gives her the means to con a large number of voters on this question, and by the time they figure out otherwise it'll be too late. Scum. Absolute scum."

Sounds like Trump if you replace Harris in this. What a fucking loading of shit you blind maga followers are.
Thu Aug 29 18:25:59
I think good Ole Randal is a lot of fun at the parties he isn't invited to.

And now for Randal to respond with insults that he thinks anyone will remember 5 seconds after they've read it.
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 18:27:53
And here we have this fuckhead maga bitchboy who also would take it in the ass from rfk. this bitch's claim to fame on the forums is always a lackey, and clings on the coattails of other posters of me too because cannot formulate an original thought. how fucking pathetic they are too.

Thu Aug 29 18:34:53
Hey, I think Randal = pillz, this reminds me of those classic pillz meltdowns and he was definitely due for one.
Thu Aug 29 18:40:50
Nope. Try again.
Randal Graves
Thu Aug 29 18:41:44
Anywho...back to the little bitch ass punk waiting other poster's support so he can be like 'oh can I join in too guys!'
Thu Aug 29 21:51:16
"She. Is. A. Liar. And a sociopath."

Did Trump become a female?
Fri Aug 30 01:05:48
What Kamala Harris hasn’t told you yet is that she will also have members of Hamas, the Russian Federation and China in her Cabinet, because it is important to have people of different and similar views.
Fri Aug 30 01:12:56
Who cares. There are plenty of non-crazy republicans. And there are lots of crazy democrats (Tulsi).

She won't appoint a crazy person.
Fri Aug 30 06:02:29
How about Liz Cheney or Adam Kinziger.

Rugian, are you upset that she might tell better lies than your hero Trump?
Fri Aug 30 06:03:21
How about Liz Cheney or Adam Kinziger.

Rugian, are you upset that she might tell better lies than your hero Trump?
Fri Aug 30 07:30:58

"Who cares. There are plenty of non-crazy republicans."

Name one. Obama had Robert Gates as his Secretary of Defense, and he can't even bring himself to say that he won't vote for Trump.

Every anti-Trump Republican is anti-trump because they don't like him ... not because they oppose his policies. Every single one of them wants to strip women of their rights. Every single one of them is fine with voter suppression to ensure that Republicans win. Every single one of them opposes programs for the poor. They are all as awful as he is.
Fri Aug 30 09:52:51
Yeah, but every country has a conservative party that sometikes win so you have to negotiate with the more sane ones to stay in power.

It is what it is.
Fri Aug 30 12:07:10
There ain't a hell of a lot of sane ones left. Most were primaried out. There has been a concerted effort by the now dead GOP to get as many R's into all the lower offices, school boards, town clerks, town and county accessors, etc. They all need to be voted out of office.
Sat Aug 31 21:22:32
Hey dukhat, how's life being a billionaire married to supermodel who is down for threesomes with her supermodel friends?
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