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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump's new stance on abortion
Thu Aug 29 19:28:47
As you know Trumpicantards are pushing the narrative that VP Harris has changed her positions on different topics and apparently that can't be allowed. Look in fairness, you're allowed to change your mind, or positions based upon updated information or maybe experience. No one should be faulted on that. The issue is though is when you want to continue to not acknowledged you've change your stance and avoid providing reasons why or that you change your position on faulty information.

Well, Trump again demonstrates his position regarding the abortion peddling that "everybody wanted roe v. wade overturned" well that has been consistence evidence of the contrary and now that abortion is on the ballot in FL, which Trump is a resident of, he indicates -now- he feels that a six (6) weeks is too short. Well, Trumpicantards have been rejoicing because the states have power and have been going quite overboard with enforcement and stipulations. Trumpicantards support incest births, preteen births, rape births, and it doesn't matter if the mother's health is in jeopardy, let them die.

For so long Trumpicantards have pushed the notion that the proponents of abortion want to allow the child to be aborted after birth (no evidence supports this). Regardless, Trumpicantards are rejoicing that their leader is a hypocrite just like themselves.
Thu Aug 29 20:16:38
Everyone wanted roe v wade overturned so that states can decide via voting what they want to do.

How is trump changing his position on that?
Thu Aug 29 21:49:55


It appears that Trump has changed his position on the stance....


FIRST ON FOX: Former President Trump's shifting stance on some of his abortion policies to attract independents and some disillusioned Democrats could alienate those who helped get him elected in 2016 – his pro-life base. But his growing support from middle-of-the-road voters could make up for it.

I know I asked this before....but do you bother to ever research anything before speaking?
the wanderer
Thu Aug 29 22:07:46
the "everyone" claim (that he keeps making) is a ridiculously obvious falsehood that no normal-brained person would be making... & one nobody else repeating obviously... like so much of what he says... (so normal)

his (most recent) change is he's been saying he's against abortion except the 3 exceptions, yet is voting against the FL abortion ban based on the # of weeks

anyone who thought he had some principled position on abortion is an idiot... he made up his stance on the issue from the start (in real time in some cases)
Fri Aug 30 00:49:11
Why can't Democrats and Republicans make a compromise on the abortion issue? Registered Democratic voters and families can get free abortions. Wouldn't that be a win for everyone? For the Republicans, this means that fewer children will be born in Democratic families, which could potentially mean fewer Democrats in the future, and for the Democrats, it means that they do not have to take responsibility for their actions.
Fri Aug 30 06:18:01
Paramount, there is absolutely no one calling for women to have abortions. What people are calling for is a woman's right to make that decision on her own without going before a tribunal of politicians who have no knowledge of what the woman is going through.
We have open state borders and except for the brief period of the Civil War, always have had in this country. Yet the Republicans want women to have to be tested for pregnancy before they are permitted to leave their state and travel to another state. They want to be able to prosecute medical practitioners who perform abortions in States where it is legal.
Randal Graves
Sat Aug 31 08:19:15
Shouldn't come as a shock to anyone, but Trump changed his stance again, now 6 weeks isn't a big deal anymore.
Sat Aug 31 09:51:09
Any of his utterances are subject to change and denial that he ever said anything like that. That you must be stupid to not understand what he said.
Sat Aug 31 10:25:20
Democrats are desperately hoping if they keep pimping this story trump supporters will leave trump and go to... go to... go to?


The only king maker was rfk because his followers were largely the independent voters. They ain't going to kamala.
Randal Graves
Sat Aug 31 11:18:41

This actually has more of an impact because it is a hot topic and if it wasn't polls wouldn't have shown people feel about it and why it's been on ballots across the nation due to the demand for it, regardless of the narrative that "we gave it back to the states" where the GOP are collectively for a national ban. Also, part of their playbook.

Let us not forget also, the whole RFK, you are aware it made little difference and recent polls show that Harris has started gaining more in battleground states.

You're such a bitchass.
Sat Aug 31 11:46:35
Desperately hoping? You literally in another thread advocated for wanting Trump to be kept in a bunker....sounds like to me you're desperate.
Sat Aug 31 12:50:04
Okay. Time to be adults. People who were going to vote trump will always vote trump. Nothing will change that. They are not going to stay home or vote harris because trump supports short term abortion.

It's not an issue.

Rfk held the independent vote and made it very very very clear that the democrats fucked him over.

His voters are going to trump.

Harris will hold the tribal democrats. But she isn't going to get anyone else.

Stop using troll accounts and also, why don't you start arguing for positions you believe in and support? I know you won't because you are an intellectual coward, but it's fun poking you.
Randal Graves
Sat Aug 31 13:53:04
The problem with you is that you hang on the words of talking points you get from panelists or posters that aligned with your biases. Not once in your entire existence on this board have you ever yielded an independent thought. You can claim "poking fun" but the thing is your the joke. Will always be a joke. You clinging on RFK while at the same time peddle maga nonsense is hilarious. Every you say either is disproven or the contrary.

You're such a sorry ass bitch you begs for anything. Hell, your fucking tag on these forums is the greatest trophy of your defeated because you claimed in vain there is no fucking way Obama would win.

Time to be an adult? Your fuckface had yet to grow up and you probably live in your mom's basement to this day.

Grow a brain. Formulate your own thoughts. Learn some deductive and inductive skills while you're at it too. Stupid twat magafuckface
Sat Aug 31 14:12:31
"Rfk held the independent vote and made it very very very clear that the democrats fucked him over."

Hardly. And define "clear."
Sat Aug 31 15:28:14
Randal. From one alcoholic to another. Stop drinking. You aren't coherent. Also you are an intellectual coward who won't actually promote positions you believe in. It's easier to say "you fucking moron. Trumpster "

It's low level and it's clearly the highest you can get.

@delude - what are you even trying to say? Are you disputing that the primary voting base for rfk was independents? Seriously? Is the sky blue? Is that the next argument ?
Sat Aug 31 15:28:45
Also, I was wrong. Randal ain't pillz. It's cuckhat.
Sat Aug 31 16:28:59
I wouldn't say primary voting base. I would say it's more of disgruntled democrats and Republicans who would identify as independents. What does that mean? It means that if the there were better selection of candidates between the primary two. Then they would go back to their party lines.

Polling, in any election, typically displays data that third party candidates would fair better with independent voters. In RFK's situation it only counts as polling because if and when elections are held is when they make their final decision and it falls with democrats or Republicans.

True independents typically wait till closer election time and that is when you know where their allegiance lies. What RFK had was disgruntled votes, who would say they identify as.

Randal Graves
Sun Sep 01 11:59:11
"Randal. From one alcoholic to another. Stop drinking. You aren't coherent. Also you are an intellectual coward who won't actually promote positions you believe in. It's easier to say "you fucking moron. Trumpster ""

There is no need to promote any positions when most of the time it's pointing out the wrongdoings and dissecting the dumbass positions you and others stand on. If you cut the manutiae there are various policies and standings that both sides have bilaterally worked through.

However, when you have maga fuckhead idiots like yourself who want to fucking goosestep with trump and go 80 plus years back to the 'good ol days' and sabotage any type of address via legislation or otherwise. It clearly shows where your allegiance lies.

So when boils down to anything based upon what I previously said, you have yet define any clear independent thoughts processes and have time and time again provided perspectives that aren't factual base. Yet you cling in ad homineum attacks to disagree with points but operate with half truths or lies.

And while you're so desperately trying to find out the handle situation.

No. Not Dukhat.

I will say this, at least Dukhat actually does present independent thoughts. Which isn't saying too much, but still has the mentality to accept various viewpoints.
Sun Sep 01 12:23:54
You just admitted to be a user of a troll account.

Keep in mind we are all in our mid to late 30s. It's pathetic to use a troll account.

Also. Still won't actually argue positions you stand for.

Easier to just post "you fucking moron trumpster"

Intellectual coward.
Randal Graves
Sun Sep 01 17:00:48
"You just admitted to be a user of a troll account"

Which has no bearing on content and points provided in various topics. You being hung up on it is a you problem.

"Keep in mind we are all in our mid to late 30s. It's pathetic to use a troll account."

And it's quite pathetic that you're main points you attempt to make are still on the level of a toddler.

"Easier to just post "you fucking moron trumpster"

Intellectual coward."

Says the RFK supporter.

You're such a bitchass.

Sun Sep 01 18:18:55
You are in your late 30s using a troll account on a forum of maybe 20.

You won't actually state positions you stand for.

Your entire purpose is to insult right leaning posters.

You are dukhat.

The same guy who claimed to be a billionaire who was married to a supermodel who was cool with 3 ways.

Do you have any idea how pathetic you are ?
Randal Graves
Sun Sep 01 18:38:24
You are getting pissed off about a multi account.

Your constitution is so fucking weak.

Do you realize how upset you're getting about an account on an obscure internet forum?

You keep harping about it. You're obessessed and you want to talk about pathetic.

Also. Not dukhat. Lol

So fucking clueless.
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