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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump's huge new entitlement program
Fri Aug 30 07:19:20
Trump want to give everyone free IVF treatment!

Republicans want to create more babies that they will then allow to go hungry, deny shelter to, refuse to educate, or provide healthcare to.

I can only assume that Trump and MAGA Republicans are also all in on free prenatal care for the unborn babies and their flesh incubators.

I mean fuck them both once the baby drops, but you have to at least get then that far. ;o)
the wanderer
Fri Aug 30 13:19:59
an R was on CNN talking about it, he clearly disagreed but was unable to say so, just ducked & moved... nobody can say 'i disagree w/ Trump' in this cult as he'll ruin you
Fri Aug 30 17:33:32

Apparently no R on the forum either. :oP

Fri Aug 30 18:00:53
Clearly we need more Venezuelans
Sat Aug 31 04:10:28
It's insane how hard abortion is for him, as a topic. His team should do what they are doing with kamala and just keep him in a bunker

But they won't because trump don't play that way
Sat Aug 31 13:44:54

He just doesn't want to lose, and he's not sure which position is going to be the most beneficial for him.

As soon as he figures out that evangelicals have nowhere else to go, he'll tell them to STFU or he'll cancel Jesus.

Sat Aug 31 14:09:28
Trump is displaying desperation as he tries to play all sides. Then gets advised this doesn't work and should stick to the base. His appeasement attempts is a clear indicator he knows he is losing ground.
Sat Aug 31 15:31:22
I think his ego is convincing him he can reshape the GOP. Which, he can. I mean, tribalism is a thing and no one who was going to vote for him will swap to Harris. But this is an eye rolling thing.
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