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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump is now blaming Biden for ANC
Fri Aug 30 15:37:31
Trumpicantards know no bounds when it comes to crazy claims. Trump is now claiming that Biden set him up for the ANC incident. This was a set up by Biden and Harris, claims Trump. Trump further makes the claim that he didn't know the person that cause the incident and that they weren't part of his staff. Trump has even claimed that he doesn't know who put the tiktok video out.

These are the lengths that Trump and his Trumpicantards will go to change the narrative.

Trumpicantards rejoice!
the wanderer
Fri Aug 30 16:09:55
just like they set him up to repeatedly refuse to return classified docs for over a year... & to even hide them...
Fri Aug 30 17:11:25
The Army really is weighing in.

Fri Aug 30 17:36:03

Biden cleverly set the trap during the withdrawl from Afghanistan 3 years ago. ;o)

Fri Aug 30 18:02:06
Lol tw still thinks the President doesn't have unilateral and unrestricted declassification powers
the wanderer
Fri Aug 30 18:09:54
Lol Forwyn thinks Trump can declassify retroactively
Lol Forwyn thinks secretly declassifying such that NOBODY FUCKING KNOWS IT HAPPENS makes a lick of sense

Lol Forwyn thinks even if secretly declassifying made a lick of sense, it would both be acceptable to do, and also fine to then just take whatever docs home you want

Lol Forwyn thinks Trump is even claiming to have declassified the documents... it's not even his defense... probably as that would be acknowledging he has knowledge of each & every doc he took...

your arguments tend to suck
the wanderer
Fri Aug 30 18:29:47
...Lol Forwyn is cool w/ Trump 'secretly declassifying' (not a thing) documents such that EVERYONE still in gov't thinks they are classified while he's down in Mar-a-lago showing off Iranian attack plans to book authors w/ the completely idiotic reason that the plans somehow prove Milley didn't really have concerns about Trump... (& how often did he show off the docs where it wasn't caught on tape... seems like that would happen most of the time...)

...Lol Forwyn thinks hiding docs from his own lawyers who say he must comply w/ a subpoena & return the docs (as they weren't declassified & nobody claimed they were, not even Trump, not that it would let him just take them anyway)... is also ok...

anyway... such fucking insanity on anything involving this completely obvious lawless conman idiot
Fri Aug 30 18:34:57
Lol tw thinks that declassification processes, designed for everyone but the president, apply to the president

Lol tw thinks that the president is the same as everyone else
the wanderer
Fri Aug 30 19:08:10
i wish someone ever had a good argument on this topic...
the wanderer
Fri Aug 30 19:11:27
...i've never even encountered someone on the Trump side who even acknowledges his attempt to violate the subpoena... i guess it's indefensible so they just can't acknowledge it...

same w/ so many other elements of the crimes he's been charged with
Fri Aug 30 21:29:04
I think the funny part is the FBI admitted to creating the classified documents cover sheets and placed them on documents not knowing if the documents were classified or not. They then placed the documents for the photos that were released. They also admitted they couldn't remember what boxes the documents were taken from so might not have got everything back where it belonged.

So really nobody knows if classified documents were secure or not because the FBI in their zeal to bring down Trump fucked everything up.
the wanderer
Fri Aug 30 21:40:50
thanks for the false info

anyway... let's even assume the crappy Supreme Court rules that a president can mentally declassify docs & take them home when leaving office without telling anyone of either act until caught w/ them (& can share them w/ people for idiotic reasons while everyone in the gov't thinks the info is still classified... plus let's just ignore the obstruction part since your side incapable of saying one syllable about it)

why the fuck do you not have a problem w/ the irresponsible, wreckless, idiotic behavior -even if- you believe not illegal? accept every fucking idiotic thing Trump has said about it as true... why are you ok with the behavior?
the wanderer
Fri Aug 30 21:47:26
that should be "thanks for the false & completely irrelevant info"

"So really nobody knows if classified documents were secure or not"
this isn't relevant -at all- (he isn't charged w/ keeping them insecurely vs securely (although ALL of them were insecurely stored))... yet you think you've made some good point when has NO bearing at all

seriously, wtf is wrong w/ you people?
the wanderer
Fri Aug 30 22:07:20
but please just address this:

"why the fuck do you not have a problem w/ the irresponsible, reckless, idiotic behavior -even if- you believe not illegal? "
(he doesn't claim anyone knows he declassified the stuff he took... he doesn't even claim to have declassified it, yet you people just accept that he did so whatever... so that's everyone in gov't unaware of supposedly declassified info he's got laying around his social club... even if you believe kept secure for some stupid reason despite photographic proof by Trump's own goons...)

you won't, just want it emphasized so it's clear all are dodging it...
Randal Graves
Sat Aug 31 07:32:02
"seriously, wtf is wrong w/ you people?"

Find any excuse, no matter how stupid it is, to justify wrongdoings. Or be part of the cult.
Sat Aug 31 13:50:57

"ol tw thinks that declassification processes, designed for everyone but the president, apply to the president"

Unfortunately for Trump, Biden reclassified all those documents.

Presidents can do that too.
the wanderer
Tue Sep 03 12:00:58
back on topic, fuckhead now claiming nothing happened & Kamala made it up:

There was no conflict or “fighting” at Arlington National Cemetery last week. It was a made up story by Comrade Kamala and her misinformation squad. She made it all up to make up for the fact that she and Sleepy Joe have BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS for the INCOMPETENT AFGHANISTAN Withdrawal - THE MOST EMBARRASSING DAY IN U.S. HISTORY!!! ...

too bad his people already admitted it happened, just blamed it on the supposedly mentally-ill employee...

but no cultist will care about the completely deranged bullshit coming from the cult leader as usual
Tue Sep 03 13:44:54

"too bad his people already admitted it happened"

It doesn't matter. They will just claim that they didn't.

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