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Utopia Talk / Politics / Swedish healthcare
Sat Aug 31 12:19:57
You should be careful about wishing for as good healthcare as Sweden has. I think you should keep what you have.

A man had to amputate his penis after a series of care failures

Several mistakes at one of Närhälsan's health centers (a local health center) in Gothenburg led to a man being forced to amputate his penis, GP reports.

It started with the health center sending a referral to the wrong recipient, after which another referral was forgotten. It was then concluded that the man's problem was due to the prostate and a treatment was tried which did not work. All in all, this meant that the man had to wait three years to receive a cancer diagnosis.

Närhälsan has now reported the incident to the Inspectorate for Care and Welfare, Ivo, according to Lex Maria.

- There were several unfortunate circumstances, and several things that could have been improved, says Jonas Thorén, chief physician at Närhälsan.

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