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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump: Schools performing gender surgery
Mon Sep 02 08:18:58

Trump is absolutely insane.

Mon Sep 02 08:21:22

"Your kid goes to school, and he comes home a few days later with an operation ..."

Trump doesn't even know how schools work.

Or how parenting works for that matter.

Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 02 09:15:45
Once again, this is "one screen, two movies".

If you were to get a deluded cultist like tumbletard to interpret what Trump is saying, he would align with murder here by willfully not understanding and thus going on a tirade about Trump "lying".

But people not within the cult know exactly what Trump means. They do not have these issues.
Mon Sep 02 11:05:43

"But people not within the cult know exactly what Trump means. They do not have these issues."

Trump always "means" something other than what he says.

the wanderer
Mon Sep 02 11:18:26
right... you need the decoder ring

every stupid thing he says is actually something else... & he can't say things in non-stupid ways as he's so far beyond us in intellect
the wanderer
Mon Sep 02 11:21:21
...it certainly can't be just obvious bullshit lie fear-mongering that he does on every issue...

Fuckhead's Razor - every stupid thing Trump says is actually something else that's smart
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 02 21:44:31
Here's an interesting exercise:
1) Anyone not in a cult knows what Trump meant here, and it's not complicated at all and needs no "decoder ring"
2) tumblefag and murder are mentally incapable of providing the good faith necessary to explain what Trump meant because they are in a cult

This being the case, I now ask tumblefag and murder to *attempt* to explain what Trump meant. They will not be able to do it without hedging and lying. They probably won't be able to do it at all. I could do it in two sentences. Again, it's not complicated — *if* you are not in a cult.
the wanderer
Mon Sep 02 21:59:59
Trump can't say anything at all accurately... this is fine & makes sense, everybody is working from shared facts & thus no need to state them, & in fact always misleading about them is totally not weird
~ fucking idiot CC

every single person has the exact same belief about what goes on in schools regarding transgender, thus he can completely fucking lie (for no reason at all) & everyone knows the truth...
~ fucking idiot CC
the wanderer
Mon Sep 02 22:05:27
it's identical to him tacking on to late term abortion that 'some states let you execute the baby after birth'

a total fucking lie... & one he knows is a lie

but i'm sure you're cool w/ it...
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 02 23:06:35
So in other words, tumblefag just admitted that, yes, he is in a cult and cannot process information in good faith. The rest is just theater.
the wanderer
Tue Sep 03 00:47:39
CCultist: if Trump says something false or stupid, he actually means the thing that i personally believe that is 'true' & smart (plus it makes total sense for Trump to say it in the false or stupid way)

just look how well his cult is informed about the last election... or how they think any objectionable book in a HS library is being taught to kindergarteners...
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 03 03:32:33
In other words, even when there is one single issue (this single 36-second clip of Trump), tumblefag's cult dogma insists that he is completely unable to interpret it in good faith.

Those of us not in a cult see this, correct?
This thread is not too long that we cannot see such a simple issue. It's not at all complicated. It requires no special perception. The brainpower requirements are far less than the words that tumbletard has wasted in evasion.

But that is the crux. Cultists cannot see these simple truths. They are immune to anything which separates them from cult dogma. Whether it's ADD, psychosis/delusion, Gish Gallop, reality denial, poor reading comprehension, or whatever, cultists will always have an excuse for why they must evade — why they cannot simply tell you what should be obvious.

36 seconds, and it was too much.
36 seconds, and tumblefag can only lie, obfuscate, red herring, or hope that the thread gets long enough that you forget that we were only talking about 36 seconds.
36 seconds is incomprehensible to him.
This comment itself must seem like a novel.

And some still think that they can convince cultists of anything else?

Solzhenitsyn warned about these people and about how they were discarded after the slave revolt. I have warned tumblefag of his fate. Cultists do not care; they can only see their dogma. All that is left for them is their slow suicide.

Remember them always, for they are dead now but still breathe.
Average Ameriacn
Tue Sep 03 04:30:19
I admit that sometimes I don't know what Trump is trying to say either.
But it's about trust in an honest person! That's why I will vote for him!!!
Randal Graves
Tue Sep 03 04:40:37
Simply stating 'not in a cult' are the same ones...in a cult. Lol fucking stupid ass bitchass dried crotch bitch.
Randal Graves
Tue Sep 03 04:44:17
Stupid dumbass cult bitches believes that Trump created the Veterans Choice Program. A fucking lie he had been telling for years. Obama crested it in 2014. Only Trump signed the expansion of it but ya know the Trump cultists like rotten crotch here will believe Trump invented the question mark.
large member
Tue Sep 03 05:47:21
Remember that trump is 4 years older than the oldest leader of the USSR when that leader died. You know, the decrepit people we used to make fun of back in the day.

Dementia with a broad audience does not really qualify as lying. It is a disease.
the wanderer
Tue Sep 03 11:15:55
Trump's a life-long conman, deceiving people for personal gain is all he knows

claiming WW3, stock market crash, terrorists pouring across border, countries emptying prisons/mental institutions/insane asylums (he added 'insane asylums' to sound worse) across border, executing born babies, schools operating on kids, mass voter fraud rampant, etc

not dementia, clearly just intentional fear-mongering deception
Tue Sep 03 13:28:22

"This being the case, I now ask tumblefag and murder to *attempt* to explain what Trump meant."

He meant exactly what he said.

I'm not bailing him out of his bullshit just because you find it inconvenient.

Tue Sep 03 13:30:50

"Dementia with a broad audience does not really qualify as lying. It is a disease."

It doesn't matter if he's demented or not because the supposedly liberal media (the corporate media) has quit caring about the mental fitness of our presidential candidates not that they forced Biden out of the race.
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 03 21:02:37
[CC]: "This being the case, I now ask tumblefag and murder to *attempt* to explain what Trump meant."
[murder (left-wing dogma bot; NPC)]: "He meant exactly what he said."

Which is what?

I have explained this repeatedly, so this is more wasted words, but you low-IQ people who slimed your way through college may want to recall that one of the lessons you were taught is to
1) directly quote the person to whom you are responding,
2) show your interpretation of their words with good faith (justified with textual evidence, tone, understanding of exaggeration, point of view, heteroglossia, and context), and then
3) follow it with your opinion or developed thesis

People in a cult are unable to follow this process. This is a Greek, Roman, and Enlightenment process, and Marxists taking part in a slave revolt (a slave-death cult) thus evade it.

If you look at tumblefag's threads, he typically quotes and then skips to step 3 — completely forgoing the process of good faith interpretation. This results in constant errors, misreadings, straw-man arguments, and delusional mind-reading. Even now, in his above evasion of my call for this process, he could not control his cognitive dissonance and departed into Gish Gallop and further delusion. This is cult logic.

It's literally a 36-second video with only about one sentence that includes a position, but tumblefag, murder, and other cultists cannot address that sentence in good faith. They are in a cult. It is a slave cult. It is a death cult.
the wanderer
Tue Sep 03 21:22:35
he's speaking English, no interpretation needed

but please give your 'interpretation' of:

'some states let you execute the baby after birth'

one of the times he's said it:

i expect you to not address that at all... as always
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 03 21:49:55
[tumblefag (TDS bot, delusional psychopath, cultist)]: "he's speaking English, no interpretation needed"

Do you think that that explanation would fly in college?
"[Hur hur, professor. They're speaking English! Why do I need to quote them or provide my interpretation of their words? Hur hur!]"

[tumblefag (TDS bot, delusional psychopath, cultist, likely pederast)]: "i expect you to not address that at all... as always"

More red herring nonsense. This thread is about a 36-second video, not this random thing you're now introducing.

Like I said: It's literally a 36-second video, but tumblefag, being a cultist, will squirm away in any way he can. He will talk about anything but the one topic that demonstrates his psychopathy. I demonstrated this with his having fallen for the Hawley hoax. I am demonstrating it again here. When you see Trump's words side-by-side with tumblefag's interpretation, you will see how delusional tumblefag is. This is why he is evading this simple task.
Randal Graves
Tue Sep 03 21:57:17
Peanut butter falcon here, is demonstrating how brainwashed they are. And how they wish the blubbering tard could impregnate them.

This is probably the same person at maga rallies justify how the election was stolen and Trump is still president. What a stupid bitch.
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 03 22:03:59
It's literally a 36-second video.
the wanderer
Wed Sep 04 00:30:24
your claim it requires interpretation is admitting that it can be interpreted multiple ways & thus isn't clear... though it IS clear to non crazy fucking nutbags

my interpretation is what i said (& clearly what's going on)... him doing false fear-mongering bullshit (like he does on EVERY FUCKING issue) in claiming the school is involved in operations (stoking all the irrational school hatred & misinformation your crazy side has driven up... on CRT, books, & transgender)

& of course you DODGED as always...
the wanderer
Wed Sep 04 00:34:44
here's another one for you to dodge:

^Trump doing his 'countries are emptying out their prisons and mental institutions into the US' back on Jan 2023 at Diamond's funeral... so appropriate
(was the first post twitter search gave me, & happened to be extra ridiculous)... CNN has asked his campaign repeatedly for his source on this claim, no response of course... but feel free to find any anywhere yourself

or do your 'interpretation' (that you haven't done for anything) & won't here

obvious fuckhead liar is an obvious fuckhead liar, that's my interpretation
the wanderer
Wed Sep 04 00:37:23
oh & also on school misinfo, some of you fuckhead idiot cultists (including R lawmakers) fell for the 'litterboxes in school bathrooms' idiocy for kids identifying as cats...

so yeah... fucking idiots will absolutely believe Trump claiming they do operations...
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 04 01:18:57
[tumblefag (TDS bot, delusional psychopath, cultist, likely pederast)]: "& of course you DODGED as always..."

No. No I did not.
The subject of this thread is a 36-second video. I am not "dodging" by not responding to your attempts to derail with red herring fallacies. (And those are indeed fallacies.)

The subject is a 36-second video.
The subject is *not* your link to "one of the times he's said [other thing]".
The subject is *not* "another one for you to dodge".
The subject is not anything else but that 36-second video.

This is why people make fun of you for clearly having TDS. You frequently dive into threads that have nothing to do with Trump but which are critical of the DNC and start talking about Trump. In this case, you want to talk about how much you hate Trump, but, being a coward, cannot address the actual issue and instead try to drag in a Gish Gallop.

You are mentally incapable of sticking to a single topic.
You have only your TDS.
You are in a cult.
This thread is about a 36-second clip.
Stay on topic.
Control your ADHD.

[tumblefag (TDS bot, delusional psychopath, cultist, likely pederast)]: "your claim it requires interpretation is admitting that it can be interpreted multiple ways & thus isn't clear..."

When your professors asked you to cite your sources and interpret quotations in-line, did you make that argument? I hope not because it's outright incorrect. Your professors likely explained this to you. Did you forget this lesson, or are you evading the truths that they explained since it interrupts your cult dogma?

The "1)", "2)", "3)" format I mentioned in comment "Tue Sep 03 21:02:37" is specifically to make sure that students can parse language and understand what is *actually* being communicated. This is covered under "quotation framing", "integrating a quotation", "contextualizing a quotation", and "synthesizing a quotation".

This requires close-reading and a demonstration of comprehension. This is the same thing that your high-school teachers tried to impart to you by having you repeat the question in your answer as a complete sentence. They were not just wasting your time. This method forces students to compare their interpretations (e.g., of the quotation, of the question being asked) to the actual words of the quotation/question. This forces students to realize when they make a «non sequitur», produce a straw man fallacy, or fail to answer a question.

By failing to do this — as you persistently do — you produce all of your common fallacies. This is why your cult has so thoroughly captured you and why your opinions are no different from any NPC on Reddit or Imgur. You have adopted the illogic of the Marxist slave/death cult and therefore skip to the fallacious conclusion with no consideration of the fallacies and abandonment of reason which have brought you there. Slaves are made in such ways.

And look at this, just like I said:
• [CC]: "When you see Trump's words side-by-side with tumblefag's interpretation, you will see how delusional tumblefag is."
• [Trump's actual words]: "The transgender thing is incredible. Think of it: your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what's going to happen with your child."
• [tumblefag's bad interpretation]: "in claiming the school is involved in operations"

Do we see how tumblefag — when he finally addresses the OP — reveals that he is indeed too incompetent to interpret even a 36-second clip? This statement shows that he cannot understand what Trump was talking about.

It's literally a 36-second video. But he couldn't do it.
Trump did not claim that the *school* is doing the operation. Try again.
the wanderer
Wed Sep 04 11:24:28
hey, wow nothing

"Trump did not claim that the *school* is doing the operation"

your own post:
• [Trump's actual words]: "The transgender thing is incredible. Think of it: your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what's going to happen with your child."
• [tumblefag's obvious & perfect interpretation]: "is claiming the school is involved in operations"

yeah, how could anyone think the school did or got the kid the operation... kid -goes to school-, a few days later -returns home w/ an operation-... 'the school has decided what's going to happen'... what other fucking interpretation do you have? the school did (or sent*) the kid for an operation... same fucking thing...

*is that your brilliance? that he's not lying that the school did the operation, just lying that they got the kid the operation?

seek help


"The subject is a 36-second video"

& Trump's consistent behavior matters, he does this 100% of the time...
Wed Sep 04 13:31:47
"what other fucking interpretation do you have?"

That schools can initiate doctor visitation to get treatments such as these scheduled, that they don't have to notify parents, and that they could be done during school hours.

Seems like a straight-forward statement that can then be parsed for accuracy.

No one sane thinks kids are being sent to the school nurse for mastectomies. CA has other avenues to do that to 16-year olds and then lie about it
the wanderer
Wed Sep 04 13:47:10
can you provide an example of a school deciding a child needs a gender operation, sends the child for that operation, & the child successfully has the operation, before the child ever returns home...
the wanderer
Wed Sep 04 14:03:02
...should be easy to locate many if it's a legitimate campaign issue and not completely obvious demagogue fear-mongering bullshit
Wed Sep 04 15:14:18
Who said anything about it happening in a day? Why do you keep inventing shit?

And why are you asking for the medical records of children as some sort of gotcha?
the wanderer
Wed Sep 04 15:18:55
i didn't say it happened in a day

Trump: "Think of it: your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what's going to happen with your child."

show me examples of that occurring... or show me states that wrote laws authorizing this... anything making it remotely true
Wed Sep 04 15:45:54
-CA banning parental notification of gender identity change in schools
-WA extending insurance coverage of "gender affirming" care to minors without parental consent
-Texas hospitals mutilating kids in defiance of state law, DoJ throwing the book at whistleblower
Wed Sep 04 17:17:28
"CA banning parental notification of gender identity change in schools"

So you don't believe minors have the right to privacy.

"-WA extending insurance coverage of "gender affirming" care to minors without parental consent"

So you want to restrict freedom of choice and advocate for control, even it they are emancipated and allowed to make these types of decisions.

"-Texas hospitals mutilating kids in defiance of state law, DoJ throwing the book at whistleblower"

Your statement is missing a bit of context. The AG gave an opinion, which doesn't mean it is law. And the whistleblower violated the law because of HIPPA.
the wanderer
Wed Sep 04 18:39:07
"-WA extending insurance coverage of "gender affirming" care to minors without parental consent "

which has nothing to do with schools... (probably not operations either, but i have no familiarity with it)


"-Texas hospitals mutilating kids in defiance of state law, DoJ throwing the book at whistleblower"

also has nothing to do with schools & if 'in defiance of state law' already against the law so irrelevant as well...


"-CA banning parental notification of gender identity change in schools "

which has nothing to do with medical operations (& they didn't ban notification)... but DING DING DING this of course IS the disinformation sold to the cult/Faux audience & what Trump playing to

Johnny wants to be called Jenny & the teachers do so... Johnny/Jenny wears a dress & they don't make an issue of it... that's the shit that goes on, not operations...
Wed Sep 04 18:48:26
So who is paying for these operations? I'm pretty sure that sex change operations are not free, or emergency surgeries. Do these school students have the wherewithal to buy their own insurance? Will the insurance companies pay for the required procedures?

Are these the same hospitals or clinics that are performing abortions after birth???
the wanderer
Sat Sep 07 16:23:23

"Can you imagine you're a parent and your son leaves the house, and you say "Jimmy, I love you so much, go have a good day at school" and your son comes back with a brutal operation. Can you even imagine this? What the hell is wrong with our country"


go ahead, decoder ring psychos... 'interpret' away...

or go w/ "out of context!!!"?

obvious lying idiocy
Sat Sep 07 19:14:21

Donald Trump may be dumber than his own son.

Sat Sep 07 19:20:15

"Can you imagine you're a parent and your son leaves the house, and you say "Jimmy, I love you so much, go have a good day at school" and your son comes back with a brutal operation. Can you even imagine this? What the hell is wrong with our country"

You are willfully not understanding.

People not within the cult know exactly what Trump means.

It's not complicated at all and needs no "decoder ring".

*attempt* to explain what Trump meant.

blah blah moo moo
Sat Sep 07 20:36:08
Trump is clearly talking about how public schools now encourage gender dysphoria. When young hormone riddled and confused children are encouraged by "respectable" adults that their mental disorder isnt a disorder they are going to believe it. And yes they seek hormone therapy and or permanent surgeries due to that encouragement. The sort of permanent changes to their natural bodies they mass suicidal levels of depression over by the time they hit their mid 20s when their brains stop developing.

But yeah, people like murder and tw are either mentally incapable of figuring out that's the streamlined argument trump is making, which everyone rational completely understands.

Or they actual believe trump thinks schools commit surgeries.

But yeah, murder and tw are desperate to think trump is being literal.
the wanderer
Sat Sep 07 21:17:32
“streamlined argument ”

nice one...

may this fucking craziness someday end... were his numerous made up claims of mass voter fraud just streamlined arguments? How do you decide when he’s making shit up (}streamlining”) vs actually telling the truth (which is never, but the cult thinks is always)
Sat Sep 07 21:25:51
I literally explained to you what he was saying and how it is clearly meant to be interpreted. But you are the guy who has obsessed over trump every single day for the past 8 years so I get why you will be blinded to the glaringly obvious when it comes to him.
the wanderer
Sat Sep 07 21:47:28
"I literally explained to you what he was saying ..."
no, you changed his words to be acceptable to you

an R governor candidate:
"But what about education? What are we doing to our kids? Why are we telling elementary kids that they get to choose their gender this week? Why do we have litter boxes in some of the school districts so kids can pee in them, because they identify as a furry? We've lost our minds. We've lost our minds."

one of many R's who bought that nonsense

do you think every fucking idiot Trump supporter all have exact & accurate knowledge of what goes on in schools in regards to CRT, gay sex books, transgender acceptance? obviously fucking not... so 'streamlining' by making shit up obviously wrong to do... though not what he's doing... he incredibly clearly is trying to suggest schools arrange or even perform operations on kids w/o parental knowledge (or even the kid's agreement in his OP claim)

wake up & smell the totally obvious fucking fear-mongering liar
Sat Sep 07 23:09:35
Lol. You realize if you are an educator in California and a kid says they feel like they the wrong gender you are not allowed to disagree? Do you realize in California we got rid of the school rule requiring educators to inform parents about their children going through body dysphoria? So if you get a liberal teacher who has a confused teenager crying out for help and direction, it's that teachers decision to let parents know about their kids struggling mental state?

This is something the gop has been screaming about since biden took over. Basically. And it's what trump and over gop politicians are talking about.
the wanderer
Sat Sep 07 23:29:20
Do you realize you didn't mention operations in your claims?

Do you realize there's a reason Trump does?

he bullshits -everything- to the extreme
Randal Graves
Sat Sep 07 23:39:32
At a recent rally he said again your kid goes to school and comes home with an operation.

What excuse will you come up with now saying he didn't mean it like that....
Sun Sep 08 12:04:13
God damn it literally flies over both your heads. I give up on trying to explain what's obvious to everyone else to you mentally disturbed people.
Sun Sep 08 12:19:38

"Trump is clearly talking about ..."

The words that come out of Trump's mouth are not what he means to say, but Trump is totally not demented.

Sun Sep 08 12:21:37

"Or they actual believe trump thinks schools commit surgeries."

I know that's what Trump believes because it has repeatedly come out of his own stupid face.

Sun Sep 08 12:25:18

"were his numerous made up claims of mass voter fraud just streamlined arguments?"

Yes. What Trump meant to say is that he couldn't allow himself to be perceived to be a loser because it would hurt his brand.

See? Trump says what he means, and means what he says. You just need to read the tea leaves.
Sun Sep 08 12:27:14

"But what about education? What are we doing to our kids? Why are we telling elementary kids that they get to choose their gender this week? Why do we have litter boxes in some of the school districts so kids can pee in them, because they identify as a furry? We've lost our minds. We've lost our minds."

At least they are self-diagnosing.

Sun Sep 08 12:31:57

"Lol. You realize if you are an educator in California and a kid says they feel like they the wrong gender you are not allowed to disagree? Do you realize in California we got rid of the school rule requiring educators to inform parents about their children going through body dysphoria? So if you get a liberal teacher who has a confused teenager crying out for help and direction, it's that teachers decision to let parents know about their kids struggling mental state?"

Because kids are only confused about their gender in school, right? How could a parent possibly know without schools informing them? Parenting? Pfft!

Or do your words need streamlining too?
Sun Sep 08 12:34:49

"Do you realize you didn't mention operations in your claims?"

He also avoided furries and kids peeing in litter boxes. So we know that he can at least identify some insanity when he reads it.

Randal Graves
Sun Sep 08 12:37:51
"God damn it literally flies over both your heads. I give up on trying to explain what's obvious to everyone else to you mentally disturbed people."

Uh huh. So it's a metaphor? Trump, literally saying, and this is specific, that your kid goes to school and comes home with an operation. He didn't day it once, not twice, but on a consistent basis. Either you have to admit he is a dumb fucking idiot, or you're going to create what you think he really means, and if that is the case it must be tiring. Why can't he just articulate that point? Oh he can't because he says stupid fucking idiotic things and his cult following, including your magafuckbraintwatccocksuckinggoostepping self heeps on every word.

You can't even bring into context what he talking about. Just watch the recent rally with him om this topic. It's dumb. He means what he says or does his best to be so fucking vague so he can backtrack. You lap it up. And that's what a cult does.
Sun Sep 08 13:15:42
Not gonna bother to engage with you in this debate because it's a complete waste of time for both sides. Only posting to point out the absolute hypocrisy of murder who regularly claims trump said something he didn't exactly say but then murder argues "but he obviously meant this" .... only for him to now start taking what trump says verbatim as what he really means.
Sun Sep 08 13:20:20

Yes, when someone says insane batshit things repeatedly, then that's exactly what they mean.

Sun Sep 08 16:17:59

I won't engage because you won't accept what I say.

Randal Graves
Mon Sep 09 10:58:08
May need the Trump Whisperer on this...

I'm sure it will come as a shock to ya. But Trump again. "Kids go to school. And then come home with a brutal operation"

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