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Utopia Talk / Politics / Donald Trump is a peace president
Wed Sep 04 11:35:43
Donald Trump said Tuesday he has plans that are "guaranteed" to end the deadly war in Ukraine, but will only reveal them if he wins the US presidential election in November.

"If I win, as president elect, I'll have a deal made, guaranteed. That's a war that shouldn't have happened," Trump said on the Lex Fridman podcast released Tuesday.

"I have a very exacting plan how to stop Ukraine and Russia, And I have a certain idea -- maybe not a plan, but an idea -- for China," he added.


Remember also how Donald Trump handled North Korea. He is very talanted and he has a lot of ideas whereas Genocide Kamala has no idea at all. She’ll just copy Genocide Joe, who has to be the worst and the weakest president in the history of the USA. If you idea is to copy him, you suck.
the wanderer
Wed Sep 04 12:33:31
he claimed to have a secret foolproof plan to defeat ISIS in his 2016 run

(then in office his plan was to give 'his' generals 30 days to come up with a plan)

it's almost like he just makes shit up...
Wed Sep 04 13:25:58
And he stopped funneling heavy arms to "moderate rebels" and suddenly ISIS didn't have moderate rebels to secure heavy arms through.

Weird how quickly that worked out
the wanderer
Wed Sep 04 14:07:44
that was in his secret foolproof plan? you're still incredibly stupidly believing he ever had an iota of a plan?

do you also think his plan for better/cheaper Obamacare exists? a single word of it?
Wed Sep 04 14:12:09
Let us not forget though that Trump gave the greatest speech in modern history after he killed the leader of ISIS:

Wed Sep 04 15:15:23
"that was in his secret foolproof plan? you're still incredibly stupidly believing he ever had an iota of a plan?"

For having no plan, he sure seemed to wind down the war that killed half a million people that Obama spent four years exacerbating.
Wed Sep 04 15:15:52

It's actually hilarious
the wanderer
Wed Sep 04 15:24:19
they were already hurting for money before Trump took office... also, we KNOW he had no plan

long after his claim:
“I’m going to convene my top generals and give them a simple instruction. They will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS. We have no choice.”

if he already had a foolproof one, why is this necessary?

also, really fucking weird you'd even entertain the possibility he had a secret foolproof plan to defeat ISIS (which was before he even was the nominee thus getting no briefings at all)... are you this gullible w/ everyone or is it the Trump aura that makes certain people idiots when evaluating his obvious bullshit?
Wed Sep 04 15:30:57
No one cares about his off-the-cuff bullshit except for you.

You wanna hyperfixate on his bullshit "plan".

Who cares? He stopped exacerbating a war that we should have had nothing to do with, directly prolonging and widening the conflict, causing hundreds of thousands of people to die.

You care less about that than muhhhh plan. Fucking psycho.
the wanderer
Wed Sep 04 15:47:31
yeah, i care that a presidential candidate tells completely obvious idiotic childish lies to all our faces regularly

i also care that so many can't notice it...
Wed Sep 04 15:49:11
Yep. You care more about muhh lies than 500k dead people.

Nevermind that Obama lied about only non-lethal aid being given to his "moderate" groups, then we found out we had been giving them missiles. Muhh lies.
Wed Sep 04 17:09:37
Remember Trump negotiated with terrorists.
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