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Utopia Talk / Politics / Georgia school shooting
Peter Walsh
Wed Sep 04 11:41:15

Police respond to reported shooting at Georgia high school
Casualties have been reported at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, where law enforcement agencies are responding to a reported active shooting, according to the Barrow County Sheriff’s Office. The numbers and current conditions of the victims are unknown.
Video from outside the school shows several ambulances and a large active police presence.
A source at a local hospital tells CNN they are receiving patients with gunshots wounds related to the incident.
A suspect is in custody, according to authorities.
Wed Sep 04 11:44:44
A white person?
Wed Sep 04 11:50:48
Thoughts and prayers
the wanderer
Wed Sep 04 12:39:26
wouldn't have happened if Trump was 'president'
Wed Sep 04 15:34:59
Thoughts and prayers. We need to do something about the mentally ill. Oh wait that would cost money...............
Wed Sep 04 16:56:14

Republicans don't want to do anything about the flood of guns in America because they have a gun fetish.

Republicans don't want to do anything about mental health because they know they all belong on the inside.

Thu Sep 05 08:26:48
You have to have the money and you have to have the will. Money is no problem if there is a will. But there is no will in america. They are happy with how it is.
Thu Sep 05 08:38:24
the wanderer Wed Sep 04 12:39:26
wouldn't have happened if Trump was 'president'"

Glad to see that this little petulant act of denying the legitimacy of our elections and government is going to make a comeback when Trump wins in November.

Leftists are the biggest projectionists, I swear.
the wanderer
Thu Sep 05 13:33:05
i've said before, it's not about legitimacy, he doesn't do the job

it was a struggle to get him to pay attention to daily briefings (which also had to be trimmed down for a chance of him reading anything)... seems a bare minimum expectation of him doing his daily duties

he was not on the same page as his administration multiple times

he didn't value any factual info, just relied on Faux or his gut
Sam Adams
Thu Sep 05 14:18:01
A known psycho 1)not locked up by government and b) given access to guns by family.

Such competence.
the wanderer
Thu Sep 05 18:34:15
the shooter's father arrested
the wanderer
Thu Sep 05 19:02:13
father charged with:
- 4 counts of Involuntary Manslaughter
- 2 counts of Second Degree Murder
- 8 counts of Cruelty to Children

don't have kids... or buy them guns when told they are unstable...
Sam Adams
Thu Sep 05 23:21:43
"the shooter's father arrested"

Good. Hang the whole family.
Fri Sep 06 00:34:25
I still think the best idea of "compromise" gun control is just to put a hard age limit on when young people can have access to firearms. Make a national law that it's illegal for 25-year-olds and under to own or have access to firearms and you put a big dent in the population of people who commit firearm crime.

Sure it's not perfect, no idea is. But within a few years of it taking affect you'd start seeing big reductions in all types of firearm crime. And nothing else would have to change. Gun enthusiasts could continue enthusing right along if they are 26 years old or older.
Fri Sep 06 00:38:55
It is most often if not always white people who do these mass shootings in schools, malls, movie theaters etc. Is it in the genes?

Dickhead UPer
Fri Sep 06 04:45:10
...If they only had taken them to a gun safety course.
Fri Sep 06 06:51:15

"I still think the best idea of "compromise" gun control is just to put a hard age limit on when young people can have access to firearms. Make a national law that it's illegal for 25-year-olds and under to own or have access to firearms and you put a big dent in the population of people who commit firearm crime."

I'm not OK with restricting the rights of some adults without cause. The problem is the violent, the crazy, and the irresponsible.

No one who has shown a propensity for violence should be allowed to own, possess, access, or operate, firearms or ammunition of any type at any age.

No one that has shown signs of mental instability should be allowed to own, possess, access, or operate, firearms or ammunition of any type at any age.

No one that has proven that they can't be trusted to own, possess, access, or operate, firearms responsibly, should be allowed to own, possess, access, or operate, firearms or ammunition of any type at any age.

This isn't that hard. 98% of gun owners aren't looking to shoot anyone or themselves.
Fri Sep 06 09:25:27
It seems like when you can point to a certain age group as committing 90% of the crimes, that's pretty solid cause.
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 06 11:48:58
"Make a national law that it's illegal for 25-year-olds and under to own or have access to firearms and you put a big dent in the population of people who commit firearm crime."

Democrats allready won't enforce the gun laws that exist so adding more laws isnt going to do anything.
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 06 12:32:48
Shooter was a tranny. Yet again.
Fri Sep 06 13:07:12
"Democrats allready won't enforce the gun laws that exist so adding more laws isnt going to do anything."

You mean Republicans undermine the current gun laws to be enforced. While also bypassing background checks, oppose mental health evaluations for gun ownership.

Stick with your headlines.
Randal Graves
Fri Sep 06 13:10:08
"Shooter was a tranny. Yet again."

Wishful thinking because it's apparent you have fantasies about trannies.
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