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Utopia Talk / Politics / Pardoned cop killer strangles wife
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Thu Sep 05 15:44:40
You all know me. I'll defend most Dem actions but I can't defend this. For a President to pardon a convicted cop killer on the word of his retarded drug fueled son and not go through the official process to set him free only for this guy to commit more crimes. Is beyond the pale I can't support anyone that'd do this.

Randal Graves
Thu Sep 05 15:59:29
Most if not all presidential pardons are dumb.
Sam Adams
Thu Sep 05 16:13:34
The nyt doesnt do this for the 850,000 repeat offenders let loose by libtarded crime policies, but focusses on the one let go by trump. So unbiased. All the news that fits our agenda.
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