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Utopia Talk / Politics / Embarrassing: Ukraine invades Russia III
Thu Sep 05 20:59:11
Almost a month later an Ukrainian forces are still sight seeing in Russian territory.

Sam Adams
Thu Sep 05 23:24:44
"Russia will win a week"

"In a month"

"In a year!!!"

Thu Sep 05 23:55:33
just like it took u 20 years in afhanistan...and then finally fled with ur tails between lol

Fri Sep 06 00:29:55
"just like it took u 20 years in Afghanistan...and then finally fled with ur tails between lol"

Which is likely what Russia will have to do with Ukraine eventually. And America did those 20 years with something around 600k less casualties and many thousands less individual large expense equipment losses.
large member
Fri Sep 06 00:35:23
Did you not lose the entire Afghani military? 100% loss is a hard score to beat. Or does the regime not count as it merely is allied losses?
large member
Fri Sep 06 00:37:14
You do know that "Russia is winning too slow" is a meme, right?
Fri Sep 06 00:49:15
There are rumors that some Swedish instructors and other Nato foreigners were killed and/or wounded in the strike in Poltava the other day.

Sweden denies this of course.
large member
Fri Sep 06 01:08:17
Wierd timing for your FM to step down. That just feeds CTs.
Fri Sep 06 02:49:46
Yes. There’s a lot of speculation as to why he resigned now.

Some say that is because he and the Prime Minister did not get along. But both deny this. It is also said that the Prime Minister gladly took all the credit for the Foreign Minister's work in getting Sweden into NATO. It is also said that he chose to resign because he was overrun by other parties in matters concerning Sweden's relationship with Israel. For example, Sweden's decision to pause support for UNRWA. Primarily by the Sweden Democrats, who are not even in the government. But the decision to pause support for UNRWA was made several months ago, and support for UNRWA has also started again a couple of months ago. So I don't know if this is the trigger for his departure. There are probably several factors at play. For example, the fact that the two other small parties in the government as well as the Sweden Democrats (who are not even in the government) interferes too much in his work. He may feel that he gets no respect, that he is constantly being run over and that others lack confidence in him.
Fri Sep 06 02:57:58
My conclusion is that the bullying and pressure of the Zionist lobby became too much for him to feel that it would be fun to continue. So he quit politics altogether.
Fri Sep 06 03:14:31
” Wierd timing for your FM to step down”

It just happens to coincide with the opening of parliament next week when he has said he will resign. I don’t think it has anything to do with the attack in Poltava.
Fri Sep 06 03:21:03
But yes, it is remarkable that he is resigning after only two years in the post. And that he announces this just a few days before the Riksdag opens so that the government has very little time to find a replacement. Maybe this is his way of giving back, of getting revenge. They pooped on him, but now he gets the last word and poops on them before he leaves. lol
Fri Sep 06 03:44:24
I never really liked him. I have found him to be a stealth racist and overly pro-Israel. But if it is true that he is resigning because he thinks that the Sweden Democrats (the Zionist lobby) are interfering too much in his work, then I will probably have to reevaluate my view of Tobias a little bit. He earns respect. Although in such cases I would have preferred if he had chosen to stay and use his power to annoy and screw the Zionists as much as possible.
Fri Sep 06 05:28:14

"Which is likely what Russia will have to do with Ukraine eventually. And America did those 20 years with something around 600k less casualties and many thousands less individual large expense equipment losses."

Ukraine can't hold out 5 years, let alone 20. Ukraine is right on Russia's border, and Russia is able to commit far more resources than we could to Afghanistan clear on the other side of the planet.

Not to mention that Russia is a lot more violent and ruthless than we are. Russians don't have hippies to deal with.

Fri Sep 06 05:30:21

"There are rumors that some Swedish instructors and other Nato foreigners were killed and/or wounded in the strike in Poltava the other day."

Sweden is hiding its dead, and the families of the deceased are remaining silent about it.

Fri Sep 06 06:20:45
”Ukraine can't hold out 5 years, let alone 20”

This is just Russian propaganda.

Lindsey Graham, John McCain and Boris Johnson said that Ukraine would win! And Genocide Joe and Anthony Stinken has said that Ukraine already has won!
Fri Sep 06 06:53:49

John McCain died in 2018.

Fri Sep 06 07:20:59
Here is McCain together with Graham in Ukraine 2016, telling the Ukrainian nationalists that he is convinced that they will win against Russia.

Fri Sep 06 07:24:34
They probably regret now that they listened to the Americans and the Brits.

They should have told them to get lost. Ukraine would still have been intact today if they did that.
Fri Sep 06 07:32:58

They probably regret giving up their nukes.

Fri Sep 06 09:08:22
they neva had them

it all belonged 2 russia.

stop readin ur fakey tvs
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 06 11:34:43

Honorless russians executing prisoners again.
Fri Sep 06 11:49:10
Remember how when the US was caught waterboarding Iraqi prisoners and forcing them to participate in humiliating photos, it was a major international incident that was widely known, made the news for months on end, and seriously marred the US' public image?

Meanwhile, Russia just straight up murders people and no one cares. In fact, only political junkies like us are likely to learn it at all, and we certainly won't be talking about it in a week's time.

The West has forgotten how to wage war. The US could spend $3 trillion on its military every year, doesn't even matter. We will never win another one as long as we continue to self-own ourselves with needless restrictions that destroy our ability to be *effective.*
large member
Fri Sep 06 12:06:27
The US was also caught murdering people.
large member
Fri Sep 06 12:08:26
That is the one where 3 Ukrainians surrendered, one of them grabbed a Russian gun and all 3 ended up being killed?

Seems like a pretty good example of "Murder, I dunno? What skin colour [for domestic] or uniform did the shooter have?".
Fri Sep 06 14:24:42
Turtle Crawler
Admin Thu Sep 05 17:43:18
Russia now has enough iskander production (50+ a month?) that their local commanders can order strikes without having to go to HQ.

- -

That is Russian propaganda. Don’t you read the news?

Russia 'struggling with supply of weapons and ammunition' for Ukraine war - Western officials


Russia is running short of long-range missiles, say Western officials

Moscow is having to rely on Iranian drones for its assaults on Ukrainian cities.


Russia Switching War Strategy as Missiles Run Out


Russia To Run Out Of Ammunition By 2023; Relying On ‘Degraded’ Soviet-Era Weapons With High Failure Rate — Pentagon


Russia Might Be Running Out of Tank in the Ukraine War


Satellite Data Suggests Russia May Be Running Out of Tanks


Russia lacks ammunition production needed for Ukraine war, Western officials say


Ukraine war: Russian reservists fighting with shovels - UK defence ministry


Russia Soldiers Fighting With Only Shovels Near Bakhmut


Russian reservists short on ammo fighting with shovels designed in 1869: report


Russian soldiers are fighting with shovels designed in the 19th century in hand-to-hand combat because of ammunition shortages, British spies have said.

large member
Sat Sep 07 13:39:56
" Investigators say that the six-man diving crew that allegedly planted the explosives from the sailing yacht "Andromeda" had been trained in Poland. "

Yah, like I speculated back then. It goes under most people's radar, but Poland is a huge maritime nation. I have sailed with polacks on a boat overhauled in Gidnya. Of course it was a Polish Ukrainian initiative.
Sat Sep 07 15:21:42
Man I feel sorry for the Ukrainian people.

”They are sitting on a trillion dollars worth of minerals that could be good to our economy”

”We must send more weapons to Ukraine so that we don’t have to fight Russia”


So basically, the US wants Ukrainians to sacrifice their homes, their country, everything, including their very lives for the US because there are trillion of dollars worth of minerals in Ukraine that could be good for the US economy.

Lindsey Graham should be fucking hanged. And he is saying this in front of Zelenskyj. That puppet clown, traitor of Ukrainians, Zelenskyj, should be hanged as well for going along with this. If I were an Ukrainian I would fucking hang Zelesnkyj myself.
Sam Adams
Sat Sep 07 16:07:03
"If I were an Ukrainian I would fucking hang Zelesnkyj myself."

No you wouldnt. You are allowing your nation to fill up with high crime third worlders and you arnt even doing anything to stop that.
Turtle Crawler
Sat Sep 07 18:43:57
Russia has very little reason to push them out of Russia at the moment, as the current situation is more advantageous. To get pushed out at the moment Ukraine would need to find some way of using that area to do some level of damage. But anything they move up into that area is just an easy target.

Russia isn't going for territory, but rather to degrade Ukraine forces first and then take land as a result.

Lol Paramount, the shovels one was hilarious.
Sun Sep 08 05:50:54
so it seems that nobody in da fakemedia is still talkin bout this wonder anymo...

like wut happened lol?

hindus r claimin almost 10k dead in kursk alone...

east front completely fallin apart.
soldiers refusin 2 fire back, coz they neva wanted 2 be part of da war. this is wut happens when u forcibly recruit ppl.
Sun Sep 08 13:22:53

Not much going on to report on. The incursion was news for a minute because it was something new and different. Now things have gone back to normal because Ukraine couldn't or wouldn't push further.

large member
Sun Sep 08 14:57:01
Not normal. Both Russia and Ukraine pushing back and forth while trying to use as little force as possible. Both seem aware that whoever is forced to put in the most troops may gain tactically, but at a strategic cost.
large member
Sun Sep 08 14:57:26
Ie troop density is a bit low, so there is maneuvre going on.
Sun Sep 08 19:03:16
Remember when jergul said this would be a short war ?
large member
Mon Sep 09 03:40:24
That was Israel-Hamas. I did not factor in that Netanyahus political career ends when the war does and his time as in the criminal justice system begins. A newbie mistake to think Israel would tap out with a mere 10:1 death ratio.

It really seems to bug many of you that I am right about so many things :).
Turtle Crawler
Mon Sep 09 11:05:14
From Russia, explains why they are in no hurry:

Ukraine has lost around 11,400 troops since it launched an incursion into Russia’s Kursk Region last month, the Defense Ministry in Moscow said on Monday.

The Russian military has also destroyed over 1,000 units of Ukrainian military hardware, including 89 tanks, 42 infantry fighting vehicles, 74 armored personnel carriers, 635 armored combat vehicles, 371 cars, 85 artillery pieces, and 24 multiple rocket launchers, seven of which were US-made HIMARS systems, the ministry said in a daily update.

In the course of the last 24 hours alone, Ukraine has lost up to 240 servicemen and 13 units of hardware, the ministry estimated.

During the past day, Russian ground forces, supported by artillery and aviation, have repelled three Ukrainian attacks near the settlements of Mikhailovka, Cherkasskaya Konopelka and Desyatoye Octyabrya, the statement read.

Kiev’s troops also tried to advance towards the villages of Malaya Loknya, Korenevo, Kremyanoye and Martynovka, but were pushed back, it added.
Mon Sep 09 11:49:09

That would explain why Ukraine is still holding the territory. ;o)

large member
Mon Sep 09 11:57:50
Never interrupt an enemy making a mistake would be the logic. 11k sounds like a lot. But 30 days and 75% being wounded gives what, 100 dead a day? 635 MATV/Humvee type vehicles seems a lot, but that too is only 20 a day.

In sum, there is a reason Kursk was lightly defended. Not a great area to attack into.
large member
Mon Sep 09 12:01:04
It has already been established that maneuvre warfare attempts in Ukraine put a heavy strain of vehicle pools. No matter who is trying it. The numbers the Russian mod is giving are doubtless to high (as all such things are. The sum of optimistic errors from after action reports), but not outragously so.
Mon Sep 09 12:01:25
yea but fakenews propaganda supreme chairarm generals said that russia was lackin troops coz normal citizens was diggin through trashbelts lookin 4 old washin machines and shovels

hence why da area was not defended, how it was incompetent in warfare and that is why da area wasnt even guarded...

in reality, if we look at those lands...theres a reason those lands were neva developed 2 begin with.

just a few farmers, and small villages 2 raise alarms should anything happen but other than that, is open and unbuilded so anyone fool enuff 2 try something wuld face da immediate consequences

Mon Sep 09 13:26:08

Apparently Rostov-on-Don, Voronezh, Yelets, the M4 highway, and pretty much anything south of Moscow are also not "great areas to attack," given how easily a certain mercenary group was able to advance through them recently.

Honestly, it just seems like most of Russia in general is not considered a great area to attack. I guess there is value in being valueless :)
Mon Sep 09 13:58:56
It is quite amazing that people like Turtlecrawler just gobble up whatever the Kreml feeds them, hence the bewilderment when reality meets their face. lol :-) You’d think these people would have learned not to trust Russias model of reality, in 2022.
large member
Mon Sep 09 16:43:50
Has reality hit you in the face yet? Or do you still think Ukraine is not losing?
large member
Mon Sep 09 16:45:51
Yepp, that is Ukraine's thing. Its own deterrent. Sure, you can invade Ukraine, but then you will have Ukraine.
large member
Mon Sep 09 16:47:17
The West is down 380 billion so far. Aint it grand having Ukraine with you?
large member
Mon Sep 09 17:03:51
To be fair, we gave it a good shot. Breaking Russia is by far the easiest way to contain China. Worth a go. But to get all prissy when it does not work out is just poor sportsmanship. It was a gamble, it could have worked. It did not.

Same goes for Russia really. It tried to bully Ukraine into concessions during a quick war. It could have worked. Ukraine opted for a long war (which it always could given Ukraine having strategic depth) instead. Russia gambled and it did not pay off. Its only move is to keep on raising the stakes until Ukraine eventually folds. The concession gambit would have been great for Russia. Aw well, win some, lose some.
Mon Sep 09 17:04:27

And Russia is down a statistically significant percentage of its young adult male population to death, wounds, and the type of spicy nostalgia that prevents you from being a productive member of society, cementing what was already going to be a brutal demographic drop-off that could well result in the terminal decline of the country as even a regional power.

All so that Putin could draw maps of Russia owning Donetsk and Luhansk.

Ain't life grand?
Mon Sep 09 17:14:32
It really is worth re-emphasizing how significant Russia's demographic problems are


Russia's prime military-age male population now consists of that generation of people born in the post-Soviet era. It's *half* of the population that was born in the years preceding the collapse of the union.

This is the generation that's increasingly going to feel the full strain of supporting an aging population that *significantly* outnumbers them. This is the group that could least afford additional losses due to excess deaths or out-migration.

So what does Putin do? He funnels them into the meat-grinder that is the Ukrainian war.

Mon Sep 09 17:17:33
And yeah, Ukraine is kind of fucked population-wise too. That doesn't make Russia's grand venture into the country worth it.
large member
Mon Sep 09 17:35:57
Russia is up at least 5 million in population. The depopulation of Ukraine benefits Russia demographically in a quite significant way.

I have said this many times. One of the main reasons for invading was to keep Russian Ukrainians speaking Russian. Ukraine had enacted ukrainiazation programmes.
Mon Sep 09 17:43:36

"Never interrupt an enemy making a mistake would be the logic."

There's nothing to interrupt. They simply would be out of troops to hold that territory.

Mon Sep 09 17:46:22

"The West is down 380 billion so far. Aint it grand having Ukraine with you?"

380 billion? I think you missed the decimal.

Mon Sep 09 18:04:42
"Russia is up at least 5 million in population."

Yeah...the wrong kind of population, the kind of population that's going to be a drag on Russia from the 2040s on.


Protip: If you're looking for a fresh population base to rejuvenate your own graying and declining one, ex-Soviet republics generally aren't where they're found.

"The depopulation of Ukraine benefits Russia"

How is that again?

"One of the main reasons for invading was to keep Russian Ukrainians speaking Russian."

Okay. Congrats...? Was this really worth torpedoing Russia Proper's demographic future though?
Mon Sep 09 18:13:12
This is going to be Putin (and Yeltin's) ultimate failure by the way.

In order to be a irredentist ruler, you need to have both the population and economy to sustain your expansionist aims.

Putin took care of the latter by turning Russia into a massive petrostate. He never sufficiently addressed the population angle though. Dude should have gone full natalist from Day 1 in office, offering people the moon if only they would have children.

Instead, alcoholism and brain drain is the story of post-communist Russia. He may yet enjoy the ruins of eastern Ukraine, but long term Russia is fucked. Enjoy Chinese Siberia, NATO entrenched in Eastern Europe, and a population base facing a massive demographic cliff.

My guess is that Putin thinks that all of those problems will only become acute after his death, so he doesn't care as long as he gets to say during his lifetime that he restored Soviet rule over the Russified portions of Ukraine. And good for him. But bad for Russia.
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 09 21:23:23
The ukrainian air force is bombing moscow and russian air defenses are shooting wildly, homing in on the heat or radar signatures of thier own apartment buildings.


let me just be the first on to fucking laugh at the russkie weenies that thought they were going to take kiev.

Tue Sep 10 00:59:09

”And yeah, Ukraine is kind of fucked population-wise too.”

No they are not. When they have joined the EU, Brussels will transfer hundred of thousands, up to a million or more immigrants to re-populate Ukraine. Ukraine needs men and Italy, Greece, Germany and France etc will be happy to let their north African and Middle-Eastern immigrants move to Ukraine where they can get a job. The immigrants will also be happy to marry an Ukrainian woman and have children, I think. But many immigrants are gay – they fled from their home countries because they can not have gay sex there legally. Anyhow, those who are gay will prefer to marry an Ukrainian boy. Which they will be able to do once Ukraine is a member of the EU because in the EU we share democratic values and respect HBTQ-laws, human rights and multiculture etc. Ukraine will be a modern Western liberal democracy. So its a win for everyone.
large member
Tue Sep 10 04:41:09
Nope. 380 billion is correct. Google it yourself.

Russia's demographic outlook is better than it was before the conflict. Significantly better. Mediazona and the BBC have done an excess death study for Russia given that it was only able to document 62k killed so far. Excess deaths military aged men (18-55) clock in at 110k. Median age is 38. 40% of identified deaths are felons incidentally. You are simply making the wrong argument.

One thing Russia is doing is easing criteria for emigration from the West and is pushing an anti woke message. Tired of your children growing up in a metoo environment? Move to Russia! Perhaps something some of you should consider if the elections do not go your way.

Tell me when the death toll beats your high score from when you attacked yourself with your own aircraft back in 2001.
Tue Sep 10 10:22:55

"Nope. 380 billion is correct. Google it yourself."

I'm pretty sure I don't need to do that with the US being far and away the largest contributor.


And half of that was just old and in some cases expiring junk.
Turtle Crawler
Tue Sep 10 10:24:14
380B sounds right. They've spent a huge amount trying to prop up Ukraine. Russia might be about 40B a year?

The main difference at the moment is that the Russians have invested a lot of that in weapons production capability while the wests funding hasn't and also has to support Ukraine's normal spending budget.
Tue Sep 10 10:25:12

"Tell me when the death toll beats your high score from when you attacked yourself with your own aircraft back in 2001."

This is it. jergul has officially lost his damn mind.

Turtle Crawler
Tue Sep 10 10:27:17
Most of Russia's production is also old expired junk. Rusting steel shells of tanks pulled out of yards and remade into essentially new tanks. Shells that were in storage for decades.
Tue Sep 10 10:28:15
US taxpayers has to pay for Ukrainian wages, health care, pensions and social benefits.
Tue Sep 10 10:34:28

"380B sounds right."

Of course it does. You listen to Russian propaganda.
Tue Sep 10 10:35:49

"Most of Russia's production is also old expired junk. Rusting steel shells of tanks pulled out of yards and remade into essentially new tanks. Shells that were in storage for decades."

I know. That's pretty much all they have. That and millions of Russian men they wouldn't mind losing.

Tue Sep 10 10:36:28

"US taxpayers has to pay for Ukrainian wages, health care, pensions and social benefits."

Good thing the other side doesn't have to worry about any of those things.

Tue Sep 10 10:43:12
stop readin ur propaganda armchargeneral stories, kid

do ya peanut sized brain really believe russia lost half a million soldiers or worse?

they have 10:1

Sam Adams
Tue Sep 10 11:27:05
Lol jergul got butthurt that ukraine was bombing moscow
Tue Sep 10 12:24:38
I, for one, am glad that the drone warfare revolution has happened in Syria and Ukraine and Russia, instead of an American front.
large member
Tue Sep 10 12:28:13
I cannot help you if you are too lazy to google. 380 billion is correct.

US planes with US trained pilots. Well partially trained. They did not want to learn how to land. Citizenship? Close US ally. Only flights available on the day were emergency evacuations of same citizenships to get them out of US jurisdiction. How is that not you attacking yourself.

You may want to be mindful. The ideology involved was once closely aligned with US interests. Do not be suprised if Ukrainian Hindu symbol enthusiasts eventually bite the hand that once fed them.
Tue Sep 10 13:05:54

I know some people think it's OK, but you really shouldn't skip your meds just so you can drink.

large member
Tue Sep 10 13:14:48
I accept your abject surrender.
large member
Tue Sep 10 16:19:40
I think I know the grand strategy with kursk now.

Ukraine planned to use its internal defence line (meaning shorter lines of communications than Russia) and superior IRS to:

Push into Kursk (check)
Force Russia to move troops from donbas (x)
Use available forces to hold line in donbas (x)
Close enclave isolate by river (x)
Move in regular formations to lock Russia (check)
Withdraw maneuver formations (partial check)
Use maneuver formations to push in donbas (...)

With the added bonus of massacring trucks heading in to kursk with massed Himars and other MRSLs. Problem is Russia did not rotate troops out of donbas and line did not hold in donbas. Making it unlikely a quick rotation into donbas can do anything other than stabilize the frontline.
large member
Tue Sep 10 18:41:45
Above is based on Russia pushing out of a pocket isolated by the seym river. You know, the once Ukraine has been playing whackamole with himars versus pontoon bridges. Seems like Russia used amphibious capability to surge the pocket, then break out on a wide front including a separate solid push from the North skirting the river.

If map lines are true, then the kursk incursion has lost the last of its potential. hence the autopsy above.
Sam Adams
Wed Sep 11 12:19:30
You would think after being wrong each and every of the 1000 prior cases, certain posters would stop beleiving russian propaganda.
large member
Wed Sep 11 12:43:06
Hush. You betters are talking.
large member
Wed Sep 11 13:08:55
I realize that a significant number of Americans cannot read above grade 5 levels, so lets recap:

jergul: Ukraine had a decent plan.
Sammy: waah Russian propaganda.

The logic to attacking into Kursk was based on Russia poorly rotating many troops into the area and for Ukraine to use massed Himars type missiles to decimate the reenforcements from Donbas and keep the river Seym blocked. After that, push for space, eliminate the Russian pocket south of the Seym, then rotate out maneuver brigades to take advantage of a weakened front in Donbas to make advances and firmly stabilize the frontline.

It was not a bad plan given the hand Ukraine had to play with. The explanation covers oddities we have seen.

It did not work. Russia snuck elements of a marine brigade across the Seym and used that as southern pincer pushing east south of the river snog with elements of a para brigade forming the northern pincer pushing south, then east north of the same river. They were facing the 103 territorial brigade after pushing aside some ukrainian mechanized forces, so it was easy overmatch using operational suprise gained by surging marines across a river and into a forested pocket.

Not really hard to understand frankly.
Wed Sep 11 15:31:51
Ukraines western front in Kursk has collapsed. Ukrainian troops are encircled. In the eastern Kursk front, Ukrainians are panicking and has started to run away.

Man, those FAP’s (18:25—19:05) must be devastating for Ukraine.

Wed Sep 11 15:45:10
looks like truth out


Sam Adams
Wed Sep 11 18:12:20
Thu Sep 12 14:47:31
As long as they are willing to fight I am willing to pay the Ukrainians to decimate Russia. Also lol @308 billion. Thats like our 3 richest dudes. We are not breaking a sweat.
Turtle Crawler
Fri Sep 13 20:31:02
They'll force their people to fight as long as they keep getting money lol.

Ukraine administration wouldn't have a chance in an election.
Sat Sep 14 00:44:47
so how come ur country doesnt have decent roads and infrastructures...but butbut our 3 richessst dudes

does ur 5 richest dudes pay 4 ur healthcare

Sat Sep 14 10:56:31
Turtle Crawler literally making shit up or quoting the Kremlin directly lol.

And he hasn't even received all the money those youtube influencers did.

Completely cucked.
Turtle Crawler
Sat Sep 14 19:22:45
Western polling was done in Ukraine before they cancelled the election, it was... Not favorable. So they didn't do it.
Sun Sep 15 01:34:49
well yea kinda obvious. they been doin this shit for decades now.

pure propafunda machine nowadayz. news dunt report news, they report wut da ppls in charge want there population 2 be brainwashed with.

look at da shit and crap they write bout chaynnnnaaaaaa. when they do pollz and shit that dunt facvor there narratives they simply leave it out.

Sun Sep 15 09:52:06
da historybookz is gonna write about this shit and study this shit for decades 2 come, thats 4 sure.


it been several weeks and now da true costs is comin out. instead of this toutin supreme victory, this loss of face, turns out it is a major disasta
and again, da opposite of what fakenews propafundaz was claiming in da initial weeks...

surprise surprise

no wonda they dropped this narrative as soon as interests waned.
Wed Sep 25 07:17:43
"Turtle Crawler
Admin Fri Sep 13 20:31:02
They'll force their people to fight as long as they keep getting money lol."

Oh you are so clever! But you see this is actually healthy, to actually stand a chance to win a war, you neeed the will and the means. If you want to see what happens when people only have the will and no the means, see Hamas, vice versa see Afghanistan.

The unraveling of your "thought" processes is, interesting let's say. The retarded things that people like you utter. People who have been listening to Dave Smith and John Mearsheimer.

There is this little know fact about Mearsheimer who all the morons like the cite. Back in the 90's he wrote an essay arguing against the de-nuclearization of Ukraine, saying that the only credible deterrent against a Russian attempt to reconsquer Ukraine is nuclear weapons. LOL :)


He basically makes the case that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is inevitable. Whatever made Measheimer change his mind from that to waaaa it's the west's fault, is between him and the Russian handlers.
large member
Wed Sep 25 08:56:58
You still think Ukraine is going to win the war? Amazing.
Wed Sep 25 12:06:06
That’s great dear.
Wed Sep 25 14:13:31
Well, Zelenskyj has a Victory Plan. The plan is to join Nato and when Ukraine has joined Nato then Russia will stop its attacks and withdraw all its people from Ukraine and surrender. Zelensky/Nato can then arrest Putin and then Russia will pay reperations. A pretty solid plan.
Fri Sep 27 06:28:50
Poland has come out and said that the reason why Russia hasn’t used nukes yet is because they will be condemned if they do:

Polish President Andrzej Duda said on Wednesday that the global community would not forgive Russia should it be the first to employ nuclear weapons, in response to the Russian President Vladimir Putin's warning of nuclear retaliation in the event of a significant assault on Russia.

"If we analyse the situation rationally and without fear, we must express this clearly: Putin has been repeating the contents of the Russian nuclear doctrine for many years," said Duda. "And both Vladimir Putin and his military leaders are fully aware that whoever utilises a nuclear weapon first will be condemned. This awareness is the reason they have not yet resorted to such measures."


The least thing Russia wants is to receive condemnations.
Fri Sep 27 06:35:02
I think the reason they have not used them is because they know there is a real risk many of their nukes not longer work. That would be terrible for their deterrence.
Fri Sep 27 06:53:23

They won't use them because all their neighbors would be forced arm themselves with nukes if they do.

Fri Sep 27 13:18:09
I think they have not used them because there has been no need to use them yet. The Russian shovels are sufficiently good.
Fri Sep 27 14:11:29
If they use them they become global pariahs, admit to the world and their people that their conventional military couldn't defeat Ukraine and risk retaliation from western Europe and possibly the united states.

They gain nothing from using nukes. It's better to keep at a protracted war until Ukraine and Russia can come to a truce.
Sat Sep 28 02:05:02
large member
Tue Oct 01 15:14:52
Never mind the many things that do not matter because Ukraine has strategic depth.

Russia is up to 5000 guided aerial bombs a month. I think it is time to save what can be saved. No amount of heroism can change that and costs inflicted on Russia are shifting to live fire training.

How gud do you really want it to git?
large member
Tue Oct 01 15:17:32
Case in point. Combat experience matters:

Tue Oct 01 17:09:25


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