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Utopia Talk / Politics / Israel murders American
the wanderer
Fri Sep 06 15:49:08
the IDF shot into a crowd of protesters of Israel's illegal settlements because supposedly some were throwing rocks... (as we've heard them do before)... this time killing an American woman

Israel is a
make your mama sad type
make your girlfriend mad tight
might seduce your dad type
Fri Sep 06 16:12:58
When did adherence to anti-Semitism turn into a prerequisite for being a member of the Democratic Party?
the wanderer
Fri Sep 06 16:25:17
were all the Israeli protesters anti-Semites?

seriously where does this idiotic belief come from... it's legit brainwashing... any Israel criticism -> ANTI-SEMITIC!

the settlements are against international law, they are factually occurring, factually spreading, protesting is reasonable

and shooting into a crowd because some are throwing rocks also fucked up... you don't have to be anti-semitic to find it so...

if capitol police fired into Trumps cultists just because some were throwing objects would you have been ok with it? i doubt it... & they did -way- more serious shit & still only one shot

(also i find it weird how Israel just admits it... 'yeah, some were throwing rocks, so gotta fire on them all'... 'yeah it was a refugee camp, but 1 terrorist was believed to be there, so gotta bomb it'... but they have you brainwashed loyalists so i guess it works)
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 06 16:26:00
Lol dont go to a war zone and side with terrorists.

I would like to thank israel for ridding our gene pool of such a retard
Fri Sep 06 16:27:53
Genocide Joe offered his condolences.
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 06 16:28:38
"if capitol police fired into Trumps cultists"

If? Capitol police DID shoot and kill a trumptard and i am completely fine with it.
Fri Sep 06 19:02:22
Because the world revolves around you.
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 06 22:51:09
Hush troll. No one likes you.
Sat Sep 07 02:18:11
Sat Sep 07 04:22:19
Anti-semitism has now reached its peak in the White House and in the UN. Everyone is calling for an independent investigation of the murder.
Sat Sep 07 08:06:40
"Hush troll. No one likes you."

You think it's a popularity contest? Anyways, stick with your headlines without understanding anything per your usual self.
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 09 22:47:56
Hamas leadership forced lower ranking palestinian families to live in tents above their tunnel meeting place.

Didnt work. Israel still blew it up. Rofl.

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