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Utopia Talk / Politics / Endorsements for Harris - Trump RAGES
Fri Sep 06 19:59:23
As you know Trumpicantards rejoice for Trump and bow to him at any chance they get. Trump talks about all the support her gets, especially from the RFK Jr. crowd and has hinted wanting him as his VP to dump couch humping JD Vance.

Not only various strong republicans are endorsing Harris for president, as they claim, what we all knew the entire time, that Trump would be detrimental to the country and is a threat to the very fabric of democracy, but Rupert Murdoch's Son, yes, that Rupert Murdoch, is endorsing and says they will vote for Harris. Not only that, but also some of the strongest business leaders in the country, for our economy, will be voting for Harris and have endorsed.

"In a three-page letter, a group of 88 business leaders β€” including high-profile current and former executives from major public companies across tech, media, and finance β€” emphasized that they believe a Harris administration can better nurture the private sector.

"β€œHer election is the best way to support the continued strength, security, and reliability of our democracy and economy,” the open letter, which was first shared with CNBC, reads."

Trumpicantards rejoice as they claim these are not real business leaders as they aren't Trump. However, to the rest of the people who live on planet earth, Harris would be the better candidate in this election.

Trumpicantards rejoice as they ask from a prayer.
Sat Sep 07 08:08:39
Trump did go on a tirade making weird promises on his social media. Like 22 posts within the hour. Somehow, someway he wis going to cut energy cost by 50%. No details, he just says he can do that and has a plan. Of course, the others are still complaining that Harris hasn't presented any plans. But obviously, she is held at a different standard.
Sat Sep 07 08:37:21
Imagine believing that James Murdoch supporting Harris is some huge development. ROFL

James has been known to be a liberal for years now. He ragequit from News Corp in 2020 because he hated its conservative content; that same year he endorsed Joe Biden and proceeded to spend $100 million of Democratic orgs and causes.

Anyway, I wonder how happy these "leaders" are going to be when over half their earnings end up going towards paying taxes. Dumbasses.

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